Vol. XXI. ~~~~ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, kLl)YIikCli-s Vol. XXI. ATHLETIC BOYCOTT "2K'AT$21 >22 KF2W1115.FRESH-AI R CRUSADE MAY GROW IN WEST ! )a .Clirc Usnjlrkjt 5ed RECEIVES SUPPORT! ]I-.,ofthecauithedaofil Svi lle, iic i-ste it Attitude of Conference Likey,oly v. The Chaptertc here etot it toiiAnti-Tuberculosis Association to Effect Others Seeking flttll- osteeed'It t oo iirl:iscas of Will Wage Sanitation War wt rears to (t 1l1(1aidiand N itslittisil (lilt--tit. Michigan Games n th fitet etr.o Sptigwl-Sldswtcsono alth getlwf onnih Spittingom ]t h( prefa QUAKERS WATCH THE SITUATION gothicstltiiidsthelate ioneiti theii tMUSEUM MAY OCCUPY BUILDING ;"v tot ii ii I sit i iThia t te ;"i ec i I itt ii i it aii o i l s iips1, ittiVllaidolid, the tti-,t iiitt osiiwhtolattendedi theimeeting t stu i ii- t(tiiii tt t -tIiiatis fcn tSeilleiitntu th lhamb ait homai y thet1ic k it Sat A soiali-illiwlte may- no belit lii1 idtoC nfr iwo ()-i t su to of t he ltuine s ut tracry liii s ii i t 5 clc if ~iicci(,, le slitu< kkth nws wihi o theise lttr 50build 5i its 5 isc tru ted held 55 t t ernoon Iin r- i ; t-stlats-is tilrtsa cii tlrg___ofunsualldurale__lstert--weltottel il, eesitu ~rcli itI itllw'n tilt C - t 117L Slti C r- ahd oawodnfr siok oetoenterLLntoDtheSCEIICL:Ei-Sctusudesill tht titifci th:tif 11.v o o i i Ifuec f En ls o rn h s islai pt he tuuuusuu euuu f sli t i 'rt 5 i with ss i c i it i is t s 'lt its ^sthesit dtestSubjctbofcLcturehe sciltsmd I 01<< -t - htou ii l tes NG LL TO D RE SCElEushmet o he oii p:i< N lits i 5,ftit" chosettibingstchtros ilsilsicishei iiistic isitts -, is thtAiigaioud uits isiss iftsom iSitblilt Lelsictre is-ises(.in siitsi-n i tpc h ~t' atll ii iist(sterntsu-uuitcosi-mpitettsition utouhusit Is ofthei tu tu it ite is iii iiof Citii Itiis th te Coiee c nir it i lrt hcir c it hcro i ti-i-i its- itg h b st- it s t l ita tr s o ls rt i uks l litsistIht of5 5nie Iciic w s (itt best501itattitttt tote ' Otig m n krsctor ltl-in i s."Iis istls itii tls itttlitilisiC-Ihatitt55555t5of55151515tiuistis 5 t 11(5(1 - --> whits -xssttisiotisrlist i'St lslIsis. rii, thsisl is lit t s im d >) 1ot (l :iii 55555 as t n sgttt s-siti(sli lists its I (iii (ofit - iivisisi1 list 11)\0)t'., S o EE NXT sArttaAY a t els ri iY hestrk o o e - is is ittitiss-i siti i -sil ts-i ni iiel-is ch igals t on tuit ii i t iii sis5-5- liirit i febittlis 55 ii 5 (liii (((itre iii i~iri':l)Iir ' l > Ii- t sto i- l it l- c t -5--;I :w -l i lCt1a 1 it ' m t l, still r t will t ir ;ei c, - sifaurday t~viill -- MUI CAIL ITALIAN ENTHRALLS CROWD Signor Bonci, Third Choral Union Number, Pleases Audience SIAITH, ACCOMPANIST, IS LIKED -t t tcif r;,l t th icl i lisig- t ..i ir il lit ic l i ii t at tl it ill 1 ;ltu ilthe :sit ti il it rl cl ) ii _;1 t :- I iic i t h is s t inis th[ ~ic - i s o il-tilt~: l o -in t-*i- f t , h , l i - - Iit r s i es. li 5 5iti f 1 5 iic i ; it t : ig t I iT'S M r ; I i- i- l ite all in e lg l, -lt I h - ilt , I - iiF inc i l i t willt~ -cii ~i -toiit t --~lwiibn ;ell lh1 l I ti tost isssil its-ns-i-s ii ch rm -i -al h iii slit t] - - r d l c.iri i rnc r t - ~r liatit its tsr5. ,mil--, i --t s1+ it -c ta I -- - 5 c~k I- si i i i- t l~a hip~i es:I~ t i llits itn -I t ils l~ic Gituui-t t tc~sit - si lor, ci t s t i,-- t . lerf c a l c\5t its -sif "l fiar II - I - li t- isi - :lt tl- situ i; iirc a Atil et - ii i a s itit ro sig s hil- ~ iim c i t isalon dill - 51 ii 14hall 115515I'M is i lea ,vil ,g ll a 11 lr ~ -,.M llbi 5 t -i -a i Ir -s rh egtlli t i-li-tiog st~i_; a ' tw wid di tin til - il h mv inded, t eet ~gs kct lastc~et it s s i~tl i ia l ; i a ii 0~ t~t it s~inid l:lt [ i t ill ctit i fi 5l i-i-i-i-i t r ii I T e ,ig i t tsiis tt' - 5 pis . fr h iv " , i i c i it osl i risi sa i ' ha, it -c It r asill -s iurl 5 11:1 tutulit, tit(- i te p u s-. - ist ii Hlx If is I t-il l it sith ,,Ilili ils i \', tltl fteih i tioft heit conli- - it 1 li il i e i t i-i f) hu c 9 it I. lits it- ItsII.C-- i t ttiti 551st -I( I-Is p (Ian\ the i lumiisss en stilt stilt Tisismis C i t ii 5 ii ii itita t()and I iti i l Ish-rbue o ti h out- -e s I )p i tebSlit onitIsis sit 1 1 -arc Confernce ruigs ds b barrdills co p tit sit liin ttit n. Tll 5 5 liiei howver t t vensts d sit i;anr tIiiL i it ir wti rn-itt--s iill' oi gamewiththe uakes wold slitwr il tt iand thatis the-re iii ii titte it real possibiltitt ii i t s-ti Co -t ci i 1111 (silt b c hangs d is ftilt tset1its2cSis son.lItt iseIiiitsisttstssiti Cit ii tiltlt "sit adopIItilbthessCi i i is t pe ventciic im O th acino C iag andtiMit i linIllsais litlii1-i Itoisesesnce teamslundrts list eenc rling.iThlis ri ttiltism sil madells l bts- Michls sl ui st 1an 1 itns ist )s ts s lit gameitsis-it o i these- 115h5- lit it s object- isitisl.lid ith ituthe5ruleishu lls-il. itnit e55-ot'i t ht 151tiue t tia s lihititl 11 otisti i ' i Pace n4.1 prs I . I 1 1-() fcssm- 1"aws ()f llw law (I itr tteo clt r n t ions I o-h us it lk ii is it 1 iki, if t Il-si % it - - ledis aiitsttt rtls- kitscII iiio M Ice s disaritos t(, -tls hertil l ititt -itl tI- I sitlocelc1 ofi- lst Pts siluiiis Ii isAnti~~~~ --sp- l -I Sis isi>stM-I kTheiI1 ll its-t Isisf-the l~ it s Liteatur it list lists It ils i ii~lw list-stittc sho ii titlist situ ti stlttotmalic ico it1iitit I ii i and twaslu t tl hNi t he d co ,w olls 5c tllc iis h lc 1 Pits-st tisesi-ssitaititissicisil siof sit ill es s iii sitc al~lags I tilt l'i iri titlist "Io led itsm I -m riy atatil su ticttiwhen i Siiiss he ~ ili t i it-ti-tt-- i)iti The ic1ke1 IIo ktie Cerc l ,,r e i -si-- )r t ti tI-t I ti cr f 1),1-- its Silt k I :iI Irk 1il I .t.11sissi istitti sit-itsil(o flct ureis admiisits tithist 11tut-u its-cs-f Its . C o ttiswn, 1knd 1to te stis- que1S t stltrs c l s oi swi chS kO I rte- i lt . l it 1 . Ii lr t, of I t E th itudens, i-icetuIs liust ootesisitl i ccii ;, a. i -l ; 1. i t' i -' blot < lit Detroit N"ightti ~i LA at eThe Saturday, December 17 Owing to the heavy advance sale, the management has decided to give the 1910 cpera an extra performance. Saturday seats on sale Monday no seats exchanged