THE MICHIGAN DryN .: -i: LET MAKE rIT YOUR FULLl)RESS ANI) TUXEDO '4.Y:$35 up tS EAST LI BERTY w Ftzrriishera to Cii 116 niortyAs. ~ r ebo~ ih S; W ois fir odway, at 54th St., :'Ear ;'.00)St. sF ii ii iandi5:d s-.;. ( i ie NEW YORK 4.; KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special Germs for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Miodei n, Absolutely Fireprool Transient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, andtiUp, All Outside Voomns. Send for Biooklt. UNIVERSITYV NOTICES n;tMr;,f C 11 ii!" - lT-ln} ; t ~ it. 7 11, , . at ftC\I ii ii 1 : Iati-1:o:) 1. 111 t 111 - 11lt111f1rilir1111 iili- Iii Ji 'i" i g e r i - ic in~, ti , ll ctgiN r ha-illlIal l tfii 11ccc n o ' i:i , c,,;lll a l-a I et I N it 3 a diats ,H e !a 1\atcrnait ;nitn itun rriia l a 1. al Ic I\ h ilt t 6:_1 ii iE-ii w r' ,tir il ii Ge te I ic iXCI i lirlik Xii each 11)crnt eah oi 1111 ;o1 ell tl, ,~il, ~uol~ilAn 1.Ild 11 lii zt f l int i, qtt l n il:_ I he ii 1 111 \ al p rci 1 3 tel: J 3 W U rol iti DeritL uc I - I cll offi. Gill] l II , 12 11).[-1 1Ciad ncinaian Idanpo Indaiaolis f 111110 ~lis that, I ats Cicnai n iana11 is i 51 ii i efaetiea e y The Blue Tea Room Open dily from 7iiiiii.1mitaol i it:30 ia. nt Sunday from 3 to 7:30 P. M. Orders taken for special parties 1221 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Phone 1696 New Whitney heatre Csutatri 85.15 P, MW Lii aconr-cia ots-" lad proinmopay. Monday Evenin-1, DcMI David Belasco Im Esruarne VWeItte's Cxi-itstt Play This is one of the greatest dramatic otterings c i the present season Mal iorders I'll -at ai onii fi i 1t ii 'i i ll. I ii ~lE it1v(,.l c or i iiioes oirder-- ourii 11 1 i i 1 ~~t.? l 1 1 1+' % l b i u l: t l BoX w1 ii Rsrve i Sea.ts - ,{i1 Your Seats 35c sin Advance VAUtDIEVIfLE FEATUERS THURSDAV, P 'F / SAT IRDAY special etrsgjag.eraf i ftue -vell '-'-sWa LILLIAN antI tt--ill-lif- 1p1.-.ti in the ioe at playii o hil i t 1 II 1 .1 n \ Musical Fredericks Hazel E onLUc a t Mirth and Melody to a Comedty i-siYtr 1ti t r Miss Kate Watscn Just to remind you there veill he ci CiIRICI'I'XSA'S Al 15: Moinday, 1Dec. .20 CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Coll~ Laundry Under Huston Billiard Parlors F-INI, HAND) WORK Charlie Weigand, Prop. B.c11 1633 J Sf06F. Liberty St- "fN4D0E;K 1T7E MANtIAG0E1ME11NT OF tS . ry P. StI son, forimersly w t fitiH tliperial. FL. J. Bine~haami, Ifirwierly witliteis]Nhstli-ts SMexican : Indian:Blanketi hiltrforiitlycoilefitItoit t1 Cdr~gand Baggage I i Crary rit titisitxst l i frCait tic. rte. <.iii_ s tiasits C tf, t titCIS atitir~rd1a1Oct 111155: }2110 os t iii hitaile iHallidaoyGift]! I i 25 cents, Ift aiteds to iii Crimistn ilt . li,-hItsc. fl-ittiTtbites. itai bi2rte ric iwill }its S .it Ste x 3tt.1 ii- ...$ Stil0 it r1icc! otillctc ci6t. Sti. x 3it. 4to - --...... .. 4.001 - ii t c q isi it list as 51t. 4t1n. x 21t. Sin ........... .001 its tit I tibtsfuttls Set oftthree (one .--ch size) 10.00 Ii \ i t )1N & f1i. o i -V t if. If5111 litilt i Cititi. Alorwi I tbacli i 111ciiitit 1 l IiM 'sciilMEXICAN BLANKET CO. Aguasalientes, Mexica (iranrr's School of IDancin Ci: ie fotue adiesadOGentleenuesarday cod lTharsday Evsenins, 71011 to 8t00to'clckt fu Pciiiiirs calt at Aademy oir Phane 246 A T 'TUTT LF & Co. -AILEN & EDMUNDS You 1an find a fine liar at tonfectionery ' tiberty St. Ann Arbior, Mtichigani SaeS.Shoe Store LStateH342 . tesLadies' Haroas Crawford Shoes for Men Rain-Water Sham~poosA Specialty FotilLine of Ladies' Shoes All ools anTi wesi erii slitsor "Educators" for Children Mi4ts. J. W. Te-ojanaowsakt poting Goods F. R. FROST. Prop.ttoSU vriy i The Big Show Fo.e Little ITotney 3 Days of Mirth and A i s1c Startida fMat. Today CWody ketch Introducing their lititle tratuie ig "MIKE" Some Comedian CLVL)D ELLIOT Superior Photo Plays THE FAMILYSCOPE That Clasuu Silglir g Boy GEORGEW. ILLUPS Character antI CoinedyaSongs Comning Monday Miss. OraCId Daily at 2:30=3:30=7=8=9 All Seats Free Admission 10c i '-JWAS A HEA D Isi LOR Tito BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILOIlNQ