'f 1II (i GAN 9A1L'V TH-E MICHIG) G. H. XILD CO. 1 tit~~i o di)i tess 11mlo r 311 SO. STATE STREET 1.1ITW ASosiStatt ...... rssist ..... .. \tli Opening Display of 1 'Xc+ 172 m]1F77> Faland W(.inter Arthur J. Abbot Styles])f I1cdv Halrry lvs i cr. Ihtottlk 1 lineIiI. FULL DRESS SUITSIl rdN A SPECIALTY BUSINESS 311 50. STATE STEET \ Ides tIt;I 1 , an 1: -11 :,j ~~32State St. Shoe Store Sate SI. s 5111 Vt U Crawford Shoes for Men Foil Line of Ladies' Shoes A 'iyht l d ior- "Educators" for Children Sporting Goods E. R. FROST. Prop. U ?R1Il t cto r .8 Sili 1 al C [. ARIB[L1 celr)tbr1tllinl ;a1 ' JIJOOKS ci 1l B O K Saw l-(I. igtl Dental 5;I~1t17t 11 Laget-tokin Mihian tC TrevI r p5 1 ii Second-HandcLaw Books o (','[IIoISSi'ii M edical cinre If teis ane I 1 i . Law asi\'itb thelm rl Quiz Books, et.fSo Strr ii Cope e nteand ec- cltos it i If d-and.111t t -tctatt ail , i Old boos tacke in Echange mtle tlac l ereii alli C. E.alBARTHELL, c71 a Second F oo s, e. 761 stt ortitie 'll tt YoC o lde savewon Sc bye t 1buy-Il s [AN DAI LY. t rii Tt 'ittus NVoilt(C lK. Towers It h Xollmtittii ... . i~trtV. Mootire * I titt S. I irttey {.. S.Lasher, A. J. SWoigctttth M. Mack Ryatn M T'. Totiume. STAFF S. R t)iiicv. niig I' iiit, 1-2 p ill i. Ill. lDaily, -7, 7-8i i. tt., .[?x- CA1 NltASR. I v. 1. .C S is 2e i itt. C/ callbe t me! ititutiotnltconnct- hit thtmesi h In it , iitC sttte ttttaustit ithtte itttttmIC of voura Of titCqtestn intieatolti qI what tho.tic s~tpay be exptced to doiinlthtie future. Let the canivassers tell. you what it has close 'for Michigan ment every- inhere;:" atnd thent-loosett up." SENATE, TO DiECIDE ON ICREI-ISOPII RUSH -MONDAY. Next Mondiayiightt the late of the uone-potle ttightt rttsht ftr the two tusnter classswill ite deciede. Itaskitis attt Sltiter, thte tittncil's delegates, wcill tleadi befttre thte Utniversity Seniate for tite otit style rutsh. 'The ontlyecouttragemuent they will givCeits," said Hlaskitis, "is that they are twillingtig o contsider all ocur argo- mtentts." fNOtLLIt tiNTS SHOtV tRI"eSti9. Sfiitltitt of of last year's enrollmntt tileregisteredintthteCLaw Deptartmentt, an ittticationts are that witiit a few day s the recited if t909 will have beetn sustitsced. Whtetn Secretary Goticaril's officecliosed yesterdaty aftertnootn, 727 cltdetnts httdietnterecd. tLast year, ini- cluinitg thoise wcioentereid at the see- outd semtester, 433 wnere enirolledl. Ati inc rease is exipected this year, as it isl iiie last litte that studets eati enler directly frittm high schitol. iFrill wett itt the gradutate school is titotieveiitithla lst vear at the coy- resonin Ittltlitte,ttItIvitng entrotlledi sit fir. Figutres frottm the Literr Deptart- mtentntsuits the entrollmtentlup to Thutrs- dayi tighlt tot le 1,4yt, antinci rease of ti0t ove r inhat it wcas at a ctorrespondti tug titme list year. eTige Mteitt1AisOFICIeAtS. ClarenceeF. tEldridige of Miehigatn, wo halst teentatjtdcatintg the lpraeticee setittmtiages ott Derry field Io gaiti ex- periencee iwit tetnet ceode, will refe- ree today's eotiest. Thte oilier offiials will lie E. J. Yackley, Pettn Stale. field jitige; lie.5W. ID. Robints, Nehraska, uire;t~ Branteh Riecey, Ohio Wesley- ani, headl liniesmtani. 'Sully'' Sullivati will lie ont hattd to lead inth~e eheeritng anid theIbatndi till cispetise omelodly. Te tnew field sotig will be playedl andi copties of the wotrds are to lie incelutced in te progratts. The seasott tieket whiieh is bteitig giveet to all membiers of lie Altletie association, will aiditit to this gamie. Mermbersihip tiekets will lie! oni stle at the tofflee of the assoeiatiott unttil te gaite lbegitts. 1ItPORTANT NOTI CE. The report that Skinnser is sellittg Silztes at lhalf-ptriees has heenivyen- fied. Stle lasts otily onte week. $2 valutes, goc;i $3 valises, $t.5o; $6 "Student Siecials," $2.50: $6 sterlinig silcer, $2.50; $8 pents,$395 CHIROPODY. Everythitng absolutely atitiseptic. MHISS E. J. FOLEY. 94I E. Hturont. Near Felch Park. N TER TRIP TQ O 5O T11, A southtertt trip is heittg plantned for the Musical clubs this winter. Several other trips were outlitted lbv Mattager Painter, two of which were to cover the eastertn states, list the southertn stales will perhtaps bte givetn the preferettce. The route as ttow plannsed will embreace the cities of St. Louis, Rantsas City, ande Louisville. Nothitng definite has beent dotte itt regard to securittg a sitccessor to Earl Killeent. Woodbiridlge Metcalf atid Howard Sithl were elected to the hoard of idirectors yesterday. FOGGU'S MEN HERE READY FOR BATTLE. (Cottiniued frotm page sI. poittids. (A little matter of a dozeti pountdts iakes little differettce to El- tier) F.Iix, whetn it cotmes to bteiniga staticpatter, is the origittal Pat. =IlIc coest't move tery oftetn or very fist, or very far, list whterever he gets, hte slays right there andcino onr gets by hims untless lie climtbs. He caste-tott for ceniter origintalvyhut lie coutldntt get the tall bietweeti his legs, so tow lie plays wherever he's put. lie's cery use- futl as a inlue for the varsity ltgot agaitnst, oily it's ai trifle wearitig ott the. tarsity. tIBRtARY 0PEN SUNiDAYS; tBeginintg Sittday, Octoher 9, the fGett- eral ~ibtrary twill lie opietifor-referette use ontlv, ott Siunday afternontus Irotiti 2 :00 to 5:30. 'Te circutlationi desks tilt ttot lie opent aticiibooks cantittible drawtn out, hut, as ini the piast, bookus will lie issutetd for otlsicde tse Satuirdlay cc-Ii-, itigs betweein itiie aidtenei, to liercc turnedi Sliitcav. HUNCH UP, 't2! Every juttior ought U toitrif itby pie- chtasisig a Salz foutntaini lent ithall- price idtritig the stiecial mtantufactutrers' sale tof foutitaiti pents it Skinnier's. Wec all kitow this is the year wheti stutties are the hardest.- Why tot mtalke it easier bty trowitig away that scratchy old tienatid get a tiew otte at the right place ? Buvy otte Gas andi Electric Stittet Lattps at the Stale Street IHardwtire. D. A. Killinis. 5-tf. Tine Youing Peoples Society of the First Presbipteriant church requestthe pleastre of your presentce aidtilhat of your frietids at their attitual istformanl receptiotn to sect the officers, facult tiettbters atid studetits of tine churcht, coriter of IHutront andi Divisiotn streets. Saturday evetintg at 8:00,. F. J. Burt. 5. BEFORE AND AFTER. thne foothall ganme eat lottey Ice Creamn Footbtalls at Trubey's, it16 S. Main. . Text Books For Every department of the Campus. SR('OND-TIAND) MOORS at a little tie titan One-Half lt'sc. Instruments and Enigineers' Suppliis The msttonmtlete soc k ini te cty All the leading sakes of FOUNTAIN PENS Try a Wahr's Special, the bust lOn Dollar itent tiude Lab. Supplies, Shop Titols, Note Botoksofo every deseriiption, clie. WAIIR'S University Bookstore 3t7 Sooth State Street lng your College Books a1 lbe Students_' Bookstore Seonod-handBonoks at Big Reductions College Text Books Engineering Books Medical Books DRAWING INSTRUMENTS snd ENGINEERING SUPPLIES Agonts for Keuffel 8& Esser, Diotzgen & Rechier Instruments See Our $1.00 Fountain Pen SHEEHAN & COI STATE STREET 1 I i i I TICE'S 117 South Main THE DRUG STORE, OF IQUALITY A¢nrts fsor Gilbert's, MacDiarmid's, Original Allegretti CHOCOLATES Dealer In High Class TOILET GOODS Parker tmPn CnlnFountanPn 117 South Main TiesDrug Store ECONOMY A Word of Vast Importance -to-- Students The Expense in Connection with your Cofflego Course will be Minimised if you Buy your Supplies from us Mayor, Sohoettlo & Sohairer CO. Stationers, Printers, Binders Stndents' -supplies 112 SOUTH MAIN STREET BELL PHONE 144 When Wanting Clean Clothes92 Call Either Telephone .. . ...as ty L u d r o L Keeping Ahead on styles is onerbusisness 5asnmakers of Fine Csustonm Apparel. Thnis is .why yonueastsee ite latest t~oveltie its Fabrics for Fall Wear at ousr store today,. jFhe recognized stew styles are here too Stop in atnd see wohlit both Foreign antd Domnestic looms have prepared for good dressers. Win . B.Dieterle Varsity Tailors 117 E. Liberty Street AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room Yon cao fiod a floe line of Confectionoery R. E. Jolliy's (hand Opening Lunches, Cigars Cigarettes, Tobacco and Pipes Agents 3-B3 Pipes CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under Hiuston Billiard Parlors (Furmierly withi tuiry & dCharlies') A. G. SPALDING & BROS5. ninlelinn ge wrl Td-Marts uofOFFICIAL EQUIP. MENTforallathletic P ,pINno sports and pasimes. a L br~D o it usae unteestedu N i Atlettie Sipodtutuu qpE N I, theSpautlingo 'tt SrnufV..¢T"°4C Inisne. It'sutdorntut et -ts knontrutasadWhat's New in Sport Omaraets. of adositiesent freeo en- Quaenlity queuist. A. t3. SPALDING en. BROS. 254 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Michn. HIGHEST GRADE OF WORK PROMPT SERVICE 215 and 217 5. 4th Av4.j 121 Washlqte t. RANDALL, & PACK, Ph otorahwrs Pbhaue,598,