THU MICttIGAN l.kei C Our best setter in 0011 -ersC1)a A new lot just tn $5.00 IDEl LST WAGNER & CO. State Street Desks, Morris Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, Study Tables, and Draperies, Suitable for Student Rooms in Large Variety at Martin Hailer AT TLJ FTIJTL & CO. BAILEY & EDMUNDS ldey ittinigaspecialty You can find a fine liue of Confectionery L Sberty St. Ann Arbor, Michigan hutsn.Nckweaxv. Gloves, Hosiery Vrsderweav, Pajamras, etc. F'srst k !or f b Co. Fi rst T 0aPiACE Hair Drneslng, Shamoponing, Maninuring, Fan. Massage Y_ 1 s rs s, CO. A "1'01 ndToel Strlied efr ily: t "~l," i 1pondati Mr's J. 8R., T.C n sr. c' llounl c iia w~l jtt s.1 1105. UIJv r~lij AN QD% ART RSI UN V ERSITY NOTICES thrdl cueintthed ~lecti. e rie n ft 1_1111 tt I Churchttit3t P ll ong t Gif11s1 wil111 wetin arrste1 1 1 1m gin erbas1 tal11 e mmet :111d II- 11111 t 11 Im t ttt }0 'lockt room t 20,I lw 111 inerlg it dn iititqt casu ratcetda t h tGentetra11 t - ilnieti Chtles Iitit" e ers)it ihtny the treti ftr on I2( cause \f tt~ticiii tttitti \ 11111weter SEAT SAEAT OPN EiOIYMIYNN B, j. t Offic VAUDII SyMrisbrt n"oa- Bod 'vyd anopVola Co EyCiT SALOE S iAOD ONINGAn Nw~,> lewhoffand PelpC-InrSogs adI0:4ncesM Ena~1-l pmnao a; !C n VAUDVLod L EcAto Program- oming huro s-day-W d~sa MisssLiliallyort'gnxer itt(ni iiiiil~itntii il I ii s ON HE AY "MuscE l SoEGrL NEW no Wiht EDNlESD3AY DE EBER 7 Gbfe Wagetxhals (QS Ken-otper Co. Pr-esents F~or Barney ft .Berry Skates itl t. 140- Ilitlet tll25c to 75 SCHVMAHER HARDWARE CO. 308-310-312 S. Maim St. VOCAL INSTRUCTION CLIFTONn 2#2in TeBu Te Rom Stuidied two1 years isn1Paris and BerlinTeBle R m HE NEAL ND GR (11n111ily= frown1":0 a.m11) 1Poyilinf King Ciark f f ' :0Itt jn, If ititliit i iius;t lt i'Pl. Sltdio: W agner Sunday from 3 to 7:3t0 P. M. Binez inS. 1.sttte sI. 7'A thP Orders taken for special Sit nulyf parties ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP i rn (ppite 1 ileeleic Waitinig Ruo for the crav: 1221 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor t5c..ltnn-ttu.G Phone 1696 4 Doors From" Freddie's " DetroitLalill ________________________ ___________________________ Huff, 1247-J. ranger'.s School of Dancing State St. Ciassennor Ladies and Orationsen Tuesday and Thusday Evenings, 7:00 FullLi tn 8:00 oclnck. "EI~ for Particulars call at Academy or Phone 246"dn 1111 ia t tlter the tsot',t cltl tt 1:00tr .Ig llt. itAlLl F,. 48-50-52. Aotititi ollticias t)11'Starting on da 3 tin e e C I t. I Stiie ii, :L1FTON Kesterson Brothers lsabel e Character htniuge Sot it t i ahigh BEDFPORD, 2jihth hi in. hiighij5 F~JIILYSOI T-heNe GEORGE W. PHILLIP COLLARS Every Afternoon 2:30 and 3:30 the necke,the tops meet Every Night 7, 8,s and 9 d there is amp'e space at. Auett,Peabody& Co.Makers lr Branch office. Call {Co m i ng hrs. Clyde IEfliott Shoe Store Sate St. CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP College Laundry 'd Shoes for Men noLaisShe Une HutnBlar Pros seo Laie' Soe UnerIlutonBiliad arlrs FINE HAND WORK atorsn fr onChildren E. R. FROST, Prnp. Charlie Weiganid, Prop. Belt 163SfJ 606 11. Liberty St- ALWAYS AHIEAD IN MIWRTUE TAILOR, Tti Ei BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAIL ORiI