:r[-ERMICHTOCAI' DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchfield "o "o "o Coo "o * Ann Arbor's Lea Jtng TAILOR~S 106 E. Hur on St. Opp. Court douse J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.091 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fuly U atioo i . cm 1 Chr V'l Itspr tLI u tiaterthe ii MUSIC ANi~D DRAMA~i~ r int aaiiic t tto it i: a' ___________________________ f 1 ...: 1 I ii ii 'II'are i eL ititLI itoperiothetil ['I t Is ii 1 iiii t ii 'k1 "'o 3i'tL 1(" i: piriot iAll i iii taniaddressini the '".nittrW clttrh tn it at 7:30. In 'w will . al wih tlitidmands wih Z ci(Lncc L Li . ; 1 .111rel illon l, aisii sln i iLL 'ijj l FlRtililit) Li ~ -,S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1 'i I 'irr i t,+ tithi tti imusit lie ILOST. andi , ebb'i.on Wsivton or iL hayL - Two fa ol ti a' iii i: i fromit dramaticta ge Ltif 1 iw i ilhethetitifeaiitiltsit th M jstc tate liiieLt wtilt Ralp Luit tl itilt e the attrctint the liii timl r atcoesitheltter paIt. Mr.iiil t i - itilig~iS tiaslotii hee i dentlt I tiid ith1 thei ati te Amrican i and i 1itlt ititi ilt hea- tres o N w Y rk.I.11 ppulriLii lttvttompany ofl-cattleiantit he ii iii oli an fSatianicoaltT ttr ofitheatrS iita rcrd isioime I a for iear eniSa11t1ar 'tillhe i ow Lilt 'U t 3 K; the good points of tnanyv shoes the decisionl is always given to the k%'Al K =OVIER because so many good arguments fnay be advfllnced inl its favors. $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 $6.00 THE WALK-O "'11BOT SHOP 113 MAIN ,,s-LT. SOUTH ti It's alway.-'a salisfac- tion to look- right1 andbesraouit You can look to this ___store for riuht clothes.______ i THE F ARMER~S AN1D'iICitANiCS IYi MAIN AND HiUR~ON StTRET Capital $10000 Srpus and P'rofit 100000 Genieratl Bniunlg Bliotiti . 'pericunt tatu Tn Lite atd SaingsLI Oeosi ,, a i:l um us wil 1) t Li' t to ii'ii Li~~y rt 52 S it' d ree ()f C ar e oill iis tli tiii iiiShawtioftlti tthe it'iit' ii til "(W 'c L-- it' m.iluit )()tI alIl l-s t pli nt est na i' io ti ti ho tltm s Li r. ___________ l__ 8a2 S.__ Mate, ______ iyi tii'Ltttoi titla 'ofuds iiihae i t vi i iii & t t licLliIii . ttl itl11titt ent bett io s feerlie h 'Li,01 -7 utcla n vrycn er. T eehsioe edjsm n ) FlI- thing i o irtl t atisea tiN. t. 111 1-S 1 :. I. 1 3,1,1" . Fulr& O'Ctinnor, Talilors and C lean-' r i t) l i . ia iiiitsii i ottot. ' t-tf. u o lcalith upliso n et 2o 0.la C SIGM A rt \VI!,I, 111,:\!2 I'lloF . III':[{:\!<, Prof. Jacob Reigh"ird will give a leC- ture .-adaptation before the Opp 21i society Weehnesday evening, D cem- ler The lecture will he given in the \Vest lecture room of the physics huilding and will begin at 8:oo o'clock. Drank . Upham, '10 F_ has been ap- pointed by the Chinese go VC1,nment tc, the facnity of the engineering depart- . Ineut In the 1 nlperlal university at Peking. lie sailed for the Orient Sat- ,u-day. ,. _ r .. ~ HATS CAPS SWEATERS JERSEYS PLEATED "S. :Ua'TS NEGLIGEE; IF'SETS FLANNEL S 'ItTS NECKW~EAR HOLE PROOF and INTERWOVEN HOSIERY "Always the right tl'i ig at the right time" WADHAMS &(.COMPANY- 121-123 SottlainatISreet S l c ;tit St'-vit l I 'iiiti'f'. ,( 5.. /tit.0 s. ate FullDres Clohes A complete line of handsome and FullDres Clohes distinctive Imported Cloths to select -from. Why not let us show you? I WAGNER & CO. State street TIME NOW PesBuilding, Maynoard St. Next Door to Univ. School of Music Music From "GrlofMyDreams" "Barry of Ballymore"l AND OTHER LATE OPERAS Gibson Mandolins Ivers & Pond Pianos CHORAL UNION and May Festival Carriage and Baggage. befettso )'t'titt$1.50. afineri1'? ' ol $2.00. ia at INiNAL December 9 I or e ch t I1111 .o to . i hm 00c w C be2C s [Sc,! hocolates or rom r t iO n t he pz'it I . 50'ents Drivesa re requiredt to cogleai ' (a 1 RA it ~i-\ 1. iICL\1 I.\'r:11 ' t DRUG ST1ORE3 41st year DICTP1IONARtIES 41st year- Arm oArbor- LEG3A L milCl 5AY Anr..Ar-bo- Aram Ar-baorBroa nclth, S "'-e 0.-t, OppositeInLaw 1 I1dd. Admission, -- $1.00 Course Tickets, $3 00 Portrait Studio - G , East Huron Street