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October 08, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-10-08

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The Michig _____
Vs\N ARB OR,'silk tiC 's, s \ EtMf-fY, OC'TIOlltf ,Sii.10

Vol. XXI.

Hard Game Expected in Spite
of Bear Stories from Case


RgnGesMost Enthusiastic Wel-
PACKED TO DOORS come of Career.
______and Ills si - slir hs still
< 'rs o r i 'll 5151111111 1itti cllhi sii-55
President Hutchins Emphasizes Is 1 115 )plom ssit ss il~ ls ii Ibis ulli
the Necessity of a Much \ftI-I aI llllcrhroallrs-all t
Larger Clubhouse "(t11to '1Ii.fi c i 1,511 s 15 ssIll still ito

Excecutor of -rthur Hill Estate
Prepared to Pay Money Left
4 to,,University

of ll





los ...............'(Ishe httlcove:5'is a viewfstuet at
I(too ......... .....oisitlss'
C tettrtousirten softhlet'atbsts'' Iis- tandi 'pay10 sntratnitetfeeis s fillpt1111ft
tort'will e recrded n fery fied th s omsic ass's studtslssto o in l e )
titis tlt ifIIhr 1118hours, re'achlinsg the totr siiat io ji~tt
np 1on Ills stiltfotbll s e a5sonlt withlb t itrs t elstlchasts ke th
Catso s lls s is its sopponent.is s t SiIsalf tsansesswih ills ]nc
pst lwos isclotk,1:Miigans suppiorters s tso I t he -, telsstcs lss
siillhlist fosithsts'fist ists an. por sswre tormedsl stia ;-im, I 'scsi is.iiisc it
r id. Some we oredto tiisfo
ttisit ts e i n isiteri st', io h e ts esete ss ltterIOts hltsis wisesit s wela ni .
wh ch itits poitses tofttrsbe i osta ftics l: str celhn s lIa~ity
fitsblu . Th y il Iaso s lseeIfortiststilt it n s lit I 11ts itsir isspe t fit
lii its stiltssheilatestttidtilonlist "new
ii 5 ti ts e tl l e' sitls S111 e1 l 1111.
siotball."sbettelifaciis e s t iss s truc- , at t
Th ariy lvel is ilte elst t i ceuis itemidlltingt lt urs't'iS er
si sshae fr hssp stitl-I ist hthsit uckIt
it ll t i it il I st lslsss t itti st waos d t h i r s e
eye ald depie 11 ase I ttitftwoitifit i___ t0______________h__ s__ fe___ p_______________
iith ' itronge'' stiltait rsi i sit' conif55 iet t h oughss tfl rIider1151 i ii i flat ''it .
r t~e .Ilts ies siteirlst ii ii, lstfternoon,-~'-li-I
smti Ditts-1111paesa dg t fotrbidde tstshisphsi intopa
tiy the otfe sivei masineiii the best 5 ilThe liqu sirter fit ii hs ien I r
liork sitnitlst ssdscsst mIs usis troulsst nohut iI li n c re-
CIsi's hpsadIxetto s myh n tlor isIeiswo iskt epteta
fiathitrtit Ofromll the ft 'i ii 5555specsilsto's y.ftul oosPi still G rd er ~:t
i'-ls ('ust-ncIsis' I-i. h ts Cl: ii laylots inillhe 'Freilshman'teamsfiiit l - ti
is sis luts Iss lit 'sut 'i lsr t th tor Stil s it1Is0i
lii /lt slsii it 11 -~siti RusessP'Jsmesi1oL.sllses si ii sit us ill 'liNCI
\f i'lsto itbal s1 i tsn stiltsng tst te Iielt skifo siesiwil its i _ is st hil fi
«t i i iso sith hiseso it, llav s Cleveland Rost iilsprobIly l y Its it T i
tn ih ltatitenfsty-f it esforis nn s Ars orsl s it orsSlas t is . v11- h~ot
foris s the a rllpenersith((list ch sisn . itser vteransiwsl s ee tr tr
VItt c sthtsftissyry iate wist t ilIttiem iz rsoska stilts i Weilr5a51551
an itiislt looklistpsits isi omletiie1ths si e, hc f~ h
of lcl I so tanI , t ilts Ilit i, ine stis itim o 'ss'ar ,ti compo"'ised Ofi t htiff1W11
arose bysshti i t og ut s C se, rwhosit'wtrth iyt toi sits sprov ffs
'Ills, i sfact tl f ir esht's 'tisc'sils i ase s stus nts donot i uses' a ic
of55equalt calit eI s ilsits iisst t i tlit 1 5 iSto o o vn as corles sy m . C l
'so tlt Calissis s tssdo lattI 11 in tse lsts i 'iT itcllutsits suit ay tl<i
tssl 55whensuthei hi o "s i g) Sl'is" shamthsl in-sivels'I sst i'l flitssc °i lc it tffI ts-
pirnsh i isIi tuh lss rsitisasisttoe. s r i ts rshim if the lrst ost sts icl
'hei' uisuaslt"hsarsri s"11r111 fI a t , it 'sstrutng t w sr itis.t th1.1 am5
somettof silshich l s t' to lsae-sint' aion. i me, as e-ISciet i i itsts haeand ;I 'as
ius-ils isj irsbca mre knowntsr aitCptilati rinsvehadof air'ly earnesitu pli ati o n t
"harry"i T i tcelltw'sit f hfst beestilla -lar ggoltssitie.n e s l sr ldii s 1 i
itsshalfstis si hiad"stht thes' T aul ity haior oll upi suIts' ills, sit' s'tsti o-'r
tes. thsless trhefcltyhrils iti irmoeditsetr I rseIlr rories t mot. ir h
tisjritsrrda'ytiio I'lof itheedirerr aisa tiprns hasoniite masitu t e ey 2.)

is its itofi st rss a% [(e~sQ
1'resdvnt 11 M I~ns Dea Ic iftan
.tig te n ilts rs oftilt fact lty
fit i i p sit sto hk ads t h
ish sIiwl 't )f ttheu slit
X& 11 Q Maus 1re arked to) ft
'CIt ilti sl i fitstte Ch im nI si fit if
sll)s sstex 'tls ~ftendngthe siftsd an' at
he d s: ' h s ittheI isstssitmflit-
defor e p;c)st1 ''sit f tthe'tfis

'15r icI Oltt'cs' utcs'. ssiss.
I" d isst crfit-ii o snstsitssli
sr-msitifsi-i'sisis i n~s. It-. IIis'-

siltsiiia u
if skts
s lct if

sit s Idh~
n i t ltis I
Ilk- c tiff


)II. Cha
fu t 1lt
c ipi
if 111c

.per, made a few re:- I

I th- chfes--igs m -ersisihsboard fs's-snts Iit 's snis
iteslits"e l istsng it istese stutsents o f is ttist 'sit-
its. lciull is li-ll. issI'1\f i-, a sssiii sit
't Ne kik p scitl- ''soc-srsitimade a ts Iispe fes t slit s
it ii'i 5 f air t p s it s gr td slitof uts1int, anuit 5555 ()55
tff suweit fit' I)i'it tlt Iens itticc shut Itills
fs I it I s s-uepartsuit I I s isss aI ts Is aftl ts t he R
st sifiss ittsof ideatt 'i'ilts'adjf urnedi t o istheir I fto r li i
its sits sit ler isOt tilt mti ng..ttt'' A itlist sssters's lts''
>rt re ark a al a tiftlte t ''ssPr sessie t I-i' it lts (Ilt hei i
sefS. sss'sssss ri--itt It amlIst t iltcs ofI cr(i
vtintIpas s l'tIso Is sC thisvee ilgs ri sti tsltsoftitlist rit i
Ii n r.()h rnsliherefo ts sr ls sit aiif s in ssitant
sitsd "sty tilt sitrstscrsp'tion 'dtat acus flcue ,I( rcee ostticltm tniei ng's besgis sit fist ssi
its v fi lls ilot teir mei ng tii g the c il yII it-
is sh.u t erIll's i s's 'ssgssssssre 'fcr is'theIsit'ti-sto
ltatledf tilso its Iaut o li ifti e
- tttsis'hei etrus lt s'to fth ht i r ifl s-i ~
tut'ais Tslet the ss 5 N. lrsr
- lists, stll oi ces thsi tsh i s tae a
s scfh saptf haif- t i
fshct ta~ ly III ii itt tl ii ils i 'ils
to h e ti llit esit titi titlit fit i ttrii
'l'lss ()slit siridayss issit si
e1 I s ec iid flil tyitolst ss pai s I for an1 iii 1 ifs r til
f Isoultbtt e littil I iie ,I l it it t irr
I truly representative of s tilst sisi s scI itys
~,st'f ecsit'slt wsitsh lt'e cuse s itsi~mn li
- o ~ ~ ~ arctetud u ir'dI cmi'si c hi th' AI fcfti nti
lu tis I ofit it ttu( us isil Iit tt lc o
r rcitectsl wMshacsuit"d it hns
wsort. ofsi rofsutsor Is rw -w ie h
Cliiytitus Beford P.S.,tititap
- , f, itititi ts5i l thu s c lcrIt stu ii i
isr i tstr Ji Ichlicas lust it is's i ii
I oCu lred 11.'or'tiut'urasfltit igrauits
whotsu huts Ctosuiestilts I racft itsaifex-
andCt(titus itsgst srutk] lit To a n
isarry iii. issttfnb iick a 'rtdiittC of'i
ichtt lie tr'see Profs-t'mber lif eg te s slits Ifa'ted.
f ue su-)it lit's csithei
timu I t 5 ss stFin r URANTI'NEDt t'tstti'ttstuttO st. sis
gneiii'')jist us shuts Irufstssours J. Cf. Knowlfhtttton lnd J.-A.
"ill.sC 'sig, rihola d l bl' n1 i'i'titos' s ius ill'i-
is, hs It',,losit s ericet 1(1t i utsit 'iuttt, it s''isI uu
Itse p.sth 'elttoni'i. spsweess

liii jJ. >. )_ /S
tutu'' Da i ts f lit' ittitatia' r' T
it l it i t-surit ; ill te u kcsii o a i
day. nivcrsift
t'hs sfu tian Igradutd frothutu ills A 1 Civ
tilt'' is itt liistit ii "is's
sonc a tihtfllwes ii hts proftilt l
in tstir. flii a ae ae a r-w l cev
fessor.I sits'sO

-1ii i(
li i

MoreTicket Sellers anted for' tdns Lecture Asscain
s i ioLiberal commission of 20 cents paid on each ticket sold. We are advertising the course in both the "Daily" andtcitypapers- and
will placard the town with Posters. Prospectus out to-day.
First Number,- John T. McCutcheon, Cartoonist, NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 141' GET BUSY AT ONCE
Call at S. L. A. Office, Main Floor, University Hall, 1:30 to 5:30 p. m. Daily i".


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