Vo.XX.ANN ARBOR, MIICHIGAN, N NI kO tNY,)I}CF I I' t,; oo." Vol. XX1. EASTERNER PUTS MICAIGAN FIRST, Philadelphian Gives Laurel tot. Wolverines in Discussion of National Honors TWO MICHIGAN MEN SELECTED If acri l ci 01thiett al ) t c dc ed 11 helit ll . o1I II' " i i s 'l lii fo t l i t tll f tl oltri i f hnNs til. t(1 N 1\' M itt i ii a h'gr ti ,1 i h_ NIlt d 'Stat 111 111 1i 1111~l t (1 11'l !!!C tot \Nre~ited \ ittt lr lt)l llfo thal I I h a t i c is c1i\la 1 Nil Ntist i d ih r f11( l r ,us It 1 \N standsill Ili a l~ 11 ;1 lia . 4 o n I ll t o c. I' 11 1.1111 IcI a d I I c I NIthe leat."1 N I t . l'~ 11 \ \ tl~l , t c ,Itlc i t N( C I l V.- NI11111 aiahsaI~tl (roc hl ii C IFIIIC IC STRIT I(IIP~I t clteIN 1)1 PFdIC)I ~cvl~I idr te letit s lept ooltred ttttl 11 i l t ce J.F'Broadyti'I mo sc~rc5 o rel -io s iclctio sin thett 'rI1tt lip h rh h II t tit mct - II, eld lastnig tindtlii lite lol- oiCl hV I til tis cii u0intl ndseve-ral BOTH PLAYS PROVE LAUGH PRODUCERS Robertson Players Again Score Success in Side-splitting Comedies .OISP Campus NIihiti t.111 t111I Ic 111111~li Il Ill tl . ip illIhe madeitit)liothlliitiesi'.LEADER IS INDIVIDUAL STAR 0111 Io re ora ize itts nl giilti ltil ileitt 1 nic and lo t y lir ser lic t Id n sve to eig t iffre t -i Iitighave iii ltiRorli-tutson ian tiht pa mIer ecti~ev h t iloi tiitti' i .tllil- it i' W sotesto rTo wards c~ctms wt l.it ori intheloli etsii and101 Quetr ibariartoiswiii'. t t e gattuelfl uniuetrupeofaristiamot allli nua e\111 i- tt t-lit-iUnforiitntelythe anll ti I Soite oW r toit'. it- clol t itll te ateroonandevein illuiettiltiitaItt pe 1fo 1m liltes 1were not sotlta liltas the- ot stoh v i itri lrit ho ul a e tet ill tel eariness til is, ifplain now nder w y are their l iuher a dt ei r 111j1oytil ill d the bi _IIwl i spr n t ieltcou oFmlit iiedy titf tiMr. 11-III tso ri 'ltoist r-in d h ie lac Ik of til tit'I tt lii il of -11111 pussotil are iito "7 tigtlil "itItt comedyli t ra nslat. e baitedwithi a few clays from te Spaishfit i gul m/ n li -r and the N N- liittoa - IVitlc:-%ai liwas lt le F lit- stlitlttti- tictn c -operattin esthlishin, 1and ipoved 1to beI xlit lit l l iti t li i~uetin hegen ra l1r A till tft he ii ci i dt ut ivrsitytit It i M ig1f11emoem n l on 'F' itome, protend i '.seious 111111 ,ctl id of11111ll1 c 111 ~ ti i n ily t i l ere-'.- till lilt M r t I t tiit t- -me ll tititoet ii 111and lll It Fit ti.llttho glieha -nlireth icli t l itti ilit laiit undrlil d wI ordstti litesit-loqunt ly 1110 ti tittitmie. tibl It wou1 tl t e iictilt o tiflt-i lowgil th anarig iaionsl i cht ditc- i~ OiPT 1',NT ue lp01111 o corseit all nds 1 th Iailttsltoillprltentedli11111 lil itlasoia iton Fi I retelt'. ii il ll ito ~ totil N m1s11rtiltAime tig i ate c il litilt jtil i t tihappytm Nium F h I'.N i I f all hmNmNNI IN - I I l prin rd as itt~ i tr te tmtil la t it 's fti tI Flit -ce~sf lii' its-yet ])ttit a ra g mn i av cl Li timlalurntdeOuttowillucente oti, thsyarsd eis m tty Hall t a ofla itr oftt oil for te - - w - ' dateil is n t lii t I ecd d cl lilt it wil ti hel s.m1 W n1afer Chistmas 111-lltil Itghtliltn d lOut tIl liaei == Ie t-t H-a--ll Ii' uti-ti l werct1I lii i-It ; t e e d r c ,nett 1N p-mieritoIN Fit t iiivrs~ ll Null I 'Fm fr he I wd B1ACTERIIA FOES OF- STATE TO CONVENE Anti-Tuberculosis League Will Hold One-day Convention Here Friday OLI) MEDIC TO BECOME MUSEUM ilh o r t '. tl'.'.o ii it liii theittitt vl 11111' 11\ i ta eI t I lt -Fit-l I~. \ ic t ilr iti tt II w i olt-etlalt tdd o~s (t " ttc'rtlosi a d euvro M- cls t l~w \ i hii i t 1111 111 ii it lil -It t-l Ni lic-lilit. N built Itllylt a t t a tliii a7ii - tittitt iis 111111ror l ()vi~er ocli1111 1. ilt'.onvti n N111 ill betoat Hinlt i i ilitoll tito t he ihldsiri-F 11 itsi ii 111111 ilplt ye r, '. ar shmi~teforit ~nitsillt We nlps w i lit ihll ug t t h stg taio s, a a mtt eJogf t lm tm s it«he apptotritedtoNthe Irk o ftotithel oal .i111 to-'. ill cll- si rare trl -oI ni liiis In o111ecion wit th ineret wi chli isco ti n i xi in11d1le tli in lilth 11atn ion to the l t 11 ilitIu et tlo ill ii w ih i iir ll t 11 t on1IIdis-i lei h ficof t h staitc ass1111 .1I i m iiith lttma in l oft- e \e i liii'. , 1'.cris ir Illcha t ittt 1c 1111s lit - r 1 ri d l -t t h f r ii t ( Ci I- Nitl r1111 Ii' N ss CnINNIN~l~r cas~rt 1:lic FIN II 11111 Ncray Tis 1 11 tame ti rll I n l o Jltivt'.it levntwihii NNllIto i tt aiti I' . M iteiti ld utoiah A flitd t Po1111100l ol iih l- eten 1"m a 11 it itW (I1 Nril-I i C'tIN I - IN xrt tll,,; the idea has met with ed api rw,':O so far arad hope hrc trr thhs afternoon at -. C t'illliaSlI : II .1 n ar I. ______ --- ___ _______- ____ Il'r - 1 111 1 i ttiti'fNE . 111 1 L It 1 0 -_i Oio lwa aqe of tNefr titIi 11 lt nl ti i i ttiot ilti neAt or 0 ia to-1 lilt illaItil thelii resent t neet s ofi u hetl univerFity, ithto _111nlle1-e , te pupos lof roni'oltthe linterest1 itol stret-elwhere ereceivthe ltier C ~opolitittlnl),ls tellig iofhit dauhtg~e'sl matriage . AnutseatichNIigan tt th" tose ratt- go-odi itigso fi lilet- a e 'i:cll ilh l ith~ ite eepetsenujoytm-ett-o and1111for titiott itile Nunhimi wthichtFt ttothanklihe tilwers-litate, Itihita vcto. itie "atf ithie stige. IF It s cililedlcit- - - to tars. it Cortnt-ll liest I 011111't_\ G. I I l111 li Vrritl{>i\, smi i, i i N helocalt l lait, t h iwll 1 11111of111 itFiI an tinnlhs ad af-oabe ely it till igiu v iplve t t illiterlwlilte C ims lit i1111111lay I m ii Ist ii ii tilu e ari thc 11111 Wll llluuluuluthe haoup tt'- meua till II iliiti"ptltmentif lie yearb nwn~wr i ee C Some Show Th eCr m o Chest Belive U