-. E 1 ICU A1VANIALY Reserved FOR Sam Bur.. Cl'ifie Ann Arbor's Leading 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House 1.tci titittit i L 1;1' i 51-t tioml is the teme'that has' lwol sel ct~ fr th na ion St uMichigant dilloc tob hed t iotl sitor, Newt )S tk Slthuh tteveing, i 'igit ar 4 ticl~cts'ti tnctt '1111 tabes t111eihthae ee araiv S r ikt sli llr$.oec :md ;)lao~s im-one ithosand Cte-e j)1'7 't1C'l. T'ic ets and eatilt; a54 i1 OFii9IX TF'StlT( ttS.'t't R;1t Proft.t1,"d tard '1) 'tJones twil tddrss't 111111 1Nitli i ,ti tjan the su jlit " heCll serva ttin ofi Out Nat1111li 1e111urce1s1 at ttits rlametnSaudyveig ne ilsiys'temttof spcec1licsI byisoie ty timber w111 iill hei nauguralt ed a'ttil thlis time. t iiiltonit of sh'11111 io rp i m n w ill he th s'bjtit oft I th i t membersti ha'eii been selct ed111 IItoulit ill iii vatrioust'usestof th eanecotell i n pub-i l tic i speak11 ingtn iite i iii III III 1111111m11111r1 laws wi i lind till'ptil lilt lilt meettting ill'fore Chiristmas, tialtintiht . Te new11 ien1w111' bti AD.1 1 , il i I N 'TE STto'ING '11111AM, i et il ing OuiIlt iv lt I iili ,vNItitir ,', l will he1 the) subje' t ofiit an addresslti 'bt Ir ini Koch'bttt' rt hetttt ill', t~ frysoity et auratveioTh Debton th odPint!ofmanyThos th deiini man good pargsofmnts otax h e dcdiin its favors. $35,$4.00, $5.00 $6.00 THE TWA-EY.'.BOT SHOP 115 m"AIN SI ". SOUTH ' t It's alw ays a satisf ac- °ein tot os ri h n0' ue ab u t 1 > You can look to this ________ store for rig~ht clothes. ________ AlarmHA ockAN, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Alarm Cloc' 79 Alarm Cloc l.~ i l tlls ttlttttt uutihe Alarm Chotust c ' 'l lI'(fiii Wateh Repair. lug I $s ttly _________________ 111E___FARMERS__________1-114 S tIS M~t AIN iAN i URO N tI h CAlh -al --ie _____srg _til1 Capital $00,000 Suplit atitProtiltstott (l rtf qui. Xcvc-r)se n I I'lLls G~eneral Bankintg tttt-,ttt-', . p ail 11)11ti ar < I+ 1.\tll , littittit posiOtfoxesto nt stitt$l'O0and'tlti vi, _________________ itAtt, ~ rr ITS I141 R TIAN'"11ll 1 'es 1SliS( '1t1tANIX0[tS _____________________________________- 111 i. & 'Coititt, Sititti atid Fretnchi The Ann Arbor . I tI iilt114 191.Wt (I'ai-lia nent .u- [)rill I [ . Palurkt ...I.1)111 ai m n 1.t' Minit y headel .......B. UttH i tne Sibteit.ii Retilt e , I a he IA k 1111 t titk.i, 1 L111 n1e11 iW.t' W. tiNega 11 i t titv- .J.R itit 1 ,t111 it lii- itf. 'ell l i ll deiveraise ies ll ifctur s t'ii -An rcytt e tseeleri Htti'tltmtt. Vice Pros'.:Ii11. J.1 it .1 ' sii STATF SAV INGI BANK l'a it a l l I i I0 ttp t '>0 1.1 iii a la'ltv:5 FIRST NATIONAL o :$N E.i 1). KINNt IFIl 1N -ii Pres. 'ic tt- c, ink iii t titll - icpic I~n Sot N. . i- Ph I ot o~-. f N 1211 iii rs. ,I1 s i~lale i id it HATS CAPS SWEATERS JERSEYS PLEATED -SLIFITS NEGLIGEE SHIRTS FLANNEL S TIRTS NECKWEAR' HOLE PROOF and INTERWOVEN HOSIERY - - -- Deep ' (' m ttll' III ontilt l i ckilet t rou1t11 fl111 & (ICtoitior, 'Tailors anditClean rod t i'tt onic. ;o. calls - 1', n St Si . -i)O>5. The xv ticli an;II',- a 51e1t r~r~ N[i't'i pitN;t itslf't''1d i'lsNteasSIJ ihfiOSSt .t) MONOiNfiISt ' tilN- FRY Stir It ('Chitmasoift. Gwt 'm "Always the right thing;''t the right time" WADHA MS &CO PANY 121-123 Soittlain 41Street c I ~ tuM t helit- ,()Iivltiest' antthait's kclI-i-i-htheIt s [0 t itt-crc' ittitan . 0. Fu lDresn Cote A complete line of handsome and distinctive Imported Cloths to select from. Why nol let us show you? WAGNER & CO. IE O State street TM O Did Youi Get a Red Card ItIo Why Not? It not come in and we will tell you about it. A $1.80 Bottle for 25c 41for $1.00 for a few days only BROWN'S rugStore 122 S. Main St. r SELF SERVE SUPPER (eaned IOysters and t'oll, Haked Beansanod Pumpkin IPie, Coffee and Dui milt;and Christmas Sale Home. Made CandyIEnglihTt'ttIa, Gerant tU0oflte. or The Blue lTea Room Sunday from 3 to 7.30 13.3- Orders taken for special parties 1221 S. UNIVEiRSITY AVF, Phone 1606 Ca :aeand Baggage ItI- I Tiiiii t' 110111m doort, the -:5Iii20Cents.,Ifcarr-iedito hi t-,tiilthprite will be it rttit ;i 3t c le tC s tiitliN& CO. 41st year PJDICT1O tasL1 m- 41st y*nr I.. QVIT. 1100(5 1.' Aese. Arbor LEGAL MIS CEK LANY Annao Arbor Calla N ~aCo Arn. Arbarrr' s..n, ta~t 'Ztr'eet. OrapntnsteLas'.8!~d¢. Friday, Dec. 2, P. M, and Eye, Congregational Church Portrait Studio- 319 East H~uron Street