~Ii I? MICHJIGAN DAILYP GHOI WILD CO. 311 SO. STAFF STREETa Opening Display of' Fall and Winter { Styles "ULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIA LTY 31'5 r 8E STEET The Student-' Typwriter Supply Co. Ror 4 P r rtuOess Opst~e Majestic A few best offers l~i i - ~ tiiX 1 tisl ? (11' Pric THE MICHIGAN DAILY.' Managing IEditcr-fo in. A\WHITE. E Business Manager-NORMAN 1I. HH.L. ElDITORIS. News Editor ... lt....1arciti Titus A ssistat........I tarry Z. totz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Ahssisitn ....... J. FedtLawtiot Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore E Ixctrarges aud Files.... Dion S Birney EDITORIALSO. :1ritrur J. Abbott. G S tbashrer PautltLeidy. NIGHT EIaTORS. A. J. Wohlgermulir. I-larold McGee.' 1 tarry G. Myser. Maurice 'Tosrirsr. l,rrlk Isennell. t'.rwardRobtier.' Losiren Roiirrorn. Robert Gillette. J osrr 14. Cox. F. FE. Straw, Jr. Ftt ill IKocht. Oscar Becckmtarr. EncetBuruit. It. M~. Wakieldr. ola . lossnrle'y. \Vaitace hVcb r. Grlit J. ,lay. tFrsrrrstt 'Taylr C. H arold iplrer. J. Selig hellent. BUSINESS STAFP C. A. Bdowmsarn. A. R Dilley. Mlyer Rurbirr. Kernnetht Osborr 1, ay Josonss. lTrrerP. Griersorn. ( . H. K teirrrirrk. Joseirrp 'rrsrLcttrr Adrrers: MtCIGtN DAsry, Press B~ide., MiaynrrdstStreet. Oice HIours: Manraginrg Editor,1t2 p. ins. arrd 11:00-11:30 p. to. Drity. Bussirness Mansager, I-5, 7-8 p. rrn., F. cr1p1 Surrday. Bdothr 'phonses oho. ,Mtighti Editor-MAas esToutste UNIVERISITY CALPNDAsR. S.l..CoreUiversitye alI f rrssrttrrrrrrt tttelllllp. S 1. rrrttsr'. hirsit I r. :5 litetrrlbr r . Is'.T'saosriefore Cormr- mercetclubI Etonomrric sruitlirrg, 8:13. iDecemiLber tto-Allsado. od o Chra t's'ss tr. couit Etis C'lisrse' 11hi tret 1psions, 6:oo. Deinbe _''-tt'.2Setiors'Entgineer Dinnetsr M\ichiigant IUntiont, 5:oo. lit stttits r6-Womanst's Leagee etir Verr Pasrty , l arbourr Gymntasiumtr. ti si tslr y-ViolissSonsataRss ecitail, I1igit Schsisi Aeuditosrrumr, 4:15. L 'igh llnst fisi tie'fIrst timie irs tires' carees at.\lihigalsaeaccorueeth ie ig honorCfiwtr igtire tlick ''".'' To sit sir illthsit ilts c otest het honorsi is pt o b al tht i ohlor. As 'sucs it w~wi be a ire hel. Thtse' 'eiht rusnshate iaibored'tharde lndlongto wll teirsweaiCter;tey ha e l.h d f rte'prest'se ofs i'he - () ttih dt haitirs t hsit' irtittlill tha r' tis e seve s.ttrii tit S tey t is .'ot' btstfolltigitets courgeou andthaliststhsallurns- it- prortatr tburg. 1Givinig, ttey reCCC d.i 1 '0C1 '5' I I. ft tSrl Irs justt siis trsaxtitimeeall sri tire Isssrs Mr.\i W.5 ii.iil e rsott~ieis5 .'t W ittirsit rtotrs let apaty o tateiSuna is S irVI- k tir~ ofi i c u te tssst itl ts 11r s ofis sIns hcirtet qu it nthi ast tiit ] leIis prirsert M l It,, il tt hertit't'it it iies. i,)lt is t itte dIlei r tsp rs ighciyi' fsthteisgret'tn's lt'e s'.nst is noittdeludiise1 'lT ti issdri s au ili c te'dualsity,.hissperfect C lsr'- eririis's ing srtu eint se i t r' h te ltttt t sioa dtuhtitin5' it'nit'5'ritt'Ctit C irt'srrr st i tiitr'Gid m a so an i o s ,.tt ',t1r ilhtit 5' ar if'si ests. Sitir thisi r d't ia a d givsrtio iiihsim t\, t sr sssha ss uit I k~d resscgnitsttihis'f I. iicittt'iso t at itigir adrtt'stie'itIti' at er's t han 5 acqur iredit hs lo c i n ast it so"ilt'-S pr surei. 'hait'rss'whs titere i tiissonorin r - l tlA b rwill awa'sit illsswithit titu ig rise '.\i.'' Th'tttsiwls tte r i i ts ti'.ea e'rntt s in ''.'earc , sindser St ewress ltsilt e'- classs ritime'ralsr. Asint" oirtpi r donis ' vi sI s rt. sis:~. when we cam'tto ttcolleg'rmen tradt ' sit iand te list ha tit highiy sitasfr oead nioy r's id scomicalt i ecet'"'byt lUsGcge Site, still Its wer a lasse erseCyilsti ttti Iioi teidg, leeil I' 2zOt te Nets I sistething iof a t tis tspleas sur o kn w W isiss is iitnew ic ren, ttf ttt tis'. tht thats the re' rdi o servceido s tiome, ~ iliamtil11 . 'r'stss' silt asirs ),tshere, age5 and that the badge 'sitsl e o w i'soits'm. SAndi'sr okta trnsss ' lins hisri, just55as it is worsitht.t Husl a555 mn irsits' lit firePiBet Kappahonos'. 55s'eusng'rat' t nt se sits's slh's livt witollt'ithe etditiseisr. ''AtndI stiigtrholdtititngtboth itsi e resined lls oh ater eelcg '' rap'ise is. H isbluffl wsi is ll(tut. MUSIC AND DRAMA r555 'ACi.t' C 5ii'T. Onet'oslits'sostuesle s'ruth esm pl iying ias iatellijist s t si evensiing b tire laerig'ausdits's'wi chii attene'disti i' faty rncert ivn i IliiilitSo halitIlie. i Thefistnuimbert of te rora is the i Sserenadee o i stun sit ,ttIes) for tw vsio55linsanit anosits ichi was is~e errit \llrs. _ le'lila I steisistit hM t'. Ge rg si 1'3.I Rhleasit situ Satiuel 1'.Io' sissi.st ndiss tidle 5fsitm tse ireclit n reitlteirplaing ass istngushe its pure asuexqu isisiisiymdltedits ne, an irsly ar'is tic: is n tsi'retatioits' IrtsHowlandeisanig listsgroustofi sorgst reisagtshtems writsihis ursal is's itCp itte.tssi ittt t spe ilt notaslt er tihe ''Seec'irr MeinsNisti ilit s ,aca( tire Inianis Sonigr if sitd'sit's o tl of sisi'lric d t osp~she ric i tints .1Th 'sssicrrlt saccompanimrsenss is ichstltAliest lDitllev gare tiese stressntin. 'ties tie'thro'ughciouti isell balaincesdIanit desit- eatielysympasrthtic. Albrt Lockewssiod rpistedlihe Not. if tie re rciserinsori5museoet d t in i Iris 55 Cttiieria resital. eitsoirisiyede twos I'hie'titsti Dtinces iof siicttit.l wisich tsere rtceiv edti tenituriasmt. Tihe'serie terr'fic fromsrastechicalespintis if v isis. Wb ith alltesrrrrosur isedesin rosrer"sliet sciaraseterisee Sisertsa as'Weit 'a. rise CinirPioilot'iese's Srito inodrplaedsthtemri rsiisthadsin" breil- iasue'theiatswarsthrir"ngst ofsties- limpanys itint sit dlist' ' v XMaltw Fre itsa stirsdiChar les t it> anh "ivens tire l'iy a slendidsi is' si tire Ni is 's istsis trill hei dent''tic'al is evr us r itiular irswit tht Igite]'sdsrint irs " at titel i'l in T eaits's'. :Nit. 5'.II iii,, .i.Sts III' TSCI Ii it, Sitaie Superinrte'ndisest if Schit ,_'s ,. 55righrtstiltlsaddrss e ltcaitlistsranhso ts' Colltte'siate' St sssssss ass ocs5iaioin5 i Thietiists i m e ting ie hedtu's1 n'iiiltes _~ A nuhrof the sh r t'eechstwiltlsie Stir is is i'runit ili ts h. isitopis's a "te mi'sr."50. The glove store that car- ries a good line of FowNEs GLOVES I is to be depended en. Stens rdesirgto 5'ring ursts fnrint liestr is ttittt f-ion sO'e'a 5555 specialIn- t''erra,leinaite'.thills's' tire Stom " 1346-s .si'I, silts's' tOO 5. I'l. 445-2.' Laboratory and Microscopical Supplies For B'acteriology Physiology Histology Pathology Biology (ioo Csnd Prices Gunaranteed lUniversity Brookstore 11 1 "'r~t I r Wtrit s hetcr than t is i i IHUSTON BROS. 2,5 Scrap Book Oise every Spcilals wekfr2 weeks... 20 cents each-f Oc with any 50c purchase or free with the hest Scrap Book you can huy at any price - upecial picIes are for one 'week oinfytin each pict= ore. PH'OTOGERAPHEIR t I' ti f'It't' 3.95 I She4an=&Co Stu et'Boktr '1 . .Allen's Hand Tailored Clothes Quality is the Argument Main Street Alen's Good Clothes Store Main Street NOW I mq P . _ .: 1 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HLLERWS Optical ...Dept Fine Watchri J r y Repaiing BA YI I RY STOiR[E 216 south Naha St Win. ARNOLD 220 South Main St. COLLEGE JEWELER Sells "THE BIG BEN" Alarm Clack you see Advertised OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 UP Michigan Pins I 25c. to $5.00 Chocolates TICE'S DRUG STORE atnd I etsniritrc. LET'S GET TOGETHER. We unit University Suit Pressing Co. 709 N. University Ave. Beth Phones 266 12 s= . RANDALIL & PAC-K, Photographers .Phone 598