THE ITQHTGAN J)A LV ,; .... Wagner & or Stats Stress Sign ot the big white shoe Th~is cut represents one of the new fill f),jf Iaf shapes of tireclebratedt I( SHOES $4.00 antI $500.3 Fully gnaranteed as to workminship and moaterial. : . f We rmake a Specie dty of Furnishing students' rooms Fraternity and Sorority Houses We cheerfully solicit a call frsmayourair dealisg at fair prices MARTIN HALLEW. Furniture, Carpets and Draperies Reule, Coulin, Fiegel Co lln Come and let us surprise you with the amount of quality, workmanship, and style we can give you in one of our Fall Suits or Overcoats. No store carries a more complete stock of Clothing and Furnishings. Knox Hats Stetson Hats Beacon Hats Spalding Sweaters Manhatten Shirts Perrin and IDent's Gloves and all the latest styles in Neckwear a t t Annusal reception anid social to stut- decnts at the l'ceslo teriass chturch Sat- sirday eveinig at 8:iso. 7s1 cetisig of old Glee club iseis, Michi- gan Untiontiat 3 iso p. is.Itmportant. .All memiber's if rcccptionscomsmsittee of the MichsigantlUnioinarceieqiestcet to mieet at ftecluihouse toinight at 7:30. \leet ing of buisisncss staff of Official Stsuciits'tDirectory staff, D~aily office at 3:00t,. today. There are places for several store stew ieiniif fliey report at on1ce. tDillev. :1ll thoseliavisng Stichsigasn taily stb- sccilstissbokstipslelase cepoctt tay slur- ing Businisess 7sfaisafer's sissis. CLIFTON, 2j-in. high BEDFORD, 2Wki. high 7'tf~otch COLLARS Sit snugty to the neck, the tops meet so front and there is ample space for the cravat. 15c,2for 25c. Cluett, Peabody & Co.,Makers W t roit 1,tssssr:IBranichi office. Call huff, 1247-. 1-tf. Gets te hest guiaraniteeid $s.oo Founii- tan ie t tisliitgs Pharmiaci.s 1-tf MASSAGE Wonand chout ilidrenu traie rsro- nscs,paraiiysiiandsneronsdlefects,51by-special- ists,ntudie aiSargant Schonol and Hiarvard. MISS HARTMAN Roomss 535 Packard Phosa 778-(Bell Ladiss' Hatr Drassng, Shampooinsg, Manicurisg, Face Massate I Rain-Water Shamposos A Specialty usingsSstn I Mirs. J. R.. Trssia'srskt 19 150S. Uiersity +THE LINDA VISTAt One-hatf block north of thse Campus 4 Cioftee and Polls served tilt t0:30t a. in. Board, - $4.00 per week C. J. SESSIONS New Whitney Theatre FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 7 ROBERT In a ptay like no other, as produced at the L ibirty Theatrs, New YesrIt " A Fool There Was" Bdy Porter Emerson Prown Suggested by itplin~s Vasipie Poeiss Itstrtlesbiasee play-gos ie asu 'us lsi o nii ofstrasiast ust s 5nnt Note: Mr. Hiliard will not be seen in ary other Mchgan town this season Schedule of Prices Box Seats .; 4- ji $2.00 1t 4 Rows Balcony $1.50 1st Four Rows $1.50 Next 4 , , $1.00 Next 8 Rows $2.00 Last 8 ,~ 75c. Last 8 Rows $1 .50 Gallery 50c. Seats Now Se1ixng The Neatest Place in Town For a Delicious Luncheon You shiould tose ao the isbecomng aquantedt wits MACK'S TEA ROOM A cy piace tor a dainty lnceh or a delghtul repast Service a i carte SeodFloor Mack & Company sWe invite you to call 'j and gt a Souvenir §0> fr your room ~ At Full Line of College Kii lothes fo young chaps ,~ ,, ~ that want style Me's Furnishings7 a9