THE .MICHIGAN Ts , ~ LET MAL 7COLM MAKE IT YOUR FULL D)RESS AND) TUXE1)O $35 up 1 18 EAST LIBERTY I f UNIVERSITY NOICE~ ()t \twlle!) m n ictti t n1 J t t- S 11 litt Jlt ii 1 n 1 e ?): ,< .4: a l. n)1. ti t it l 111 )( it. Tappan nd I_'IivIt-siy thalls ca lb .I tlti-itoday a it lnt i l t i Fuini ng si'N i ldw s 1 l iig recipt f r cues 11,1V Obt111 m ll)~ I 1 1 7 r i I 1 1 I Granger's :school of Dancing ' itt WclaLSSW tiny ititin liThe ternsi it-1itit iii iii yitaddi Clases fr Ladies and lentern Tuedaniy ad Thursday lEvenings, 7:00 to 8:00O 'tlok. For Patrticulaors call at Aademy or Phone 246 Hentry and Comlpahny Ta 'iloi-s and lrrdshei-s to Men 711 N. University Ave. Anti Arbor, Mich. I I I r -_ THE OLD PLACE Laof 1. E ' KIN GEK ft CO. RainWaterShmpo A Specialty All'c'olM a nd J 'owes. eailirdbeore Wo avea fo si sockof rine 1 ,itn nt I - I AT TUTTL.E & CO. BAILEY & EDMUNDS Liunclh Roomtfl (.tntFihig 't- a tianAmmtitiin You can find a tine line of Confectionery Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Mihigan - I Hotel Cum berland S. W. Car. Broadway, at 54th St., NEW YORK Ner5t t Stw yad5d ' lvtd U '. KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN College Men Always Welcome Special ['erms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof rransient Rates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All, Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. I i C 1 r t i Reduced- Fares CilICAGO0 US.Landand ri . onI: iveSck '.poit n Michign aeNoenteral1 vidnuatiutntilatritlitan ih.Cil fliaff, 1247-J. i-if. VOCAL INSTrRUCTION Stiodied two years in Par-it toiel in HELENE ALLME1NDINGER Pupil of King Clark -Majestic=- TONIGHT Church City Four Beot of Mate Quarteto Coming Thursday TOONA Full Blooded Indians Singing French and Italian Grand Opera ALSO JOE WIHIITEMHEAD Munsical Comedy Star 1 fE i . .a -THREE THINGS TO DO Join the Union Belong to the Athletic Association and SUBSCRIBE TO The MI C'% ig qan[ ally $3.00 A YEAR $2.50 IN ADVANCE JL 0 Did You Get a Red Card It Not, Why Not? It not come in and we will tell you about it. A $1.00 Bottle for 25c 4 for $1.00 for a few days only BROWN'S DugStore 122 S. Main St. Michigan Central CHANGE IN TIME Eftect Sunday, Nov. 2Zth, important changes will be made in the time ot Michigan Central trains. ' For particulars consult ® Ticjet Agent New Whitney heatre Curn.. l8.15 P. M. La a es n-an~o sateld narxl-ptly- Friday Evening, Dec. 2 CHIARLElS FROHIMAN Prena WM. H. CRANE In His Greatest Laughing Success Fat'her and theDoys tilto 35-50-75-$I-$1.50 A Few at $2.00 SEATS NOW SEiLLINGi Saturday, December 3 Matiftee anad Nljjhfa THElSORIGINAL Sntiii-iin r l- i i r e, Chiii-g. B "JEVERLY Dramalted from the Novel Beverly of Grafstark JUS TINA WAYNE no BEVERLY CALHOUN A Stirring Romance of Love and Laughter PRICES Matinee: 25-35-50 Night: 25-35-50-75-$.00 -Seat Sale O~pen.; Thursday UNIDESO THE MANAGEMENT OF Harry P. Stlnson, formoerly witlh HiotelIperial. K. J. Blmjjhan-, formuerly with HIotelWoidoward The Blue Tea Room tipenititiyp rt,i:30 a, M. t0i :30 1).ttt Sunday from 3 to 7:30 P. M. Orders taken for special parties 1221 S. UNIVERSITV AVE. Phone 1696 Col lege Laund ry FINE HAND WORK Bell 1633 J 606 E. Liberty St. .ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP tioppositete -cric tWaitint Rooe GE~O. V. STALL, Proprietor 4 Doors From " Freddie's " 11 wl i ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES ' MILAR, ETAIL OR Till' -BEST OF EVERY THING UN TAILORING