fm 7 Tis Space Reserved FOR Sam Burcilfied ::" & Coo :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Atarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Folly Guaranteed Watch Roe*.lrirxa Specia~lty 1111f FARMERISS AND MECH1ANICS BANK MAIN ANt) HURON STREDETS Capital$510.000 Surplus and Profits$l0,0 (eneral Banting IBusiness. 3 percent paid on Timnd n')Savinsoe g posits. Safety tDe- polsi loara to renl t 52 x.00 and upwards 1. 1.00'P, Prey'. 11. (:. P'nor)' rOAN. Vc-PrI's._ IL A. I) so. .ahier F. T. STOWF, Asst. ifhe Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capia1. Nock 1, 10,00011Surplus 050,000 Res"ourceas1$2,010.00 .A CeernaltBanking Businsus Transactedt llrrrrurta:Chas . E.Hiareork, Pros.; W. 0. lrirlooan. Vic'e Pres.: 1. J. Fritz,Cashier ST ATE SAVINGS BANK o o o -( 10 X ,) 0o 01 Wa, l. loon), P'ers. lWsa. Arnrold.Vitcers. t.1. Wlilo, lCashier Comosareoxsrcles.l .~d Coc. Mok ino xd LbertyStruets FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN ARORa, MICHs. KI. 1). KINNEI, llAtR tSON SOULS Pres.V ire- tees. rI. V'IA11IlIOuN, Coshler. Ca pi 1. 1,i 1 0 '0o1,u lsandolProfits, 565.000 J I r i s p CLASSIFIED A)VE 1 WXNTl ' 0 T'Vottiud-'A voloredtiterolro I houste. Appirly ieiatly Oakland, phone 355. WatdA frtcasSePrmanent work. Coil in 00 evenin1g. Morr0ill & Grt North Univ'ersity Ave._ il'Llined-Srcotd-hooo tenn'11i godcndto. hn 78ted-Suite 11f 0101)s11near puso. XWrite, gilvitnglocati1n obre1price,ot once. ii. S. Michigoan Union. LOST. host-OtibolevardtI'011 Tuesdi oprn-fatcedrtch010 P11wit ill) Mll on sock. 1).C'. S. fool Ch'aorias1. Marks. IRewa Mon~tlroeSt. host-Sco1tch)Coilie, white11h yellow ody)01, tlil) atirsaest nme o iRow 1505. Rewtad. 1t1ISCICOLANl?1711 C) Comon1)thte 'Ideali 1100110 "evryothintg 1j11trigilt.' 717 .0 4 I6 i ~i t pay00111 u1')'', icets fl fo nt ai I-aplr 303"i)_3___ 4 01111 1001 IO), i Il)afer o 'et1he1 pices,', vaioll 2-tf heale 1s1)1 ''y1ur .i 10t0uu l )))li)and oos raqet 0 1)0 10Sk0n)'. e)-1, Ci 3-d. - TiC- an r S o ot's ron c lou 4 , 122'1Fast 1 1111) the1ea. o0 a- t f. )i lC l )) Sk ineras 1t 011)) pri. Sl hsi w eek~o a)5ci ollac d { li 1115101)) 1 kt. god p n 2in4 3-I' (0 __________________ September and June are faroru10)Ii apart to peromit of some quiete o iarkoolon chtanges. Style in Shoes, fttr intaace, changes radilly each0001 seas011 The ptrchaser of WALK OVEIR 01hoe0s1101 the 1po ooo aaissuran00e0tht hlis ;lioel a-e not moerely uptpo-dot' but tliat they set then pacn of fashion. $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $6.00 THE WALKC-OVER BOOT SHOP 115 MAIN STREET, SOUTH D S' proprietor. Potler &O'1 Conn1)or, Sto'a'oa 110)' cleaners0. Repiinig. 61o lloootptaceoo 1cat. Cono)))0 1100.1) b-y otto coffee. \\'rneo'a 1n,0)1))'s Mayna'oordt Street. r1 if. TiHlE KtCItttFtMUSIC' S''C'tliS. Piono, Pipe COrgono, Vooict Cull 001, Conepoallion. .332 Soooo ~ii >lal))Si- C ollon '1 11n cn and'o1 . 1 10,o'llo AIt'. oi)ls 01) 00)11;t 1'ic ill 'll(,1 I' ll., 111 at1 C'))1) tai Y. N I. . C'. 1 or 1l ' ) rron Sito'c Si. 3-1 "1 , tl I . , , 4 ;, - , i , ., i I ' ::} I , ;'' / ' ,: i .A Students It's always a satisfac- tion to look right and be sure about it. You can look to this store for right clothes. _ is lj f f r i I 1 r I J f' d ,III ' ' I ; , -- o a 1 1, c)) l la 00r ol"To'e s'iolaInJ. 0() o 1 1 1 foot liono'pi1011))ttmin)11. 1 1 ihert1)03- 50101, y D11t1o0t0 books11)a1) rs, C 1)(Studnt5 cn1 asers wantd)to)l) oil')? C'allHuff,lti247J 01->, )1il)0)1rosca] t l f of E iri) Scoo0000101) icao 32t;1)1aonord 1 .-i pIa in Skoinnooera1101))'s vno ? hsi nlo a 1 1 ,It') o Cu aoooo's a l-a i -t. are offered att Iholf' 150)0')) 0 1)11))) we'o'o' l y $2) ens151 $ ; Va'ues,,1)1)1a5,nIed1.our110)11 1 111)111 loo 1)15 $o.30; $3.00o 5)1(o l ooond pesoori0 thm11c t11I ;.5)%llar))h .Prorts" or "Studooto ecals,"$0000.111 n 5 0 Sh o oho. 11 $5~ 100)1,'$3.05' SAsklo r111 51, 1 1Pens__.__4._ Pinl l e tood l ol 111)sic Supbplies tLongman'sl a"Mt" Sorap-1)0oao, . a t1 Solo oo lc &T116501)0 a1u1)1)1 1101) 11o1 theo' hast r'ottcan1)1y1th ny01 ice 54- 1(). )S ) 51)1Sre 1t1. HATS CAPS SWEATERS JERSEYS PLEATED SHIRTS NEGLIGEE SHIRTS FLANNEL SHIRTS NECKWEAR HOLE PROOF and INTERWOVEN HOSIERY "Always the right thing at the right time". WADHAMS & COMPANY 121-123 South Main Street FALL WOOLENS WAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors call your attention 1o their collecti' n o1 seasonable woolens for men's wear. Careul attention to details and prompt execution of orders merit your patronage. 303300 Soth State Street Hniwp University Made in Ann Arbor 11t usc H usc (' choolofto Factory Sae of Msson and Bungalow Furniture .S ch o15 fo1)0ew 1ayso 1) a olr tmsptoy atho'troo1m,)10 I Libty StreetS Press Buildinug, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. School of Music (net a)o-o1) ou110'sot 1 ac toy). Tis itt 'OlUiaOt''1 1'1,'ItoI M u i a topa tad oot p11c1s01studnt dtsks, is dave1nor1)) 1t: looarI MaynardStreCttabloanet. nillhe;isold'tmio C duoslyalo w tprtos Buy now before Maynrd Sreetthese pieces are closed out tUiversity tudentts who owint to tke music.; suletmentary to1 Come1-P Ckt Ftsrrnittlre Comspan'y rgooar studies otay do sottatt the Univeraity School tof Mtusic. Slot Corn ete line of Classics and Latest in Operatic and Popular trnts who desie to stdty mosic bu ho onlt)Iost lwishitote toa regulat' coure trding to grotto- Pianos for Kent eatstad atlikerllessn"e sspecial st-L A v ~ii detInst"'-d tson"in what'__________________ cvr1btrano'thety ewish. The scatlron of the School of 41st yar DICTIONYARIES 4st yer EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR GIBSON MANDOLINS Miolcoino'ide with te Oniver- ls Quiz BOOKS in tending to take mosi should ar- Ann ~Abo LEGAL MISCELLANMY Ansn Arbor' Irangeefo it at one.__________________________ * Fortt'u)011pariuars and illu- TY I t " trttt d cato'tdtrs, calt at theof0c, C j. hIaG O> Uu v riy M scHiiu Ctt~ALES A. SINK, Call CHIAGO~ o tbecrtasy. Ann Arbor SBeach.Stat Stret Opposite La'wr Bdg. Portrait Studio- - 319 East Huron Street