THE. M fC:FTT LA .N 4 YOUR, THANKSGIVING ATTIRE Thursday, November twenty Fez.four is THNANKSGIV ING - t you w~~~aiill atyu i'adOvercoat ready;, but:not ready etade. lly ordering here yon will note S only get the best that can he produced inihand t itorisgand" / X, ~4~ made to your order, S will save ive d d1tr on a ra ingle order. Our tOrercoatingO are in a - claso by thenselves. Look Today,. J. RLM ALCOLM 118 East Liberty I .ran er's School of Dancing ;ix v 'ttstime. The term begins when youdo. 6lusecio;r =itisand Oc to aTuesday adlThursay Evsenngs, 7:00 to 80o'tosnck. tar Parliul11,,; ,tiltaii Academy or Phase 246 I .l H emry nd Com pan ry. I ThJors e2rnd I 'trxshers to Men I UNIVERSITY NOTICES ITe Preslit i rial .Fyc~ 6l holdi a'lTitttsgviitg so itigt, 8 oN i 1o io:0 . N iare tirili llytisyitcti - aftend. Ni io i ~ a is i ii to a ti fc ii 'ia to tlndIuai ' to ' i iar ll ii ll 1 ciat Mr. II ~ oa.% p ilxi r viled fe r rc p i' Ft "Crinsi~tiCl "eeatisalis y611illh, lti ias fllws FIridgyciitt 400 Fid, ciht loris at7'0oa.M.iingingt Saurdat,.cist at o 00-. i ii Saurdlyis tIoiii it',i :o00p11111 A reglr VWititIttu Leeprywl le hldiinBarbur liigI liitltfrom11 :00 lto (1 00oltciotls a atroo Frsh ttsI _ : unattt lsssartss petndedc tuntitl o if \\ acotsliii gi i dress, class thereiad ee lto N. F. P'ilcy, 228Paeart , ifr inlforitio etoncernititgaumitiassitea ti. Rgula r meetinhg itof laNi StuN.ti iatietat li7:30. TIlte M citit~v, so ht ill t b, tisuedlFriay r tudaty i. 111licaio CLIFTON, 2 ia. high BEDFORD 2 i. high 2'4'tch COLLARS Sit snugly to the neck the tops meet in front and there is ample pace for the cravat. 15c., tr :5c.ClettPebdy& Co.,Mkers Detroit Latindre Bratci oi'c. Cit. Huff, 124-J.ti. VOCAL INSTRUCTION Studied two yearo in Paris and IBelini EHELENE ALLMENDINGER Ppil at Kig Clark BuilestHours; !Isex Pit. stittitWane Blek. 303. Sat' St. New Witney Theatre Custatis $.1$ 'M .a. aCOVIoi & 6Seatedssroyhtatiy. 711 N. Vv ,ivera iky Ave. Saturday,November26 Matiiaeo arid Night JO,8 . A(IlTENS Iii<". 1N l i i o tin Eyes. A Gay ILitleSisterrto THREE TWINS 1y0the sameAuthorstilth Cecil Lecan and Florence Holbrook A Lare man'itlyiand ttuFiverTits itt Girls.tSwas. iBrotile's and it oWItt l' tl " Prices Miainee: 35-50-7'5-$1.00 Prices ight: 35-50-5-$1-$1.50' Seat Sale Opents Thursday Monday, November 28 KLAW & ERLAN118R Prevent MR. NAB x. IN "The Captain" By Geo. Broadhurst and T. C. Dazey In "Thor Captain" Mr. Gootdwin has achieved one of lisa old time succesues unit has a real Goodwin i rcical comtedy. Prices-38-80-75"$1-$1.50 Seat Sale November 2th Ann Arbor. Mich. ) Cuberland. S. tn is a11 .,~NEiWYORK KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN ~N't~5College Men Always Welcome a Special Perms for College Teams (It Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops ft~5 ~and Central Park ~ ' New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof STransient Rates, $2.50, wills Bath, and Up. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. OIJat. THElE MANAGEMENT OF Harry P. Strnamsc, fitrmterly swithi HotelIssperial. P,. J. B ira hmm borsmerly wits Hotel Wosdoward 1 aj/IjI t Exta rsMatinee CIJ~.~IiL~ Thanksgiving Day ________________________ Night Prices ANNOUTNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY li spto tilt Stosatital Ott and Great Success of Gus Edward's Schtiol lots and Girls, this Act will Reomainthi' Entire Week. The Ret of the Shtow Ch)anges ,iolirely. Program for THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURIDAY Re-l'titgttgcnient of School Boys and Girls WXithli in B oc I lhe Sassy Girl,(Great Company tif Hlapply tnintg Y ongsters. JOE KELLY ALBURTUS Celice Wit .1 Phenominal Juggler EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION JI K. Murray and Clara Lane The1Emient Opi tit SItrs in a Travesty on Otpera ,,,.. 11 Pilt. 1lie ilemantdliii stiat his betnomottutss. Tremendouscrowtia eil bte ini at tentdtance. 'Reservei'your seats in advance ftr Matinee aid i iglil .Tlianksgiving Bay iree list entiely suspended. t Y Chocolates TICE'SL1YRUG STORE College Laundry FINE HAND WORK Bell 1633 J 6116 E. Liberty St. n'Ladies' Hair Diassiag, $hamspooing, 5Masicria, asMassage RanWtrShamapoos A Spetially Ais tiltostan' 3ii el itbefotre Mrs. J. W. 'FT,. ,lansk1 i15110. Uses raity THE OLD PLACE REINGER Ct CO. We hav e a fresh sosck of Prince Aibert and Tuxedo inii pound and4 pound cans and jars. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP oppyoite siiecttitOWaiting Rosa GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Doors From 11Freddie's" CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under Hiuston Billiard Parlors .Charlie Weigand, Prop. BAILEY & EDMUNDS G uns, risking Taekle and Ammunition vay fittiog a specialty Liberty 3t. Ann Arbor, Mtolitgan Reduced Fares osrthue RouandiTrill to C H I c AGO0 U. S. Land and treiga, ion Ex- position and Internatiotial Live Stock Exposition Tckets on sole Novembtesr t12i1, is IS ad 30th and D~ecembter 1. 1911.tRe- horning ha tease Chilcagot oo lateso validation, list nut later tha iusitttu eg Decesiber I5,t91. Fsr Parhtilara s oclt Agent Michigan Central Family Bijou Theatre, i ALWAYS AHEAD IN ,STYLES MILAD T IE TAIL ,R THlE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING