The Md Vol XXI SIGN CORNELL FOR DIAMOND CONTEST Wolverines Will :Meet Ithacans In Place of Games With fI Ca holics OUTLOOK ROSY FOR 1911 TEAM Cornell's sua of ball tossers will a'_ pear on IDrryfeld siamond (uring tle cooming spring for the first toe in may ears. nnoun cenent sas made iby Di- rector larteine \Wednesday that twOn games ari been seteulsed with tle Ithacans, one of swhich will ie played hij Ann Arbor ont June 3. Cornell wil- tus takete siater onste baseball she- stir left vacantbth ie disontiutaneeof athletic relaionstheii Notre Dame. The oher Corsel-Mieigatn gameswill be staged at Ihaca twhile te\oiser- ttes are onthieir easterns trip. Arrangr- ttetts for sthis tril are tosv being con- itetetd. Thecestew sith te Ithacan, wrhicht sill eitse te jusnke, has beett set fort ists 27. The Prittcetont gatte will be playretdstt May 24 atdonth ie day beteetn, gtttes till srbaly be playe withste Methstdistsoat Syracuse. Tff srpill opsens attCoisluus were Hll isandsi till faceete tOhio State ite oi Stusrtat, Max 20, andttw so other Bck- eye sehostitiwtill lbe visited othie open-? itgidys stf tse followitgweek. Besidlete Corsel gaae, two b hotme cotests till be played twith Syrs.1 cue whtisieh is sxpetedi to comte west of ususals \\esternt Reserve, shiciehsprovet st'ttngpenoussghsitto eatsCach Rickey's ptupitls last yer,swil agaisn come In A Ast rbsor assril sosio. S. U. atd soeother Ohiois sggregtiots. Oi State ihas decitedit ressusme itercol egiatse asebaslianssas mst tade prepara- tiontotturnIslts tat twintntig teat. \tr;ttess tsv veF',TRstNx tATFlttA. ON HAN. Btrsanceh Rike hassagaiss beets se- csuredili tst sich ts sWovertne ise. ast year isv satssrprssingy scessfu thsa sbunchseisof greeinstaterial, and wthstrslve sf te tlistees ses twho wth ie "\1"1lst55p1rttg inscseool asd eligiblte, tse Miigttstatm sosltit- deedi be strots",IEsterohs is the otly msemtbier ofthe st tot tteam shho isot ex- petedeto isisv onsshand whn stpracice starts. Catatsssin il, frst basse ; Walsh, esaecher; SmthltCampbshiell, Verieyn. piehers;11Camspell, scondstiIsase ; ar- lis, sort stips f ottlrosps.tirdi base; Wastntser, left fieldI;IBatses, center field; 'Mitchell rights fieldi; stndi Drake, in- fielder,aseetesveerasswhelo till be back. D~espite te faclttutere till be an "XI" mtoshsandssl ts ilt eery positions is is not5 certains that tiertill all ssake goosds, as tesew ssmterial 055 and is espeialy promssising. Of the fresh it whio assistedinit puting downssthe class chasmpiosipis "Shotry" Meillan, short slop; Fischer, castcher; asd Bell, pitcher, give promsise of msaskisg places oss the Vsrity, squsad.L sssssssshsatbeess mes- tissised as a prmtising aspirant for cat- cher. Oher sess sf experiesnce and abilits' sre knownsossItbe itsschool and are expectesd to turnsoul for te team. Elliott, Borleskc, Bensssey, Scully, Myers, andsiBeardsley of te players whio were (Canisued on Peg. ) ANN ARBO gan ____ RM ICHIGAN, T H Ul~RS DAYs's, Nfl''EIIIt I:R 24, t1ld . No. 45. CELBBRA TED SOUSA ~' S'~jV"'N;Sl CONFERENCE TALK COMING TOMYORROW \ '~,,~~ s ~takes uin aslls AMANlI WS PROF. SMALLEY TO EXPLAIN LATE DEMOCRATIC SUCCESS. Alpha Nu will listen to a talk by Professor Smalley on "The Real Reas- on for the Recent Success of he Deso- cratic Party in New York State" a its regsular meeting on Saturday, Noier~ber 26. The remainder of the program will cossts of the followisg: Csrrrnt Eents......,J. L. Pritfose Sybil Reading........... Sybil Editor Debate : Resolved,_ That te University of Michigan siould include Friday its s Thankgiing vacatiosn. Affirnatie-C. N. Keinsssuck anti Le- lasnd Brisbee. Negaiive-Lousis Dntsons asdX. 1. Clark. TEAM BANQUETS SATURDAY Big iEntertainment Planned by De- troit Alumni for Champions T'he banquet which will be givess in Iosnor of Michigan's tgto football teaso by the Detroit Alumsi associationi on Saturday evenisg till be sered as H armoose hal in Detroit at 745. All the members of the Varsity squad. te Reserves, the members of the Boars of Cosstrol, the Varsity had, Lysdons assd "Sully" will be te guests of te occasion. They sill go on te special car which will leave Attn Arbor at 5:3 o'cock The baasd will take part ithie prograsm,ILyndon will exibi Iis slides and "Sully" is expected o lead te cheering Any Mihigan tas, otier 1 hast the ivitedi guests,must bity' adol- lar o secure a place at he big reiast Cbut hr will be made ery welcome. Congressman Denby has cosesnted to 1act as toastmaster ad will call upon te fllowing for addresses: Ed. Shielss attorney-General Kuhnt, Toot May, Re- WetCodd, Johnm Aderson, asd judge tiosmer. OLD DAILY MEN RETURN TO FORMER STAMPING GROUNDS. During te past few' days seeratl otld Ms1catcssoD~snrs'mess ae visiedi lil 1editorial roosms to look over te "sop" otter agains and get acquainted witi thte Smembers of the staff. IAmonsg tie number were A. If. Me D ougal, 'otE., Ge.,II. Hobart 't8. Robert Cancy, ad V. V. MNit. Hienry i-. Loell, '95., of Cicago, ei- tor of the 'sicigant Bullein, the Cica- go Ausmni monthly, also paid he offiee avsit. JOINT TAFFY PULL WILL BE HIELD THIS EVENIN7G. A taffy ptll for bot . W. C. A. ads . M. C. A. nmesmbers will lieihedinit SNewberry Ial from m7:0a ts 10:00 tisi evening. Prof. Claude Vats Tyne twill Sgive a short talk, Robert Baley till sing, Joe Horner will give several piaso selectionms, and "Ctury" anis is downs for a series of stuntss. All S. C. A. nmmers are ivitesi ts atend this affair. MIANY AlSlI NGstVAMeNATID.m 1.Nearly nine husdredsudesishae Ibeen vaccinated asite uiversiy ihospi- tals during te past week or ess days, as a result of the orders poted othie camptus regarding the danger f small- pox infection. March King to Give Customary Program of Diversified Selections sissiil~ tiitil, t(' ''5 ra ise Is11et(si pay'u foi B isst. hecl ct i sis hi 'tlt.arus1ill1is: han softi he s as 'ssi Isutisicl' s h lttoii i5a5s, it 1h LEAVES FOR EUROPE SHORTLY 5 s is'lisu i i Johnsss Phlsipi Soss~ s ussand Ihis fn)l' s i ' ii ssuulist lbut accos'isgo pres ent htanstlwill slaytoisusiorrow eit 's uis p isis1 the us iui''s't ~ts s it il l 1: se i us)n Ii u S. I. . cou'ttr'.'. Thy last tissu e s gv i t s iaItetuiiuii ;. bi assissst'rw hrettiitsi, cvi ca t iniCmisis-- versitr hushlstast tit 'ii tandisty GAME MUST DECIDE TITLE ro0011s s sssoltd. litsie Is ll sandtswo sloists steetsssptssss himss "in s/strii Roost,opranou. sud 'MItSS' \illtslnl Saturday M''orriing Wiii See Ciose of Zedieler, violissist. 'oitheslits t i'uits Ciass Championship [Race for at leasst thsree vears will be sgit''sirhr' sil e uit mwits' ii in tecls fie tsill sasiii i t iit onitllitourolithe rds M nag r .'l i ll li hs hIis suiat afier ('hristmsssus.hs-iis is is:' '.1 uu he s dll1suit. The s'c'mp~oss'r' itf ts I tiuiutsl's f'n1 what i s to ' alust.' luu the1 111,"d C' 11 isssts Psist Marc ,"ss's' he ;Mar nid t t u ii liithe senli'r lusts aus li Stist' FPoi'ever',''asitu I I . ital" wa H c5 it b tle t1 t Iic, ilssstli h t's bosrtt itsl'W ashsiusgtons I). ussNitember 6, 1 p lay dusortiiipei s 'p erisis p bica tvi'lt'ist'atttttssiis)f the lay offsllGi mbliltsaid "Ii.'itwill lhe ag tof t s 11186,b e l o e f the C ;I uit s i'ne ' slitils.p, St its' terst v'iolinss illthe sit e st is sisli t tra' situ still 5 )Illm 'an \-11 min uss' untuil 'sits its Offsn acs hise a ttisrisissitd tm suits. I '.51 I NIC Olli 1111.11'. V 51,f fli v ilii 'sllS h', ntei'. t .p e t 1t u nlv suit lit1wsits' tiuxit .l.''' ii 55 1liote fissuisCoiet'is s '.S., 1; . Couse poinstediconutorelseof theUitdSil ta.tels Msarinse Cosript ssasdsi. sit'iosshIts'ic untisli ta. itbw~esthi' rusigIsici to us us ire htisssnos' f'amus sSouns'shandsuuui hs msasde34 toursttrutspittheI 'tiltsC Stsstes stir fussy st'u''o I ug nrssic'Sitc its orga'nsizastionuse.bIn iri tvre Soo suitsy Fastmedlasthts'is fisrIiiis mrs S u sit putls iss!; suts' it' hvosofi thetsuit s lhis progra'.;sothesarsits asedsas encis sit . Tlsstshsp ulariittin'st'ei ens 5150lt stell knownt'tastu l~ikedhits ipr'o''r''s ares' alwsersselectedi frim tebetmsit', classic for te motispasrt . usnus cm- ptositis ioyte '"iarcih i". sillap pear osn tespesgam 'T'hestcsteerstrwill bgna :;oclc. its Unive'rsity ihtll. 'sildtission w sill its by S. L,. S.. course ticksets Siut"ml- s[issions tickets trill sill fuseStis.o PYIINRO NITOInssscsi 'tts sutiist~Cit'st. Dr. L. If. Belswsill pit' s' eepio ileue itsIssdias Sturda'ysts'isht itse- terre html.Dl. e.lhaIsprcitsed medii-t i celseis Indsias furseveres'' ari sts's in a recorsd of isye r tseso psssiessts issune year. st u .n is h og :Wlte ute s us uts tdl tus tis de' iev th vssls1f uh h M isills ' dram o l:-s suits us Is' 'ts se aits :th u' np 5r o 's'siti an W'i ito)h V u e nlI(h si X t th s ltst itis sh o p ts "itI ,vs sltheii us 4 oi C cr( "sh d, No us esier. isis i i r(i 5is w i s~ gO no iar its W ld . iii w li's: i stsnc o , I S I . e j Sesta d nsusu al ,tusus 'clI er{> sti 'uiu.ith 'sh''l ior ithe iiiii' Ii i s 5 u t ii i utloori 555ack. I i 'tutu u's i: ii lit lii s imtit i s it' is'A, sui t -"4, i its'e sills\t1iiii li' aim; l'-ard '1x,1'' ttuAs' st, Hai ii luft s w's 1 -un In n = S vr lvie st ihe - s it Ind ab r it helisu campi ' utus 1u iissieprecd ta slits's S~ Iats'svtusii \i s is i sute its aI's helst Iisetto5c>1 tsuits' l s its lte. t 1' s ftii'' oor.iiiis \,)kk-i st hs e itself is filings'sf'ast. no it coits' ack. K)i'l i~i's d iw istooccpy hesituA 'lit'Wan slsissirt neii silo ti of ma~susisswsiihe im ise Rumors Galore Are in Current Circulation Concerning Michigan "BIG FIVE" GOSSIP IS REVIVED~ Rums htsi Mislilchiigsanswill retlessti tiv t Iceece'fosl, umsssthastimsltie conereceis ilits lastllpg smmors that a'sewstbodyh wsill isi'forsed'scost- posd isth lie srnsgets of te es- trtn thus'sesiis stwichs hsa'v'Itben as- ,iisutsly sirc'uslate'dsus sinete timse when use Wos'lvrises witidsrews andsicaged luhe iiet as blg eih hi'yibeoming a rlanIssce, lusts'madesh eir annual ra irs smit's. Circus'tan sces sare sh i the satsleticiswordis issfall salthey s'iiimt toic aslittles' mo re cancee of e- :jingifas tan is usalt. The srses'can ihe iis0 iidut that Miclhigas is s tt'itto t'hedlt 'fooitblgames usth ssivuserI eamtss, esiecially witb the sluies. Thle 's''oivrisne sfficials ae :iidi for5 a game writ 711innesot1)amsnd are atprese'ts' aitsssinig a swe ssssrfrofmtt the Gope cap. l. sissutcstis eually deisulfmeetingp'Michiganm o the -rildiro is i u sad htr tes' sill acett scitferenc' eitutionis thilburnsigIses- isnfts e ho iviusr. iTere isuitdousblt sial the cofrec stlsIIse sis isoppose ts furtere 'si ilts' sts"Mi'tiga '5tttes butsju5st whs atti'ssitudeit wi iikescntsslub e sie- terine unt i titilistecemtber ;, thens te rcsiakc t he cnssferencee sisal>s will isiee ts i sticagso. tsts 1time'l thelut sithlisthslicsreatiosst- il ' se-vde sclhc, s il Ibe sdetemsinse]. It is farisfrom cesittstit Isatsif tie cont- iii u dosit rs i nst it bsov'ttitg rie ii seitcrs thalits'i sitstshIwsill sicks hy the boy I i; IiTeIsisophe sattfurther grns wt llsiicidguipastdssar eelikely ts vea e usisuc Ifighst either ts gel sicia bi a i isck itotheoldfn horlpr'v'ent ;iv dscrmitionsthushtill itrfefre wihthesir sched'ltis ing sga ee wills to Thiss'ig' hiv" ieta wsicihbhas been iosfsquets ily' sggessedl is a solustio of this sisitlt; is ithat C.hcago, Mitnessta, \\ tush , ndIlinisushotilsthIunie wiish Aic uhiganstsisn fosrmingsspa esw'bosy. hits'. u usshfrieeesot Intowast, ltndianas Nrl(se 'stadiurduss'hse, a'nsd te chane'sos'xcutisn asnysch pasisssare tus.h(iiiatg'ssattitsde s eipressel bs tagistuathpresesnt arransgemsssssIssre ntirelsaiitt' ss's;tisfacto ssasdtha 'iiehigans is lint missenor ssie lrereturnstdesired. shct; ill ansitsc1ertainly stiek by stditnitsnditu rduehs' hsichs havse always ir hre possibililiie that a 'nlcctill cicverevosttill lbe mt- 'sMby iussstltsn'dsl ilitoisisto se- ure ucw srsusspvestssof ssso e kinds thuts silliperuss'mist'fe siophers t schedusle apfotbslss'e ish ich liligssaisnd11l- nstousarrangse sa issseiall series. is is sls posilte tastsMichigansss say'bemeire usss hudto ler sr sattitudse stfcientlyt us rejosinsshesetrr asks if sproser mn- disueme'n ts itss' offeresd. 5;yracuse altmnis instNess' F'srk city usr oriinrss sg. Friday, Next Admission $1.00 or Better Yet the Re- SO USA'Smaining Six Numbers at $2.00 with so u the probability of B A N DTHEODORE ROOSEVELT FOR SALE BY CANVASSERS AND AT WAHR'S