THE MICHIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchifiel :: & Co. :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Watch ROpI& 1ad a g Spealalty rHE F(ARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURSON STREETS Captal $50,100 lurplus and Prft$00,000 general 11ack~ing Business. 3 percent paid on Tinie and Savings Dieposits. Safety De- postHones to toct at $2.00 and upwards It. Kours. lPres. If. 0G. FtRETs-sAVice-Pres. lI. A. ILL tAta. C.ashier F. T. STOWS. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $3000 Surplus $50,000 Resources $2,80,000 A (eeral Banking Business Transacted cirnocene Cites. E. Hiscock, Pres.; W. D. Hiarrietan, Vice Pres.: M. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK I ;apit.30100 Sutrplus -1st00 Res ourcis$1,2501,0t0 Wtc. .1 ooth, Pres. Wet. A rtttld. Vhse tees. (-T,1 Walte. Cashier GCernan4eican s4aj* Cons nrx~eracl. aund Sauvirrais Cues. Manis anad Llbastv Sla-sats FIRST NATIONAL BAN Ort ANN AeeOR, MiCnt. E.. 1. KINNEI, IA RRISON SOULFE Fees. Vice-Pres. S. W. CLASRSON, Cashier. Capital,$.000titlO isrixtos attdtProits. $15.000 \11Li '01111. )1F ART 1011.11. MUSIC AND DRAMA f-N IT l) N111 LIN lectureotilt"Plhoetniciatn,Greek atdlRI- Nr55' O5ITNF'Y. tHatnRelics oit1 andut arcittre itt The first oct of "Bright Dyes," thethe Sanis Peintsula,"Friday alter toss- musticailthla bythe authors o oout :5 'look in the HighScholi "TitreeTinst," wichtilttiill ite scottat aldtort 1111 te Ness Vltiiteytheatre,mtintec atid ileItolipics ttf rt-e troeuc eed0tittg ntit, Novembtler 26, shitowssthe stage atol110uresiiinteseries swill toe'Miaevaltt a theatre dutrintg a rehearsal of a mtusi-Xttatilnd irchitlectre itt Spatin," Te cal comedy. Witl te000110 set t0 rep- ra Saih Cathetdrals" anid The resentlaottlmststbare stage, tij~tthe SpaitshtPaiter s.'' .Atttuntcit nts of t stage handis wattderitng itt ando1off aidtlIhe 1place1anttt itte tf tese addtresis 111e citorits girls tarriritng ftor the mosrtt- tiill to tdeiatlober. AIIlilie loctutresstill tng rehtearsal, the ictre is entirelt beitllutra Itithilsstereopltiontttslitdos. novelto 111e ordiiary Itseatre goer, lbutl Totihoseo liiare tillotember~siof 111e exacl Ststileltil.Theousutal ightl le-\tsttAtbort.r rt assoitioth111ttpriceiot tween thr "poinies" atnd te shatw girls adtmii11ton s ceiits fottictIle.cttre. lakes place, te stage mtanager "calls lcitiltrs isillrceivetposI carisboftil diowit'everybodly ittsight attclall the tissi11111oIthelctoarse. dteails of a real rehlearsal are producet. Fitially hstowrds the ettilof the act the stageisattds andotlrcperty says catte o rNIii SRV I ttittI Ii 1) 11,0.. 1in futll viessofte autdienice and lroar- Thantksg itvininner111001willlie sotrsvoi rangeItie 0sce1e, Itie lightls giootfcor an i h httto 1Iiroli tot1 inistanilt nd cwhsnthe lcomeitt0oilt 00011 a'clock lit iso'clck. To palisItt ixo the wh~ttoe000110has beeni chatigedt o re1 fatityIsstilt c 11itt hesetoc. ot- represeninog thetotif gardlentoflalresetiosts ci t1 canhemae ytiletntil the eguar ric of evety-ivecetnts famouttis Newt Ytrk haotl, stls toe ilt 1101yii anth liedInd riei t heliibackig roituidoll he harted.iiTilteifoll owinisthe It isoofi-i Itemt tt ractive scenesof aMenu.:i tile ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Bu poiitntetfht uas tiolt -ut111 coctktail, got-i-tisiatuitrtle- chttitges ever matiie clinte stage. To cleiticram oittotcucutmbers, w-iokthis cianige ti ltrge stagecroots ielterytititoil Itclilbster, lonilbtttetr, -tarrietd viwhit'ebeenciartefutlilytaitted Lo' lirantchi potto, maceoinetofi Isys,' Jois. Ni- Gaines, thiiod11celr, Ita -s-it- ilo i-irb st~ rit o ilta-ers, ihetadeud li-Ceci l eantt ndibaked aipl-sasowflake otat~oes, FIren11c1 1tloetictIlbrlookl, u-hit aill ito sc-oilinpeasill crea111,011111iniitationstiltiici- ale ead i g ro es. T h e h o ru10ub e Itore t, c lsve l, l ie, pu m p ke o in i, oit l tiseopim lyis pumho-coo., ar ___crackhers, Newiifiri ciider, 1 e,1iiThosse. Miss Htarie TempestI. belovedtinlimii-GYMS 10 LS( liNI I VI TI ski ct toild,,tadmiired 1a1111 enjoyedoin YN lIL litOF.1000 MH IN. ie "legitiimtte" coimets t the Noew \V'Iiiion tetretinight itn aurevivaliiof (Co~nined from Page 1.1 Casto."' i i hiio downIatilo itherownti claits sit MliissiTempest is oiipporte-d by at tiiitht t iitght oiily b le toltc ick if exceptioialtmrit.tie.." _______________________________________ Beslcideos thic icguiltar plogrt'' o CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING sptechti,-"Stan" 'llsitinudlCapt. Ben- htid f-o in advus -e. Offi.c ihours: XWoils till otittitig ii lie tript --2,-30; ,-R:;n h Mi. l'cttttsy Thicsstcess of th iri stiof t-esmk LOST. II tit iiiOfrlt oni StatetoI..lietisenoeiPoryiel1d an i smoker i age ,vere highly pleased tiioeter"i'tand itt iitlti-seete intg 0r11101nlto Daily office. 4 - raii sitatcuisltmitwhichiis detinedttot itti f,,t-Pearl jesweleid frtaernity ill, iii-iiig- Iforce ittnitiitig Miuiiigttttstilttis iials ott hack. Lottie ai i003 E. I fii- andtigingtti sutcess to li ltheihiganl an011St.o cttli 394. Reiward. d44-45-46 1 U i it ~ Debating the good points of many shoes the decision is always given to the M)AL K = OVER because so many good arguments may be advanced in its favors. $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 $6.00 THE WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP 115 MAIN STREET, SOUTH SIt's always a satisfac- tion to look right and a b e su re ab o u t It. L._ You can look to this __________store for right clothes. - iI HATS CAPS SWEATERS JERSEYS PLEATED SH IRTS NEGLIGEE SHIRTS FLANNEL SHIRTS NECKWEAR HOLE PROOF andi INTERWOVEN HOSIERY "Always the right thing at the right time" WADHAMS &COMPANY 121-123 SouithtMain Street Full Dres Clohes A complete line of handsome and Full Dres Clohes distinctive Imported Cloths to select from. Why not let us show you? WANER & CO. TIME NOW Stain Strees University M si H us Press Building, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. School of Music Music From "Girl of My Dreams" "Barry of Ballymore"s AND OTHER LATZ OPERAS Gibson Mandolins Ivers & Pond Pianos rla CHORAL UNION and May Festival December 9 Admission - $1.00 Course Tickets $3.00 I - Carriage and Baggage .For each Couple tiicidot); ,icsr before 1ilootock $i1.0 fra:l.0 i'co tc) $2.00. For each Trunuk to ortron orti ti, tic price will he 23 Cense. If carreioci or from tap-stairs. te price oil)lit- 10 Cents. Dri-rers are required to colilectcacost far carriage andt tal-age servict. WALKEtRtl' LIOVI'Y ROBSISN & (C1 WV. t. s'OAI HOLMES ~tiLIVERiYil {DETROIT UNITED LINES Betweetn Detrott, Anus Arbor and Jackson ]Limn~e Cars Cast Bnnssd-5 it i.itit10:20 ta.nitrda11 W20 tp, n 4:::0 p. tit.,.6Il0 1.tnl. iit~ln Lnmal Carstiast Bonsd X'ltiti, 3:45 a 6:4) . tt. an (ver ttollhloasto 10:43 lit- 11:15p. r _ ; ; . :' i-5a . ti1., 1d:30 af tt., 1: 0a. itt ,ne at Ypsilantit. iLocalatatrs tl1esnunsd--5;:5.ina., 7:15 a. j :,ant ii vttutwoluitio 11:15 p mi. L-AW'KS 41st year.' DICYtONARIES 41st yas ins QVIZ BOOKS 12. Arn aArbosr LEGAL MuSCEILLANY Amen 'An-baa Callaghan (.Co. CHICAGO Anri Ar-barr -sunbl, Stautn Str-eet, OpposieLaw 1' Bdg. m Portra it Studio--o ast Fluron Street