14 1 1~1A G. ff. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE STEET Tailors EASE UP ON THE PROF'S ahnsatalpices, $25.00and up. 1,et ri'eson i yper itrr Supplies The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Rooms 4 Press Building. Opposite Majestic You would save money by buy- ing your College Books at the students' Bookstore Secood-haod Books at Big Reductions College Text Books Engineering Books Medical Books DRAWING INSTRUMENTS aod ENGINEERING SUPPLIES Agents for Keuffel & Esser, Dietzgen & Rechler Instruments See Our $1.00 Fountain Pen SHEEHAN & CO. STATE STREET THE MICHIGAN DAI LY. 1 /ilS in 0) / E / 1 / 1 AI 1 1. 1 mi , News Edito'r. 1(1 h its1 Assiwi ........ I lI x 7. 1nc1 Atltlic. hAlf- 1...f-h Iter K. Iowers A\-siitnl... rhur Iii,- loclmlil Alisje l 1 lrallm... 1 ,r 1 oose Ixhn -s i Fles ....I )Jon1 S. lilt Iy Arhurii J. .hl)(. G . ahr 1) A lilinethe. . . hoi lclili larry Ir. Lyscr. h'1I.MackRyain FrnkPnnl. 1hidLawton iraile i. iur hy bonRbis. BSUSINESS STAFF C. A.h vnan .. I, likl ()lice 1 o r ' 1na ill" (Ililil -2 1) ljI l Aif- _ , I ( M IR % , 1()1(1 hA hIVFI,(iiIVCAI Al nl'-i. \iurhv IOct, S hC1schls Mihigan 7(111(0 ied. i I ~ o elO ll ((In o 11'1(t(111ci 1() speak and11 c~r,}tnir~ti()n ()f 1111 c arate to en tertain(11.. I'-. beneits1 derived by1 its( pat I A tIP11\A ip I I ' C Lhl, tlh' hh, 1/tre is somtnetinig.titat will interest every UiJver/dy stul~ittt. It is at an- anounctteenttbeitng losted1o51 thnehisl- ll hoards ahottt the eampus with sans- tles of the statiottery attached. 1Tell You 14rite a Letter (If coarse Jou watt lPitt Atationtery. iefc is tine greattest hargaitn isn fate stationlery ever offered in AtntnArbsor. It is ReallN, inoe Matlerial. It is Cheap Onlly it Price. Thte samtpiles bselow will contvinceyan thal it is noltinhe chleapJ littd. Nowhere else intthie cottntrryecansotne buvy a hox elf 24 etnvelopes atnt 24 sheets Of papaer (If as geoodi saerial for less thsan 25c. Shlsa qutality (If 15a11r is worth itsat mtuchl. Noltwitstattditng its valor, we are acttually offerisig a hox wills 45 A/eels of lPsper slnd 48 I'ittelopes jst like thse sampnile b~elow-thalt is, (snice thse arnlounlt cotaintedinitstineossual 2Jc Iblx, for TPo adv~ertise Sale fountlaitn pens at Skitnner's all pells will he sold at hlf lance f of osne week. hy pay the regu- lar price whets we offer these great hargais. $2 pests, 90c 1 $2.23 pests, $ts; $3 pesel, $1.50 $6 Stasndard spnecials, $23;$8 Jumbnto, $393 See hig windiow iisplay at te Salz pets sate, at Skinl- tner's. MUSICAL ART STORE. The popular State SI. Music Ihousse is offerisng all tine latest sonsg sits at it- censts. All the Operatic mnusic, at 23 cesnts per copy. Mutsical supplies of all kintds at strictly one-price. t-If. A NEAR RIOT. Occutrred yesterday at Skinntler's whet s oscidssts tried to buith lat file wrarrated $3 pen~ at $t.3o. Malny othser biargaists at half price. 4. etFo Es-ry deatment of the Camtpus. SLEC//NOh1A Ni) BfOKS at a little more thnan IOte-lhalf -Peicn, Instruments and Engineers' Suppli s The mo(st estiiillle stieeli ints e lie ly All the leading tiakco of FOUNTAIN PENS Try a Wahis' Special, tie best Lab, Suapplies,.f-boll Tiiiis, Nite University Bookstore 317 South State Street O(ILA' tc. "1stecreins yost atypewriter, seii ross This is actullyr away blelow tlie a ty pewriter, or do yor-iitypewsritintg for liisest cashl rate oil this mtlerial psir- youLanse & Fuelbier,Itie elois orlere chiasedin51toll lots. thle typewriter hasigs. 4. hflo- cainlsi afford so sell it at such a loll rate?/ Notiisg better tats the Schleeeie 'Ihle followinigswill slake thnis clear: Temnporary or Ileat Loose Leaf inider, We w ant every studlentl in ther Usurer- for takingtilles. At Schileede's, 340 S. siu to kitow thai there is a Schnool of Slate St. 4. Shoirthand lioin nhrbor, anto10eicns the swar to it. WYe are willisig tol paty fOur traide yesteeryinishnop suppillies tile idifferencte in pIice iln ord~er, if los- an11 drawinig iinstrumnts demeontstrates sille, to sindue e very sitidesnt ill tine thne fatthIlalt tne freshmineinave learnedk Uier sitv- to come5 to the school for where to get tine iest prices. J. S. lhis excepltionially- rare hargainin t fisie Shinter. 4. st"Ito (lier, We ave itlbo tshlprinited or hblik as OF INTEREST. Yo plitrefer. We still havie a less $2 lOltltall ieni Ope 8li a1 n7. to 6 pi.in, left after y~esterdlar-s rushl. Sale prie D/on't 3l1ss tiis Oppoertnity( goc ati tse Sale Peis Sale as Skinneisor SCH OOL OF SHiORTfiAND, -tf. ._11N.UnvrstyAv._he_______eaer _garnte 1 i i CLASSATEN NOTICE. Wths pay $3 for a petswsee we o~ffer yoli the samenen ii nsiee of poinit andi basrrel for $t.5o dulrinig tile halztesn sale at haltf reguilar plrices, at Skinner's. I If- Ir 1h ll .is. (0(1 in 0 vpersis tad 50envreloples fur hoe also deie n 11134) li~ di 1 campus for thle embo~isseid seal stallti'eryat a very low mon 'h((maks el nectrse Ills rice-at hchleide's, 340 5. Stale Si. 4. 11(11 th slim totl l.i ( takeIs in ll If 1011 necid a typeswriter, or if yoti must 1 1 nrc. ItsIIflea.) for patirollage1wan11t to nave yourwoirt: typewrritteni, go s zirl madn: the rI ni~se shoud( t1 o Vaise & lPueilier's, 310 5. Statie St., tine com i te urhaeIflicils. dor swhere the typeiceter hngs. 4. h(WIi iG 7. et yor-iiralarms clockis-guaranlteedl Don 1111iss1this 11 111(t1niI 11111 rfur (one yeat--also if-i icisigasi fobss,tpils, chase aiira '5c110t. 11011Sa 111en thi1i11poon, etc., at Shileede's, opp. Lass Il-li Ior lf prlice.Thi1i1 on of'bildinlg. 4. chs;; 11(n ti al ae h f-ter yotu get tile prices of vatrioss middlema111nsinrout1 1 the 1(1'11111(buy.Ilealierson Esigisseers' shsopisuspplies aisi hatole s1 0 itm p r's 4illstumient s, bsuy iw-here rotscastsav-c mon ____ iiliey. Skinniter's. 4. te r thna I hres.Logmin 111111 Pooris the imne to start a scrap-hook. I otil-a lill 1 Ot1 I,1,. 1 1 I i Bill 1-;- 11Puyon lit Llolgtllit's. 4-5-6. FouninilPienisfsr $1.oocote h11le 11;Iat. 11117a. w bu-Inildinig. Shllceil '>- Cullier & O'Collnoir, Talilolrs andl Cleani- irs, Cioi hh. illiasiisSt. -If. GLOVES ma3 be right and not be Fownes, but they can't be FOWNES I and not be right. SPECIAhL TYPEVIRITE!R. The Fons. Typewrriter Compniy. vill hld~l their third seimi-asisioal slile of niew andilseclod typeworiters duirisig tse wteeki of (Octobser i0-r5, at Ihe samlei roomss of the hotel Wh~intey. UsineardolIf typswriter Iargains dlur- isig thnis sale., Te rmls so suit Isth r-uer. 3-4. I I Milliaris asoid/1e gam illse wo lali. olr soime ct ien and1 lietter thniis?115 lii 1115 BRiOS. AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room You can findI a line line of Confectionery The Huron Cor. William and Maynard Streets One Block from Campus Newly Furnished Throughout $4.00 per week no 101s it leril .1101 i5 - SOME CLOTHES HIDE YOU OTHERS P-1VER YOU Aliens Hand-Tailored Clothes Dress You ALLENS GOOD CLOTHES STORE Main Street Main Street Get your ICIAN f A WeCea __os nadSposWin. ARNOLD We WantingCla Clothes Pinsn8 B A R obs andSpon II 220 South Main St. Call Either Telephone ..... HALPLER'S COLLEGE JEWELER OiaPDet $3.50 per week ~ TE BN Varsity Laundry Co. $13.00 4 weeks in advance Aara Cok you::ee Adertsed lIt~TGAEO OK POP EVC fin Watth and Jewrtery Retarn OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 UP .30[1S N[[. S.R M S aDeSING Michigan 100 Pattrns 215 and 217 . 4th Ave. 2i6 South Main ,St. IGI Pins I 25c. to $5.00 30 .SaeS. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 121 Wasdlootoo E. RANDALL & PA CK, Photographers8. Phone 598'