THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. HI. WILD CO. 311 S. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S. STATE SEET lpWritcrs ALL PRICES The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Rooet 4 Press Bidig. Oppsit Majestic Pennants Al aiiiti andtl Nut frm 25c up We, alo hae a ftet MINNESOTA Pennants, Arm Bands 1 t li iac salavgc asotmtent of ARM BANDS Both Colos AT 10c Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstore t. [. DARtIB[L[ Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan t second-Hand Law BoOkS Law anti Medical Dictionaries t Quniz Books, etc. e Complete line New and Sec- t ond-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BART'HELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY., Managing E~ditor-LEE A WHITE. B~usiness Manager-NORMtAN H. HnL., EDITORS. News Editor ...........Ilarold Titus' Assistant ............I-tarry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant ....Arthur B. Moehlman Mutsic and Drama . E. arl V. Moore E:1xchanges and Files.... Dion 10. Birney EDITORIAL. Arthur J. Abbott. G S Lasher. Paul Leidy. NIGHT ]ItTORS. A. J. Wohigetnuth. Hlarold McGee. Harry GA. Myser. Maurice Toulise. Frankc Pennell. Fred Lawton sEPoRURS. Loren Robinsou. Edward Robie.- John L. Cox. F. E. Shsaw, Jr. E rwin Koelh. Oscar Beckmain. Ernest Burton. E. M. Wakefield. JolIntIt. Townley. Wallace Weber. BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowman. A. R Dilley. M'tyer Robin. Keuneth Osborns. /Address : ICHIcANDAsLY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Office IHoors: Managing Editor, s-a 'p. us. and 5 :00-st :3o p. m. Daily. Btusiness Manager, I-5, 7-8 p. mo., Bus- celtt Sunday. Botls 'phones 96o. '.1 SI ISV, N()VBMMBlBR 22, I(QI0. Aright Iidilnv-LIARRY G. MYSER. U.NIVERSITY CALFNDAR. NXm'embeir 22-ASt duganl Union Smnoker, tartor tintd Waierman 'Gymnsasiumtss. \'vn le 2iitov 2-F1,riecsPlay Tryouts, S tilt Casweill Angell halt. N t ot icr 24-IThanksgiving Day Re- Novmbe 2;PrI. Upon iClark ont AtAs-ocitiltonitourserSaralt Cassvell All-il ha ll. N ctlitr- SOU Sorts anitd OilS. IL. A. pro t Uivesrsity IHall. Notvembert'it-\ itttrit's Athtletic Asso- iti iiii II ttttlsgit-it ]'airty,Barutrtv Novme 2i ot ot'it55t tr-Adttttti lDeibate. Novtutu lit-ASlha Nit-Js-fcrstttiatt It-cbait- itmmtndtd-fortt-esonr chartacter itt vil ftiefc t that the tittmatde it p-.-.tlttftor M ichigatitmtintto celebrate butiaso te iunu tutonedchuampiontshsip oftt e lbct-ctantd tpossibile champtstiontshitpof thcutr-in iewcoittthis tact, the ot inc eSS it Sturtidititscelebtrationi is a more tan ordnar t poofttfthe tutyalte iftt-e undergraduaittes iito ichigant, It is alladittediclftact that every in- v itduatl memtblers oft the stutdentt body, de- tefirtitamc ottthe uttiv-ersity- hette th isdomiof It ireaistitntablecelebtrationi on the ocitsioniiof iithtletic victotries. c h lo itt ofuriniceltiottonMichi- ittofialitsebaitll gamesc witht the Tigers coecoitei-tsiniwitch it is ai tleasuire to picrticipte antdil w-hichlteiace a good Priceonisreiresctited 1y teatms of tic ti-etic alttiarcets-orthc opopontents. Th1 routgh ii the citttitoittKeete Fitztpat- rck espciatlly trienidly relatioitsstay he i-itattlishlctl. It ftMichsigants nexchtattgedl Ntrev ihtamei for Printcetittistir is iteed to tbe contgrtultedi. .C.sA. cIiiiYoSANytttst's~t SALEi A SUCCESS. Fouriundrledl chtystttthemtuts were disposieiof itt iatchrcsansthemtuim and ctandy s ale Iheld Satsurdaylby Ite Sits- dets'UChristiati asstcitttiotn. The asso- ciatin caredt$tosI.noits the result of its efforts. REGENTS APPROVE Oir NE\W ATHL.ETIC Ct)NSITUTI)N Thte eiccontsitttiiottfoe the Boairin i Control of Athletics iwas aitli ltv b5ct i the Board of Regetts at its mettting Saturday mortittg. Thte nets- bortd isill cttisist iftelvin tmembers as followss: ticathltetic ici-c tor, three alumitt lt- ecotscnItheil regents, three sttdetts, to hlitcoitsni ti the Athletic asstciatitont, at oiltutr facultiy mtettbers. Directrtrlic tcis toicim- titue ittIh is scnke. T' lumi me r silt e Jothn ibbtilardl of Chicgo. Jmtic DlufyofttBoa- Ciiy, atdtudJielvuliciof eacht will le select-id by theydeasctth literary, the hlt, tatnd te icit-s-c it dtepartmtents, antdltheyouthtrliitill lit cttosett iy- te deats ittteh ttutcil, dil- The electionis, itclutiinggthuteifthit stutdentttmettbers.sill he heil ii a Pu- days,itt orter that theittioardiimaytak itttmediate cintrcol. Ex-Gov. R. C. Ptowers itt Mississipi, was gratite deu lgee ittflHaclcrtif Ars Satuirday-moningii. bit. littiac swto is 2 yetrs itt agtnever gautetdi frotttthe itstitttiti, but Was t5 ci-ii tiestle cottnecedth cilithe Ohlio Vtit i leers it the Civitr tatilmusteredccia itt Los Attgeles, tCal. Itt regard to imp roec-tunIdittepccirs set aside $,oooIfrttmtthe ginlt ttliielt te eyeadc att rtdti, $,00ooItr rct-litic itt the old chemtical l htieatrti n di $,5oo for a crrt o nncigtiec ii atnd ear sward wisthlthetcgeneiral hiopitai. Faculty- atpointmtents tftirti civrc year were approed s folloiwis: hI iin et Tracey, assstanttiii htiii i A.'1.. Sclleeltlttg, assistaiti itinp i iii ';ich l-I ant Keeler, assistit iiquitlit iiativ 1,dx sis; Leotarit Watemn, a ssistni it dc ip otstraor ittaatomyitLts I .UScciucc- torn, thirdl assistait ii t siti tigi :1, C. Gtise, assistantin hi istty; lt-c Hbokstra, assistant iniihistry:i lit Middleton, assistani tti t i ciectrt c: Glettn Palmier, ssistt inrhetic;c Frattk Gates, 1Kenntetht tuntcanI lti - ci Poundi, Aritur Koehetir R i citdGrat/.t assistatts itt boitati Ilitdwi Secatic assistants itt forestry-:Reinaiulit tCr assistatt ittgelotgy;: Ca-deti Ic It c and Edward Wan t ssistnts ihics Diplcmasiwere granteto i the tfolow- ittg tissses: Susie iscertith leISlm- moos, Mary Gettings, andtil alicnp tromth teUnisersithspital, atietihl a it Robbhsfrotttthe Itotisathttlic hoisitl. SIX SENIOR LAWS MADEt) BARRISTE.RSTHIS11YFt-R. Six setior laws- s-cer tkitoiii r- risters at the atiiul tfallclscioiin. Te ititiates were J. tF. Golittert-. tCrlS\ Antdre, 'Maurice IF. Ates, IA sn ine )is Jr., Ralpht Nbrriugtits, ittd IR. F', Hai(- Ater tie iitiatiion itan Iirmaitl ii- ee swas heldtat the AtlicigantUttutu - Its accordancee wit its ususal cutmin observing the Thanksgiingrececss the AtensitoxDAsIsYs sill sspsendil ittllica slots frostsThurstday-of th, iwek lti Tuesday of ext week. Alt orgasizationsswisingsis toihatve notices of mseetingsticrtothercaticivitis schtedisled for the lter part ifthis oti thse frst sf nstawseeka souldhav the citrii copy at te iDAttrv tffiec tic VIcicoa ti i'tITFIl I NSIG 1: (Cntiued frm race 1., tiP -tilt Il- . ct i,?c ;ld ,n tha t e etii leu IIn l~ ih c i tt. . '1Ik, w - s o c ait endth aslbt en of he i et or r iis i-sitc it u pa 1 i, es ei ly l ci - western ridion hi ca th tithe omhgv is ai lrthlia t take wt inacc rdd C r w ll iiaiK in- ti te ste ha idne it e iv tait i-i' tutt thisasm . tpaydonthree gasm les SIree nd theha itet esillt he in- ghait SeiSit lit tii-- 1 lii I iii i-i-ti t :5- St ltMOt 'Itt 51, It, . SS iii DA t l1-c it tlt -h-Ilt ,ttt- i l i a. oct- S?-t alilt. t - i~t Itfro til t o - mil-cd1 pc]i i i ' it i111 I. St it Slit(m im il t Ic ' it c cd1 Situt <>. 1 t \ it to . bit - l II loll rit at(1 1c i [ Better Than Ever Whether N-oit bowl, play bil- liards, or read the papers. VOn WIII find plenty of li ht at ottr stores, day or night. HUSTON BROS. - itt I' ilt ittui e he cx ihit a sc li ) tte )rt i ck. TIcvluv itill hei li h ld it ii,'' S. P thit undaeic c it plc- gitiial chll t h ittlu itit 't hoo5 W.t .1. . tThe broad ansd exclusive line of FANZCY SUITINGS we ave slhow itng today. Fromt it every nsas cats ftnd a fabric to sutit his haney, us botlh lighst and clark nmixttres its the Seasoss's latest pattersi are shtowns. lFor a Fall Susit thsat's right in Ptattern, itsQusality, its Style andt its Make- Visit Win. E. Dieterle Varsity Tailors 117 E. Libetty Street Thanksgiving Post Cards Dainty, artistic designs which appeal to every- body's good taste E. E; CALKINS, Druggist 3124 S. State St. I Isiie s U ill. Cthu I tCIt rlcc tiltc c ts t . u3,SS. 1I hut it it.. L - tutu- p.h tc u 7 'lsato . littit noon. S'TUDJENTS Our Card hudusut .mtsd tiling Systemos ire Time Savers For Filing Pteriodiecals, Clippintgs, Chaos Nittes. " Sectional Filing Cabintt, Midoc and0 59~ Card Index Outtits, titled Cards, Guide Cardo, etc.,otc-. MAYER, SCHOETTLE & SCHAIRER CO. Stationers, 'Printers, Binders Stutdents' Supplies 112. SOUTH MAIN STREET BELL PHONE 1404 1 2 w bid t® E. R ANDALL -& PA CK, Phoftograph ers Phone 598