-ff{l'~ issests (tAN 1 Kecp your feet dry in sloppy weather with a ~pair of our celebrated $4.00 and $5.00 WAGNER & Co. State Street Sign of the big white shoe D esksr Morris Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, Study Tables, and Draperies, Suitable for Student Rooms in Large Variety at Martin Hailer UNIVE SITV NoriGES al j : I n t l,2 1'1'l'(! Mf'1"1'litC'It! 11 3!. + f _ ll t1121 4 ;'l 4:11: {C'll i ci'.l( l IPlt'llll -\lwldly lilL', li ll f ltL fit' wWhitney heatrez Caxrtte-o .t.15P, 1. ULeoenre s %at seateod prmptly. 1 Ionda, November 21 A.H. A t U presents ttlo I I K'I-IAll IN THE E-u t-vnt-ti1)y STANiSLAYIS STANGE Th otLaughable French ccre Produced in a Century SEAtLS NOW Sf LLINti Wednesday Evening, Nov. 23 CHARLES FROIIMAN Presens Marie Tempest and h T ComipaInciti chod Hi Graham Browne in T. I'lobtrton°:ft ittt A Few tt$200 il id t ~ilt t t i ot t it iic r. :',=-k R' '- 4G . _kl5r't 'f'1 5"v _Yi _ 1.i:1: ' .i:: f- k i : AILE & EDUNDS AT TUTTLE & CO. t tSt'. Ann Arbor, Michigan You can fled a flee lice of Confectionery tr _ y rt C b i; r c h r r F xtr ADDED Features (YLLJWE LAUNDRY FRN- HAND WORK =tLE PHON E 1633 J1 606 E. Liberty -.;i.rostIamele, THE (OLD)PLALCE 6.- ressn, Sampongee. /ffa , t._ rr moonsA Specilty WMRINGELR at. o ttt We bave a fresh stock of Pricet 5.,KTc-ofea.er stl Atfibert snd Tuxedo in r ptondandtt S0 . utivesity pound caDs and jars. tfstouare in tthe market for a typewriter, tt will pay you to toot otirtine. We carry in stock rebuilt Ofivers, Unterwoods, L, . C. Smith's, anod ivill got any machine on 'a iew days notic. msstol tachines look and work like new. Prices lower tt t o.teof , workmansthip guraranteed. do ft,;t pesriting of all kinds at reasonable rat s. Agents b1tefd "Kce Lotx"'typewriter supplies. Carbons and itfat aretrade to wear. oh. J Printing, Lngraving, Invitations, Announcements, and progitar' of all kinds, on short notice. Meyler & Mason 302 S. State 5t. Phone 1244J NI . 2t 7- Lisny t t for sheedtot ! tDuller & 0( tI l41 s Gfib 12,17-J. iii rH fanH TI'nksIing WeekStr ENGAGED AT ENORM VOUS SALARY Famons Original Company In the Young Coomic Opera in One Act -Wp ,:aSulneeb Cast headed by MISS LILLIAN DONNE 13 SINGING BOYS AN GIRLS ® 15 Ii~fTRA F.,ATURE IN i E BLy Itertutrt shll UWinslo w r fi - n, r SussOnySee Draptay Coming Soon x ranerom elodyLae IcBlue Tea Room Sunday from 3 to 7:30 P. M Orders taken for speck$r parties- 1221 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Phone 1696 OR IGINAL Chocolates TIC E'S DRUG STORE G ranger's School of Dancing CHARLIE S' BHE SHOP otheclsesoytime. The tern beis when yea do. ClasssorioLadist sed Gentlemen Tuesday anedThuroday Evninegs, 7s00O tUnder Eluston Itill :i t ~rs for Particulars call at Academty or Phone 246 ,Cale \Viad rp I p ALWAYS 4AHEAD IN am 1JTA TIlE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILOR )Nth