tUEL MICIGAN l DA1ILY TICKETS SELLING FAST FOiR SMOKER Preparations for Record Crowd Have Been Drawn to a Conclusion DOORS WILL BE OPENED AT 7:45 \i1 is i1 readiness for the %lichigtss Un' ien smoker at W\atermsass and Bar- ser gymnn siins next Tesday v enitg. Antumbter of proientiti'iseaker s have tiesn seured, the refreshmnets have teen'proddedlfo, an he the sa the tikets arettling, it is epetedi that oe 2,80t0men swit attends. \ste sieoer is ithtteia titreiif ass oainto the fosotball tests ireeonis- toseof their slenidswsork tis fat, the entire Vrsyusejadi sill le prsettas5 guss efhn. Th' iads, nt the Iswe sitnd \iMsndointiclsus siltlturtislt tihe mitussiletertainmttiiThe'I imen wielpthiemselvetss t sadsiscites,ap els uld ier, after sshis teswil to listseni sto ' ihe'prog'eamtof secs's'ansdsss "IIissokeri," sittGiins'rat C'lir-" sitn tart ais,, ''islti nso tifer esiy mist'h frsoitsthe bsqts stfiilst eat, v~ tin this' matr f ter efresh- iv. it, Itsul bti ee njoyabt 5 l'. A a o st atoiisit ct iso antier lie doIss'nsot knssow, buttes'cait go itthiaruvodsithistwihhle is a - nit. Ile w ilt feslsissre'athoe adif lie Iss'oesttidthit.i'mtut heiis isisokig ffist', eiiirecep''tiosis'commsitt'd k l il st 's' toi n5t5risslie himisi to V sirs smesmbter f teso esitsittes' sni cc ticet'ssellsr'iii'lliegisen abadge 'liei oflfiriis cllst fist'eighto'sssoci,bu ntses earlier. Tiekets statle ailfo s, ents iast thes' ,'sisis, sr fro nutsisonit f t' tiket sillers, f whichitthr'e' 're I3 ininissg tlieu'gmess'\\esisdsti the sophsomoreiss'sits sasnedithe its'ht is season s sr tis F eihsibeenpro- suiaisof 11IIiigoodi itfoosttsallt'sitdiwluet thies'ts'sseitsslinetap tut 'tsdvtatit3t:st th anstsac e 'suthat ~sisgits vs'ils.t nsir essitga e virthsgsoing ts.esis i oato f two hundsisrdsansuiftfs ilits's kisis 1 sise sealls ii Isio' Iti r' ,i C,. t. leiststisls f Kslsaazs. Atrs tiisttels is asi Muritgais sit tisisav-sss ing psrens grtadutaest frits la is'iiisi'sits iii 17.Sits'osi as ithirelilsren' A lnheotnssfishlsts'dt bit aidasicee isill ib' givent It' the sthomste ststlethe frst Wednstiesdayt' itIDeembiter, ascrdsinto the plits f the sisl 'csommtittee. Dent Iheed tillbhiniterviewedl its siteffosrtts secuee Btrbsossr gmsnassim fr tir A I'l tRIll I,'; VFO (A PS. A, nsussibeeof msembters if ltve Reserve squtadtsave signserd a peitis ti skinig tht ailt tens receivingil their ''Rf" this sesons tiegiv ensin addiritions aictalist'iappropri- ate isignsia. hUp tis laite ioistissisis' trontsatkentowaissreds tpresenttig it to st atletic austhosrities, i5assneffort is tie- isg madtis oiincsese he lii' umbetirsosi siugners. Ths'etassi Shaksespseareansi retiitig wilt give a tuicsterenital if Is~s tintLit' t Rlwier's '-Richlieu"ti sitomorrowi sight. The eri''eclaiss stiltltparticipiate. Prsof. Truit'stoossi desirses tht t h~e iii stirnc 'sie tieatedi befisre' isgi s'clock, s thtthle reciti cans 1eigins trompitlito the tisue, II. II. C',M\iller. '68, prominntsutlass' es' suit tiankesrif IEvanstoit, Ill., site cummssedso tli istkiofipns'mosiassisilast 'Tuesday., Shtlyeeafter Iis gradutationi, Me. Millerwvs admisssttedlltste Illinisiblar, Insistthis lists' ustlhitsdhalts hreltok ant atiuss'partiniivariusiicis'eformnt movs'ssenteints in iirssgsi tisndl Vauistil. Ilie srerrseI surcersielt as maoro lv sssssi, sresidetrio f the tisardil sil isi sees'ice r'commisssioniers, anditVire-presi- shut if the bosardt if trustees if Nossthi- i esets IUnivrseils, s}it' sTisesesvsAi, i 5'ett'I usgPENhuss)y. At fosuerisselok this sifternsosinsswiltltie helditheii'firtofsit 5s eriesof sitasten tsal mee'stinsg'ssit a t elittai stlt.TIhi~ssitu wl he foit'nin 1see'rinig 5stdents asnt i'wi tesddeesss ssi tssedbysiem br sit the' enisneiir g facuiislt. CAM PU'S CARPEsN'TERfS AREF{ BUISYhWITHi:-LTVR TIIINS. A numbster iiialteratiosisiasrenoini i progress ini several uiversityblinsgs. A dioor is heisig iopesnedtfromitshtees- gisseerisiglibsrary itto1etiss 'sissey's isid effiee, swhich weill tie cssnvertedl ito i readvinig roosmt. At silth ye suit Ear hspiitalasirrislor isbsng issosstructesd to the gene ratlhospittal. Masivse isiatisr- atty idossrssire iseisig insstalliedlitMeint- oialshastlt, itsthe art ltenure, crator's sait irchelogy roos.sss Is is safe Ii vat thuatstever ini tie hivsory of the Mtajestic theater hats there bveeni sitattractions ltritualstsat if te famsiss o igistatl"(Osis Ifstsesrss Sethsui lus sasuitGirls," the star set osithei'hilt wis h opsisie ssstmrruows'ntghlt. This set is sotitolibelcnfu sed i sss'it ' Ne atia- nes" schoolit'sthat stsap''sI tier'eise- foire. flits Vstsvtieitis therelr'tateds' onvtg isriser 'suithis :sit is tiresrsit oe wish hats hient fe'stured'it he ii'Tesiple, us'- roil, asuitsileadinig New' 'Wnssts tesn. Xcsit oifIi fts sisotis ndgirls wsill appea'irhtreeauitit viitllpsitiveslt iets' trimei phstio f the seasonsi st this'lseal vauditev'ille'thesater. Oilier act ltsl e"r'c''ivis "iithes'gtie vilns' atrieissintsheisc'iss st 'Thei Lobbst ;" Le''eI ar' ttit, comsianlts: asuithit usuatimvisnsgviewis.Aspeci''iialtie wi begiven 'lThanktsgiig styat si so'clck. Night sice swiltltie's ii 'sasnI alt seatsetist te resserved. is: it 'ss,sL 1,11isi s vi' vestsATY. A teats'-eye aciatystilt e isv' enits thsts Woan s'eague' iiin sbuiegy isis siu iss sthelii'eighthIor sit'sthiltsitDtce'm-t ser. Thi' esrcedts vitw itt e sedfor run- sitig epsiossu'o'f the lsaguie. Itwilas aitiosrd ltheiiwomen'ianiii str t iisit Itsirs- 1un ocalobigiatuisos. MERCER ADDRESSES MEETING TONIGHT Special Speaker to College Men Will Make Known His Message WAS ONCE A PENNILESS TRAMP ',. C. Mterer, stwsho u Issais 1(n hldinig essuslereses silts ais s itudheist sir ui<,'iitiosss stus i snc s, s , is iiiT i sisadd'evs Io 11. I, :1 t s', lie sadie. ana s )itisig fosr ( s i llsh' It 7 :30A5 us "l °111"11sit sitshia me ai pow erful 11Isslss' nes iits'e Me'tho tutli' Mr'.se it rise iCstll sc it UT'I VE_"IsTh'X (1 11NN"SOt'AF'OO P I 'h'I, ,TVNI, lwso. 'pt Rose, left to rights-Nuessle, Rockellt,Jhsoneiu, Sergesant, Hiltle, rWAittiusv(ICoasih).IArmustreong, A, VErdall, NXallhiesir, Ru iX' Middle Rosw-Vasstntus Rosenwsatld, Randaltlt, Clarkeson, Morvrell, Franuk, hPicereing, Sters t, 1 I', Vetihal, BtomivsRiow -lMcisvern, Ilissuutermuisierr, Jhnusuus ~stonatain)u, Broes y'Wa slker, Plwsss Brn t.ss I The Now Serves Board at $4.00 per Week OPEN NIGHTS Special uinner on Sunday FROM012:30 TO