ANN ARB~OR-, SII-CIJIGAN, SL"NII).N XOVlN;'I I111Z0, D. )10. Vol. XXI1 Nii. 42. k - 1 4 i ASH Cl f il-lS SAW 11'P a t t ho 01(11( lilir 11esth1 11' 11 ) 11111 i' MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF RDRNSTRATEGY ENABLESTH Onsrih oLbl; w 0 IYE L 1EL E V E N T O C A P T U R E IT lb B Y M lneI g illci . 1... ..1728 i-41r. o en a1 u te o aoeil i ,l NI ' i'i llii ii >n he n t 1jday NIgill lii iii le AIil,1oic cr m t W s 1' - I ho ON l hi ll 11i' t01.11 0 Nel. yads o he o H )1111 Hgoal. U ( t)'11;k t'Is w l~ 11\111 AOift 01. -n ions1theplunigethrnoulght1Edimuntd& Jollihnson1111 iia It N Mi ltiiiih l i- th ri n ii ofiilit-c inihi s m if' N~ re the if - llar. RosiwadI t ruck a ii ii- T-tirl (11.1 FORMAL PROGRAM IS SUCCE if Ic ,1Oh -Hi 1110 11-1 l i 1 c. 'P1 r- 1tl lil kNh C a i 11 fic~j ll' '111115I t I ik ])IIiii .1 lg. i spiiit f rc d t' >>1ed. Roseniald untielii to 1)ti 111iu s 't f ithe 111 illi tli lIi .iicif Iifoali' sip", tcii II u lfi 117- '1111 a1vweestl -ii'ratio 1 at all0early 1 f r' ofCi, tt c1ii' lii iii i "i 'XfI -fSf'PNO IfNfo IC X.f\flff'f 0 .FINNf, loco1. Top ~ 1- i'ffhHii 'agilfoHiiii.011Ol i-itienne, IItiffuoni, Ic iiiiiIs C'. k k Oiti li-li. aII 111H.pice Nifil ol onell-Ci' Pi uif, Qiuiul, Ne'olf, Ifo-lii-iuH, Cok lin,1111111 , B oIgle. 11 itt ftio Sfpf-, fattungiff, IHoardl, Mfi i f uao1- ko, Cuuor. StidtiftfMainager}.