THE MICHIGAN D~' ,__.. Ii7 l? YOUR THANKSGIVING ATTIRE Thuiirsdayt Novemuber twenly: four is TIAiKSGIVIN(1- , you will want your now Soil; t aud Ovrcroat ready, !.ul nol ' r t - ieuzl -sttcde. liv ordoring here on011will not ~% only go,,t thueu iutrnh II '~ produed inibund tailoring andi - i m made to your order,.tbut you SV will save0fivo. dollars on a sinle rordlur. Ofir (ouercoalingo 1110 in a i' class by lheinoo. 100. Look 'loday AR }b L MAL[.COLM is 118 Last Liberty Ganger's School of Dancing K Juiii heci0 llasean ie. liheterm begifi in unyou do lsss orLadies and GntlemenTuesdyand ThudaEvenings,700 I to1 8:00 o'clock 110 Partioalals call at Academy or Phone 246 n---ry a11nd Com pany ,urnishers to Men 711 N. Uriverslty Ave. Ares Arbor, Mich. grsin,$hmoonTHE OLD PLACE 1urine, Faco Massage EN.R $ O 0. .A T cllor 50 steilze ns ~ 1110 gWe haveua fresh sock of hPrince M I.I J10.,G. Unmras 5k0 Albert and 'tnudoin iuzipound and 2 ___________ pounid cans10and ,jars. ot: elC um-berland UNIVERSITY NOTICES 'c1 c:. Tr 111111. N : h m11 ,,1]1 to d y .tillthe g 111 a t. f 11 N lL 1:1111,1 11111 . Nb ImIN ll 11111 New Whitney Theatre Cu.rtatro. 8.15 P. M.LaUwearomers moO sateld promsptly. The 1 x~htoo ;