'TlE MICHIGAN DAILY G. 11. WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 SO. STATE STEET LL PRICES VTh Sudets' Typewriter Supply Co. R ism 4 tPrss Bildng. Oppsie Mjesti na~ants All Na ia S ir e frs/ fon 25c up MNNEOIA r Pennants, Arem ands AT 10C 2'eh an.&Co. Stidents' Bookstore [BARIB[LL Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-hand Law Books Law anid Medical Dictionaries Qunic Mooks, etc. Complete line New and Sec- ondhBand. OdL books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Mtainaging Adiou--F t r;VA nrc Butsiness,,Mooageir-Nun as as l. Ii News Editor ...... arold5T'Itus Assistant.....I...Larry 7. l"( Iz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers, Assistant ....Arthutr I. Mosrlnanu Music and Drama...Earl V. Motrore' Exchanges and Files.. ..Diocl S. Btirney' Arthur J. Abbrott. G S.Ibashe. Paul Lcily. A. J. Wohlgeamutht. tarold McWee. Iloarry G. Elysee. MaurricI aulnrs. Frank Pennelt. iFrcd1Lawtou L~orenRr obinson. IEdwrrd Roile. JohnLir,. Con. F1 1.Straw, Jr. E rwi LochK t. Oscar Beckma. Ent Buton. ii M. NN ist N\icrd BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowmau. A. R Dtills. MycrlRubin. enunetih isaori Adre s:NMICHrIGAN 15 soY, Presos1115.1., Maiynardl Street. Offcce1Hours: Managing Editor, Itz p in. aod tt 'O-tt:30pi or. Dil. tBusinress Manager, t-5, 7-8I p.sr., I,x- c<.iptSundry. Botth 'phlones sp1o. SF1''~INN VM113s )5 (Constinuedt lirm Page t. Thei \listii;no UVion iiwill holdt el so hitret i . 1Ick. rn yislrbactkihouse oslo (sir mesirbeirs randt heir ansi O i tm ' aIbie nd t iseveov rri), 'r'ersns inrthre sliiiir s iwdi aIN r.;sI gem and Kn w rosyrio av'i 1rirrs alreadyls r'serrrl 15155' hmu s r)th cr iso teIcda nd mold' night, rwill rreiir wrc(, I tnc il l slri ;Il T1 us1C7 s r 1 siil Wiseiireriln iiurn's' a, iui l trr imeil i ra s h d racii's A i' 'i sri ills hen m , n inneri) i ll ei srve iii fr thiatl. W h n te e m aeinIs tse ('aesrill s. ilrlig c'frrt 11 'n 1t e ro ndsirsa sria t e _ l() wits'. I 'm ols 1"lml l . 1 tsll c ( I t\\5 1( issued s1rlst isli. to tsr( slrs sc sr id 1y tlse lit lit 'I' sfcs~ r ih ttd plr a d i isctd ta d v(d o 5 lpct Ihis atr i is l ccCc it s.it cil' hoil lslrmptly55 at.5 Ih -ts 'willis'tre~ hi c li1(sa ak oftI (,tikes1 m sr's ss I ls' 'lt e il l s~i l (I lie \i F: ssssI i sl '; i Sl i, 1 si t )lii 1(f her i karIM thi 1m sir slims thils so ol th lalla cil~cl Inhas made ri 1W" w i li'e s 'IIec iic.i ss r he i ;bts 1li o sbIs M11 1555'tiiire- themselves o ths I l) sr Is' ii il tte" lilstm bfr Fresh Johnston's Chocolatcs MILWAUKEE See Our Window D)RUG STORE 117 South Main is lls C l 1 f c 4 1 1 Better Than Ever Trehecradl tnd exclussiv'e linre sf FANCY SUTITINGS seac're shsow irrg today. Frso it every' rantcart fuild a fabric to strit htis ftancy, as beth light atndl cark mixturres irs lhe Season's latest psitter soare shrownu. IFor a Fall Strit that's right itt Paittern, itn tualityint Style andi itt Make-Visit Win. E. Dieterle Varsity Tailors 117 E. Liberty Street thnslhsiwheni' ts , IIIIv i s IIir 's r ii tltt e who SIC], tt S,(A ° ce1c'])1-,(ti( )n Uild k-nslattire deems the c i stn incrcascd ap- sc "iceded buildin ;s' IN sil ts richeer 1 slies s. . i(''s lestiro do sia l islcl t toi doiit.'i'i VM sriWiriel i liin'irall isnakest thest ir t Ooltfogtthast hl'ncr' I lsist ir o-er r tsin s irs hrs thelii heaslls sfils If thi stat'esofMichiganitheii r cor'' ()f s rise i' isersalschoS ofMuicna witirawn'sr the vacai' st in schlediii forii I'ridasy stl I Satrdisay 'sits's' h 'nsk'sssIV ig. Nsiuiss'tilissg}, this''e siti be cregul'ir works lsas risc' iii' sir trSool ()flissic oil thcas'e t ii ilsas. isisi hrscrlrr 'h ilksgir lispidsya theewls e l)ls 'It wcu5 s bet1 << i, Od stunitist i PCCoill mirc tire tcnd icy to5ble'ksiltin ito Crowds ss.- - STUVD ENTS )Our Card Indexes a id tiling Systems are Time Savers tioe Filing P'eriodicals, Clippings, Gloss Notes. S Sectional tiling Cabinet, idde and isatdIn udex Outitss, istaled Cards, " Guide isatds, etc., etc. MAYER, SCHIOE17TLE & SCHAIRER CO. Stationers, Printers, Binders Students' Supplies 112 SOUTH MAIN STREET BELL PHONE 1404 5 Pounid Box of Candy Free For tlue best tnatme for our tuew catniy'. Deliciouts mor- sels thtat sell at 39ci' Ier lbs. Come atnd see thtemr artdtmiake your surggestiotn. E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State S.1 12 z ; E E RANDAIL&L PACK, Photographers Phone 598