TheMich i _ _ Vol XXI. ANN ARBOR, MCFIG GREATEST BATTLE OF YEAR WILL BE CONTESTED TODAY; Northmen and Michiganders Are Evenly Matched for Titanic Struggle Which Will Decide Championship of the West LAWTON WILL START GAME AT FULL ttCttO. is wii xi t '1. tSt'1tt0N'S YR 0 5 50551 t;otsk I(rek....... tobo._2....1.,..2... 178 .........:Fatk Coklin .......8........ 2. T... .2..208 ...... \Walker lion rook ( Capt.)...235.... 3.... 0-.. . to ... 9.... iromley Coirnisel...... 70...I......t..1, ..... 8...... itMorrel Botgec...t.... ..18...t. Et.t...[,... 26.. .. oinsonot Bdittttnlt ..... ..9.... 3. RT . 3.' 94. ....tttg Wells........ 82..2 .. Rit..:. 3. 78....Pickeritg MM.illan ..... 43...t...Qit.... 3.9..._... M Goertt,.Botles" Mtgidsliii......71..2... LI.... 2.C16... Rosetwad tihose r l'attettgill......46..2..1.... 2...6.t.......Steetta staf .Lawton.......i7....ty. 2.1FR.... 3.... 62.... oltsoit Reftere, Lietti . I Hacktt, Arttt tttttire, Iotis I litti Pale; fil ri wttht of k'biltgatb 176Avetag wit ofti ' rttii CitP82. Champtiion shti iphaginiti. batince rtst. It wiill teis lst apearattc e atotopowerutigridir otaittne~t's aeott) a coilteg' griiroit atid le shold, quietytiwitiiig Irthe tggl that is tii tlirefore, play iith a powr atd de- sttle thim. T' l' venrrs which ar to trmittintiifittitg the ocasiont. Yost retresent N.01ititirota ad Mchigai oil says ttt he will kick te sttfing out MoteP siB hed.this'fiernntiraikaionig 'ofth ophelrs. the grcatc-i that tovecevrrutpheldt the Anitihler susthittiti staasidecidetlupontit Joyou athletic pre stige ofi the repectie isti- t the lst moent, Bogl tieing ikeilJ tuios and tii toay te ar twiso ifthe t tilt the poition itf right gari.The greates, if no tties gratst, ii te oath tias atwas felt that he at eent conitr. hitta iisae bttertat Qinntianooldecided It sill he a ba iteritme, gigantic ii to us imttdelspit the fattat Ittt le is HUGE S footblal abiflity if not iin sttr. Thoughitic oty aailbletrsttlstitt fr Carn- tir eleves tlitmt todayi usssilieacit-iwell ini the "'eef" tttontiecratr izne YOST ,teucrs TH.ot otto IS i et. l is tliemi, it is ti differernt fashtiniofifot-it C rhtave a great eeen" said teceerttin hllthtttthere tic isptitlty. Spedtatdttoachtiittl treref tir cottflict. '"I clrir cformiat ttis aicrth assts utot dnti ht tItititwhtti sill twi. If Miniesoa uiest lich te famouitts tientors iwhoiihave 5hIs s stronig ttt tea s te say tey ino'on. ttutordtheiresrctisc aggrgatisotts arc liter tiid ts thes-tikterltaterthey C eo elug forticttory,atdtl thoutttghilothttoutght to wit. Butt I att proie otefield, itt tetatts, Iithghiligtrrthtiioiftyorirtintg, Whlet ie get tdonie itt thei th trogl tilt farc fromitttnfttttile ii sttrit i isti' Itktows tertttavrn't lettitotan ttti stued tatd oleti footltli itttht lttest p-itt gnprty."te litternithat is tpromtisedlatdtuxpetedti. Th players re itdwit gritn de-litet 0iTEA ot)KWtI. MTCHEDio. trrinaitionisianti re retdy to play' the iof Nort 'Tat thec striggle silttbr a cose oe est foostbal thtat is itt thett. Alt of the sit. T istagred iby evry cr riti iof the giiot titttc riinot itht rbest f shape tttd the itnumec gtime It is sldomt thtt tettmts hoverat)-teatmttihasttbeett hadiicapedt by te siftifs coleting3 gcciirit sorvelyimitthon iithe erof twhihi toe beet tecessry, bit teyswill this ie, grtttrlattre. .\inniesott has a slight bte it foc he bet that the Gothers cat pronied advanatg iiseight tatu experiencee s offrieertheless. Six of te players, row. a fitisedit ttiit. They tie er iait 1letilroi, FlhnlitsttictBoreslt, Lawot, Deat splnidliirerdand t ve hoeiset atletic tattgill, tttnd Magitsotntwill cocci the tanl Pest ctarn the suiteliteuptth iroutghtot teizcistirtet hte fr the ttst titte. Fous es, ant stasoni thuts scutritig regutltrcdevelop- ofthesesrmten, together with Wells ati former mnett. The Woverines on tetther Cinila ssittdini tronintg te(Goth- "To' httndi havserthe beit of Yst's aster ccx itast yettr tandthey' artdeterminetid to Cek, fotbatltll mitndtaons they' httte had theidrill reet ttt trick. Whttlie, whlichi coms nfromt hitrt contests. ritts x'ctlAIcinvs.'cis titi. Haskits. IsAtrON tWIL 'STARTAT'.s u. Mittiesota's represettatives passed "sty 'Iti cuihigtatn silt te repesettledsth rogh CntttArtorcyesterday miorigintg, attd a gretat eeten tmtiorrowt cannoti ble ot their ss' ttIc itroi. They' spett "Bill" HI doutediri. Th uiestion oiif Thomitsot's the datts'ittrs aittiligt sigtal tril t F Iolows eligiblitty lbetae iof tlesimtplortance the Cottntry' Cttb. This tmoritgthey dtattce sx ishtnt Yst sroneoto'f thtig str- siltrcotteotttt AnnsAtro, arriing silt ,,a ipriss of the stsonss byiannosucing thtt sotrtly before te titte 'set for the gooe. the cam Geo'tige tttLaw teitowuld strt ta tl They are cottfidett itt the extremte, versitIh whterc Ttitsontisca rtieigible eery' mant beliesitg tat tis year te ply' buts ortiii. lUpon the hbrod shtulers of Gpihler is to he Iis ttrn Beititdlttakitg1 te tig senoitictherrfor will rest to theisthtiey' httett spledidlt recorl attdls of t smalttl shtare of the duties tutd respntsi- they are certaint of their own stsretgt. I'sg biitis this tfterntooni . It is Lttitoit who They expect to witt fromithie Woler- eqar sill dositer kickitg ttnd it is Latn who ies atd tuts gtit te stester chtt- cilati sill formt the pisot of the Woveitett- pinsiship. Besites they eiee ttI if demsotst tckn they catt trotttce Micigtn they' cati et.atd Y'os tsasibett drillitig thittg fellost claittt natitotttl htonors as they feel thtonecte, litt atIte phiiitt throttghtout the week, thte-Michigtan eleven has shtowni itself I httsittts stansinsg tot give tint a rhtance itt the stuperior toi the test ints easeCtI. takitigc fititilitttle. Thotse who kttnow the ttatn This year they' tote Johttsott sitht cettrate tatndsthtthave fotllosted hittt itt his wtork thettsanttiMclGosern is itt ft shtape 10 of his beievse that htr silt trove storthty oithie (Continued on Paige 2. Itels." ,AN, SATURDAY, NOVFNisItIig , iio. NO f ir. Thomson, stuhsti'rsIt-i s'futhitt't eiht titcomnute ucs orstin-u ia o et been dIre ifs tutu EMONIUM TO EVAIL TONIGH bonfre Will Light U is Scene if Michigan is Victorious NAKE-DANCE TO FOLLOW it readinets"fbitheiigrett' it uxuiglt iithe istry iof lbs yif Nlichigtninustxthis atr- uoria td gwagon stlt he atter sthichthe thin1m51 ill te udrtw State street after te gttot vetitg a htge bonft ire wilt 1a itt tevcnttthlit aIthe crut ii h Thayetatu NrttUnivirn tteonghuut teenihre stik f menilinen buntctgtgeuh g packig ecses otitd barrels is tittnd titissy nerchatts Ito' :I ts d toull thsuptt' tit~h'ttom }hots, uof te l la ehtrttttr . Rich sill deleiereshort shiner there sill tnbeoarks tytimat. tush hres-ct Icmutpti tutu tiu ilncy, "Art" hShnck, lg Toi" Riey Coh Rikey, Le "D3ope" ' hhritgr tatu "HaI s illtic thee ts eat1 the chet the itandsh sill ftriss thinusint itres- silt act as cairtitn. ing te teetingatug ttge 5sntkh ,ill le formtei. Thinrcesi chd w 'ietSttet'steet, ciii ps, disandtig iftsf U nlsi . htl. h}'eryoie is urget tsusi self stlith lutrch ads ous tsisit parpthetrali, tuuan tdtst h ae guo themi. oig to te igra1 gmtnd at greatttceleratiot," sid Cat Myers. "The ijtnctitnt sti rationt' sill he lierally cstshu tic suie tied fer outs itrfe ttetr uorigiatl sis idet of e it mauy bte. Thin cmmittiee chargeonluy 'ts ftciitate adttci the hiarity. If iatn is afra voice let him- bring a few co, SCl. ITkIC S 'OC)I tNt SPIRT 1.11 biS (OFtVISI'T'ORT ODAt31 Y.o ii Speucialt rtain stwill aunite'Ilus:Cut Cr- hotun suthtie ttichsigatnuCe'snutra I bustsn -rhotr rtailrnuts ibheginnssinug uat 8 tuo'.c titdscoitituing unutil 2 it the aterinss, fittestwt isiitorus fun thu gaut. 't'eUniversity local ilinlsigantC'enstral tibittagt saidt tievniespec'tialtt raishallutireaIths ut-ut Rooters sceued ttitt butimts th lit fe illno: bus actic.sitiu hts's Mo isit fthes'estill ComeuroInsistshont, tis tuhu' sc.tb oal tribis schsedhuus uldt.iniritt' 'sits lxrand tI tgiiis KEENE G1' tutu the stistersi bttrttflure state. At ttiaspeialttsill us'sits'insisToIt- lust us tututhe Abutts boCr1o adtu. 'This Someitof trauin-load fsp iecttoutrs itsit'tllits furit r sit sit frmtble Mihiigan iC'e-n turusts 1 u will he theisst susi depiosittled rib'tly turs ii st. hue-hubits (suit Isnmosh t'ssesrytraset-settritstwill blisstia sisu teat's'immsiahttel ls owingbthesgimig tis'ttu ubnuutst pen NEW COSTITUTION WANTED sitsusuus ili tillidtush t Athletic Board Deemed in Need of triuphit'bu t' One by iRegents Sttilts" Ta tthleittiititin formcdbtiesl 5~p";111t us"i oif scuio atut huemuni h et - clbsiserI hut-butfsthunivrssiCyusousdsitf Regents, A.usc CTi.iu ANt the 1o r s in const rolsin of itathleis is u - gtfik- ter cosideutraut itstush atuuussususslonstsNi uuiiea'utiu,. stinsuRge ndtisi ssBeal, CO(slutatush 5 'thsss of Saw ''it was piui ntd tossitinf it ilit t nso tt theu ivets ity s'tteittnitthiutsuncitns I ol C Issormai l upoth swibl bus mit etub os t h i sukhiabus er regeits by thur consitititionaitI commuit tee "wsits cI it thiti uic tuntu h is t tut iii it"isest buster. ISuitsCotls blus D tsoitutu ane eeeFI Mir of sitnCussCrlwerestntameduicby bue sbus 5555555 p xt'riesommisuttete itsiterut ibi s f "Icno slt' lsthe titwo hlrsis o ;'; 5. Isl thbut, i u i t d tectsuraul departmnti. Saisue t.I tHs .'Us''susit f iii tustuciali na iii h l ilia boassrdtstill bt'ieunables'ts take ansisy seiiits bitlap" is ta'ctin suctowar te sitaishhusittiofsit , stiil sit ubtettrt tiet of u llusts arts, althosugh'Is thus CC us J.19 V advstiiity' of5 thistveen as cla-wsClel lyirectizuiedtu. ittthis goodu IS HIGH LAST ROUSER, Hall Was Full With Enthusiasltic Over Prospects YEN WILD RECEPTION ih.bis' husushhs' M s it butts nc~lcit bast m hut t (mc5Of ccetuh itmtass 555 mctx ec buisyHal. it' vrs'cat inthbit' luis was File inthusiasm rust ous s - o} there's\\siae .'tl noi tet thtte uto~~ it its subd iss In leuitsh6 is cx ~ i tice tutuMadlin andutu(Ibis bucsi lsit suIitscestt 55 ltta useo J.Ciussussu Ixtitsi suit it sa uitn i assiau tiont tof fths CotseunitxicsIII C1ii suits luttst sbus ibis it sid,'r bi t t y't'.wasi'.'' his testis titl t1 sixW'situ suaits si bitt maCl sittutu u'. tsii asins then fr I u te uits i- isstoitsetMo tu "M. )lbususs 'st-, f it i lhus sth usi ). st ofi ths'ro'u-suitssoke titu das t''s ustixc 'Iwe had tut -s1'itiui sui 1' I..1.1 ii-1 .. i- sy is' tush I- il ort i hltidsohtuu ta hutsfstub)hbus en55oissfirst tisse itsa it blsstiitar unitd sitsitsdit stelsittnewl y ellec ttti ltntrsits theis isis xis ctfi thur sotubetu n I'buts i sa ueveing t i this Y. CCC. C. .:fte he hssormalsitliestwere tilt isis uuiet'l uttutgui's-t tl W tostmstes litrs t Ifoloie iitae stun ralledh uponsfo tutouasti:x I turtuit ShterstwodLaura Hahuh, lotrenre Mahrtins, Mary iMtlesroii tutuChatrlottee hnfuebt. ea st-ilsisth i itb playiiit ii- iii xls.'' tDr. Frnts t ici'ii xtske inrthes'fit' C;fe flu-i' sush andoinitanit '3e crlubs edee 5r ictosrs.'' sie suits wahug sd , sgiuig"'t '.C111' b ba 13111eCFlbe' ''It seesito bsesuthlita i ectircsnuibs stry tamps. Tsbuliltis subtlerdftorsus-tny 'rouughtineck'I ttics. ' 'llCII, 1151 JIC1isRN.-CIlSI'S. .In. Kitrblanish lexansershi hebus e edtsittrialwrte- f 'heD srit Junalt, Jounaisicstueztson''hs- es- pae, itsTs uitIiso suitdbPurpohise'''at Prof . .N. Sco's Borne.-'s- t uigi. ''ths' ii'"success if us journistit,'axstwilts sit stats itt-rprfsi tius, dits- dsx n5lbitt chartunueur 'tushh tsit xl5,''ait tintimus' sit of bistailuk. '''This's-s.cttu' eeui- 'Ithostsshat a'u t-i'lutstt.ttose hth rshpes bus t suthliistrtngti o fis'sc' thecmi, a'tutu hobssssettdlbrel shortiso ths- publhic.' ACu y s h srimeus lustsofthes-netspaerofic :i tints-rumitusthi s'taiti n g o h ae and evertinug c'osnuctedsb silsit. Mtr. CAltxander's'psited ob uithebin-u triue if thee its-st uts lt uscusslbus rcrubptisssatushc-rimssonsuitsnsinsbusrsits" sthe pubic.t'ofthe tiitexsif polttuital 5 a ditie~is. Ittinluenice sillsb-elStrom;,st' stio- tiist's-prsimarties arc utiisal.i bus spieakhinsgsubthe ur nctono te tutditrial tutor.bit staid,'I ut it us r~clir autdlappntal of editorials butte crt; aThe'ynlsonusger bristle i'oth invtituciives si bt .ini'osw rther tanatlyses if liii shy' sets . asTheeditorts bsxtfiendsi xis te readherst-io scolidshbusthe msut." a