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November 18, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-11-18

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The _ gna

Vol XXT.
Michigan Authorities Believe r
Fullback Will be Allowed t
to Play r
ITati ~tIt t;" T iomso , star full
tas: ,il he a'll iii ad toicomptetagrainttisa
th aope s ';ilie tegatla whih taaart
sete sells al hampiosips tom rrwa
ite opinion;;;'fItei \\olvrie attiori-t
tca. limtiltit h;adspayed ta 'salort-
ltn ila aitutdte i thitmattttand it
,oa crta intilalt ithtldecisionofathe i
\lihil,.l ti;Ital il ihe 11 tit ataattat
wm. heGohes at nitttiloditt
a fliit'liia atl tt aIaini tla Iic ia
p sa t>> ca rgs i a r thim.Tl e
'lcsio; ned hi tat; iih flili
til it'a' s atemen t o ithe at n
ac nN s eig fratheatinformaa atlait
The l\la iiin -aleaderstat; eatall to 'haeablea
to con incethefGpherstat Tomsona
iid ot a i;; ht Of I a a en; far ttat
lisnt' ugt'; ol agh te dc l o ;' lithatl
he istc Itg i'lli'to i 'i' tj litid rt; I c f t-'
ter a d sprit f ath lconeren t riti t-Iti
he a ilitu t(, a i sfy i ltthc etianice raet
h lir;; oicmptea athlete a sta~l;
iet Ia laili're l i aett ofila th
eqi alt hr em odt u
tht hmsniiaply proidediith
X trac itsliand; th;;at te(gprsia llii
Themril;tt ls th;tliii ia t tttnaa
m n it il t1 tll ft thli t; ia'ik a t;; ';;
~asinlgibc" ere aslly swit tr
foalti;;; The s a telaral fbacki's rat;ect-
ordis le;aa i l leg lartailla sittiatiirea
t h itci; hitalt ; t til ;il a gt
a la a itt;; ra alc , aoax at;
I ie h a tit;i es t era Atiat tlgat
wihat t ;ttheii iity rues,tt 'a , woa r-
iden. Th rsd ta ril l iasthei ('mall
'11;; t l I t biltlity;;nivedlit; faa e
tra il, atlight s tiign dri l il he lttars
toayala The liarity its moretaat;1plafats
itaisposl fl;alh a t any iia tam a
las a V atha l nt e a st and, fatlI atat Ira
tt itt atfalas;;.sama st arthli titll i
a il tatuttc at;e tll tttr afielatomos ar-
Vlarsait inlaigha tforationa (dtilT hurtl ssai
day tDugass'piss Paervd3.) lls


NO. 4a'.

ProesorFotge taofthL Ia L i at;' TO ROUSE ROOTER S
Iftadsi, taaral l te Lercle an it s
tiagnitit Itast tighat withanli t ellta aiingt
gall: oitthel"a r u iadiasm aad Citteittiati
art' life if IPrehitic aul"tatle "Hurr-iip'"and Former Trainer
ntie, ucovring atai Cncering a Speak to Students at Mass
reiiousaalife tof t:theaittraole. Meeting Tonight
althou;;gha in tal;; it; a subtli wi t h l
whaicha n Ali maerict;an adienclitslatll;
attiitar, Itis trealta;t f t a h MUSICAL CLUBS TO BE THERE
motre in;terestinig oi; i i i Iaof iitste
The letuare was illiatratedI1;by lnt';;; \L hit, J t itiseto be ls itiletmssa
hldes, phoitogr'atahd; rml h itlc :et Iia;i;i ing in aaa aoons s latitlad i i;
all ao <tti ttalttia's 1 ithe 'Vtt'l Ia 7c'h l tng t ee eFtp trc it
fit. GermaIaigt. 1K; ilt ltwhichttsiaL lait
itiitati' tar; i; ''i ; io i sit to Dai ts tt a i : to clear
fatam prehtistoric a l;, . te L a . Cachal;Yost,waa t at; st
alt attena'; ce.a;
(It L . C iliart, tpt aitlaatof of thet
LI;;c;;iani l utni assoationli;; f litt-
TRAFFIC TO BE REGULATED lap; ha ill i tell awhat it extpecteat ta
the ______r i s II; I) i al aitsta. lit'an-
Police Will Keep Autos Off State St. aconi tilte i ;tary deptartmetwl
After Game Tomorrow ciii; te acLt"...J. Llhtti;

C(Il l CClNL'II'ttiia l 'a ttti 11f11EN ui
tl~o~ao~ Ilaerl I';'. II I O TCK T SALE
stiltin fro f'lo'ttcs i;ll(t,, Lir-rtta,;
a,' tiaro a' ' ttni"dtal lriat;;;; at it---i
ttiot iof~a th L1'1autariAti aiati ' f IDiscrimination in Passing Out
lii; raitira, V"t iritata11111 alitula f1111i-
vearail7tta;tty e ' iiwcv iscaussa edtitthlitia M ass Meeting Tickets is
ti\eetle line;alt atmor;:I1111 ; ic Charged
" itwas ia'a;tirtilar1't plt'eaeit, sa id It
1ikal;, "ta t ;i;;lthat lir a,'tto;;t ieii ALSO CHARGE DISCOURTESY
ill otet' aitita'situ a if ttae c t'; . 1
art, aevertlatl holst me iti l vllm h ir artii; L i'. LNtith,,Not, 17, 1910.
towardt' heat;; andIii itards f LI aliti'-m t T(' 1 the it,)r Ift;;' LICH';; It sa t' a
as yttheyt at ie 1(1 h:c I l it t lt t ii i l )et I fi;
it'll Redal t'+;s ala Iofe it a l C
tat ing i of th t'ii;;;tat La a ati 5 lc 1>.t '(y:t~iiithe questionabla
\L;;aria'a; t' iisaa'atia', 11(' llt a (et~ts .( .ltai a 'itiivesity girls
i 11 L' ). ~ 54 111111;,;' at 1 il scitit a.I i i Itiatitattickets far
I M 19 ist e'o a tills, (fI it lld lp l
FIGHT FORL OLD WHITE JUG I a; ; il d l l) Iliats:ia 'tt
1 Lhe Atit ici- vc titer haa is-ato

Wolverines Will Strive to
Trophy Fr m Gophers


taaa'a'laI at ttf L;Ii i ltt iltcsytm ha en} 'e'(le a ' ; ar ao rin lubsta aitlg
pefete b aCief;;; 11o the local he h ndii tol a te t Itt;
apotlti tatparmetri' t ';;eaeta -a nd "gully" fi l i et a a' aa;r aa;aInt f t'
'tat'; tart;vehcltsta';t t' teet; ran lt; ill l4ath s I thelggrca'at d; ittl ii a
til le it l hst rvetetteat"A w tickets t:Atetiata iaio re
fo getn awyatreg eand11111 a; i ithatlallathoer ho ac'atdct
Ia troved aa ui s a ce;;;a;th 1111 theat adter ikt oSrc
at titartautna;Ill) tarrtItet It;;atea;rtaeMORAL UPLIFT IS URGED
ga eb t'ilitheta' tutth sidesres O AL h~ nN iheps dat ti llitntrace- -
t lh iehul andh asthecas riv, frProminent College Worker XVisits All
thegam e tiara taill hie phlated a;itt;rafI Local Fraternities
, relletiltthitregtinathat hey wis
hat lit;chits
Ii;' ;;I ' d f r h u it; s scton" h \i t tn lii r ' en'; a; ve t; a 'tIal lesti
_; ine up a at;;;stret.altastt e taht be ortr tur sttu i;' tf al i
iet stha ittathey c1ul Ig, irecly ot; raer ities 1in 'ahi h iurea' he
airtal atitli;lir iei;'tat t hugaai ll lf
'' tat eL auto'ists' a ate m Iin teehe 1 int heill it ateirittlies I'M the at na'ta a;
from thetaatatihithahe lAtluuItue ttilt
dittlS t he yIl "ill ahara'ie 'apt air t
itt lit th otatf tthe t isa iiand aciIg lll li aa I stt t ~ I
thea tahai.ia 11Theyiwill hedrc d up gr nda atttt t hetst uden'ai'll adLLMr.
itc ste tailteneva ) ~ ad It,(a) ; tt tr itXr X ra
u~ast LIuveitry, whalit;'y an tak

aside'fromt; tadvt lt;
alt t'lld alii'' 111511 ,indti
of ilteresltl tilt-n ii; i tl
'lse Iii 1 ft' ''hAiti\LL1liti

< < r
he r
1 u

m tar(r~ at;; at L " al)." R, ldilt
tii their tralt ha andt s ua ll
heIna Iga e it ;a' incs ) 1
a r 'clila tat thelIi ta at
tharti iat; a ~o~n1~ I f
witht he scoa; ted ();oo I}.
wate bo li kd fo lt u
lat yeariili() tr a lfita s ls
alISi ckat Ii i it tt dla a I)
;Iii ''1 lii t ill' I posy ssii it
I t i ttil;'l the () tc I iii ')r i lt
'acith lear. '
l til i a'i ; t e I Y) ':(:
enl ed " to' l ',' thejg fo w '~ctr
t t t illtithf l ii it'll C
if th itl eii 'eS vi ah itihil i
iI hi as f a L i hia n ti
To it'l e olddo nt I
ahl quity and Li tilsality Th
oL the itiiv'tt' ti h uld he;; r
atnd alt ,t a ll le
i;;;;> hats th it a tc ala satwit;t
;teal, ha;' it c 5 l hlt Irgeiitta ii
ivc r fd o 'nn ; Imshit
tail;, iaeyAw v heget

Keep I ' 'aIie;o as eti galt;;kfai
I fr th i rl. ' nucreevtg ion heat
I v~iiel ()wm, ? rd vmor ig li>t tie
1litr l{cl te siwati~jiciain th , a ahei
I iii)t ,ot ii ath a ')t ps sd an . Thi
h" o hrdy see s pob ale ortht' at r eta
rAtt i;dattti
th ih ct t ti su eeitdt iniaai tiht
til ,'i;i 'tat hi
that' til
tc) ste for I fri zelli'hisi17)0 l1 t
tultut tlt;;hue;
tiu'it; stalii
liii tilt
\v()ked ~hid th c'Iath at;th gut a
;c -(c. I i a i~ui~ i
Wi t't etc asocat(it ant] ri 11111 he inta
II I, ocet I(ssl ly itake, I ails
it t. fmll stll not er it alt lt hnls
all LI ii ;;;vsth h ila lt of t h emt "
Isi tat r( t 1 ~ ote i i ng Il;;'; (la
alit I t Iirith tal
L\'t tii t a;;hu''a;
I i ; i irt ~c ic ttu a i oft a he aaaa'ia
ats auit r eatai
cla-to ha , uteen a hvry its att-
M] ilt 111()1 li rsm ngr a
; 'itc'ate I ]c~~1 h m Ld hl (hcr.at Site
ait)Y ! jiii it; a c { ) t e f e 11l il t''e IIilt''
intt rt' ' ;lrti Lait it;;);; I> lc) 2. Whe it
tin th i' II i I IIcrtak hi' la 1kt tlti''h
;ari saat, al a tifithuelt?" ' >
tutu itithuluil lila;; titins lath 'eatit.
t;i.I i Ii ii5 1 1 1i lawn.. bv r' )IIi; raoftiti st's'h>
I SMh mhit ltt i lls ell til a it tu ait'

L:1-ideatlt;;; stthats' itetthsau stu
ii tai t ttrhie ite a dtah etilt oalt boi tht
in ilt ti and 1defa. Col iiieitttisi i
ttal iaessen utiatin",ada;stadeat
eara wthtatt;;' h etusiiah iit
Andloalt W)tlclt~tbawtill mich.aIs t
isata, m itene id::s lilanttthutslasm hsh(tit
es'sar l; itha'ivi st 1twiul ',e 'li I tu hu
aifreeaanahiuaghp, ii~t f owy
just aoala 11nd1 ttreitits'ictor orda-
LAatmotorcycle clubais ibeing- flirt;;si
at St;; antdLinerita

Cflit f fin 'll f ;L1 K2 II'ti ee
''i-Mlo ;t at t ; i tntthe a~i atKe'ptit-
at from tu tu it ta
Newberry Hall
2.5.30 P. M.


1000 O FCI L1000

15c Tomorrow

13c Tomorrow

r w wr

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