-Ti F 'MC t'I 'rA N bAI A Blue Serge Suit comes~ ill migihty~ handy fir an occasional change of attie. Eixcellent xvaloe to your mesussre $25 F. W. GROSS ILiber tiy'itr ,ecr.1. curtis Ave. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. The Spalding ar~hlretau Te~dMA~~ MENTfotrallathletic PVol5o sports and pastimses. LD 1 4 o1< dcSor jl cJ.INiiJu. I'sHri e tei in stun cciiriisi iiinof ionrouhii . WhatsNew in Sport A. 4G. SPFA L 1ING C& BROS. 2a4 Woodwuard Ave. Detroit, Mich. FUE F ARMERS AND INIELBANICS BANK MAIN AND) HURON STREEITS Capital $50,000 aurplus and Profits $100,000 tGeiiriiHacnoekinBusiness. 3 per cent paid oi Tme an liii s'7 iecsii c Safety He- posit iocucs Wion i1i i t 5 0aeii upwards Ri. itiNIF.es . 11.i. 1') esnvn All, Vice-Prer. 13. A. WtLicis-. C'litier V. T'Cob ,Asst. The Ann A rbor Savings Bank Capital Scici.l300,000 Siirpus $50,i0 A teneraiaintig BinseesTransacted =r teal : Cliii CEH icockP.Pres . i.) Ha~rrimian, Vice IPreis.: 503. Felts. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK tajili- llit s i$1. lc50.000 its.I iiil.C'.-Wa iiz. Casieri V tes Co Ian- Re c in s Sauki Coinn~mer-ciea.1 Bmrvid Ss.vieisgs Cor-. Mot.. a rid Libety Stresats FIRST NATIONAL BANK 07i ANN AROslR, MIres F. D. iNN IARItSNSOULE Pet.Vice-Prert \V. 751 A 50N, Cashsier Cap ital0 tt000 cSurlus andiPrlits J6l5.000 CLASSIFI ED ADVERTISING PI"J11S llli i-? 'IC 7 11' iC 0 iii ttiit2[ll ~ 1)1itiiii ___________:__________________________________fit{. rt i' it'i i frsmnwWANTED faceth re llnulld-T~en "''it'e wire" toi handle iiajocrity ocf a seinig prcponiion 1 ne1 xt simmeiii iiit th ii iusl Excluivct elerritory'givn.$5300 01111of ofentsiv lime uieiiriig iglho suimcir. See0 mit hinci lavei ini Mtociiasin hll oniiTuiesdaynd ertheVa 111 sa rm oa .'ul]- nLo n-ri. d occ Thiirsiday adiday fom Tihe line up 2-4 p. Ill. Jiiinii ,.' Spieelt Repop i ons iiii tenting The Currenst Iidi Schiiiar1ship r>Tir. Fuiiid. )7&-,9. Th Mii ll II 'iiiied-Tii exchngce ticket icr Siiii Itroi hii nst ga e N'I Igv 3,Ftfrt fieC ut37 37, i1,12 fori35.F 1'. ti i wl Bcnuseofnfereid. uolify Rosn oIcr il e -50 Lawrence St. s9 I__________ morn iigeli i LOST. Getpe or neanr campsliolast Frciay lushi Ple e e n it to 6T i1. Uiei i e. no liel Rewnaoril. 37-39)4' Lost- (,amniaPi bea S, ameVasity Ii 1-' return tin Iin S. Ma in it. iiiii o 11111 iii _) c ite reiwarid. 33 01)9 foil \Sai'r TianId[lSft e nd Y .C 1ady's blaickkidi glt ve i tic iCiiiaUi' i on . ic nhc Cinicert Monidayn ight.iRewadif re-1)'ait s ituried tin SltOakiad. 3-3-40 I C. .iatNe MICELNEU iii sisiniedi ri at Monro n d t ngall 5iiiii isa n ito i Ii 'Soiare ih ill, a oSli 3a P. tt. N v. 7, 190s ;r ancv plas iic itmunic in iiith he i oi g .Nec s el trit lenr . 3S)s-3 iii ill thenk'ersoin who C tookii' by1' i s-i tiaktheiti aliner looelaf n t-ii'< I c P s fiont heshlfbyth7coa3rom ofthC11 167. tni Li re y l ea setre t ciur n u t lInc tinhei dote, n try tlaroomRinorltoleSc~iculain s N nii des'? Tseli noltesu' are' valuabilo e . 391Si llTh11 11,11ii1i Phne 72-JOr16its iorShw. - IS VI LU AGA3.INST ' t'l~lBl CIK. nvlmed Sic iage1.1 JI cc'lu~ ooss lilostetnn. Thr ere clot inithit afterniiio n t ,lars builtiheyierei'c'lleud it tight so rnsiut'e iwirk. 'lin thiiii Ic wtil spnt i llsi'pi t-i bee dcct pd Afteri ii - tli fot'i or- 10'the , i nii' r lvstihe saic t~n lit ;, iii m's( )11 sl d ii I r . in In ii an 'wll, 0' o c ,la in l r il iS 111111' v hi t iiiiitiiis l iilii ' .itS iii lr-, Ii ii ii. li - 001 i eirll tlol lul 0lil \. H 11,1)5ii S:\ .? 'lii Si lt Ny intill ls I f th7. V. C lilt()iiNTeflwes'i'iil 'M Iii'o'ro itSil' tiii ~ tl 5 11111't,'' or te bstIalt n e IaI IrIulu i nstrSlaCt jus aried. 1 Schaeberle 11 & Ilotisc [ to ; 11'M St e invite ou to call r gt a. Souvenir oryour room F='ull me of College o-csI young chaps is rtstyle - C, fl ym. Suits 'ctory Suits, 11 ca .. rs Goats, and B~ath Robes °00 R s'man Caps Mi~Pc Try us 27 .WMain St. -i 'la Room ci (,s i-rn3 tos7:30 P. M. t cL h tten for special parties 1 ;721 0 UNVERSITY AVE. O R~ding1696 Y -i dLines {. 1 t' I -'sicli Siu, - r 1 iii ' n i i c i nuof asis . - ears and extra service Cs 'i eiionspspplied. h Store 302 S. State St. iii %d .flnss fur Men ' ii Ii'- ci Ladies' Shoeet " =:r," o'rceChildren :. eri n i Cd lSE.. FROST. Prep. Chocolates ICE'S DRUG :i'oi Get your MI ICAi Pins, Fobs and Shloh HALLER'S O pt icaPic ;>Dt/p FineWatctand] ii iery leo iii H1ALER'S J[W[[L 216 Soesth ICIits -ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SilC Grill. ChiaC 'iii 'billecl o pst atrd 0«: lr.3 W . IC 'liii t in't.. stak. 113' mi i GOVSTL~,P cit 1> I liicruriibll s iti li. IG E .V 7OL , _ -eioidl f. 1 4 Doors From 1 Freddie's" 0 I Hand Sewled Gloves $15 n s ewd ith i a ldoub testsed I WANER & o. t.0 Ar nArlo .1 ty' - ffi i'y is paramont aiik oilt sihat uthere' .11 '-? 'iqu ii' li'ii lii''s i hth+ wamf~tuv r n.' Itsi s I I r!rywprd . , ; J' -..n '.9Y' 'i il' i it .-.,.. .,z .. c. , f 31 ~ i clear, mellow and very pow- log to the makers. Foe sale by all leadinsg music desilers. Desk D802 L YON & HEAL Y (95) = CHICAGO G v i CHORAL UNION CONCERTS 10---Star Numbers---$3 McMILLAN, November 4 t'soii it BONCI, December 9 Teno FLONZALEV QUARTETTE January 18 SAMAROFF, February 24 Pianist FESTIVAL. of Five Concerts MsAY t.-tO0 Tihomssi Orehestra---tiCorl Uionis and Soloists Ilasidel's 'Judcs Msseaiseus" Tsc'haikosksiy's "Eu-gen Oleeoil" Tichiets viwnsitc ~aletScthoolsof Mesie or 'froms student canvsassers One-hali block nortih C. otf1 16 eo nais) 4 weeksi v'-c°.5 Ce J.SE 'ON 41st yeaa'- YDxc"1 - - - 41st year lIa r' - 'E i o Arzsa .Arbor YLEIG. aL Nd"' C - = NY.:' Arxes Arbo Arim .Arborse eealc.. "?. ,. p _< siate La SBldgt. ... . S S-