THE, MICHIGAN DAILY --U - -7 m The precse fabisv you'd observe on Now- fork's smaurtent men these Alutumnn day s when Fifth Avenue's yr ouilnadcleso-vlunds5 with thec swish of silk ant the chttg of motors, are -on parasde hers- to-dtay. We hae id( tiusif-anot itin te- wiftshiny arrasy for yostrvscritifeat in- !spy.eetissn. Wearing iseemsodest maeiltatliiosed fassitlesly in stylerand fit, you'lli hs- tifacttr in bislinren andsialts ais5. Shdes-,s df t' sare variett cnti-h to saitthe mnot exating. wvttll-st yo ss pursr- We'l it 1ousitfabits (ioaslf;he ,rte -.,sr ,,tl tirint t ifyultl drIfotp in tittir way J. KARL MALCOLM 118 E. Liberty 1. a Ie i i UNIVERSITY NOTICEf Tfhe employment ibureau at Neswherryj tall still fias many opportiunities for girls whfo idesire to ernt their roos, or oouns asnd hoard, Tfherrexilfir a (arty for all coflege girls at Newferry faff, Thutrsdav crest- sty, it:no o'cfock. The membhership committee of the Msfichtigani Union wvi lahod a smoker at thee csubhnse tonight at .I on 'o'clock. Tickset seffers wvtnted for Stutdenits' t.eettire aissoiciatiosn at Gracduate sethool oiice in University half, frosmt4:no to Gho tiloday. Meetisng of the Student Counicil to- nighst at7 :30 at the M ichigan Union. Granger's school of Dancing O~pen October 1 itht to 13th- Classes tnr tadien and tientloaso Tuesdayanod Thurnday Eveninog, 7:00 t to 0oock I For Particulars tall at Academy or Phone 246 Office lors: 10-12 a. m. 2-4 p. m Henryeshnd Compaony Taeilors a..rd urnrishers to Merv 0 COsNiTRACTRiS Ak AAINiSto.0W Once more cosstractors save failed tss five uptof isxvpectations and the unii- sc rsite authforities tire foreed usoivait for tfse-coinpletion of more campiuis himprov-ements. bast yeair it was tse Chemsistfry bmilding andulNew isginecr- isle sing; nsow it is fthe general library bildsinig. \N ilklihe remosi os- 5f the sri cssllectissn to oilier qfuartet's mosre space is avsaibr for librcary puirfsnes lists ithe ll art gallery is beins- renidled to suitifsstew seedis. YOUR CHIANCE. on'st muiss Iis (sopportutyf to ptic chseaguasransstei 4-k.StlzItseisthis week fssr salfise.Thitsssssse if oursmethdssfs oaisvertising. By stir- chsasissgsfdurinsg tfiss sl ott savs fhr mdlmnsvssoitsisIttics p en sisusity. Safz ensalsfs st Skisner's. S 11ff iT VP WR1IR.111 Thy Fox Typefiteir Compaf nsyxiii holdsi their thsirdsemSciisannsal salsei sf news assdsisecoissitypsewrters duinsg fise \vek ofl Octobssr so-i5, at thsasmspfle roosss Ofs isthe IMfitseiWhitinsey. LUsshearsd of ityfpwviter basrgains sur- ingy Iis salv. Termss to suit tseeisuser. 3-4" S;' I 1f-T MASON. :11t Stsusesst anssiFavcti t ssasons plieaserevyivter st snce- is, tse Msonisic register ast Usiversity iV. 21. C.. A. ssr CalinssDirug Stssreoi Stastv St. 3-4. itit Pessnn issts(ssslvni vsescrsiiauly is, issi Isgetsscqutaisntesdat a smosker sit till Ksesiste visits.S. State sirs-vtFri- dlay vess-ilny,lOvtobesr y, it I8so'clocks. \ll welcvomse. 2-4. Fuller & OCorsss Tasilsors sasisiClrean- ers, 61g If". llias St5. sIi. 1D1-iroit Lasssdrv Brantcht office. fal Ilis, t247-. -f lie isest guasransterd $i.oo Fossil tasins Pvsen atCshinssg Phlarsmacy-. if. r r \ New Whitney Theatre FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 7 ROBERT In a pisiy like no other, as produteed at the Ltibesty 'Thete, Ness hork. "AFool There Was"3 By Porter Emerson Browrn Sno-gestedt iy Kiptings Vampstiire Poems. tt sttles blasveeslay-noroikes-a sstsudnexpls~niossncsfscassaticdymtess Note: Mr. Hillijard will not be seen in ar-y other Michigan town this season Scfiedule of Prices Box Seats $2.00 1 st 4 Rows Balcony $1.50 1 st Four Rows $1.50 Next 4 $1.00 Next 9 Rows $2.00 Last 6 ~ , 75c. Last B Rows $1.50 Gallery 50c. Seats Now Sellij,g t MAJESTICNEW SHOW MAJESTITO-NIGHT BIG EXTRATh kI FEATURES Thrsday, FidySaturday Matin~ee anid. Night Direct fromn Temple, Detroit DICK CROLIUS& CO. M.In the Slang Classic" Shorty " M .CROLIUS in his originl role. Positively the Comedy Troat of the Season 711 N. Utniversity Ave. Amesi Arbor, Mich. s The Huron Cor. William and Maynard Streets One Block from Campus Newly Furnished Throughout $4.00 per week EASE UP ON THE PROF'S The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Room 4 Press Biding. Opposite Majestic BOR $3.50 per week P MUSICAL STIPPS j SOL, BERNS Xylaphone Experts H ebrew Comnedian Operatic LO n ll "A Lesson Stars LUOELaLinO pera" TRIUMPHANT RETURN. EXTRA ADDED FEATURE CAL STE WART Corner Grocery Story Teller NOTE. MR. STEWART is the famous original whose Phonograph Records are known the world over MAJESTIC MOVING PICTURES $13.00 4 weeks in advanc V MRS, G. DEUSING 3011 N. State St. CALKINS' PHARMACY "You're Welcome" Sale We are glad you're back==you will surely believe it when you see our "YOU'RE WELCOME" BARGAINS Don't miss the demonstrations in our window. "You're Welcome" Bargains at your own price. e I. '-o.-OO - -e -mot--O--OO-O------o+n' THE LINDA VISTA One-hal block nrth othe Campus (216 S. Iogalls) Coffee and Bolls sersved till 10:30 a. m. Board, - $4.00 per week C. J. SESSIONS ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP oppositse iecnie WaitingRouoa GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Doors From " Freddie's " DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor end Jackaon Limited Car. East Bond-8;t0 a. tm., 10:t0 a. mi., 12:20 p. us.,2:2ti p. m., 4:20 p. m., 6:to Limited Cars West Bond-MAt an .. t1:51 1:54 p. mi., an5 p. a.. 5:5i4 p. m , 7:54d p. m. Local Cars East Bound-1o Detroit, 5a45n mt., 6:45 a. tm., and every twou hours to 10s4a p. mi. To Ypsilant, 5adaa. a.and lhalf hour- liytott1:15p. m., also 12:15 a. m., 12:3O0,a. m, ia-an a. tn. To Saline, change at Ypsilanti Local Cara Weal Bound-545i a. a., t7t15 a m., and every two hours tot11:15p. a. i VIM i "6SOME PLACE TO GO"! Family Theatre 43 S enanda frorri Matim Street BOARD $3.0 per week BURBANK P. STUART, 513 South Division CHAS. E. MtSNER, Steward I THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY MATINEES DAILY GaEORIGIANA CLARKE The Scotch Nightingale NvlLsoTHE TWO LOWES 1 i The Forever Favorite GEORGE Wo PHILLIPS Comedy Character Songs and Others CALKI N S' m 2000 ' Feet ol the best sell Explanatory Life Motion Pictures Obtainable FIRST EVENING PERFORMANCE AT 7 O'C-LO(CK SHARP Doily Matinees at 2:30 and 3:30 PROICES: Mtatiaees: Adults log. Children Sc. Evenng 10. to all toc. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLS MILWARD, THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY Ttl[NQ [N TAILOR~ING