ANN ARBOR, -MICIG AN, IiiC'1080 XV, NOVI , 1 uhf 7r, i111. Vol. XXI. r>. 3q. PROTEST IS FILED AGAINST FULLBACK Minnesota Objects to Thomson Because He is Enrolled as Special Student LAWTON MAY DO THE BOOTING Foir te second zine his seaon, the quest ion of the eligibility of "ottles TIosniis ivexing te athetie autlori- ties an(t rendereingi 71ichigans chances of gidioiietori Iprecaricos. The star fullackhalos been lprtestedl in the Goh1s ntie gounidltle is ai specialstudntii. ini the saoen n lce iiisitfscoilati iffti cilties hbut tsiwee quicli setlei and Ithereeis ioaino qu~etinilot talt h( es ligile iiiiier the M1icigniirules. Tie loantl oriticsivoliiniy plceeditthe full fats if bhe cas eiefolite Miiiii sot oficilsslaingtha wile hue leis registeredlnoassecistuent le i tk- igflwokini the lw d elarmet iitr- sigtesmie studsies iunde t~e nsame cniin s tie egiilnr stuentis. The (Goiiher, however, lbelie lit lie is niit eligible iit oopeteunderotecouecnlfeencie rlsbuthyhaveonioticionvincedl the mmes of the 71 ihligano1boiid. They Iavesno itelnredithat theyo wil iisisit upniiThomiisniih emig barre. The mat- ter isiiwider conidoerationu litheitiotii- tis at hiithlicooiils oanmo ai iecisionmayuin b reed o .T eseem iito le n clel in' ccii ierec eulig wh iich exactlycieriistii siainn. ,0; i' r I iiii- i i tnI; mom- L~. no Se I f 'iioiion is m-kielt iiitMicign's chnes ofi viiciiii iilli lielesenediu- lecilt iii and lii h isnbsnc mycist the XV'esternChampii~iiiosi up Xiionaisfc- Icry sublsiutemi is mmiabmle foe tieplce. fir nGenc , mmii hoiipila iccii full gniist the fGiiipies ls so, ri ilscol finch is inmigilecobu iicmpliete aidue lie conferene rulingsiiiii d Griii n I sciii is ch scaicel li euedmi. XNoi iiiiyemut aiplint ec lie delii 'l volim ca ii ne Tiliilsliis pilce' as iffensiv e fulack, ut somei oe imuls ihe fiiiiiiio ianimg ud ight n liii'defenose and mtoo li. Th willi nole anieaso tsl. Yost refuseso iouricy,-satlg thntice -s 't rin 1g anii id'lcges iiitiile coiiiesito thiiii.-' It is ccrtinut ht niw- if Thoiiiiinnis cledi il, as lie ise - nabsence of thelsushi'fulbck. nawtoi wle plceaackll el'fromi whne Ir e malt'be cllledlich to itiiie iniiiiit. juoe Magidlsohmtmigtle' statioiiieditli frl niiikoriesle gienlhis pla' at half at rightlil uhe. iEulmundus iii excellnt wiorc: ns a fullbaimnll the elcin'giies oilTO 9before icelie nws coiimpel intoleve- schiiiii Induuhe mhiy' le iessei int nse-c suce tiece' gni. eii ilit is a powie- fil pltillii a'ho miigt ihe'utilizeu at tie polsitionideslieStfe isla lck f eisliece. Yoist woriicedihis ipup~is oe-tilog (Contied on Pg 53) CERCUE -MEMBEROS XIII 8101.IIO,[FC'PRIO 1 ih iCKTS. 1sf At a meeting of the Cec S lE NOTOBEYE held last night prepiarationl eei aeliA. NTOEYDt~ foir the receptioniliof Proifiesson Iuer isti oiltessth siileitlilit' iPeople Favored b Association iiighit ini Sarahi Casiell -biugeil al 11. by Tichets to line Cercle Frcancaiis ciourseoi Plan to Use Privileges ;>t leitures weea i sui bt ed ainih m mesad ti'e irenuchificitlty, fromiiUnlawfully ' ciiiise ticketsa ndlusingle i si n s wia iill Il lie oni style at the' idiiir. WATCH KEPT FOR OFFENDERS tl ProfessorcFoutg-ces' lecture oni I"Drui--'s dcG u an otm o Lf beoete Romnm o nquiiitest" wi11lliegirait 7:030 irectioro I .jmr. . shr.«tn , f ; , 1GRAFT RUMOR IS FALSE ii ciiiild.10Bin t,-01 5": loutt ic so i-t i l 1 g ,.10 gii i ti l( 7Uic i 't 1111t alld w l l iii ' i ?el iles lilsi1w r _1 ( ,ifi t }i h! i l 1111 1i s-. si c,ll o Is w, stff a i tl ' S l icilt rcis c i ll c it' il l a 11 i~ ll j i us,' at1111 100' l ii lt tii iii c l) r Ii'l t1 ),, ill he 1 1 1 vo ri t ICNulld lo PERA WORKERS ARE gh (irade Chorus S:erns in Uiniton Productijolt ii )., rliii l ls ll Ci 111 ' 1. ' , ~ i C i t 'l Mie t -' 5 i ti f l lit h ici - - a l l l I I is ',' r t il ' 0~' I)t :i i i 1' n ; s :)T51. 0 (' 1 0M lb I oio' S GOR D;FLIYERS AN E C wll&,jUENTAD R S 5511, I111a' ,s'i1 Blind Senator Holds Audience "1=; V ith a Witty Discussion of lcs Il t rs t \\-f]lcli it) eves Til ll twsiaild 1551 11''aiflli ~Busy si i i si muimictun()V(, adrs s 1 li( 5S tri lost~r''Ilis)il is 1). (;a e assured fll sit fl bitnas t 10117. Withn I fill l)C1e11 ll'0 lld s <:t sra tcl( I ' ' 0O f ii 'of ' issoil l il i oth O ta. .li i th( ;1 )t fi' ll 1 oil' est i b i - wlt( t~f foisouo oin c tt r l I ''sll s' ii l flwie Iois'nthi h 4°rt i .', '< < {' sf t al t a r lido w n a r d , la ws ii r e i O 1 1 ; - lti 0 so tr lestrai e010 t1 as 7 1 1f ' r- a1 iCii:(i . ' '"Ie b lie ol os ;ft5~ 1 1 ' i' " s ' IfIsls i'I 5Ipioiiiii fi ' 1 l"rs ili 0 ,i iii I isl iIf 1 0di11lu-cso he -ti .iiii The1,o isti t 5i ! ' r "I 1; - 5 (at()). I c p sito lic'e f' th t~dlilt ~I tfeare1)liichi the tart 5'. soi '-- 5e fhe $3,j ,()()(),0(10 fsic 5i 'os 0111'ditll ll fmimo iuouoo Easily Explained s lih'-tce oafindin sic di ntscillluu em enumummu m e iiitrvan;'of liiiS 0 l,) aed t f>re ei quilitiveii ii is arill h leoi;chage'1 liiia 01h 1dcti n~ hm~ i fi llso W 15 sOai)1s atcn lt < orc erlii'taioiii ot o nt'l eu ets at fsi hot s dispuensieg iroim ()f 011111e1111111 a1ohis s itu no b 5 I I cdbyus 'lii s om (b '111011 rt t 3 o p r e 'iin tu ttiist r «:td t voiiiseiue li i 111 i a lul l ixploiiatfinisis him c. _ver-101 (lii it p, rh sr f tc es. Tw li'u0cilisan 1omunmeen - o rsicelnts oiill 111100 50 sO seo's it thato eveo yst- It punit t he pi i ele 0foilreagentl sicnmg iii fueledob so usIand in' '-c-illaliii- is iIl sill i uml hydroi-mexidl soim iii drioid, ol ted; Iad he'e ill s>)evr nitric acidiaiidi hitdiocloritic icidi,.it the ellfm iii ssiih - silila loll s fool i- i(so XII( "standl" 1mmthe chel-licaol builinimg. Eill ml Obo) ierai( te as-soiatono. hainug time samne regents downtow1 n 11Ili "I 111sv1)f oh 'u l gfilis vOil i ak iiie-pund b iottleis, except soiumiiiiii lo- il 1105 suh l of isO Ohs 1 s .sI055 I rxd w ih comeius let it tile p uninsil auhm hi i li 1lehills' m 5n ills ;Irell' i miii ediltitinig tiem ith h e im distilom led 'ooiadvauta --c- of thi rtes -- sd o s-si ;c oili 11p1ini thl bo o ry, them pl i ces limosi ailii s c 1h v atud ua haff mentls aipund.umoRIesides.0 lthingirru la.l. iii, t vce, i reba-ote if fem s ixteenm o iso I ntylvebmdmt ih m g r isy Ira , erc ent eul of lime price oftheii raco-ni- i-sl of er fi s itish Is ., .Maemiilieretuicnm of liii bottle mak-l mug the netl ries 0millhli uji eaensm uum ]R oilI)li) TA K ro emumfourueandml aiihalf iou sixun dmIti half Xi o ff IX N cenitsat ou ndimimi.X bil 'li ff li Ol- bout time highin ee 111s chargedmmlfori'those oommuon rieagenstomkeu frthuta In1 r c ins3 - oh s 1)ts 5 rls ~n oss ()n ceeroainm high mumcemdIchem Oicai l li i is 1 liet mci' furishaledt at aoiltmmii mie soauo m olm osat foolb n soet tonmed li iiin alIlimoo foe )rie: hut Ilium le oavisesa thosse iii 1, .:ere, v( 1cbn oosy mum e to hiu imeorthese commonu rleagent inus - saci tut'oIuv thh s- uuim tw . Oiouuu domi-c tu erece with on 1(f1 ) te5il 'esolo aily twsim en-mugui haolvesa mmiithouic live buti' 1 1e wl b rect ) momotthis.bolose-si' dhm't, pa sixteenm ce-ils fume anieight mmince'o'bootl hav ey l~nt ~stefrcle> containinulug abut ixla co-hts' w tI ()feih so TXhenuu askedl thuereason f ome this con-O I -01rc10 ill etni I rs0f te. 1am i :i ii 0 4t It-t us iflsob :C t'""i ditionu, Peof. I1 ). Campiibell, diced-tor of the- luaboractory', sami-alostlrda' af1er- "WXe munstcitaege 11on e mo entis limo 111uncce r eagenlts;0 fractimoal centsorli differenut iprices swould atoo ii muichm of lime dispnsee's tille. As it is mows, ime stiuents' fees just oabuout 'cemime runi- ninmg expenssaosf the holabcmortor smi -- so oilaruiiiesa. Thsouighuthere seemsnn to hue acig pgroefit in sime tinigs, thuee is us hutuchi luss' iul 0.P~otasiium iodidme 11111 silvee mute::: ost telm abumoatory' abubt fourianmbeaght dhollairs a t mmu respiectively; anoof uf- arle smol ttile saute iedcl is the mmuchiihduperlieu' i 1- cats. oAll we i' 011111 hum i s Inoumakeu iiitene feomitheli e nehts cocetimeceat of time minim-ritlsthey-r11,0 he coiuclicil, Belofiit hashiegien raned a chatmer out Pi Beta Kappta. laus luiays - whe,' thestuden o ii oil, andu thema licii na m m e son moo louis somi te111110 h Ibm- it 7. Al spen k ho foeii a lma ss limeliet in or hmen ii limo Methlodist churciih. hurosin his- . 111 mum A n moo or Ai.mNircc is Ohio gulents t o'evlm fatrntis las ni l- ri l1i1f.c i t p l l a ll i f01)a i ,r) I I ile a10 ~ ( c l; sumus elwrk ions- thislino blis s theI f is ptr' tiioslcos Iaa lch 1a Re.o * S lin sfiii ) i hot. ll es c lrh Su aX i7:i30-O o k. Hii so -l 71c lms or in olhe olsi~ Dr. 111 oo ais o lobwioofo oil s-off boimiol '1 boo 100mlii IscO' i;a fl iloo mgll l wIe OhARXIf 1171 I 101 O ChIl IXTIOI iv ion I h'eeoNttitmmee , m then iidiasttr, a d 01eselfa 11 sfciauu oil «~c noe n etoi, ill establish ai >foui I at Abor. Thaoi at last iswha sh a oiumeces to tine Detoi 'piwr, n ohio-clai ina thei o re111 fI on fCfomm:uoli mcc leeisc- olcini-u 0t! cciihcu~h hecto ects1 veal Iut ieenondd o poe a ihap- I)' iia d t~c co 5 0 Ic se ahuuotedi oftee a re nttttls of mar id life. Three VC;- is 1br tc- t)se a reconmciliam- ton, 10hich owis greood. flue bondt- 1ee 11th tDetromitis 1xthr -tt-Ia itts etted the qluestion 0 1s l ll 5- ' l sc o c-reo -moo. o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x~p the wt -- ' Ifrm-o'h Xi _ ': .0 - - - . No ebite mams 7 5, 0; ?utAonom s h ipif game111 Cf..\titi t: 1,0 hRle-i-' \ii;!.:TO2I y Xnii ummumosm' i Iiu louis i1mt odilmo-ic boo lila Athmletio 'isO ofot. ,wnc~i~r if themo' imommumof-mo ipoas el wi lie gieeni swOeaterils i'ii'hspoli momI'mom )1so tmi the' bullies. "Thime Nmmilhe' mi oh mom'-- in tifeo hmmihe nIX i4n this Yoar," saii id lii"1l fumes testcout - mbutm oentnedmtommliue thteeiinithe uou u iniim omsill dieo sis s ae tosuetsuls iltuisoi l imo ii the lili II 0n . buy nearuing I(il(. -sittings r a at either N i_ _ Randall"'sf:v- ':s_ at once to get bt&u 2i iedictioii ______ for Christmas p.a.gah GORDON KINGSBURYE nsManager