TheNMichigz__jj ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANVs S DNESDAYV, NOVEMAISIE 6, iosa. v5 Vol. XXI. NT(). 38. i YOST SMILE BODES ILL FOR MINNESOTAf Stiff Scrimmages to be Dealt a Out to Regulars Today and Y TomorrowT FITZPATRICK RETURNS TO AIDo Conident that his puisat give thet Goptilers the gameo of their lives, Coachb 'tossihs take up the wotr of irearaes- tion for te stug'gle which sill settle th'swestechapiiiiUionsii, aidl till give the vietrsautlaim sto t'atioalii ioors 'hpit latercit v it s layediit iri st i i-t lari itoittiofthe it teashetsoingti i"the Ina ld etsrminiistitin that hist'sits Nitsscistmtage' ses hels uesayisthiii eseuotsis 'surseingIcii'resevedSite N\ednsdasyiaiiSd Tursayateitiist Edmldssisipircticed tiigihit ake sits thietilo isch ss r sntiplanii i s t seits Sit th ere . liilvkc i slatesS Sr tse.ifr cnsid5ipoisii lieelasiS rihtisaliiyes SecesiiinitheSits lie o f S sisattengi aIsoi is sfieringstfrvisitssevers ttcksof iit it ecsicctse, t sreskec isnits usdinte is ild andi'siulbsriurt gies te 5pl'ac t Nurthrssshift it the lisleaylietmadh . Botests haci' sssets ilayi ing sudch ccii S fotallci thtstheat enst disla c Quinsss nsistmissisiiitini st ight isuarsd-'Yost heitts ii t sit iole sgie icissts sltisava illsus- ste Str kCornwell. YSTs ;ves i' sFIDits'is 'TsecocsiclettsdiinutsiiiS opimttits tic sitser TIescay's ptatetiatdsithe lusr n h i tsmviledScs he its -st c its ssed Ihe sitrk iof ihi tiptiil s itd tihir proisies'a'ainst tes'Goptierlibodectiit sr te Minnstail 'aggrega'tosn Siteis cossfisentiitha t ts iWoisritis wisli it esongr exSia'i'5stursiytathey tstwre isast, dscp~it te sisesic f Ctlc N iit tiet'assed ts QakievStesIacesSte exeieneis thaii t cmslysit w it har visittests 'Ts' tesa itsig tesreied in i th i sbattie s it Se n lm orii thaitit offset stiltnts lisfst i uh a ltseras kCoe privedihimself i t itsisititilalst cesitions a colliee' griironiss Fla elesteni wtisilt sti olt'htieste stregt whchiomsswith extps~ieiecee,litSte' wiiilistsv ite cstillsen1cev inteiseves whise ichtes' "'itsd inismeeting sief th' greatste vnsit isi in ts estsollsbeler He avysscrs imlitage ditullwilithe iteteti 'TeReseveislisiisihv ct idisla'ntsedifsr te v lsseasoniaite _1-resitemstilsl iftesishithiiisiopipov stillfo ite reglars. its iisiee' gi'v'en te plisewhihithSe NWotvt'ritte vscouitse eesste Gohiers utse ad stis stfshensschsavsse ressl sffes- vilcperhet isViirsitstefetse is. liel S tit t's'issgivnator'ougch test . Niihigsst is aS a diit'sadvatage itiisuitresetts te(Gophrs ihadii tseasy Sime agignst theC srituaivsitnd ters' notiforedeiti uns sce sislis5oitespseisl fermsaitiss liii11515 \'ATICi IPT tI,'5 FN'VII TORYt. The tiltsosta foltlsisers seemslmottsst ascioniisinit f svitryasithliey wever laistr iTe''tee cerainsthieir teai ivise poiserfultiSis sesntitiatlast an tishiey ave st cnicitiotn itt iihi- gant i5seaticsiThisy itate watceti: their elevetn l itt1Slasige sesres agitt te srnessitsSwestern, testsweitscihi taaretsecasithat the esat sesrcely realise tatit IiossilteStrtemtoi lsie, Filte' iiserises oin the ether hadt realiiiec tt tSiy haveastiff vittest le- Sre teissastd tt tesmsttptlay their hesS fiotialsl to scuet ste lontg eidiof the counit. Not oneyswili Cosielie out of (Cointinued on Page &.) iROFESSORS LE CTURE AT STATE FORESTRY MiI? TiNS. Pirofessors Fiiiert Roth, Nilte its Nsi 'ord aniditAssistint PrifessrNCrs ,eroy HiSS of te forstrsdepatmSteit ie itt Kalamazootsiedingth Sifthii issstimseetitgitSfte icheitgsn 1'Fres ry assoiatsiion. Professors Roihsitd Mistlfirdl ae it cstrated lettres bte te Sisnvetntion~l Tueday igit 'IThe formr spossk ilt 'Practca ILessotsStr ihigiaitsfrmi tie Forests of Eciroe," 'siteSlaStter sit The FDay 'NWork cf iaIFore sir D.S.N Simiontds itSChitsagetltattsapsi seechitetiswio frsquentlyilicstres hres talkedi ott"Trees isiedSFtret asIFea sres ii inte iL'iicape." 'Te convetiontclosies Sis eenvisits I HIOLIDAY IS A SURE THING Oine-Day Recess Will Permit Onlyt ew to Leave City I Despite' newspaper 5t'stris'sandscsirr'tt rumos, ters' wilibe' no1'cissss iite1 univiersity sitsThasnsksgivitngdals.p le-< alise f te epitemitieof' blksmal ,ps iste stte, it sas sggestedthaSit te u5sual holisay Se dispesdl wit,Site fear ome-ging-itu sts will scontract.t slc isis'. Nteri5 5555stetiis havsie yvtresS grntedl permtiso it asiti temselss ssfromticsasetsteisforssrt ftr ttrkieysadtayoeesr sidthSis rle wit leevniorc5vtritityesiosiedciihist er. iterths resntonli is fewSillsth leaethe cits' atsi lie hoidayiscstlls be vohery ed Nvrthelss,thenisv itseritsiatoiri iis re csopet1rinttg wtstis . Sitaste Boardiof Hth tostreveniitesprea sit tereadinatady Omssssiinolcrss swill ecoitetsthe camu~s ullst iboarss Todiayadiintg prsveniveh mesitusire. 'Te twonist iS por1 tntltresist titt is- tios, iasrawtest sit hisSis . itisite CommitittisteonSansils nacasfl i.Ile vacicitediiiftlistshss nit Isisen donicessful Stlts it thst515fisveisyes. 2. Doi notSvisitiany isiscltitifectid Frecceintioniil sill ite'furiseto i studentst tis:sits'italsis. Nfl (ISiTl S SUBiMITS NE, SkAFT IFi'CNSTIT'UTIO(N. Tiss sctmmittte appo itSein tsthe jiorsss it cass t oesiste sireisini itSthe conssttuston, isas phaestthe ess' draft sit tse bulsletinsbolistn its veitcrsit' shi Thte adosptionss sf theonis stthcs r5e- visiosi wtill le consisieredstStaimetetihg schedutledifor Thurssdas ifternoolist A oclock its Tappiishtllleai ctueereoom. If accepteed by 'the class'andapptitrvedt by te Shtudent Couniltthis eonstvittionss siltlessed s a miitodel biiithi thiter clssses Uon tecisiphs TO LECTURE 'i:Lc NikikNiS AB'ORT COST F ill N IeNhi S'. Dri BIV.iBilts, snoeisrofeso f eleeetrialetgsteei I ' stallletires'oil "The Cost of EleetrialiMaNiery le' foeesths stal brachto f this Aecsi tInstiute of RIet eiSat I ssecrs this esvensit 5;3, ritittim 24,NittF,11- gierinig issstlsig etic i' N oNi''Stit To'CliV istos.', 5i'RE;tS-' Crf htarles UpsoiitniCitrk f NYalec sill give a seres of lectures sit Spa- ish art aind arhitectre st the higil school auilorlissn, begintniiig Noes'- er 2,,usder t auspes of the Ant Arbior Art asisociaions. The sceitie is as foloss Nov. 2-Assees Art is Spain. Dec. 2-Sarly Spsnish Arcitiettre andtiPaistisg. tiDer, p-The Geas SpaissliUthse- sidrals. Dec. j6--The Ge't Spassish Paintiers. HUGE ORDERS MEAN i « IGlI\S.Is\T L it \1.k t BLIIND STATESMAN MORE THAN ENOUGH \ uso e i l htheuibse if The 'ticlut LECTURES TONIGHT 'i~ t s s sstzsul issu e 'c e Tobacco, Corn-cobs and Cider''.e'iitnot<>sr i~ ta susuteiueieetes ;=tell Sen. Gore, Famous Oklahoman, sits iofseveral of thue sues .m'rss to Be Plentiful at Unfionl She ivtiesl ues suitivsaofst )e s jHere on Studlent Lecsture smoker i I E DETROIT FIRM MAKES BIG GIFT accouhsl es i hnes e.fel Union sluilce ' ~il_ Co.of ?hIe Co. tetsa s uttuuiiei'iits sintetionsuos lee tiute se muse o h we"s hissevwill hei lets t il he lrgs ips thta ssltca be found.ssh Ia on fel haS lie heis'S lte ig eugh'"pipse'heis' have ))cell secured an sill b iti~t eel freely. Cridie swill he'seedeuinushis}t' up withi a pite of tee f Stca sitll theseve' hsi''le sosueredvs'si h gSue nvie te guelistsvs sutvlenir.,' cfsthS e isi Thue esuuussitttee'alus e'ured vii chits' tsabtes astitcher wl but'ae s'c'v'uu t est tush Itln himslls Sliest' ,coo tckeshaeli''hses iviihees- ed u stuslfhiSlesth tutueris ep ete tee suttendu. T'i eseles eelthu s'ustelearssev reprt hiet tes'asee luinst andsleth he's 51v5511'e ' ts': l'rgt'ii'vt duv hats's I eer ssssueuulsu' oritfish' indseuhof asuitc BOWMAN BURIES HATCHET Former Candidate for Senior Presi- dency Stan'a or Peace Sh h is sltcalihorsiszoes oitth Set tutul ut chtssa ssu e ctnsierably seare'sI up Si heacio uot e els.etilts lute iehet. kharlsniBs wmantu it an c ii tush Secc uctis ustoisthecstsofxhue aToutte SeloutLhueraySi as vsein thusaustse SliesetioC hts cno go fruomi badi tuswors hisatesti tsssetiss of the uufstuust s' dissect ittle swlihi arose after he flsS eeevti, I deemusi sty eluty 5t ite cass t suiethit suit frienissceasse sll futther sactiiy'vii si bell ails5 Soett hewoeafir.i beieitnght f ilythuat,(elatmaon sill recunistthi ss VULCAN\S INIifAlS (\S Vuchcailsthee sesteor enginec'riticon our tso iety, suit'iteuithis' l iii an didtues huausteningt NAlsons \Nakr Inalay Nuts;NVernu'T'IailriRoceser; Ai DiucevChissctso itc SltsDune Chices gut Y..Ahtur e isoureu(t heit Issu Fe', Orser Shoves ,Il;I hisr Serhaue, Detruoit lollees hit'' S nit itio t utii i fi s lsusu hanut as u ihelhuhauSthueslu suoos. Vl'VI\ 1viclc st is 'Ets stMe ttsi. Twelves lats huithter s wee. iitistei itote hsshoutcecr vestIs t ight. After theow islt etssciaSket iniire- freshhmentlsweeserv5es ad sahMreil NWhiims ofhetileris nfat uts gas's a talk o015ermavstudn ie ORDRR kYOU)RKCl h SN 'NI It ThINS NC)C NAND GETiTH'Sill TN ONL I V E,HUi NDRDI' OF13(1 11EVI VESI V ('FLORISTqT 01HheihShN P~HONEF1u04 ~ 3. ii* J.Sc LavsbPrfC.S f~(f< I )iu tl usticle,' ( 'lsi uu eel gsue'"tudti i s IIl-hby P. SIills v ;;,estiossaticalsot lulsdS sells, anud (NWilim IS. inihi theusslervslhithswusten u elird is Sue iiiShilosftthisol lt usen fIlreh o the Sell* us 'el5si all, Platform RORSIER I'SON PLAYERS DUE NEXT lee'Lt i)l leei' li ilt's' tlis'allsists usets }'. Corieite' blindu s }l o ttill oses' t i use ff Iesitusu'siet' il,eC PRESIDENr AIDS CAMPAIGN he's' York Alumnae Will Hear tDr. 'litchi 'a on Residence 'Halls ltv t eliierit ') i Ch a r i11ins's eli l retinlof M ss 4'yrHe "ti is 'I,tiesei '.O~se esdeclhalevittwAl~ em 1c de t i[n litis a drss ties i\'c i f I teltiiltcofs ii ~lt '-. te tf atsit' fSte' elhsu e l vxs and sle teis, 5 ' silt ihtuttiti it. loon, 'e.I 'eHONOuSR's lii ((hull(hNi 555cn h iO' 5 ies l silt iir letraceii (et, Ag is teaeve Steel Mo ica I?\isl 5th eii (Sc le , NI c (luti t i I a lleLOK & isue NIA i. S I N'.1, te iRAW Il Mn hush ne tndShakiucteseuasitsnsetdrhits 15e55iii- seAtsolies u i its essts hulll uner i We aupiesof this (N istiti xau Sh id s clue ic, her li ,;i' lu ill' wl \os eisntiteli eii hs ci et 51t it ar- usnedel butSit s isoed'as mwti' '5 5i',ts sue acsuess. suthi thus Nle 1psi andtush (N c chutss uli Il tits list wtitle ') s eect caniate sivs e he S Va('etsite ilshssiliuis. 'Thess'feshitutisin sume tsts useess's, relTe esenut Ste sAiheishsi 5 Arnvs ldehI hg'e'il. e3, Skesel ilsuk, 'sI, 11Jul ius EuslssLes.1'us 'lihese intile Ait seili e'eitulLi'' iv ((ielscv hiesml euuuupsesesfh C. sit AII suphomoretjunior and t 5 55 setoi ituh teetale's aicu lar fe55 l friendl Seethe irishmantusuei - thue i nameu tushthus nauls se thise iri"Y (lustn street m Qzl h ac It (( iisiuday.i - Ba' skebl irs's1cite!LIs fd W emarlviiiIci soaim ta " w th se fisut sca listf h l aSies this eat, lu t 1ev e ussu evet' sced uileii. 011 ll ' 5555 i esis tush f)re )t s ael stih ll su lhui sit l tssusuhug riSC frot tNran hand it: sf ,t ea ;lNiv t a llsituitesof tic ia r'synshii% I ehit hus Imtis - di chgisl I himsefit hrut hll hei I hs srail uS fo-Wad iethodes of s l tie' 'tlit'' c :ir i "i . i 1 1 : 1 't~sisil i in 1870 (At tile age of :iusetue e s' tr ls lift eye andu l~e> el~vc, v,;r t~d a simliv sccsi- ic~t I 11-ie.<1I~s rgdi cy usles.t Not m httdi_ t issshuedicap hue gr'aduuit'ed 4.ttn rntaisho l ind liter fruomu :tl ?rltn tiive sib Is tut hi re- Se-tii-it t tee L'. '. 7mhis .I iiv sesterm cxtcnds untilIhe yeaSeIruss - ,ts or it( S.1,. co vse ben usuu t -S :rd v m rnig i L' iesiy hle u t ::i und r o ch ice selctins ire still 'it. Farthev esc vest ictsltrisy hue itadue Is seettrit t isus sut ic i i Wl '5515 d R its 'Si andti lyrswl see te ia iuls I rth S hut. 511 i compiny ills iressenii tZreta,"ssIt Suvahi Ctd tru tteulla (us, icl u arod ' htu 151 - ion 55151 vicar s us-c i hi eSalc reCswiel Ni ('411hll. hA Cuious'l-eishapS"Nil 'lets ves<~lt e esisla s tieSsu tlhierry