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November 15, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1910-11-15

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The Michigan DaI

Royal Battle is Promised When
Teams Meet to Decide the
W\ith eve' payer in good coditio
aftee the ttssle with the Quakers ot
Saturday, the Woverine footali squai
ibega its te ptiitons or theital coo-
test awit \lMinesota. The Gophers willi
coehere on Satrilay for tie gatme
wtitiht sill ,nttletie Wsestern cihamptio
lTewthtlster conditils estedy f-
tenoo tiresustth thtat stisfactr rirli
wsanwell tesitttitposilte irt liensets
lenrfusedtoisalowiatty of te playters
whot hitdi teetid t ett sihtbrirttes
as buttt tewiofthetsregutlarsesapted swit
ott sometmrlitsshowftrthtetsrideL
stuethrough itwIthstichtieyssed, ith ie
St tttaiesit ont.Y'stntasistttrettrett
fromtttNest 'ork wherelsiheiwenst frni
srie Ka lit ditete therctitie'it
The taik tt.i the te amititstntfae its
lh ess li ti thtremsiniiitsfore te
Gopher itgmetistna eriitus siteThe
iii sigt fthe Nimttte nt 5elsiesi is un-t
doubtttedtin'sthaii't the w\v'teises wsill
livts' oiid ily w efl abii isi stlitsts wilsi
in isertain.Thefitstitmsastte ritiso
the grids itn patimsie agrese tssatts
tiasittich ilisw ill mset t stieweskeiid
ir et olisentat iithtey are iseits
tmatce.kelt sinl tuthorsfreisitsi
thu.en aetinsthattt Muichign
ill have acslighlt avtags'te wile
Stcreis is thrls fortmeitri tsaiosisnstat
it's'reseit Clhitcittteisspap~e r witesit
wasthedthueeuame 'ttlN tut sitis and
scsthat the' Ntt't'-e 'tIie snihvasade on
ThPitsktinilltuuingCle'us aes't"it t
tacis whti t is ittrringthe caest
st present.Theliii'tbuckitey555is i-
tl ie t l yiut ndteritste sitnfsrec tes il-
tistoe onitit m tus tits found ttilt hsi
etttcstssiit n ltfootall iaitsinsthe
et isy tn is. Iitti snspoabtat i
Edusitttws ill le tutvetillttoii playth
tos ittiiasi if this is tdote the rigis
wittgitill ttnlost h eksnediTattill
leave's a treacsit itIsft esitandtithtlak
asuntttittgaetttsBosreseis iikey
tt get lthe slce Sits asift in tiss
sill cstitdoiisiniitie esltof tseee
is niecesaiytoiplac esaiptiesiii ieih
sitd experieceea'ighut tckesishout
eere s te ittonms tftce lk
er, the Gopherlia t.
Anthernsifit tt i slak se -Mittne
sutsota tmsespeteelsydansgeouts is th
returios h gm o ikPersigsitshis
veteaniens.tieiwis reis ntls iii ritsed
itpttin fitsapisndititis its wtstittttex
pecildtstututheoskissin dulstr-i
tuggitic seson.si iHisappeied itlst
ine sesagaint \Wiconsintott Stiurdiay
(Cntinued on !sige Q.)

ANN ARBOR,sMIiCIGAN, 'i'L'I)\N'. NttVFII S'id rt[,ttu

Nit. 37.


Styls, tie womsen'sIrhticscie tic,
ied its seconds iititatont iatt wsic, t1st
tine ]ssome of Geteviee Ststiti 1 tEitus
Hol, 'is, Jenniie iHarrs, in isM'sluriet
Reeti, 'i2, andilRuth IFiild a itst it,
were te iiftiates. Atintotuaitspreaid
ianed after te fonmtuits nat wicih
eache mbnssier gavein ti e s itintriiios'
Stylus is compioseti of tie tesnssoeti
mnembiers of te ssotoe,juiortittanttt
snsifor classes, andc altumntae wsniiowts
the highest literary exceenctee.'ter
arse chsn enetireiyiponithue emen-iset
datsiont tf the rhitori faeut.
Philadelphia Paper Highly Praises
Michigan's Musicians
(Isis 01 the mistsnisictslijttis
si th fseld,"ci says teihi i laditelphiacs
Presnsspeking sit the gastse tStuiay,
iwste 'IMtishia lhadtIst illeuith
ir witisstirritsg muisi situn prseintilt ,
pleasinglsieetalee to theceysin iti nteat
hleutssiftostritms. est itwisnteptlait g
its mietmtbers were iituliginwsitsrdi
acotc si tunttts, ii ctis oget'
unrie iad oy n stts slts isistealii
'Dinstg te itermisissis clet ets the
is stives the badsaradedsststhi hiedstn
plye isv 1nely aneompimen tstssts fist tissue
ofi seeai hundrediloyatis1Misthisgant iisot-
tinrs in the nsrthslistand.i
Its appr5eititioofthi'etenersistti'osi
the stetilstodyitithesmasna'ge'mtentofthstin
itn sit adteicthe isloning is tteisesissis-
I "'trousghitti ctlumisof itthe'its it-
in mien tie mietmtbetsf the Vitsits
tos extenth teti eiest tsanks is the
Isstut etis'd, wnsie lyalsts mae th
r sT'tt'rigtt'l drawnilg'ofiap's tetr'fist
tse 'siteiig sn-itn silt lia'stlt by'Ha'ry
imow irtf'Ypsiati tsuee[t ut ilost
exhittitit in iiSithehsisndssw.iis' isi
tuns iniiscistitwllh rpoutes iniftou cltist
t slinte cer f the ofiilprogra
stwichtitinseingsi publishecdiilit Stills it (SG
Betse.P1ate fitsits reproducltionss
w ereeeenrecdinsSewst ele&Sets'
d g irof Dtroit, ituain tsepes instil'
lbeig isdse b he ]Anitu bornutsis e.
- Tins soutieirs trogs'mtti tllte pitsed
til'l sitenedstocek, and inli ln tsit
t hrts-twoopages'1 Tsceitill h lftii
eItsnes sof the playsern,ascoescaritit
titssu ary uof the chatges ii te tles sif
d the gamie, atic a list f the plasuyes, gi-
k ingtigheir class, cge, iweigt ,'sitsisieI
v tt. It sill le tt ottstle st test cents
safterte titas mieetisg Fridaysrnight.
uM. Beasley also sitns ts reriutes
tilhe cone es tig'tiastapotier ixit
tichesnewichn will likeiise s'o'l fist
lets cests.
cssssI~cte tuxiAssse 'TONIGTit.
-'sholdsnMtc sihigantjin suttheWstens
Contfereticeittnter tie presens tles'
cis tenttject lt etdeateiupoitost t-
ight liy'the Entgineeintg'sciets s sir
1 iatitg cltb. Asny etgiteers must tesie
-to take parsi ituny of these ideautessrs
trgecd t ake temtselnves tiltsnsto ithin
eiofficern of the ociey. Enrolslmitent lists
hare eetn paedtini terooutm'(f the

Director St. John Arrives Here
Today and Will Stay Until
Play Is Over

'tduiO1~S FIi It 111 51"S.
Cits Secis t eteshs it ofthe
trill iCs.sto sit ill ltiih stirn t sitsr
sit sit or tebs hsscit~ 7
estis enineers in st' t Iii sntil -
isie listestanlts 5lsts"site atra
this ;Ts'tnal li'sr iip'ara sisto HIUSt 1Whis t te
lsttlinsethesiselve's. 'Thec'this's intset
simpt'tt s Aiis'the prsizes st es us' -


Bet St.iJulius direcrcof"TheC (sits 1,esn t I las s 1scis
suitsl Cetst, will itrrivill l ustrbor t- ____(ma______________
morro list tush ls ttism nhts tione here is 1 i5
Lentil theis 1111i l'stn 1titti suittiss t 1rs aGIPSIES TELL OF FUTURES titil
rema5 iltns tie tsthesen5ting" tush si iii sits Reckie s Distribution of Conssand les il
andit illhe stadygrid fom ow PlucknssPromisd mli
cut tutr ill thes 555it tttttn site
Cstumess llrn xl\ nh s t f1at( to )< (-fil nTh
P o etie's ss rr hIltuttiit s pent at-n ex ebu ry \It <t l iii t Is us huh
vrt its us Dietr'oi htnit v ti't" te bte T i 5 this tushlu t i t whc a ht,1
sir t clue dsit outthise islec ton f c s-dhia
thin ciiiar's liea still mIiiils is11(ts' st-tv(rtt1
titliste mon y hanii ' s i)te(r lutsslt t it'lle it'sll-it' 1)\ fci
cxen e( ousuut cs il te cot iii ssu '' N hisil -e e to)peitt thei f us n's g e
iii usu'ih(, t indr wtu to icu sose sitthis Shirkltrs, ho hve hr tuOI1s ltt teut
rnhutth i st tushasslush 5
Ishe shouts wllucs ers liht au'sh
Isi llh alhuul tuinde thtesrc tol of uce , I che tush suc s tI. cs' n
rows ft rnon t ts itsus usc n hIs Itit(liret tuuushuscsh ss wthus ichfll to ltsi Th'
.fl. t th t tisse thes' music' sill bh is sual tfit f 'ore 'ulo 's',11 i)ts''To' th
guvess cut lldtc it in s essnilt hastsall this ()tcssusulehlrchu passiein til rlu ght ie (
Crt pleetts etorMfooheis' niu iestet h olel l aiv t ~nl
rt'sa t's're v i tin 1' ,1\'TSui' uI rnci ()'ce 1tun t r e , S titlirst 101 t u e,11 st(fIl (u
shsu ussss' tshus thss'sn 'ussosit sis l il the ccl tillI ssOu ales' ee ,Cn
stillingss to prodcets th Ic s tiais c' l( i
ADVISES AGAINST RECESS ti -hittlhtrupe ina it lls Isft ile ,tle\:1lt
Turkey Day Vacation is Liasbie to hsuch esti pr iltsari l 1ts sushi ( (Iil
Spread ispidemnic tincset of ighuhsere dCti ,wih
ft11 cs'cunt of thes nut ttlpuiin s siltstilt
\vchhas' ilcvculsutuswth staing E\VI1; '.lF 1111 >?,~ 1
: ~it il ap cr a'i tv a dint,\'1()1 iT s' , 1.I'll \ It ? I seld
SecretarusF. \. Shc uluitt t citthie Slts 5111 Icc cc
lutist I of Is Istls hats a vsd ta h h -is ) e iso o tlt 1d - 1(1
I'as gl11 tush cuts b(' i list 5 'sOuis'lent11 es b \1s' m nc crss (f tun 11<ll1
tisoglo tths t tlts ttitltilt~oIS'.Tt i- ti''l 1 t \iI'\"ti l tr' tl - N )
faculty-ofM.A.C.I a aredy tutu us usM al
atus' an 'u u n's lss thstic reits s ove
luth sritush tic st Sti s \vl ( o Ito st s is I j, "1 t Ile' I sl s't uds>it
ioet Iurke5 tscu e r.s y tdcli: Is elg us f thuidde 1clll
It tistus prolis asluti t ht t th itiit I s ' 'itg555 nonc
sins citttswllth a ltutsny l'tu ih Sti~ t ih ilittucs' ths'f'thelI 1)at al ar
h1 il o n cisn. Ths ici l et t e tltshaveslccc tur s 1Stilt.,uscr(. M e (r.1)
snI itustewso ctup s tisue c tu uits il e ve tlo l il 'vi'wo dnor 'll ~, ett'' 'tll.
te ct. L ii is th pmis'e assume~~5 ls iii 111te t d v fllw n ,oi lta
nloi ustarce ~tling uproportohn s ti h vel i l t lps e, O t heitus ccccurh.vi)l
t ofIcsllsarbrthesuite ssss' 1'is'e'v uig1rele -f .G afed1d> fasnewl egaie. Iii'wsilest uu-e ttit iltdiffrn ids(f11(1
ltisllt tisuuiss it t at ( s W l a 0 . I I ). C stltsttitt ll sp ak o 1lscl)
wiuthinss thus ccin'fe ct '''scgin. ce 'l ihe ' tuh itii st of heusseachut ponu Chm--s (lii
ile'thlns hv Is''slu''ush ''''''' e ctr. Iro. . . cotill th'ethu s'
officils a p retyualeh eie ic al'5555on te he S5555Ys ,ft 11r
tilttiu'er control. Ctistilts etrn u"~ fil tn s '
eei ntstnt1;1\11;nscss>fuss 5:\et"Cils , tgt he'ssscu I u'sstcr i'rss tutul
'hfit resencgineersns' ssl s' hislhut it ll ut u t is ito esucla ucflloowsvcl hue Profs.fn 55551
thte Uionistit st'ti'ria'tnsghltptovedsu i C riloss,'Slta11 Is iuistrui lt sr Cai, et
tpotpular,' about ssssuts cs it liess (1fi thus 5 sq is ie, ous, stly, i t iltorder ctit
tlans Nibetin s Is rcfcsr. I still eu ticali
sis.is [sutett lu hi th W s a. \isttunees s's wsillif ppear' in the ssuocI]'

)r lit Factions Are Still
'etitioning and End Is
Not In Sight
fun hit ff5isnsare it w ur s spe
listss'aese st anyietisse stne
steett. Thu scnd ettitiont,
In i's's 1 i cc he newcsselec tin
Ircale hd a umbe ofsigern,
is laicus' 1 u'the is sens ciculastintg
'iti cushlats mssr'setmanshlmf the
55 ttu sla himththitle Stasu
u~ls cccimeireuinised cusstie liti
isulga w scnefect a wiu
1, cndtt s as sut tsr ffclft sushi
rain nuts lustthe iscsud T hI Iee sall
us ed isletn s sprnif tst tits
cclatitie ftheuc'ashin Ihens us
it dea l i tosltit utoicthus preset
ot affirmssancit us u felt hiy sasis
ctsse f atioss. i isu s tu
Ittiioe s bleetru hate sinec
it itdeliech us favo'rsuof the
peuition heca nnot ruenfuse trcee
Uaesui s icl rcsiptureof the follow-se
jt;pcre nyu columnfshlia
c slintfacs n ht'seof int'
itcra'depart en SuIchirealstse
gin ideof i psiteinliaen o
ll c ed sit ch hiof Noveml ert oi
1, ltou h ty n to sfttun heur
whci us l u vtutrNdi tocit cisesu
sto ftl~e tucden I tusiusr
ink theseco sescitn t, al-iis
I, yo faild t r ite' thrm.
am I ' si,,,m triallit rng
,e ofithe followigg'plusts:
scus erai ethodslofiflece-
crng ad hi tteust itilutnsu
cut ccc ust cscl I siutssug thin vsm-
dtcs s cc1l tewoecas
Isc sanitsuealthosusghpossily
(d 'hthis pusm niand essnad
dIt the scStudentucilsseswhmichu
pesk sulsuhs'tth suDeanutosmhieian
Lig tin, ha e voltush dluit Somse
;ell ti)ltonI suit sll numberstn ti
ofl sell luCre- 300 tshdccniiitit
thani t list- i recidibyhitssiearn
co tiliit ii--ad litodt cihiss sibt muc
e ~ et. n aitg its ii ttntsta
isser heC ueciterueshthuat
suresftheslr huskisg f thus agree-
coutdh hhe' usie n's cttie gond
th I;gremntafetduncstlthie
d t sun -usal tutunIspectsdeit 'siroiup ul
id t con uscen cchsstn. inthei
t~ottintsed on Page 2.)

The Blind
Some good ese&%004, left. Make reaervation Ins S. L. A. Offic, UVniveraity Hall, Daily 4:00-5:303.

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