THlE MICHIGAN tl*1t4) cez your feet dry i slo-ppy weather with a pr oif our celebrated $4.00 and $5.00 WA. GNER & CO. Mtate Street C gro he big white shoe R~ockers7 Rugs, piesSuitable areVariety at i I rllra b Owners A< A TRIAL 5c :;PO ll , so111 a d 63c t1' 1 8 hours 0y111 li ins 'rI nt.iiil I n a ll c 1) OUR PRUTICS 6 oposute film, devel- - - - - - - 1 c or 12 exposure film, I 25c fi lifts 1f01157yo1r'film hspints, Sepia, from 1uios--- h4c o fomyour fims on i'111 y'our firns on s psi sods 35c Om1)0yoar films, each---5c Sepia, ach be a1d 2cfor ls ilm oneos i UNIVERSITY NOTICES Seiio r engineer football game wit foh its. 4011ai 3:0 ocloksuts Rlegular ineotingof sior)151irlstosee- ino itiistorerenw isllttbepot- poedu tiirsia t S oit ck 5 ac mcbris reuiredt ti isais ttewordss of IDic SWarisiamnin.tiij Mtandi lubherit isit t 2:4 this afterioson, feta I onie,331 igill. Senior lassfoothballspracicM ndat afliernoo, at5)2 o'liirkosothFeslrry Mieting sit gliutsrscomm iitee o Aeso cliil ondiooanigit iM 7 i'cdick, lat Mtii'iigasn Ui.on. S11 SI)N fNTBT;AilEN. (C-t~ined frnos Page 1. fluesJois.... . Cantr Cruig, rS))t...R.I.......Bte .Qile........ ..... tiles 50 soses, Sruton.. L.H .it .... Isi Pius D~itogas \\hic, l'ent} lissiR 05 m T~i i itlsl 1% oissiin 5 Giu lsfifrsio iliirr'- prii Waiba ishi.i umire-iic'ke. Ohiii 00 s i iii Filut justge-Lesis. .sih n. Ha insman-Kii else, to