r 1110M ICHI AN AL
FALL 1910
Outfitting for Mep
We announce our readiness to fur-
nishc our trade with the
Best Clothes, Headwear
and Haberdashery
the wortd produces and we re-
spectfully solicit yousr favors.
P ibrc/ctre,Lecor.usFourth Ave.
If cc frcret onswati
Capital $50000 Surplus and Profits$100,000
Geceral fiackiog lusiness. 3 percent paid
on~ 'rTiim n ainsDeiposits. SafetyIDe-
pofsitlocus to cent at $2.00 and upwards
Rl. II .'ceiF, Prrc. 11. iG. PrecI'VAeo. Vice-lees.
It. A. iwii.iJ~is. ('cshie'r P. T .SeOwic. Asst.
T1he Ann Arbor Savings Bank
('api :LI iStck j300ili,000~ Surplus $5,50,00
A(iceral anluking Businerus Transacted
s1ipreits: ~ lCa. 1E. llisccl. Pres.; W. D.
lil~rrimcan. Viii lees.: t. J. Frittz.Cashler
(I.. ccci.. cci al hul
I .llai ic l'ucli
C oemmercia 1e..I med
Core. Mse-Iman~d Liberty stsots
W. 1) . K(I NN Vi. IIA Itl f)N SOIULE
fres. vice-P'res.
WA'NTl ft
Walfed-A first class Stcenographeir.
Permanenclt crorfk. Call ill-afternlion
or es'einig. M/rril/f.&Griercsioat70
NorthUnliv'ersity 'Ave. 2-t1.
flFailted-Siecoild-ianidIi'tenn 'iacquet inc
goodl coniiitionl. Pihonic 780-1, 3-./
oc0t (l cici mltcs.a 'ia/lhami iiw-tict
Cold/itl'11sfcase'wit/Illtwo iird'iifs im-
fiiosid us tack iifdcasi tillnitoli'.
H. Steweart, too7 fI'. fiHuron 'and re-
ceisve rewaicrdt.23
Iia/ tc/I scwitfiwc a/el c/icd /i cc
at 69Hill1/11St. sanf receive.reward. ;
fhittPil ip/t ma frai ate/nitci-il 1)r11.
ca/ftll it()8-I,.
]hist-Ofs boulcevai'df ITuesday night.ii
cpei-faceif saltichcwit/ihiii/ls C. 11.
NI. ciiibick.ft. /U. S. icc/iecograveu
Ctharles ft. Marks. Rewarcd at Cciio
Macrice St. 3--I,
host-ScichiCo//ic. wcit/c'r/astc' 115
ye//w o dyiu/, tan lcalfercii'cilar, an1-
1505. IRewsarid. 3-4.
CouliIi 'te'IdelfI/tic/cr 5/hoii i''
hiiur far/icrwcrck ainilyiuccii in
''-c-ryttcicg list rig/il 77 . icii
sits' aiiiicit. JiihniiP. 1'r)aos
prop ieo. / (i
Fulle/r & Oi'Connoili eamici r."iIilii/fcc
fry clieiini's. ftc' fiil'1,r-l()I; N
(Gooid placc, to coal. I iffs -i ccerciid
try our ecffce. 'i'ernrsl uil,3
Miayncarid StrFet.1Itf.
Pciiaosipe O13gascu/iVfic Ciiiicc Si
i/i iii iou6 ' -c3 aShIi' ciiIS
ficr tine tian u l .cicig I.
"ai cc/ic /Detroit / icc/is, p/ipi/i-i-
gair'sictiiig, groce ieic tc.,'Iiar c: use
StartRf-h/t. Fir kfcinfull (1111cc ri
15ut, gil a aw isLessicn I c''rc / cai
1L111cc& ftce//er's, 310 5. Si 1C.Si.: 2 -
Let us selt or rentcccii a good ype,
wcriteir, nicir ci'secondichad.'i any/ make.iil
Moririif&/ 5' 1 icri
2-If. lot) N. tI. c-irc v
%TijS Isc'TClTi A(a.'.F
There i llcc-c/f afc cii ll ' tC cfialcc occ
ii fcc-at he INcieistic fthe-atre - ic
niha 'ctas' usulf ive' bug featurc cii-
- i/ile cts nd te moion ic-s-cc'.
him cworld faiuis ci/f c'mel for acci'
i/ccr era ic / ac ccicicncic 11111/ iii' . 'Is a
thI/jsic a t ct / 11'ian iisga'iiic-
deemedi iil it ci f c to sc urehi fo'
(icc/ic'.date. iHeixiill have I/cc- w
c~mdv S A iv" ,cast of lire
"turn"idwilichefafcc' .3
Sof Sio//i s/ia cii i/canc he dni
ia tpp i l ls-i'son ct i/i'program. iA
pai oci. cf f/ai/c ciieri/bic/ ei/ic- o
of /o/d/music. 5f cc u lccccc
-1?itc.c/~ccc I5cc.. ''
Stu/c c anvssrs aned o el
Ch iiralciuni'ncandcs1cl'c l Fes tiii aliccci
cci tcickc'ts. fif cacci risir
ci cicualiccacitt of ic licci ccii
5C1/ ofi c MU/cSIC. /i SlicicrifSi. 'i-
1.333 IF/'SSII N fIC/(1iI
f/c sate' cit .iiiac S&- fholler's, 31c S. Stcati
penis, calii fncc magnc Photographerc, c/ay
/ 111,11. 11/'h . 5.t~h r 07 -
- i
/ )het 11 t c Ii OW citV,$12=
c i c I. l/c I ic c/c cci (ciii ric/i
1.sf1.ah. c n /1 hoo 1 O 11,.
I 3 if 11
the 'if r to ofSill ?. W li I1 1if.
Larger and Bte
Than Ever
My business has grown constantly every year and
it grew last year. To meet this growth I have again
increased my facilities and this year .you may come to
me for Bettter Pictures, Better Amateur Finishitng.
I use ALL the most improved modern methods for
best possible results.
Better enlargements, A much larger and complete
line of Photographic Supplies. Better Lantern Slides,
the most complete and O ccurate Lantern Slide Apparatus
used .anywhere.
And PENNANTS. Several tinmes the Largest
in Ann Arbor, and prices lowest.
Just a Word About
Michigan Scrap Book
Experience has brought out that you want to keep
the many little things which come to you in Coll egc days,
Clippings, Programs, Pictures, etc., etc., and althoutgh
last years' book. was entirely satisfactory this years' is jIst
a little better. (Same price). Start one now--19 10-11I
will be the best year Michigan ever saw.
Now about pictures of things that happen in College
I want pictures of everything-whenever anything
is doing (night or day.) Call 458.
Tell me when and where, I'll get the pictttre--yot
buy themn if you want them---but remember if you watt
a real picture---not an excuse---call Lyndon at 458.
My slogan for every year is " Larger aad Better "
LY NDON, Photographe
719 N. University Avenue
E~astauts.ra'c Koudakc an-d suappites aria best.,send I n.avx-y
the lams-et 11,-se ts Mtahtlla".
Freshmen Caps -- -- Slickers and Raincoats
Cym. >hos, Suits, Towels, Etc. Meseshf he
U Co. I J. & M. Shoes
Laborator i Suits and Aprons* WAGNER MLCO Barker Collars
Engineering Overalls and stid I i Iles Rednan Collars
Jackets, Interwoven dose - "oie sc r'- is I/li white cli U Stetson Hats
Operating Coats and p _______________ _ Hawes Hats
Holeproot Hose -Sweaters Cluett Shirts.----- -
- Unverity Made ins Ann Arbor
Univ rsiy M sic ous ( Factory Sae of Mission and Bungalow Furniture
U lv riy 1usc H ue School of for ca fewV11ff cnly/sat ouettemprry show room, 12) 1.I bc-riv Si r-c-i
Press Building, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. School of Music (est /uoi/co icI too i ucuil,toh i'cri).This is Y'i lOfiII01,1 III-NI i'I' t
'a tocnts worliariof1/e'ctIfur turili tfil evcery dollar yiiuiC s/s's. I.Al
M u s c rt l sid 111/5pics', student hsks, chairs, Ifave r l c fflirary
Mayard Street tbll/co etc., iille sldi at id iculolsly hiss prices. Buy now before
these pieces are closed out.
University lstudenltOswho wsih
" s i to take nIliansupplemeI5'ntry PcI Com'e'P.c' kt Fusrniture C r~pn
rgulare studc ies y do siiatt the
'niversity Sifuol of Muhiioc. Stui- __________________________________________
Cor. iete line of Classics and Latest in Operatic and Popular dents whii desire to studyI musicf
bu h ontws otk regular curse lcoasing to su~-L AS o' K S
Pianos for Kent utnon say eroll tic special sto W B 0
Plio o etdent. d'. titake tesons" i whut -____________________________
ccer branh they wish.
The seimstrs of (111'Sehosh of 41st year DICTIONARIES 4st yea.-
iy cseester, ani tushdentsi-
tending to ttk iotsii should ai, Ann sArbor LEGAL MISCELLANY Ann Arba,-
rag* ori t sne. __________________________
"iii full ipaticular.anit flu-
TT MusicA trtstlcdcal ed cr, callt tfeofhce,
iU iest Musi L1VJ lfl(l.S~( Calilaghan Q-190Cow
Secretary. AcsaAbeBechStt55st.OpstLw d,
Portrait, S' io_ -319 East Huron Street