G. II. WILD CO. 311 50I. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS ASPECIALTY 311 50I. STATE STEET Tailors "THE MICHIGAN DAILY. silanaging 1Jsditor.- li; A 2 2511 F Bines 10 .anagerNiois 5AN5I\ .ElI ,, NesoEditor ....... I srald itusn Assistant...........arry I. 1l ,z :athletic Editor...Walter1K.'Toswers Assistant,...Arthur B.It Ma -ioti Isiceand 1)rasna.. I sirlV - or I~xcltanges attd lesss . ~ou '. ltsrisoy L101A Oi1i. Arthunr J.Abbott. GCS.It. taosher PlotLeidly. NIGHTit L)tTOOS. A. J. Wolslgesssats Haols]Macee lar ry G. Myser. Maursce Tlois Frank Feinnell. Fred Laosns RLPOIZTttistt. D~orenRtItobitnason. Edwsard Rostie. Joshns 1. Cox. F. 1'. Stsas, Jr. lirseins Kocts. tOsctartteloosai. S rst Bturtsi. 12. Ms. W55 sie - BUSINEOSS sTrAFF C. A.liown s. A. R Dittey. Mlyer Esubiss. tKennt:O(sisois. tllsdl-ss: .51 Wt AN Pre 'sss lisP5., IotsyssotslStreet. ti; Houtrs: Managaing- 15dto , 1-5.' its, ass] it:O00-t:30 t. iss. Di),i . lltsiissMansosager, 1-5, 7-8i ,ssm. ?h ecptSussdly. Loths 'titsnes s()6se 'P1.Ml CIICA1N DILtY .11IEsi ii,. S 11,A 1I1ti 1S tlzrIs ?llr', 7 lE 15) SIt liSt-.]. 7 ii i i 4 12 t 51c lit Mar id:o 5.di r12 a bled, ;t 1Is . 'Cormnsast ries Paner 1.1 In. C n l a 1 1cth e s r Ita kl.pln t ti s-sI , aile- aei t fir si isissv It s satt<,l gialit re It r lesc o s h atlg l Isi o n odsiki g iitu \-1 ors'it mm M~a I g n on te lm w; on i s i 1dell iii siin a 1ass.i oo:' thi ba AM hioi silan m ldgt \A s ruml r SI ilsi1to ar sliilo11te h l v n le t t c l .Ii: s S lsai 5 I t nj4 I o l 5.0 11-o- odi S \.Isiils, toss ii u I 5' ?o t sass-lit1 55k11,li 1& rcpace ,~m le 55h W1 pil" sot (i hol or k lkiu a .Iich tu 'rttc i. ; EASE u ON THE PROF'S to1 n yol r li ndee s a d0yourI-no c ,i : llyo rowl vww it W h v li- l.alics, 525.00 _and__111__. M'ichigan- Mi nesota Game S eeP it ls thcomfort. The Beat Automobile Seater msadersctn be hadl for Sweater Vest for $5.00 or $6.00. Ask to see them. M~ICHGAN PENNANTS Fannisisr, Arm Bands, etc. Best lito is the clly at AJAHR'S t University Bookstore 1 u s s reis lwast wel- )i1 5iw tost res. n eai r list $0(rs,11s51 lon 719 o rUiey rsitydAv tll Ills -5 lstPrce il T Ny o iii - i 5 'iei5i T'he Stndents' TIypewriter Supply Co. Room 4 Prnss Builting. Opposite Majestic SPECIAL SALE 'TilS WEEK ON GO""ODS 2.,5 D( lrivets 51.95 $2 .50 Brasstes -$1 95 Alt'I liithe sts>'' 2 Si s;W<« Ii lii tl 1 s\idl 5551 5 ll , W s\ l (Ic l ost, i. td is sict)it i oris 11,I k, -1 1c r) I t _ ml cd t )Ili 'i i{,Wt'i i I-. ie i ;II '(I . A A 'li u i )t AI(% ;o- ar 'l in. \eii n siri t d SA I(] ti .Q1 sSiw is s F c~ trso ucs c c a ii.ei o r I w, Tj its sS]e liibacksovere ito iulic "linSsssaliaSi th i m s fr1m isit al ti 111 ilt s' $21110Irons at i.5si Iros at - -- 160 S$L25 the liso i S t alt the t-( ast t ii, aSt isislls firll. vl~l-l ) adline. NI iliii wt (Cont\s ~ i nue o1 Pge3. Mr M et ciii ndsi t e pedi )it ()f iii ii> a ~-- may be right and nut be F ( I i iiI i °i;Iii s. 't<1a 1(rw l> Fownes, but they can't tie -\lcccrlaced )t- to ~dmtncs, ~w, and not be right. Ar sretilsos sffrring this'-week iiir M Scrap flfl" Book at-.----I A Sheehan's 320 S. State Street Iis i ii \V l ii ° C~l irc1;r c i iii uthe swrdi f oalo\N s iiliit it ti-i-ho iii ct lic. Is llsscitiit l- Sici c-illutdcs- t Scotti, 5otei1 ii i-it o hi'uittiard i tlc 5.' 1~i t~cein slsanki i-syarsil. li (I lto l iii IC b it E crisi lis i i I 'sI-I iiiiisit~e .A St :i rs s.inettssi idpa s, en (! .dAlien's Hand Tailored Clathes {s Proof is the weapon that removes all doubt,' are you from Missouri ? Main Street Allsen' s Good Clothes Main Street Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S optical:. _ Dept. Fine Watch ant Jewelery Repairing HALER'S JEWULURY STOREi 216 saoth Mahl St Win. ARNOLD 220 South Main St. COLLEGE JEWELEK. Sells "THE BIG BEN" Alarm Clock yoo see Advertised NonJust as Good. $2.50 OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 UP Michigan 100 Patterns Pins 1 25c. to $5.00 r l The Blue Tea Room Open ils 'iy frsinssill a.Iirn.lto Sunday from 3 to 7:30 P. M. Orders taken for -special parties I 1221 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Phone 1696 i Thae Michiganoc aro impossible. But, taking corn of clothos mill make the most beao. tiful girl morn attractive. That's Where We Come In Call us on Ike phonn nd t or waoon will call for nose clothes. Ourework ic tho BEST. Ocr prices tke LOWEST. University Suit Pressing Co. 709 N. U~niersity'Ave. Both Phones 266 121 Wasbto too E. RANDAL L & PA CK, Ph'otographers Phone 598