* MICH[A A -AIL' This fSpace Reserved Sam BuWrcIhfied Ann Arbor's Leading TAILURS 106 1E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHIARPAN, Jeweler Alarim' Clocks 70c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 'olly 1a on teooon Watch Repgait. itng a SpaOaicty MlAINOAND) HUROIN SlTREETS Cpital$00,000 Sorplos and Proftt$100.OOO on0Tme nod Oao'oai,, +'posi00-01afy 15 - nn010 lone-a so row at. S.00ad upaperds R.I 11 r. Pes. I . . E1,. I N V ((11100.S l. A. 0V11,io.)m,ooCashir F. .-wjowaan.Asst. The Ann .rbor Savings Bank C00)00) 00stuck ^30.0)001Surlus5,5.000 Rvorvs,,).)000 A treereet t~ine uina eessTeancctedt UnrFicoan Chas. tI. ttjocnk. Ptes.;W.t) ST ATE. A I~i GS FBANK C 0pi 1 X5.004) on, S'500 Cie o .irc' .)?1, >?0 Olo. .1. Booth I. Pres. Win. Arnold. Vit,e s C, . ' t. 5). 'n-loin, CelalAmer ciSavi n s f-aun h Coz -rraerclasl a..nd savlirass Cor..Mote-.. a."d Liber-teStn-eots FIRST NATIONAL IBANYK OF ANN-. .0110SR, ll:. FI .tKtNNtl. HARRISt ON SOULE Pres.Vine-Pin-a. 0. XW. 1'tA R105)N, CashOier. Capital. 31t0.Ofo -I))')) 000anrd Proflits. 005.0))) fte 11largest aso ciai~on ofh i ts00 in, ill thecntry01s0 t1)1)00)1 io nno o '. vi)itor at1Mchioollan hall yesterday, stop- m not 1001 sO)) lo ))loolin theinter-oo CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LOST. 00)1ed-))nit. Uinder0return to 1Kii'v. Maynrd o cal 1>ll honeI.;4. 1) Oaternon. Rward 1reat 1 0.m F-OR R ,NT. f o).Io)))11 o1rb 1 ,'001))) forl' 011)11)1 lnCnr N0. 0. )))l))0, N))))' 111ts 33-3=-1. 01180.011 XNO(OI'8 00) yu )ned yor0shes )1pa1)1 im -)' thein)oer to 13) F0". NNillims. T'e 1))) loll)ShoSin op.11))).f. 018110R N'S 1(t10,CTION CAStiS VCA NCY ON IRlCIINT Ii(0.\tDt. I h lciii)' of Chasc) S.NO bo rn'1 as01 1110 l lforc th irst of Janoiary0, 0a1p)i)))) is 1 uccsso r. o) I II oiosoi, 'Iii. ti )shon was1ppo )))e regen 1of 1th ter0exend )t)th fisto f a ay 1)1da )psshliie o ron the)0 poosiion. R in lva he )ake o suggesto t Pr )) 11)1 1)1)0 ,,i1010of lth 10)1111 n< - 0ict said, "1I e u)vintre noopinon)1 to the) appoin1m)nt1b00ll)Osor.h \JfO)O (GUIIIl) 1(1oI\N(2L'11' D10,11 \l;'ISl sD VISIT1ORS0. i11)10 (nid i l oiv a bn l) ct a t'hrle D < ilia 11Hisop oflN OW, (i~ait and he Rc Dr. 1v'. 01Rai 1fo)1 '\Vi111 111)1))))) 0for 0)11)111den 11 II 1)1)nd 0Prf. )Charls 1K Den niso. M tinverity eope wh ar is saifcoy btntsslasn sago lookg foot . Tefiss ate flck,th second a matter of good judgement-----buying WALK--OVERS. $3.50, $4.00, $5,00 THE WALK-OVIR BOT SHOP 115 MAIN STREET, SOUTH0 ,' . C s. a , . ,- ,, , , I~ y i, i + ,. ' I j 1 i ; z ,. It's always a satisfac- tion to look rigyht and be sure abo pt it. You can lcok to this 'store for right clothes. .0,) L1 ( )I ) GIoodl ilaoce o10 01). Co)))e0over00 11)0 tyoni'iooi fofoee. WVoo' ~inh 338 Ma,'ynarod Stroe'0.z-f Ifyonae oki orte et uta on't Hesait ate , ))r 00 nlo ioo0ee)1Marton iiis-min . ;= 01000100011 11ti es, I)S nS. Any Inlfaer '01 Ml~oln ) Io))o0, 0 33-18 f l U IU S 5 IIIlNI10I )') ushngS(harac Drop es acard orcall 960 either phoen v111.1011 it e \ oil bette 0)11ice on ioolioT o 9lAb any) placenin t1110 i'1. 31 if. and get For) tyis gaom)nts tailor mad0 , The Michigan Daily N,nil v Pal)))loo> arl -; o ta exel] Fat OnieYeart-Remgit at Yotar III 01h1 oart ) of rsin 1peoploenwoil. Conenene. 133-38'.$ .5i0 If Paid by Dec. 1 HATS CAPS SWEATERS JERSEYS PLEATED SFI'ITS NEGLIGEE SHIRTS FLANNEL SP IRTS NECKWEAR HOLE PRO F and INTERWOVEN HOSIERY "Always the right thing at the right time" WADHAMS & COMPANY t21-123 South Maino Street OVE GRCOAT N G wMany men preer a medium wight overcoat for winter wear. - We had this in mind when we selected our Fall Woolens. But we have the heavy weights also. All garments made in our own shop. WACNER & CO.Saete UnivcrsItyMuiclousc Press Building, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. School of Music Music From " IIl of My Dreams"s "Barry of Ballymore"' AND OTHER LATE OPERAS Gibson Mandolins Ivers & Pond Pianos i CHORAL UNION CONCERTS 10---Star Numbers---$3 McMILLAN, November 14 Violi1naist BONCI, December 9 'Tenor FLONZALEY QUARTETTE January I18 SAMAROFF, February 24 Pist0 FESTIVAL of Five Concerts lA Y IT -7!0 rio so, 0)rc'hesra (Choal n io n andiSoloists Hanoidel's "-Juditas aiirooo" 'tiI'schai onsloy's *lu"One gini" rTn letsron sale01 at lhoo'li a o olsi I-o o aitud n caassars Carriage and Baggage TcBl toaracmh 1Couple t0o01n10fro0)p10 tic00101 1 dal before tioclaah$1.50, aftern12 o'clock) $2.00.f' oarreach TI-ank tiloertroiiiodoor, lol onnotay r) priceawill bea2tCents, ltf0carried or tram 1up-sairst he prior will In OrdrsĀ° 500Cents, Drivers are required to coilect ca) tar carriaeandllbggage serice. " WALK{E'S LIVERY11 V HOHON)0(IN & CO')) 1221 S.Lo W. 01. S~TARKi HOtME S LIVERY1'10 41st y.ar 11I1 C11 ARIES Anent, Arbor LEGAL MISCE ANT AnanM Arbor Bn-naneo. Sta 0.- Cot, +O3ppO ce Tea Room 0 .Ii.) 1) 0 1 1114to 7:30 P. M. ken for speciar1 parties N"lV 'SITV AVE. KS 41et year in, Ae-nrxArbor Co" csite Leawer Bldg. Ir III Portrait Studio- 319 .East Iluron Stree(