THlL MICHIIGAN D- IIIA 41 _ )ST.ESTREET FaladWinter Styles LULL D RESS SUITS A-,SPECI: ALTY T111FSTEET peTi r Supply Co. .opssite Majestic W ONK O SI9 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Maaging Ad'turL Ir, A \VssT_ L; ssssss-Heagier-Nos IN If. l11st. News Editor ............torrold Titus Assistant.............lorry Z. Fole Athltetic Editor...Wulter K. Towers Assistant....Arthusr B. Moehin NMusic and Droaso...Earl V. Msoore ti~xchosges Last Files .... Dion S. Birney Lcuss uISat. Arthuor J. Abbott. G. S. bashser Foul tLeidy. NtIGtT ]WtTORS. A. J. Wohtgrsults. IHaroldt McGee, tlary G. Msyser. Maoriee Toutme. Frost.Pennsell. Fred Lawton ,or( IdRobinsoni. Edward hiohie. Johs I" CoE5x. F. E. Show, Jr. t Ks orts. Oseor Beeckmans. I nst lsirtssi. IE. t. Woakefielsd. BIUSINEISS STAFF C. . tBowmssan. A. R Dittey. AlierL Ruins. Kesnseths Osborss Ai'iis is: illisss)ytLLY, Press Bldg.. .V ayLesi Street. :'ii sssurs: Manssgissg Editor, t-2 p. :lt. asdsst 000-11:30 1p. s. Boily. 1I' .sitsrss Masnager, I-5, 7-8 p. m~., Ex- cept Ssssdty. Bssts 'phtonses 96o. I itt its 's, Ni I iM iltS 1, 1)1O. 1d111-_"D RD It. Rt rtos. C \IVI RITY CAI.FNDAR. _\ t sc sube s O Jesssssr 'ssgsssser tDassse, l:Ii isRt 's is cr555 ts M1I'M.Ifs\vcido herie tis asi' sforss }C o h cre rej ici 'g, sand sfsrsgertsr- i~tti clchatonofthesgOs iss u's' The l ncnihm tof str asrns , rals f~ciig fr mal s osesrvancse ois1 t(mv, heio Is'cpl. Satusrdays iliIl X lli~coa s i Visn. 3t t h t ere <+.c iia 1;-it" of itiens s e respsectedt. :An futhr laea,sthsere is l~ 1 alc irg nSssssday. I\-isslssr \V1, ttv(-a rig t to eiset that al s!;' ppc~catonoftisseffrtI sof thes t lnl Iitis thissdoe s n t m althasItisse ( i' ';~i~n te ea's.retsss'sssssneed il .".c~l \-c~~ ictititin 5thes'eves 'sctII'hevrs of tIhe Sabbasth, is ,z ,sssst tisstosgoodstaste- ever osir convicstioss or5C lackt'. i l.1S"t St lt{ ._ C I ( 1 1x' N sietissis, Istothe tip-state ssentimt:ts'sst 'e s It IC i lt(,A 'II'\ 'tlt orssts'tse'nsstupoin te states 111u11 ta ical state, for ssssr smainss nas e.ssss I\ s' tts''is'is'11 5 ic :i mussttkpth's issconsstatin ids elfl sssssseI 55 s 'Chris ili sa u pres s is sewer to finssss bjei~scLt mattes fl o 1he 5 i,, l~~ r'ebuske. It is ourL5 dty- t ot he Ils e nir o t 1; cy ±1e_ t1' ,- sity' to '' p eent l ts, ssnot byss transginsg .1ss ss.sts is made isi ' ' sli edtitor' ss IL''ts a cligsu s ip rs st ss bss ts toIs rrage fr'sssm - t s even fI roms the 5 motstt etlpitis. f snior '.555i s,hmnis t i c:. i tiLts fof 5' C'elebsrat ! A eebI. ''strate ssithi all I IC sstss'~ssss l-(,o'. ' t I thes hes'art thsats is ssss Iti ssIut ots forsii oders a isen inssised 1 isis is' gs't tht thse'ask sssrs'fsasvor ssifthss'sitts 'lils p ,as prop(-ii 5 iii1Ihe ( this ' y er thats esver ibeforee. tsss lIwie t ctiss s, iiotai t I SEN I s I LhtS''51)121 ETI ES quickr hes tetis w s Iici 5s ' titINITATE NIl' II;51MllI5tssists :Next I isody eneinsg thes'Sesiorsor Theetisr g1fo 1i 'iety n it thotnorry indse'pe'ndent' cltbros f i sssts tsrthits te r ci'l Ss'niors' girls, wiltltholdst a banqut t worissts ss ofidem,'is shics eighst stewss memb iers ss'wilb i -ss' swo ld Ik(,I)See ore mti '5 . siie.est 51) Wm-] istl ter 1 ,a I'isiossitsg' is te list sof isitiatssir he stffsees 'tak, ha 55' "w' 1 Isi t lssts' ,ItrttI t'sesr'. t'isrss 5 siatsss hei loll I 1 Ill, IlLa Mir', II ilusts ttis, tItsrssssetes i '12ttli, :ri~ i Pastoni, .Mildtredt Iiechmondss,an1 oec lisThustrsdays' sevensinsgNovs ii etr17 ' Isudn w tlc Mosrtasrbordstthe sother honossrasrysenr :k 1.; I r i 1tt girts' society , wilt hoisaist gtetitsl'ssssiss 1x11i cf rc at r 1: which tmte'test sewss Imemb iers wl ies ft hi cr.'lt. II initiasste . M iss Ititet \iesit'ssst ssill 'ct' Mond y, W 1sl 11 rw _ ass toaIstmitstress ILndI sasnumbsetrs' fss t sissss siss ta ni] _:7 c ii,5, nase Motsrtarboas:rdtisembsers resisding is te city wsill se preset.:_. ; Thse girls tosbe.insiitiatledl are: dicet Adamsss, tLousise ' I tssisss, Iriestis It wil e el t,1; -111at(' l ilda Oxhsiy , IthetIReese, Gladysi\'5 5 nsie ts--M rieon W s's nerss Lorasss. ' ' . dele Bavlev Xlarv Fannon. ~s st igt 111s sii a 1) ' l I)ItSCt'SSIiIN CLASSES P51k Lists isil~s 1 W'l: 11 cI STUDY OF RiELIGION BtiEz \ FOOTBALL Class Tems is thits,. sndset the sunssfrom aHeadgear wortht $2.00, toapasir ofshtsoes worth x'3.50, sor s J 5 Foot IBall $5.0 ymClothing to}MteSuittinclutdinogsitoes I t stbie supporter for ontly $2.50 University Bookstore 0 lilirss is a firegamse, ase ,hos'e i i play. Yons sied ii c' recirieationt ands htstsls is lister thansstIis' I USON IsROS. (Groupss disecsssions elasses fosr thse sltdt osf religissousadso ias ubssijects a'rebe insg organtizedI1by tte UnsiversitysVI. . C. A. tliss weekh5ateMillanssthall. Six- tsrn ss n asesre rcanva'ssinsg rooinisssg hoissses toi essroll1ststents intsh~e ecourses, Issenty- one osf sshieh sars' toibe 'stabishedt's. 'The slait hsssIset wcills greast sustrr a~t Ysale, sshtere there ssere sho stuch ;ri usslisaist yeasr. \I'ert Point, Co'nsic)it classses. Studtst' lteaderts lesof ech roup il cosult withs i sCsarl smiths eacsh Iwsi'sks at Mcit a e hatitt ollisefisre' 'onducstissg thes next mesetinsgiol thse class. Jesre'mtiah IV. JIesks' "The SoielotSigns'iicance o thte TeachisgsiofJessss,"Iswill sersve is atext-books. The Birls' Gleetclub gavse its irs 11a11y of te seasonsill thes'arbsriss'gills issisums pasrlors tlsst evesning. Otver 5 seenty-live essopes swere iresesst. 'The roo ssweres tefullys=sdecraste'strois itee ccaions, a larsgs Ilock"A".\in eis trie ligh~ts 1bsissg afs'ea ts's'. DtO s. L. t )Ii=1 , Niext \,t1 ,-)isia