THU lgMl IHIAN 11;441 .. . Come in!o Mr. Good ]Dresser And inspect tihe biggest and most exclnsive selection fi of imported and domestic ;o woolens in town. This season more than ever Iefore we are able to show yoo the chsoicest in fashions ks and fabrics which will be worn in the recognised style centers by men who know sow to dress well. Ti lorecd Carmnts miade. to your individual measnre 1. 5reasonable prices. To look mseans yon buy, B k!today. ArL MALCOLM, 1 18 E. Liberty agrs School of Dancing tn 8:00 o'clock. at ,M ca -sePhsne 246 > vry rid Comxpanjuy I.,"'trirrshers to Men Sf5.fsevsity Ave. Alm n Arbor, Mich. 777 Shampooing, 'THE OLD PLACE +: 3 a ssageN E (. o b i\We have a fresh stock of Prince !vrst Ibe7w k Ahrt an(1 Tuxedo is s pound and ' poundl cans and jars. f~lAND AFTER MONDAY, NOV. 7, 1910 CllttillgCafe, WILL SEIRVE rdat $4*9 PER WEEK MInTE NUMBER OF SEATS UNIVERITY NOTICES Glere Isk rehearsal in north wing U. hal tonight at 7 :15. Soph 4lit footal practice at 4 tis afternoon. All out. Secioiar engineer foitat practice at south Ferry field at 4 oictock. Thke Gies' Glee cu witt give their hirst prty titght at Bartoitegvsiiia sins) att 8:30. Tickets raybse cus'rdi fromumemters. CtAStFOOTALt. A Is coANlGt. Two1(1changes hare bhen miade htnte iiterctass foothall schedule. The chai- pions of tie engineering departmient will set the sopoimire ]its cut iMiinday in- steaiitofiiSatutriay, aiiidte fitals will icctir nextWen\'iiesdoyiisteai of Ties 15CV7 tALE O'NUesIi:' HE.AVY. Seats fr the MIinniiesofa gameiarc oiuig fast. Yesterday ov(ee 2,00 sec ;ohd, chief' tonmemtes of the Athletic ssiiciatio. The geieel sae ciitililes toda~y, attd taniyidesiralie seats ma still le obtaied. Tomorow wil tie giresettato mein ters f Ithe faculty miii liar womtetiof liar university. A sggestion that elcit class hvie a distictive Incqe ivhich soliitliirI thieottghiiut the four-ea corse, in stvad f tie peset la o hain'~g a iifferent kiid actisiccessvecyeae wa recceived last iight ty the Sti-nt Couincil. The tritisal, thoee, was ~NOiCieeS etACTW IAT115Si'A'TiiiR'iiN. Allimeitwhiseact edIine thy cros-cluntcry1101ice racc Saterday morning shonid e'with Iae siuiad iicii it leases te gymaisiumi this aftenooii at 4:15. Sonar f the iol min cill piliot te cindidates 1ov-cc the coeto l le covered it the rac. AstoteIlt 0(0.115 'cm 01J' s tvuti i Tryouts foe the .\'elf uiciltilii team wh lich is to lart the NNelstcva- gegation iiile' helilnxt list 11 14 7:15. Three m11' wiltli e olctd fkom1 the iinetecn who are enteeilorSue ii voltest. Asst Prof. Biri, Dr. Rfuinuiig aill Mr. Cowdlon wil act as iiigs. Thae state biiardexeamiiiations in ldii- tister' wilttae ueit olerho'ss(f icxi week, eginning Teesday, ithieIDetala blintg. This examinllaionis the sc- iiiid during the yea, ad all edcnta sb- jeccts taken durig the three yuars 1111t bie passeed hefere the stuetiiwill liv allowie d to paractice in Miiciga CLIFTON, 2$ . high BEDFORD, 2 i. high 7'f tch COLLARS si snugly to the neck, the tops meet in front and there is ample space Sfor he cravat. 15c.,2for 25c. Cuett,Pabody & CoMker ' Tite Official Toqe-all clsse-Sil cenits. Wagner & Co., State St." Detroit United Lines On information to Division Superin tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Lines by officers of Varsity or- ganizations, the -movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of. any group of students to or from Ann Arbor extra oars and extra service will be promptly supplied. Box Seats '? Five 1 111-111- 35 TicActs __________TONIGHT FORMERLY WILLIAMS s& WALKER CO. ,D.qcjeas Eientttu Sit ,. ealidI tIae --T i is is the most prententious colored I Ii th(vlericn sv'audevie sige. FITCH ERQ ALVIN BROTHERS Eccentric Music n Comedy Acrobats F TRA ADDED FFATURE Presext i"U-INCLE PHINEAS" By Edmunudmay, Austhor "Round UP,' Elc., Etc. Matinee ..HANKSGIVING DAY RESERV ED SEAS NOW SELLING -SO1lE 1PLACE TO (00 FAMIL W THATRE Cornrne'iscirgD A MATINE Comedy T OTHER A Scream h u Boarding House Keeper Beware Gleor e W.Phillips Will sing9 Prunes, Prunes, Prunes The (~A~ j AY JFormerly Sunbeam GRAC'kIE £1rn l Bartlett & May Ti-I FAMILYSCOPiI - - Lae Animated Pictures Cexnii i N iaI--'Chse Dusky iDamsls PINOILOI) and JOHNSON Retitrns lFroml MICHIGAN-PENN GAME Satrday Matinee J. L. CHAPMAN, 4ewets state St. Shoe StorCSe 2St. Alarm Clocks 79ceSI S Alarm Clocks $1.00 Crawford Shoes for Men Alarm Clocks $.50 Fol Line of Ladies' Shoes Alarm Clocks $1.75 "ducators" for Children Fully Ourantee it SWtch Repetr tng wSpestitty Srting Goods E. R. FROST. Prop. New icyTheatre Csort5stn. 5.15 tPMP4,aL,e 'onnso-is rant seated prome.ptly. Icollowilagi '. "on i - I1,11"s in Chiciago I n-itmlue. toiNewiYoNk fill the iIntl I MR. JOS. M. GAITES Of m ttok Itallellw mulisic Iiy Cr 1' 'irl~~oi}c Prices: 35- 50 ,- $1 . SO BoxreSeat.,, 200 SEATS NOW SI II i Saturday, Nov. 12th Matiree a and Night tlvncy NN Saiages Splendid The Merry Widow, NI hv FItan.'Lehar with the. saiilc notabhle' players. Special Orchestra frm Ike English Grand Opera Company ice , Ni ill 35c-50c-75C-$l-$1.50 Pt c s Nigti: 50c-75c-$t-$1.50-$2.OO SCAT SALE NOW OPEN Carriagee and Baggage il1u1lildfromill actic af1 - 151. ter 1it'cliii'i ii.-l kii to5Cotr fromdoor, fhe ,5Ce1t.,lIfieiuciii tie .11 eili lsrvicen. 11 II..-t1\111CO Mexican: Indian: Blankets 'll ATcEST for yourCcollege Rfoos, lDen, Lt~eary or Musuic Room; tar Canoes, IRugs. Diechi Conv'ePo'tie-ri-sand Waltt Iecoratiotts GORGlEOUS COOR EFFECTS! BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS! lIIian-imdeiby naies;ealloftwoolfasticoloss The Most Acceptable Holliday Gift! r iiio. 11tie,.lRed. Oreen, 'White,Ibetc 7tt. lin. x Sit. 101n.. ........... 5.00 61t, Sitn. x 3tt. 41n.......... 4.*0 Set ot three lone at each stzel 10.00 'iensi Ariili'hlmil -ricllsPrepiditon receipt Ilfprie lirceruloday. Mosey iback itf you1wasf it. MEXICAN BLANKET CO. Aguascalientes, Mexico ST YC -:HTEL BARBER SHOP BAILEY & EDMUNDS il!lAc Ilitig Rowans DEALERS 1N Guns, Ih-hing Tackle and Ammusition SG V TOLL, Propri etor IKey fitin a specialty E. Liberty St. At, Arbor, Mil~gat 4-Ors From 1 Freddie's " I- ._.._ AWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARDOH A THI BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAII.ORING