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November 10, 1910 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1910-11-10

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Open'fing Display of
Pall and Winter
Iypewiter Supply Co.
'R, ,4F.'saicingri. Oppsiete Mesrrtir
$t. 195
S. State Street
I.agst Stock in :Michigan
Sceond-Hand Law Books

" 'cltDictionaries
Qui hsco'cetc.
.!',,1iitlie New and Sec-
ii octaken ini Exchange
he ~cdElcar Tel. 761

T H E MICHIGAN DAILY. bounccdihimcse'if to ablde' bythe decsicon*\ L' NI NU'S 1El;' CII ' f:
______..________of rihe onlyivgov ernlingbody tire studients t'( r' itII') FR o'
Manoging Lditrice I A WHITE. have amron g themoseive-ocre thatihie- -
Burconess Miager -Noi<XIAN 11. I III.I. supptrtst, credl ieliev es inc. Tire Concil, Alfredi
harving(decidedi thttthere c'asrio cusce re civedI tieJ)c ;? 1
etrecsfor ac re-electionc, disisisecitire rmactter, 'c cc 1,- c c ,t~ /i
Nect cEditor .......i harold Titustireelectionceccasec totc ie iegalconist-is ce iihe
Assisitn .......I larry IZ..Fol0 edcindcri cci nticiic, I~eant Reed rwouclid scc ccii c curlv T1
Atihietic Editor ...Waiter K. Towers crnrc tor havercesced totr ie rire urrimae erl csca is gl Il,1
Assistarrt. ..Arthcur B. Moehlmac rttccc i c rcrsccproiderinirthc re ccrr trcrr icrler' oftracccnrcc i i'
Itirsieccnd Dramca. ..Earl V. Mocore ctin ichasbtencc ivenlc i cllo. [
I':c 'ttec ancd tiles. . ...Diet S .IBirey l cccccrc'rcccaselcctedi, as areeallclasii oie n 1r
Cc'I otcALS" offcrers, unrrcc rtterestabiiiihedtpicralt i dcc dc c ccci
Arthur J. Abbott. G. S. basiher.cc cccccr IWe Ihave no ietter lcccatccec-i Themcdalicc 1 ccc I. VVi i
tractlLeidy. crccc ccrrcg 'c
NIGHTrcED'TORSo. IIIcattac cc t cccn can indcivitrc i iciduc, 1t h cccchmc cic ''1i
A. J. Wohlgeinucth. Hiarold McGee. uponcccac systemthtirhaccinecver befe macc ccnl.I i:>crvcc 1
t atrry G. idyser, Maorice 'oclicie 'beencccriticisedt, 'ndcwtchietis thebcsiciv ct i<
F~ranki Pennrell. lFred Lawtono f calciielectionrs icr democccrctic gcccern- c.'cccccccccc c , :11t ( iih 1<i
RETERSCtt. cme'nrthereabiotst. Acid yet th' ecideccittee accccccc 1it;1 el
ciorcic Robinscon. Edward IRobie. issuced I iy DeaniRteen is can attckicupccn
J cccnIL. Cox. F. E. Straw, Jr. tire csystemr. Asctanycne iknowsc thercscc' cc % t c c ,1*CI li
'eccwictKochc. Oscar Beeckm t. ccwilneerc icbeentirely tlackincg tir e-etc The fresh ittil c 'rit1
Ercnest Mtront, E. M. Wakefield.inecccc brt tis "arginc tire gcvrnmcrcecct ;cce'dm .Ila 1 UINScTAFi i Ichselmn tacDa ee a .toc i ic
C. A.Bowmcan. A. K Dulle.y icc d.ciT1ccre ic, actinterestinge-icc'ticat thic a e1
Mcye EtRicint. Kenntetht Gsborn t cccctic cpu t. cc ihunrcctecd a'ndc ficti ai ica tiocn'. adI "(
________________________________________ peccttioneccrs',sayc thcecy c'cwa tctcn w e ;tp o (Wcc ti
Icidiress: IiciteC csc ti ).cccc',PresscBldg.. ict 'ier iccccs elcict cic
iccyccacciStreet. tDcacc iRcedi doI Are we toi icav'e this cc 1i ! ";o, c l cc
tffic cHiourrs:IIMacnaginig Editor, 1t2 pccsamcirectua .tioncuccc rreiig ittothcer cas'st hll
mc. acid t1o00 t1:30 tP. i. Darty ssdcc'l a cte enior lit cass cccin
Bin escscMacager, 1-3, 7-8 P. to., Ex- dcccsc i cct octinc ut swel e-t.'.eric epcina. Boh 'p oe 9o eene oote rizatc ciion ' h Iv c c. l Ssiil
iutthe rc calrly uncfortuncac'te ornt i cc ccci Wrv l{ ii
iris. 'c\ecrccy' iewron'r andc eaci nc'Rc ed t e'i c f cc i ccl
_61101 erectnayr eric' t'ii b t iecr ic' asrcset thec ele tccti ic'A~. lliic cii ccc c ,t~
__________________________________________ focr ci dacce thact ifallsduictg iis acsece i c ccc hac'cc ctii,.c),1i cc1c
'it 11 011',c .NO)VtIcii B F,, c, n910. tfccicttire city. IThcrc s nccccout.i ?fcci cc 1ccccc c c (I't, ctt'
cr1al. Memrs ocfcithe c'lass ccve e'c'c ciccec cWillire m d tt
iccfccrtrcecthtact tire .)macte is, tccbuscitoic cc'c >.'
N 'cc ictt c Piats Pvcsic~.. ackec nt te crttr. Thecre ci cccee ccrac c.
( iNIVISITY CAtLiNt)AR. ccIiiithority tccccwhocmitire diiccintidtcc
cndcpteittinigicrembries. of the clcass call
cccii cc c iisice' cc' i. citacic acpeaccl cwith arty oportunrity fcc satin- v'cci~c c c.
wci'cyciii tarkc'picce. tire icewt' i 'ccc c ' cc ti i
Noeme cc ccic ciJc c ciorcEniine'erDace'', DecnRececcc's popucerts'upon tiecs' ccc
ci cc ccc''sthis ccbiec'ncsteadti~ cirw tc cc c ing;hccms.
____________________________tivccs'ucic i 'tccc lta _i
woccth ie affe'cticon candt tt'e r'cspec't ci of cc ccI c
ccc tc'rcc ttcttt. widely sepacraced ccls's, thccro gh i s ii tir fo e giclccc'c cci s c 'c c r
ccc icheedcsas tha.ticc theeiscc'cctt iccb cc a s cr'iy ,'acndi stccrctious e'cd ecavors c'cci fo.r '
ncc' le tin c'che se iccr'Tits. IDea'tnt tt'e gocdc ofltire' etc'crtr'tcc'ct. it is foc' It hisc'. clcil th i cc~t~
heed ciscccciiccitcccwc. i'e will ice cciiu t tis recasocc thact we' cc regre thticc e an c -c thcc yc tcccI p i a, =
of" " icc i e tim cc tocfte ccc ct cvc'tion iReed ri fa c itiised to rc'eplinei lct' iici cc
ccc iccm. I~ t ll t 'n ' o r cct what cice'ccl lecicct cc sceic cc.tcrc' cs cccci 'c
ccc .equiccitt cciisc'ethaitf r hiscci ittac-tattic _____1'
Dincced ccsayiscc'cge cc iccat'stcheld T pNMNla' in n ih hth adst Pt'e
staem ntofthcc a m-fccrc t hci isti'i' lldaeofelcio _asc_ ati easwo l
oit cc icrcsti vt ccccc''l'pe ritccfcacet ecr' tbc' scisti ccc cc
cc tics r t inec thccis ccins tic cccaiu'uai, twee nhmsctef Cadtess wcaringCct ins.'""m _...11
th i s ai oitit of equcictyciacdrit i i t hcc-ec,
areinc' i c c'ss,candcieacheiccticnic fstheic
enteraliccycproxy.c I ic'ccReed wa'sc csk-clcirichacs sect'rali 'men engcagedt. Enties c .

Class Teams
anything tinder the suin from
a Headgear worth $2.009,
to a icair of shoes weorth
$3.50, or a J 5 Foot Ball
cccct ti
Gym Clothing
CLot etc Suit ireltidiig 'diee
andriicke csipporter for
University Bookstore

Whethrcc' ccci o l lybl
y , i a i1 ilcdcci ciicic ofi light
cc;<< ii t o r sc c lay or-ccc lc

ti c ?

old tc cdsetrminethei c'erits cof lie cse,
andli deidd tattie ccctesc'ecc' gcod
,III( tha Chales cc'« cts v siee'te'c.
Tic oppicic tciicti cc ctowma et''ed
chage Ofc ciltleg"itimacte mcet'ccccs ctecicst
iiccdc rilig 'cican iates, cnch caske'd for
a r-eeci ttccisprtest macdce tine
elecio i a cntesed (li tin t'nphrasre'
olct~Y f heclssccciihtuttiont, wchichc
prmidc tht i suh e eecyctire
-orite isthedea ioftir eparc'tmnt.t'
Pideci'cttiscowman cct'iticne'dcitire Stu-
ceic Cot'cttei on all inctestigationcccctile
eletio. Pes. Ciceti of rice' (Coun-
ci ccquiriced of 1becan iReedtwhticchie
shold o.Cogweli state'sthacct Decan
Reed'cc se ti c c'ccc its'hite' Countc il
shul dei1 itecrmnc theifaticci'cclthe tpiesi-
dent. I effecth cscwcrs are said to
cc s ibeent tc fccllowsv: "'T'his is a mat-
cr rtics Counccccltccsettle ;andctfure-
teIcoinot ccatitcc hcave imsihandcscitn
ice tCcittnci I tec hciee csetrfter
climinatngtsenircrm 'ts ijury; and
inc tics enccit cidecedthiat thcerewas icr-
suffcti.ts'ctr''cundcforiciniirg a rent'elec-
tionthu tic xonera cctincg Bowma'nttctfromn
tice cacc's' ecveledt at himc. Folliocwinrg
ths ca ee ecccgnizedetacpetition
etieredcibicctics protestincg elemrentt of tire
clas, aking cc a tess electionr. Icr
tic tenicorhocodstof once beundred and
ity name se rttachesd. Diearn Keel,
atng it" lcthis petiticon, acd statitng that
ise cttdcpt t binnvirtue of acthritiy
divenc hmcbycstine cass ccnsiturticnrcat-
lei for ttte eeectiont ak lIcace
'test Fidaytrc.
To this actiocn wve takie excepctiont. Itn
tine finst circe wcc'e coccltine opinricncthat
iecan Reedinic urgintg, int fact ecern icr
pcermcitting.thtie triali, delegatedl 'Iis
athorncci'ty'tctine'Conccil, cand itt spirit

cii icetiterS icr' two vieekcs 5yct, a.'ccac
playiers inteetecd cie nurged'tocolii
Anccintrccollegiate mratchc is toc ie ar-
r'ancge'dtif pssible' ctla iter itc' 5'ea.'c'
('trme's cwill ice' tpl ''ay e ' cccniii.
MAN SCEIRIF W], V Et ATii '1,\tiiN\.
Maurice TIc'Iers, 'it, cwcs cappointedt in
thce Siternt Cotncei tontcake cchge' cf
'ne c'ebr'ctionrSatttr'dattnight inn cse' cc
aMiechigncviect's'ycatPhiladtce'piatc. Ic'
wilt also mcake thec arranrgemcencts inci-
dent ccticsce rurnt of the teamirSundayct
DRr. ANGcLLiic TT. i.SPEsKts cr cnccccc.
Dr. James B. Anigell left Atntn.Arbor.
yesterdavtyfor Procvidtence, K. ., whtere
ire withltetisvcc tn addressccitinehecica-
tuon cci tienewccii' rarvctcof tBrcwncnti-
versity. t)c. Anigell ciiii e icrthe'Ecict
about a week.

Deroit's Famous Catndy
Orders taikein r ci i1 cc cc SItL
imail on expcecc dicc ct fcc cci
the factorys.
"cciUGciv'I O.ii'i
XWe delitvergoadsiprin cc isy
to alt it ft h ittcyi
117 South Main

Betterihan Ever
Th bteotic acnch exclursi've lite of
I'; :STw'S' SLIVNGS we tre shorw
liroitm it every nari cart find a
fabr Icicsocliii Iis fanicy, as bahic
light arndntcack mixtures in thre
.Secccccc'' ictes~t patteri's are shiowni.
Focr c<attallShit thats right in
is t ertn, inn Qtaaity, itsStyle antI
In I'ics 'Xisit
Wi. E. Dieterle
Varsity Tailors
117 E. Liberty Street

"C Walrus, Seal, and Morocco
Hand Bags, Bill Folds, Pocket Btooks,
Card Cases. Etc.
Stationers, Printers, Binders Studeats' Supplies

15 Pound Box.
of Candy
F rcnthyeIbedtnanmefor our
iic y c ic~Deliciouis mor-
c Ic ticat ell at 39d per l.
sore arid see their
arid mrake your
E,~ E, CALKINS, Druggist
324 S. State St.

toRANDA4i4L d PACK, Photographers

Phone 598

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