THE MICHIGAN J iy"4' Keep your feet dry 1~' * .. 1 : . " w , , i . yt "'l ' .' 4f in sloppy weather with a pair of our celebrated snerschaf t $4.00 and $5.00 WAGNER & CO. State Strset Sign of the big white shoe UNIVERSITY NOTICES Senior engineer football practice, south_ erry'fieldc, 4 o'clock. Tickets on sale today at Un iont for first mtontihdinnecr. All nten itttettdittg to try out int the Adlelphli peeltitnaries amert intthlce l phi roomos at5 o'clock tttlay fitr a idis- cussioti of taiiate ttpontthiclt fs toldte at 7 o'clok. lischer. Metinttg of te '13 entginteesnintroomt 311t, tewen tginteerinig butilinitg, Thuirsdaye night, at7:5 Seor law ht fooltall pratctice att Ierry field t 2: 30 tts aft ernioon. Gamte wth tuil edttisatI3 :30. ieret tielit 4 oiclock thin aft ertnin. Wednesday, Nov. 9th HENRY B. HARRIS Intl ;t '51 Frank i. McIntyre In th Ie om dy oflooo Ia "The Traveling Salesman" ORIGtlINAL NEW o niltiANti I'llICAll Cl)iINt ' Ptrtees--35-50-75_$i-$1.50 e at S l pnsMi i a. N .7. tutu I , Thursday, Nov, 10th 'Following its SnecesfllNutns in Cicg liltitie -Roiute to Now York file the itinter. MR. JOS. M. GAITES OiFtFtIS "The Girl of my Dreams" Joh 1tyam nd tiettt il totyre 11111QuatkeGirl)and o o at look lip Wilbor 1D. Nesbit anod Bite'oHauerbtach NIutie Ity Carl Honohna,compioser ofi " flirt e Twnins, ""Bright Eyes "NtinaiShorty," eto. Aul-mnltell Orceta Prices:35-50-75$1-$1.50. Sox Seats, $2.00 Slit sale 'Taco..fNov. 8th 9 a. n. Bail ordietrs givn o emlptand iatclnul1attenttont. New Whtney Theatre1 Cso.'tatn8.15 P. SM. Le c omers esit seated p.-orsoptty. 0 Morris Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, itue ables, and Draperies, Suitable P~eimr' Gil. Charcoalgrle itp-stairs,011p1. Initerturban statfion. :t Rooms in Large Variety at 7-l f. H lle ' "M" SCRAP BOOKS !1 x l" ae'htre at last, anid the'e' all in'elom sedt."Every Michigani studietishiotld keept aiscrati took. Start tne tntw titi lilt thle ettilofiifott ea~r~s toilwouildnt W e invite you to call, take tenl titnes what t' hits coist fur it. I trill leave it to you if my ew lets and get a Souvenir hoo1k isilt nworthi twsoif 111 other of i11y compttetitoirs' for your room iyei- .LYNDON, itortlc. i l 1 t l t I Full Line of College Olothes for young chaps that want style Men's Furnishings, [Hats, Caps, Gym. Suits Laborgtory Suits, Waiters Coats, and Bath Robes Ujood Freshman Caps at 50c. Try us J.FQJJurHA & r 1 I' Conite to the "lIleatl Barber Shiop"''fot yr hbarber work. Youtt till fitid "Liverytltitg right," 717 N. iniversity avienute. JohnitTeojatitwski, proptlrietoir. 19-31. CLIFTON, 210.n. high BEDFORD, 2* in. high botch COLLARS Sit snugly to the neck, the tops meet in front and there is ample space for the cravat. 15c., 2for 25c. Cluett, Peabody & Co., Makers "The Official Toqute-all classes-;oi cenits. Wagnter & Co., Stale St." 30-32. DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Limited Caro East Bound-8:20t a. mi., 10:il 001m., 12:20 p. om., tint potm., 4:20Ip. it., C6:tt p. M. Ltmtted Cars West Bound-u34 a. mn.. 11:54 Loeal Cars EasiBound 'haDetroit,5:45 a, mn., 6:45 a. mo., and eery lio hourn to 10:45 nm.To'O'ositsoi 5:45 a. mo. and half hour- 211 S. Main St. -I to ~ Oron, $has ooaist,I THE OLD PLACE ejFnace massage 5 '53We hart a fresh stock of Prince 9. " ,t'esaovves'skt ibet'and'Tuiedo in tI1mound and :4 0tO .Unitority ____________ _ inod cans and jars. r i i I With root package of Fatima yoa get a popu- lar actress' photogiaph -loapeninaittenu- pan, 25 of whicsecr ahandiomeelto/l nlefe penant (I2x32)""to' fetas of ;Z00. H P I CS What beautiful precision --,l.ftat certairity of action and. omiut governs every roe.t nnPhysics. 't ea lR; we know of no siitUe comparison except Lat'ma Cigarettes- n _e o' rinfinite knowi- ge of tobacco blending malt; certain your enjoy- r-n.r t of all the rare qualities pos3-e i*n a cigarette. T hcy act like a lever in ele- valo-m your taste. And if you re ttncls s ci to plain packages you'l tine tc the occasion-Get 20 for 15cons. T, ?E ICAN TOBACCO CO. ule 01111 ', egel Coffpally Come and let us surprise you with the amount of quality, workmanship, and style we can give you- in one of our Fall Suits or Overcoats. No soecarries a more complete stock of Clothing adFurnishings, znx ats Stetson Hats Beacon Hats Spalding Sweaters Manhatten Shirts Perrin and IDent's Gloves and all the latest styles in Neckwear P. 111. 1v 1 p5Attilll/1, 0.: w. W. 411- 11411 - . I vtoi11:iap. m.,also 12151 a. Mo., 12t30 a. mt.. 12:50 a. mn. To Salilor,chante at Ypsilanti. Locai Cars West Bound-5;t45 am., til5 a' m., and every twohours to 11 :15 p1i. MAJESTIC ARE YOU A MEDIC ? Well then, see those Mov- ing Pictures of the "Sleeping Sickness" GBerms A wonderful achievement in scientific motion photo- graphy. TODAY ONLY Afternoon and Night ' "I I i ..®® Class ue Men'!Wear Depart mont-Firs Floor MACK &COMPANY m ALW AYS AlEAD IN STYLES MILWARD,. THE TAILOR Tl iFl BEST OF EVERY TH-ING IN TAILORING