TILE MICHuIGAN DAILY This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchfied :: & Co.6 :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 F. Huron SI. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteedl III[ %R51[RS AND MSt(;nANICS BANKL MAIN AND HIURON STREE~TS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits$1OO.OlO ueseral Baninug Businerss. 3Ipercent paidl onTimep and Savinsps uaslh, Safetiy Ist- posit l 5Wj t rfnt atSi..00 andi upwards Si. K(to. ri. lo1. iiG(. PiuREu 5000N. Vis,'e- lrut. 11. A. WIVIAMS. asie i+u . 'T. STOWS. Asst. The Alan Mbr Savings Bank Capitali Soclk ;300,000 Surplus $0000 Rsources $2,100,O000 A Oeneral Banking Busines ransacted so tmc:Chas. 0. lisci;k. Pros.;5V. ID. itlirrirnar. Vice Sees.: Si. .. ritz.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK apial,,5000 Surplus O5000 Wit. .i. iiuali, Prss. Wmo. A rnold, 1ie 'Pres. C.. .i.A5 ulie. Caie r (C~hi~l~ialdilsIBank Conxsrx&erca,.1 aund ,se"Vlrsa Coxe. Ma.t1a grid ]Llb ty tret~-sa FIRST NATIONAL BA1LK OiANON Aiuuo, Micps. Fi. I). KINNE, IHARRPISON SOULE Pret. Vice-Prns. 0. %V. LA RKiON, Cashier. (;apical,$.060uilu S urplus uand Prof its. Q$15000 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING All u ii/iu s in lrt is liiiu I h usfs1 f "r ii u//it 'e. 01ff h IiOR SA. ' 1For Sale-Dress souinit ad 'I'uosuo coot, size abhotiithliutyeicghti,oiltica-fouuitu of cosl price. Iiiqiire, Gucy Iiros. Tailurs, io21 N. Uniiversity. 30-31-32-33. MISCELILANE;OUS Fillur & O'Conn~or, StuamuianiilFureich dry cluanurs. Repairinog. 619 E. Wil- Iiaiis St. 1-if. If you neud your shoes repair-di ujo ithemsovoer So 613 E. Williaums. Thle Uniiversity SIhou Shop. 1--if. MUSIC AND DRAMA Suliciuuifrmthi puio forte isorhs of licrlloveciiwill formusthii lroiluolilof Allert- L,uwooodi's oseonidIhistorica recial, it o.e iousnIatl4:15 this aftcr- noni41 liglso olal. hprra follows0- I lliii t -twu oiriationso,,C inoiirius sna( OP.i 78 i.y, F liar p maor \di olilitible; g ruiiiu mac no Soinitaiop. 81iou, I (f lat mjor Snatiai of). o, m. lift ililuafti-louil : Niulol Cli solo i 01(1. Soat ip.ti , C in NI 10 sluu e \lur0u cull 1brio; (io-lb .1 A Good Looking Hand is satisfactory but not so pleasant as a good looking foot. The first is a matter of luck, the second a matter of good judgcement----buying WALK--OVERS. $3.50,$4.00,$5.00 THE. WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP 115 MAIN STT5LLT, SOUTH "INUIIN IE? \ 11,I , (IUUICI.\I, Detroit Laundsury llrouuclu offie. Cul] :(!' N -:I I.1C IIl E ON 1 ;.IFl, I-luff, iu47-J. i-If. ___ Good place 1o cal. Couesouvser andu try our coffce.. Ncere ros Liuuch, 338 M~aynard Street. z-If. llrojuoucro Grill. Chaorcoal grillcud porcrlhousc steok. 113 NO. lHuironis1., lip-stairs, ulul. Inteuirbanoustationi. 7-eodl-tf. \alterr iolkusill lhasI 1 ou-eleuu(.(]uu adu iae ouu Saturdaiyuu ovuoii I o 1, 00 , Iluuthe uu liu r iuuu theuu o~uluuriuuu eetlWuthe 0scrp ihutisouulud oeille thue 0 oi \etru ochaompuuuosipohuoiuurs. uci" ~iuio'riul uufameiuiuas lie Nlau roa fild enealkicer ndillrunduu slub rm '0;-Vu oi.u NSieleavrinug.thuu oouuuu y heoo u loas luuenu in the euuult ou theu (.hia u I 1ruluuouuo-as fuu uhall eN- juoru. so thoe ruoumsiuoof tl ie l'. M.C.N . NI St>udueutlb fruuum Furtl\ aNO u, Inuuu., ire Thlursdlay eivuuiuug, oil7 :, S , uu .000 to 0100tou Ouraci wit h lie LUniversity CliliuuII.B, Aleno , .M., 1-f-1, NI IN (leou lul o Iur a o ncuueorti atil hatlui c Suiljuci "Thu NAlaniWnuful i t'ri u- the ulida-. .'\ meet- uinguowas th 1luuuise eutoifuol." ed - trulus ateru mmioruuauuu discuu s- luderoust uuruilulyinvitudu lo-ul IWne uuuisouuutle udiret rout1e The DoIros uu loluly ommendedouulo f th1e1ruu uorun tripulruuoimtie suhuitii byusc ao~urs esu an i s t.uoumuay0 O l ie' pu oussillu fourthe u 111sicl ul ub (Cuiuf Juiceioah 0Dav11i s ofI theuSit-lou uiolake 01stopl. 'louk is0a triluuph. It iitouces ma11 Dr.011C.001lmao-ofthe1chemistr .o huimsielf ai ou Ilohiie'ubu lingiouwhlihepatmen, recnulysof the M, s ii lu ldresso lhe chemicalool lloqium 1101 e10t lraioupoandinteiilrestiig.Itius equally 1mlo atronontesbet1lc tseful lou the 0oldl unidlto theiou ng, It 0010o ofruuuuu ii i ollo anilteaohrho liveryu paronof i toiruu,-oCtiuglu tion'iiThelisoulullolog lull o1fisrucid100on on lousubjfool oflu uiiiiiii loe uma fouo urm iviuineui, 00ithiutiione ill taeouloace10atii4 ookinth0 cem tiougot lideao uor urggpesiuo hiu s 1000 puure anod deolicailo. Nuooore entitildlou jet oiihewrmilandulreoallysenticuing uluoo 0 oflbeut uoifiul allegoury. 0Yuuou hvecue o f Ihe ress 01Mody Tio ya myu heartytoslo ii iio ao 1senlseo f u th hei ha - llio loiuf00 0 us 0000,in ipu lishedul iou ulouljusbticeuwhioch the reaudingipof the loer1t00'direct i on uof uProf. IvNuoos H uiuuokrlwhosucceededoulPlul. Jameu-s IH. 01ork lois insiredl inumyucheartii. .2-33 Birws. HATS CAPS SWEATERS JERSEYS It's always a satisfac- tion to look right and be sure about it. You can look to this store for right clothes. N-' ,7/- I /1 PLEATED SHIRTS NEGLIGEE 0SHIRTS FLANNEL S IIRTS NECKWEAR HOLE PROOF and INTERWOVEN HOSIERY "Always the right thing at the right time" WADHAMS &COMPANY 121-123 South iin Street 'OV E R cOAT N GCS Many men prefera medium I weight overcoat fot winter wear. We had this in mind when we selected our Fal Woolens. But we have the heavy weights also. All garments made in our own shop. WAGNER & CO. Stat Univcrsity Muicllus Press Building, Maynard St. Next Door to Univ. School of Music Music From "Girl of My. Dreams" "Barry of Ballymore"l AND OTHER LATE OPERAS Gibson Mandolins Ivers & Pond Pianos CHORAL UNION CONCERTS 10---Star Numbers---$3 McMILLAN, November 14 Volinist BONGI, December 9 Tensor FLONZALEY QUARTETTE January 18 SAMAROFF, February 24 FESTIVAL of Five Contcerts MAY 1f-i>U Thomnas IOrchesora-Chuoral Uion asnd Soloists IHundel's ".Jdas Maccabeus" Tseluailsowshys s Egus Onegis" Tickets r ow us sale at Schonl of Music uur fromustudlest caunvassers The Blue lea Room (Ipsusudaily fromsi7s30 . n000 00 7;:3 0 . Sunday from 3 to 7:3t0 P. M. Orders taken for speciali parties 1221 5. UNIVERSITY AVE. Phone 1696 AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch IRoom Yooucan find a tine lice of Confectionery State St. Shoe Storae S. Crawford Shoes for Mlen Full Line oh Ladies' Shoes "Educators" for Children Suocuing Goods E. R. FROST. Prop. LAW K. 41st yesar- DICTIONARIES 41st5yea irs QUIZ BOOKS 1a Azar Arbao- LEGAL MISCELLANY Arta Arbor Callaghar QC. CHICAOO Ana Ar-bor Hraach. Stat' '%tre. Opposite LawBidg1. Portrait ,Studio- . Iq gEast hurron Street