THRE MICHIGAN DAILY MUIAN~lX\S GALO RE",XAI'IIA[ A Blue Se[rOReISY l LCS Suit Mus i ii ian ote number ofa twenity - u 'four apptearedilaixst night et McMililxn contee itnmighty h 'indy for an ;hal i response tox the call for cni occasional Change lairs for the "C ritasoil Cheisi" orrhxs of attire. trai. 'Two-thirdls of the iiiiimiie icwere Ecellet x altoe to your to get any- iiea oxf the enisembtlle from a .tteattrelinst ireyout, lhe inidividual wocirk wias so far abovxie thai if previouts years that $ 2 5the inagerioexi felt greatlyienxeir- If titere ire anystint whIo for somxe Sreason were detiaiineid fromiattening F. 1W " .GROSS ithtryoat, it is rquiestedi that te comutite w iith Earl XV. itlitr e li- ibuty S tieet, cia tituicrh Ae 1iaiey ioits, idouble biss andi timp ni 'lers iare espiecialil i''nede A. Gi. SPALDING & BROS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Spalding a th lrxii liiiu Mark ofi OFFICIAL EQUIP- MNTS rilathletic P INQ sports and pastimoes. is illelxi niil inW .ala rld Sporto A.GMARK sDING dbeaBoS.pyo 2 N Woo ar Aax e Dtro it, Mieb I -IU S A D NIIIA IS IA~ tap~tal $50,000 lSurlus ad Prils$10of all isiwo a s ai l a e Wat' iNew inySpor- 25 Wioeowakingve. Dtroi, iroch STf ATERS AD A S RANK Capital $50,000 11111 lsill Prfa i liii00 onTmeadiain shil I 5 it SfetyIci Itia. I. ilaulix. tes. S iiri YANii. Viiie-Pres. H.A IA~t. tlxsiler . TSTObler Ast ThemAn Ameiia Saing~sBank ACor. Ma bann Luines Trsatd FIRTE NATINAL BANK Ca itl X,0X0xx utii s 5.e 0 C. . as i. Csh e -e CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I ll lr/ I 'l10lthiii /111i1111l 1111101 th hitel ii f .1 r ii''r lffi t11111 fOR SALE. if roil price. Inqiiuire, Grey rosx.. TPailixrs, 1021i N. 'tlixer sit\,. 331-3 2-33" LOST. Ia 1'xiTwo-tear oldii cullie, bronxwiithi whiite 'coxlr. .Xiiwerscc toli 111111 "'Siout" bopisixie tidxraiginiig. Pcs FOR ILXT. Foii Kent--Suiteiof tixixiar iirooms, quiet houise, steamxiheat,11bath. Ii- enoughfor tree stixitis. lniii 1-2( S. Stair St. 311. Fullier & OConnoxix, Stealni aniil Fretnch dry clceanrs. Repatirinig. 619 I?. Wit_- liauls St. [-tf. Ii f you nxed your shoues cixail tbringt themitiver iio 6i3 F. XWiiaits. Pile f7niiirsitc Shoe Sixopx. if. Dtetroit I Lundiry IBranichtiffice. Caxii IlatT, 1247-J. 1-if. Fullecr & fO'Connotir, Tailiirs andxil Caii- ers, 119 1',.XWiliamstiSt. i-if. MUSIC AND DRAMA ill l: i lt II huhv Thei liiv idow"ilx xiii 1111ese1 "The ii \ixX tiltii I w idw"-asis dn l(elon known. is axxx meiloious ii peNettaxi'the craioni f 5xt z iii wi ch ha hii a pltellilliti ul t li il11largec itlies iof this C 15 ii a w tll is t ilxiiie It is producicid llli iiinh icutiri xtunier thei dititio 111111 enIrxiii.X Saa}lx,,cuti the company xxihittwillxappeartiuere ill bei ascapableiia cast iaid the iii ixlteioix as cari fllyxii sta e .ai ly 'trcil leie 11 Mr. Sivage's inamle. Cixpixe' ii iin ve lxcti I-eviii to a lrix' ,l orchetra-- Iis theiadaexupromxise fuxtll, i lt" it lit C aelx111Ad11a St .,M- :atIxucrWoIcyiiiAftIia1 Xiii "xi. Xi 1111 11-r iaceItiriess. rae 1TV11. c;Si ,; MAl Nx i. funie ever Seeni x ' il111the sliffi' ndxx i llii beiiwelcomedXXwheinixx lxxxiici xix X liiin lix. \Novemxxerxo. 'iT XY'S i1iFx.IiO\ fI?'L if \S. "licti xx rtur s w llii:i; xiy 'i 111111'' 1 ixtl liii 11 11 t e l 1al 111rl the XxinnXiibr ingexts-Newxsx whxihxiill issueiexrasias theireports con11111:I,. A Nes iiii )n:liset onshutichth latest reslts c"'Ill 1e1fla rhed i the come offic ixthefur te dari-te ice ilisi II i. terhasaIs f aelo xxxiithat aet ('icilhes XXe'isiatex ton itV. S. S xac i 1 CK\ISFIrei, xi.Ii. I. IfE'Ixii iNi 11''t. I 11a, Rocki \von eiiiirst paei s 1Z 1?( X11?:\ if -- uisiiu 's ili arixaci Hotel Cumberland. S. W Cor. Broadway, at 54th SI., NEW YORK 1c5 0t tit,. ibixlaan 3e1x,,.Ixx Ilix;lixi KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN ~;f~ii~Xxxa > ~ College MVen Always Welcome Special Perms for College Teams 1 gigIdeal Location. Near Tni ares, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof . " Tra nsient Rates, $2,50, -witix Bath, and lip. All Outside Rooms. Send for Booklet. VNDE THE MANAGECMENT OF Harry P. Stinosom, lormearlyawiithudoel11111ral R.J.Bit's "asnrs, Ilathce rlwit il hunote l oowaril Mexican : Indian: Blankets ''t L AT S Tsi lxii ili ll ix Iti l i ii lxi [ii ilara uorOMusic lixixi forxix tue lxx ,1s llato-macoty>tia tts: altairac lfallx' Thei W it Acceptable HIlfiix'o5 lxiii SELCT you pe r I i 'a ii tI '0~M ?ft inxl. llxlx31 . n . liii lx Ii IS5.0 611. Stn. x 311. 4tn.-....... 40 S11. 41n. x 211. tin............3.tO Setlofthreel(one ofeaecsize) 111(0 lOriir 'xllilif-. ii xxxiibpclx ifii x \iaii ii MEXICAN BLANKET CO. Aguascealtentes, Mexico R. 1E. Jolly's (irand Opening Lunches, Cigars Cigarettes, Tobacco and Pipes. Agents 3-B Pipes TYPEWR ITERS iNwao Sndli aid Oliver Underwood TypewrIter Sxoaplies Typew'rrtioug Morrill and Grlerson '01N i ixiveslp\xe. x10 AlLEY & EDMVUNDS (_ ns . is i i 1' ii lea di na i i ti i. Litarty Si. Ann Arbir, Michigan ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP I ixix:ite Elccti c Witinig iRo G03. V. STOH.L, Proprietor 4 Doors From " Freddie's " CHARLIL-o" BARBER SHOP Undter Huston Billiard Parlors Charlie Weigand, Prop. State St. Shoe Store satSI Crawford Shoes 1for Men Full Line f atLdies.' Shoes "Eduatiors" tar Children Spa rting Goods E. R. FROST. Prop iI Gel your MICHIGAN pPies, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical Dept, ine Watch aid Jennl ry tepairing IhALMI 'S ]MULIRY SIOR[ 216; Soc-h maim St (ooi la11cC1tocxi. Cotlxcexver and illciivcY cixC7xlutlir picecs xxixCigars, try our coiffee'. XX'cnxr's I~tinchix 33 'I'xhx cosxx. >aacc tics andx Caniesthl W. 1 ii ii'O)N, l Cash i fui~li f xxani S et -if. 1111Y place' 111litheCity. 31tf.' gtovercoat for winter wear. We had this in mind when we selected our Fall Woolens. But we have the heavy weights also. All garments made in our own shop. WACNER & CO. Staet Univcrsityw -Music llousc Press Building, Maynard Si. Neat Door to Univ. School of Music Music From "Girl of My Dreams". "Barry of Ballymore" AND OTHER LATE OPERAS Gibson Mandolins Ivers & Pond. Pianos 1 CHORAL',UNION CONCERTS 10---Star Numbers---$3 MCMILLANn November 14 Violitnist BONGn December 9 'ienor FLONZALEY QUARTETTE January 18 SAMAROFF, February 24 S Pillnist FE$Tj VA L of Fi ve Concerts MAY i7-!x anid Saloists iil~iii l's "tuas' oMacCabeis" h 'ts :owitxa sia-E"Ruxiti lOnegint" 'iii'toAriiov>ion sale' at Scholof a! Muoll ill'frornxistudenceavassers ' I One-half block northofathtie Camups (216 S. Ingalls) filot~e ndI l xxi s(I vei ill li:30lla. in. Boa.r-d, - $4.00 per week 4 weeks irv advancee $ 3.50 C. J. SES 'IONS LAW ]BOKS 4tst year- DICTIONARIES 41st year Ira QUIZ 1BOOKS In Anns Arbor LEGAL MISCEI LANY Arnca Arbor- Callaghan (t Co. CHICAGO Aran Arbor Branchn. State 'Stroot, Opposite Lane Bldd. I. ------------ Portrait StUdiQ'. ' 31 iEast Iluro Street