GH. WILD CO. 3 11 SO. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS THE MICHIGAN DAILY. MasiagingEdtor-LEE A WTEr. Bsiness MVanager-NORMAN IFl. HIL. Itotls. News Editor...........Hlarold Titus Assistant ......Harry Z. Folz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Ass'istant ....Arthur B. Moehlman Music anld Drama..arl V. Moore! Exchanges and Files.... Dion r. Birney LDtTORIALS. Arthur 3. Abbott. G. S. Lasher. Paul Leidy. NIGTtt'IT SuRoS. A. J. Wohlgemuth. Harold McGee. H arry G. Myser. Maurice Toulmse. trunk Pennell. Fred Lawton sLOTXon.cgs tLorcn Robinsoo. Edward Robie. JohLsI. Cox. F. E. Shaw, Jr. E rwin Koch. Oscar Bdeckman. THE MICH-IGAN DAILY it tta~ttred, not that two of the three mNl 5senivled had(1 tlatyed fil'bleyond Ithe limits of eligiblility and lad been d(e- ctured be the Intercollegiate Confe rence Athletic association oneligible to com- psete ill alt intercollegiate athletics. Notre tDame's ambsition has seen ((nd is to win footbsall games. tint she seas trol ambllitious to slay falir. Notre IDamenow 5tacitly acknowl- edtges that she has erred by alttemp5~tinlg to conlfuse the issue is1Ia clalim Ithalt twro of Michigan's slay ers, also(, lare ill- eligibsle. As staltedt inlthelews555colum1111 (If the l).sll, Ihowever, sotht Cole ant Clark were eligibsle ulnd~er tXilihigan rultes which, alccordin~g tol thse con11tract withs Notre tDame, ssereIto govCern tlse conltest (If vesterday. Ill this case thse 'sMichsiganl authorities hsue exhiblitedthtie same11Cfrank, sportsmnlllike (attitudle us ill the Miller affair by psresenltilng thse records ssf thle tplayers ill qutestionlltos ealyIC ill tilese cco(ll quartr. I( pave tile ((515out(C tile ar ; O RC trists pass, anal l asi > ySd towll s ((lStheir albfoehewssItv - esd. lallctt( ll i crosd tela ie foss e ttss i lllllts1m n s y Pa- tenlgilt 11111 Picard, ansssi umb11 s5 1 )1- tue~s of thesecond attach,(Ii which1 5e(1ded whlen PI '(ess'sl"(tacos o an .hs Slasysc 51155111115Cs Illpe111(d in t1 Vasrsity ltneuss hen he secnd hal openedII 1111t tssy kept 11l1) te scot155.; ltcsllllllslk starteds i 1115 y ma tn; toulchdownIII s be re iss 11111 c, "t Conkbl in 11111111 is'.isl (;]stn ttr ltay slow1(111up aftr t(I 1an.11111 Ills' city swa5s sied fssssls sss nui1e oIf occaslios. l ls on as .1v'1155t FOOTBALL TOGGERY Class Teams Anythting ttxder tlte suti front aHeadgear worths $2.00, to a pair of shtoes worth $3.50, or at j 5 Foot Bull tot I th $5.00 Gym Clothing Costmplete Sttit including shoes sttld bike supporter for only 02.50 WAHlR'S University Bookstore A SPECIALTY st (est Bulltoll. E_ . 2WakSlefieldI. Nsstre tDamle, a(111l1111r agreeing, ill BUINSSSTFF deferenlceIso Nsstre IDases lprotest thats C.A. Bowman. A. R Dilley. thsereltroalctive feature ssf thle cossferessce ______________________- Myer Rulbin. IKenlneth Osbornl.reltes shousldlgssvers thse eligibsility ssf I ~ ~~~lyes, ill withdrawiNthesenlCIilltn ue- 31 S. STAE SEET idrsi:oo\'lcIxtcAN DAIL, ,Press Bldg., us511 fromsl lhe lineu~p agaillst Nstre Masynard Street. Daume. jOfsss.icetours: Managisg Editor, t-2 p. The tBoardl in Controessl(gSone~l 1 Busissnsss Manager, I-5, -8, Ex- oIfcleals athletics. Illthsis attitudeICis ceptI Ssssday. Both 'ph~ones 96o. shold IIIreceive thle cenda Clltionll 1111 mo_______ _______ __________________________ ((raut pport 1C1of Itse Cltire studen st 4'0 N THE PROIF'S Isody. r 00(111 5 111 hssan 0yu ((5- 111(1111o ____tN___________________I__ve___have______ All Indsilaatpreachler isegs collegeC Isl ,,a, M 11 ic'S25.00 ad"t'tsopray Iefssethey ImakleC sates wlith IlII(1( 111 ,NIVMIR s1)0. girls. Wouldn't Crssss street, Yissilanti, Tlse ,Sudents' Typewriter Supply Cu. Ise aI pretty sight on a Friduyeertnlg it Rei--D4:,-Ares-nBuildtg. Opposite Majestic ] VEI Islilsse Usr-FANK lPJl.. Ill te custom llwere totsasve Ia(vogueC here' UNI VCRStTV CALFNDAR. Still anoIIther "positive sta~tement" Sr CIL AL41 -- fromt thle"MaynalrdlstreetItseaster.' WEEK ON ocbr8Sseat ssle fssr ilichigml- \lmeoagamel. Thses exhsibition gam~les dss get on the G I (L nrvCes(If those swllswere lhere iII 19011. L F ofeilrqiresch Nl less sack-bosne VETERANS WALLOP1 filloUle mereslexedienlt"than to se SUBALTERN SSl.T.\t). brnts sf Itse (((rkCfell t)1"\t insallty-scsstsilsitIs the st 1: si shosrtly lbefore'the: 5.551(5 Clarks, I Issell slel..IF.... Conksllins , ,ssslons. it. .5.5. so l's_2 Co' rsnsell... U111) sins, e (.ssls.. .C... . .: . I .i = .I)crso's 'Vol():, 5.Iml' 5. Cre Mtci'iln i Id ,. f (I'a t(5 i1Ist l m .sl Iss 1... . sThss s core :lI, I 'micl( 1 }-11 hks 1.55 h~a 5 ._.._,1-5- 5 (54I "o .10c rl _>>1: at11 -il .rm :ols1- i ' ; isJ J . 11 --i e $1.95 $1.95ie s?.0 O lS ; . 11 ol -$1.60 $1,25 lislest. bastesse, fise l tan~ce, it'l ould havee beel n mchlIlls'easierem ethod if Itlichi- IIsansadlecft the M1iller (Illattee (undeis- closed. lBut thse Board i(5 Control of Athletsic slotunallte'5ly led'sethical cssn- ss 1ieatio ll abovIellemporary assdvanltage and vo lunitailyst'lasisd bare alt the facts (inhes'es. AIlthoughlth us equen~tllt scandasl sdsiscosuntedl the sealsn's footblsat scess5C, _-l icluganshowsseed tos the in- Itesollegisate wosslsd 11(1t shse is an11earnlest advocaseste If thelse quare10ccdeal" ill at11- leties. istiin ons t toIssthe iactionlof Ilhs SIichsigass lauthorlities ill thle biller isscisdesst is thse ealcitranlt lattitudel wsiecs NotreDe ishsalssexthilbitedlth te IPhIilbrosess mi c 1k conltroesyc. The Nor leeItmelo au~thoi~eties 'aIre Illsconl- sidleertions sstiste etiiast aspect of Itse situatsinc sewhsasithey' wantedl, aboveICall, (Isto(Will