THE MICHIGAN ComeIn Mr. Good Dresser r_. And inspect the biggest anid most exclusive selection 1of inliporteci and domiestic woolens in townl. This leason niore than ever b~efore we are able to show you the choicest in fashions aiill fabirics whlich will tbe woin in the rcc gnised style cees by ment who know how to dress well. It Ciass 'l~ailored (Garmens made to your individual measure ati(makable reasonable prices. To 1(10k nteems Syontl y, B sue In look today. K ARLMALCOLM, 118 E. Liberty (ianre's School of Dancing t r 1 eI s at S.'isy iv haTse a ndT us2yEvnns,70 Tssilors ansd "'cir-tish.ers *cMear S' UNIVERSITY NOTICES Meni whoaexpecltotoi iillA lphai iliric sharpl. The sp eeheswilil bill promplttly 111 this tiiie. Veoel Seiorliienginicer footba)li pralcieai 19:3o a. mi., south(11rrccci eld. Seniiorclaws eorteforlractice11 9:30 b1erry Ilaid. i ci 1111 iFreshla1w11ectiontainroomi 1>, 9 ta (:30o.'W. II. Secartacs111w ih drcawniifromllithe lpesidenilrace Adilci trycots haoc (ellpostponed11 till lii~ Friayeeing, >ov.T.Thso ciciy1115siulnable to secrecj1d1es1for 1111 trcs in atime foe las ight.1ii arec svierl opeinilgs 1(11-assisaiits and messcngccrs inhis office. Abuso((linter- estcid shouldll liat Iic seceay's ofile immediately. sccra polsercont111tlclCliiirocursane(11 at tiihe iai iUn aion luacr theiccfe. Importaniietig ofl tic 1oadci i- rectlocs f thc Cosoioinecliii tonigit at1 7:30. The We'sm(i nec gullildsit s open- ing1m'cing a Nbstminiisec anse a et iileiIiliI iii i~t i lissLililln. L Miy-,iiiiis axmimulilthe blii.ill shs cee iiiit msiiheic ill he' im crin e iioinii'T'hisihowiii ii is 1theIl mak ct-v ithout114 reiri ng 1cm1 11011 liiIlrls 111 1 91ii 1Iecin er11n111 ii n Ill oi thll l- reh fo tb llte m. H Ii siler s Grill Chacealaileid111 ;-co-tf. "StCRAlPflOOKS !I1 liiereat ii las, ind c 11a11'prna l0ea timeis.wiitiit ha s ecost foei. I will liive it ito (liltif Iy xinew ''-NI ' 'wok ilSl11ifills irt to f lnyi oiheel f n competir' - IYNNDlON, 7-cliii3. Potograpihir. lesixe's Grill. Charcoal giledi porterhouse steak. 113 WN. Ituron iS., up-stairs, 0o1p. Itecirbaniitailtion. 7 co-f. Besimier's Gii. Chan0111 giledI iiorterliiiise steak. r13 N. IHuron 5tS., up-stairs, opp.I terechasliltioni. 7-call h. CLIFTON Wednesday, Nov. 9th HENRY B. HARRIS I'lliVSF St'S Frank i, McIntyre "The Traveling Salesman"' iiil i I I sill 11111A. 1111 51.11)1.(51]IhANNS i'ie-35-50-75-$1l-$1.50 eal il ((1 (1(1(1111 'Si Nv ; (a. in at-111 i I ()l ce' 711 N. Sz ivevsiy Ave. i_". a:; O'w ar essnga, .Shamooing, . molar o A Speily 1 t__ 5150 o.Univsit'ny F-,esr1 rm .5(orfro dorth ;)sti sthepi eawilill 01 c (j i' (1(1to clct ca New WitneyTTheatre Curaitn ~ o8.15 P. 1M. Lae c omners scot seated ,ss.ptly. Thursday,. Nov. 10th Following its iSuecesful Runs in Ch ica go r n-Rou te to New York for the winter. MR. JOS. M. GAIT ES 0Fl511 "The CGirl of my Dreams" John 1u Iyanis and LeilaMcIntyre lTla Quaker Glirl) anad Co. of 70 Beck by Wilbur D. Nesbit and O3tto Hatterhach MNtsic tiy Carl Hisehna,composer of "rhari e twins," "Bright Eyes "Madamn Sherry," etc. Aauuucntcuh (rchestra Prices: 35-50-75-41-$1.50 Sox seats. $2.00 eal sate 'fees.. Ieso. 8th 9 a. m1. Mfail orcders given prompt and carefllattention. Atnn Arbor, Mich. KING ea( CO. .\lieu't viul'i'ui'oli hi ii oiii andi C1( (I 'olioas lls111 DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Limsited CursCEst B ssund-8:1l a.ill., (a:t0 ai.. 1:?t1. 11 i.,:.. . n., 4:20 6:i..20 Limnited Cars West Bottd l:5. .in..t11:54 ]:) .1( 1.2 p.I ii)_55-l ii ii. 7:54 p.iii. Local a s EastnsBound -'toI, etroit,5:45 a: p . i 1' lYsOilni, 5:45. ini. andlhail hor- 1v to21115I. ..also l2:lia. ((., (2030 a.i.. 12?a .1. ..ToiiSaine. elianige at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound- 5);45 a. .,7li5a. inl., andlllef l ielllliihora ltoi1.5h li . -r~ " . -We invite yo to call .rAdget a souvenir r ~fo=. your room ..,Full C fmerofCollege lathes fo yong chaps ltvrw: nt style e/Iats Fugnizhirigs, H t 1 Cap-,,,Gym. Suits >f Labcoratory suits, Waiters Coats, and t Bath Robes o._ r s1 man Caps at 50c. Try us 211 S. Main St. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOV9 7, 1910 WILL SERVE PER WEEK Th~e Sf'ioderts' tPihotogz-aplier Iithis ''ot i ocalitt hitioh etianything is uotg in your s le~ life If ill _s na)t mtatter whtsthierpyiittbtuy tie pictumre or Iot, we 55 mthft setilg. Every student like:hi,-'to IIsav imiues and itemis relating to liicollegeilife. Wec have a e)tmpete lite of Scrap-Books and Poorn I iAlhltis anmd if you calmmnt fimid anything u'e will toake it to stilt yotu For amateur photographers we handle the Cyco hape r, .tico filmts, 141-0 Degelol cc1 tlaslight anhd Hammer plates. If you do ito iouor omit developiung amnd prinitinig we will give you goodlIwork at goohd prices. To thme would-be photographer we have a line of Caieras at low prices. If yomi wanit yotur group pictures frasmed, we cast do it. Niiw renmember fellows we have thme best lute of supplies ansd give the hies t work lit thme lowest pmrice. COME IN AND SEE US AT 04 5 Sta&te Street Or call Bell Phone 935L or 481 L. CLIFTON, 2 in. high BEDFORD, 2 in. high I I IE U B R O E T The 7J~ INUBR FSET ~ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP' State St. Shoe Store St025S. 7'Yotch C OLLi\.I(S opiO it mcerisitinaig CaosmCrawford Shocs toren $itsnnglytotheneck,thetops meet GEO. V. STO lLL., ProprIetor 15.511Line of Ladies' Shoes in front and there is ample space Esctr"frCidn for the cravat. 4 Doors From 6sFreddie's " "E ti#GosE.R.FoROildren 15c., 2f or Bc.Clsrse, Peabody & Co,Makers e rn- Gas E . RS.Po Come Ia the "Ideal Barber Shop" for AT TUTTLE & CO. BAILEY & EDMU.NDS your barber work.. You will Iiad I f Ofl1 ans DEALnsERhSIN~nnto "Evcerythming right,".f717 N. University r 1. nUhfluilGns lise hsg scpeandAmmnyio avcenue. Jobhi Traojamiawski, propirietor.' Youott flild a floe line of Confectione ry E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Mlchion I}-31. I__________________ ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLS5 MILWARD, TUE -' L THlE BR$T OF EVERY. TING IN TAI' .0R15 O