THE MICH-IG(AN DAILY ) r Wagner & Co. State Street c - Sign of the big white shoe This ct represents one of the new fall / 1~trScI aft. shapes ol the celebrated 714 SHOES $4.00 and $5.00. Folly guaranteed as o wo rkmans 5111anl material. Desks, Morris Chairs,. Rockers, Rugs, Study Tables, and Draperies, Suitable fur Student Rooms in Large Variety at MAR'TIN HA LLER IReule, Conlin, Fiegel C fpally UNIVERSITY NOTICES The first meeting if tbe AlphiaiNu soiety w sill lebeed in the rosiniSitlu- day eiveniing-, OctoberiS I iiiihtt(Iis siniitdt attendlIbis meing. Thle course ini II rmoiiiannounced to Se given by Mr. Killeniswill b given llhis year byl"Ii tofessiii;SI islev. the 'Memiorialildns Bad rehear sal \\ Ilusil i ght M ce11i llas 1hall, 7 io'cltuk. Iischer, eI er Ness coisse-(ireel S,6.dI'(,Rhi n of the SAncent Grhess Itrs as;?'1 e(i reaingits, saindlreport shtolm is eetle. Proesisour BnIr thei le ot ne cii tlibS. Stateistre ti 1,1-1 All iiuui' weco e liI.. Nohn huu etteri i thni thisSi liic IT'emporaryior ideallt oIott Leaf 1lssttlit for tki''ingntsilt h]~d's S. Staies SI.-. l'STRTdl' Ff1ON115 ~If I 5 SIIwis esieftoiitle lessos oni the till sit 13-1 Ait s-ilSt. M-iihIni tdX..2 Come and let us surprise you with the amount of quality, workmanship, and style we can give you in one of our Fall Suits or Overcoats. No store carries a more complete stock of Clothing and Furnishings. Knox Hats Stetson Hats Beacon Hats Spalding Sweaters Manhatten Shirts Perrin and D~ent's Mloves and all the latest styles in Neckwear BOARD $3.00 per week BURBANK P. STUART, 513 South Division CHAS. E. MISNER, Stewa.rd E.E. CALKIN 4', ua~ FOWNt4ES GLOVES mean right gtoves- so buy Folvses and save trouble. 'Cs, 01oi 1". \\"fll11,i111S i IL I )elitfl I stiitil Branc ief~t l . tCai; .1110, 1247-.>-tf Cwt. the hes t t iritisi ifSi tt Il u? }THE LINDA VISTA One-half block north of the Camspus (216 S. Isgalls) 1 tCiffee andilSills seree ftill l0:30 a In. IBoard, - $4.00 per week- C. J. SESSIONS Detroit United Lines On information to Division Ssiperin- t odent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detrof United Lines by officers of Varsity iti ganizations, the movement, licyosi the capacity of the regular serlife,io any groop of students In or from Aiii Arbior extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Opposite Flesh ie Wiings Rioom GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Doors From C°Freddie's " -Majestic- MATINEE P. m- Best Seats i Freest L DES New Whitney Theatre FRIDAYT EVENING. OCT. 7 ROBERT imtLIARD Tni asilly lie us other ai produced t the ILibety Thetre, New Yok " A Fool There Was" BY Pt e 1 EmeIrII iison IBriiinu Snugesl ilIby Kiplings5Vaipir e Poem I It tatls1as iii si'-g er liea Iualei -tlo iIion sotl i si n iie Note: Mr Hilard wll not be seen in' ary other Michigan town this season Schedule of Prices Box Sets $2.00 1st 4 Rows Balcony $1.50 1st Four Rows $1.50 Next 4 ~ $1.00 Next 9 Rows $2.00 Lst 6 75c. Last 8 Rows $1 .50 Gallery 50c. Seats NOW Sell~xm Th eatest Place in Town Fr a Delicious Luncheon You sthoutdlose no time tn beoming acquatnted wit MACK'S TEA ROOM A cozy ptaeeftr a dainty tunch or a delghtul repat Service a ta erie SeodFtooroor Mack & Company w, .We ivite you to call 5401. i 5end get a Souvenir Sfor your loom . Full Line of College I lothes fo~ young chaps . 0 that want style LMen's Furnishings, Ri< Jats, Caps, Gym. Suits Laoratory Suits, W iers Coats, and Bath Robes ,X < cod Freshman Caps - JF Muertke. otari~tj aV aub 211 S. Main St. U niversity Music House Press Building, Maynard St. Net Door to Univ. School of Music IC C sn pe*Jiftof Classics and Latest in Operatic end Popular Piar~os for Rent EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR GIBSON MANDOLINS University M scius IF YOU GET SICK You will get the very best prescription work here and the price is reasonable KODAKS AN'D SUPPLIES We do developing antid printing and rent Kodaks MEET ME AT CALKINVS Our Soda Fountain is a cont- venient place to meet your' friend and our soda is excellent TOOTH BRUSHES Ours hold their bristles HAIR BRUSHES COMBS NAIL BRUSHES SHAVING SOAP RAZORS BATH TOWELS POSTAGE STAMPS SOUVENIR POST CARDS For the convensience of yourself and year friends pleasz register here, also leave the address tor your mail 324 South State Street ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLUS MILWARD, THE TAILOR TlE BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING