The MichiganDal Vol. XXI. MICHIGAN BREDS PRTURKS LIFA EU WITH NOTRE DAME ioixk vii of ihe engioeeriog xlvii Cancellation of Today's Game speak toiooght at Newbxerry Probably Ends Relations eroxticot officials and prom With Catholics Tuxrkey duirinxgthe paxtos ite aod proiblemsi of t' Svral xinteretsinog WL ETRSRE engvn talks VARITYWIL MET RSERESbeen byvi h Prof. Alley sohiecits. The lectore xv ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ;, pro. Nox. 20. Notrte.Dame'iihand f griioni xwar- xriors ixxx xx wil int ppar In ery ie l this afton.The uthoxiittis t iteCti- clic xinsxtxittionx rxfxxse i iii tutfilith xxxi- trac x ne wxx hIi xlix xthe x-xaxe txatxtxlxv lbxeixplaiedxxiisxxtxigxxxo xxiimxi- ick iiaIdiPhilrookxinexlixlx indexxir th term ofi itheltagrteemeniii ThlxMiclxix Board xinxxxControvl cxnceledcthe liamex Frid\ non. T cxxxeave theVritxi xx ixi.i xxanx xi xxiioppxoxnxxxxt, xso A I- lcdc'slvntrill b liilsiiixxixixandi a n xvi ixvvxin thx Regulr ixixd ie I. cciiistixgil. Michxiigxnxxin xistxicvxxupnxxltxhe ters ofthx cn.a. . ..a.atiipte, ut _,otre xDne xxxpe ixxxxxei usig I)xi ii I xand I Philrox ixxe ac f thex lixxxiixx byt el authiti esi x fx x tihii Western Confxlrxncx, after a thoxrutgi xixestigationxthatithes lx yersxxixadxxib xxen iilloli- i ii i-x evnxixiseason %,as lix xi lor. Tha the ie xxtxix noti entirlyic nxv xiivbxxithexloc lxfi- cialsxhow ver, iis is liiibe lihifact ixha tickets foriIlxxxiie lxxiio pu iio Dame'iii liii to Michigii'sxititiatit tvasreceved. xxiansw rix iiultedi elided iiix iiatleic relion si ithlxi of tie \xxlxvinxiors.i T 1=cioficialxsatement issedh te "Uponithexreceitif a liiof xlii Nor xx - xxxc i 'xacri-x thie, xxBoard xi - trl of Athcleicso mcixxrxii sxixiii f )lcixxiiicall iii-ateionxi ofxi tihii Notre Ii xxiv authorixtiesixtoitheiiaihletic ce fsrs.i xxPhxi lxxiiookxiand- xiiimlic, whoxixfter cixing' fixlxive t xxx t xie- coleiatei athlex ics inix it) xxx ilxi x ix vi ixl- lgex nxxiii g barredxii iflxxii furhexr cixpii oniihxxx rex halxxicxxxii iiiNtre Diamei xxiiihadiialixeaxiicmpxixcted itwo addixiitil yeasatthaintituxion.iixTIhxx biiirdiinxxConxtxrolxlsoalxx edxiiiatnt in to tiii fac httx nciiix1k1xiolxxivCoxxx- litrcciathleic asc xiaionxxhdxioffi- ciiiy ixeclreiii t teseplax rs wer inlgil t omeein xtheli iConferecei meeti iofiiCoro xxiiihadxis llowxixclthli poins iWi byxhein that meet. iicc "iTheliioardi decidedx iiiiiiiiiii thxii if Ntre ameinsiteduponplaixng'ii lix x two xmeniwhoxwere ixlxali nelxxig iii xleie tenraxix ctxxiibetlxieen itii xxwo unxivrsxitixs, ichixianx xwoili xiefus xx lxx wxitdxrxi ihexnxaxixixfxi:\esxrx.IPhil- broxokxxiilan iid D x imi iordin xxCxxi- trial ionsidiersixthisia xlrealhiiof tiiecxoii trc betxexiiih ixtwo uiveiieixxandi delinesii xtiiper xiItihe iciiiaxxxtamn txx cmiprctixiunxer sichcircumitancexsv. Thiiiaxxxiilxxiiherefori noxxiiieIlacexx. lva xs i lii 'iiiii Chimn xlxoard in iCntrol. Almotxix mulxtaneiouxxx xxithxxxiiihxiiiixxi actixonxxxixth xxxnnoucementiilofxthbi di- iioxi xxf Irof.\Waloiiof Nbaihioggton Unxxixivrityxarixrxtxixof thec Wesixer Coniferenciiiwxhoihadxxxitxiaxxx xisbrei- port onx IPhilrookanxxiiicittk after x lonxg andiiinstaing i ixesigixto. This citr showxs xhxxithi two tint bergan thir cleixie xithleicxiclxxvitivx ini r903 xi Pciicivxixrxsit tandihav vompetedvtouethexatixoexicxxiilxoriinixr - (Cotisued an Page 3) GOPHER STARS PROTESTED Wisconsin Objects to Captain and Quarter as Ineligible Mxxdiixxxn,\i., Xxix-.d.-Thv xxixxi x~uhr-i f Univrxiitof \Wixconinxilxvi xiicxxempt iio lxxv Cxxpi. Jolixixixi xv xxxii lxixrcriaxlxMcivexrvi, o tL xlivexxr- xiii xx innieso-xtaxx footblxli team, xi- - xsi- xM iii-xxxi gam- at- inneapoii- ixli. Nov. i xn. xii i iilxxx xxi xi forixt copeiionxinii Confxixirenxceii gamesi acodn i toxxiiiivxxi r is fthatxiboixiI lxt is delare thatJohntone xnd iM- xarrvgixtiredi Theiii xixr xitixii viie ice Nivx iscon- xi xitaixs xthat tightixsxchoolxixaxiMii- nesotais notlixcoxxideredxxxth-xregular cihoolxirquxirment i tii iium oiii _ veariMGoverlxn was ixreg istrdini h ix lixgvunderltae ci feveniei rulxi i xSitchedxifromixi liv thre to thlivfixt- GI RIS DONT PREPARE? FiR A t-NRFiO"PRS iiHUTCHINS. l-lreihanlixix xxliixtixi xixundxrgadulx- xxix ,vixiix xxii xivxsxof fxxvcl xxxvi becrx xxtiexxiedltixe- xxxii xxpii ingixi xvi - tixixiof thy Nma's - gn hldini Barxri ii-gymxxxasxim c xix viix xlii- tliv vCoursevf lixsixiveichvhexitoiklxxxtivi- conixtingentxiof li xaudievncvxagistidei- llitevlyrepaxringfor 'aiarer --Nixke- axii of xourxe f xliii xxiiicn, andiiax variee xxi l xx x xxlxfn o , a ix xxx- vice. i-t i icxxx x xxi lxi li xi xrxexx wasxxlaidxiponxiii tudxyixxof xthe xiixixxiiene n cinii iixaixixcnduciivixvtox aliiieralraiixg Missxxosxxxinliii inCtprixdeitxiof thx ee lx ia avxxxxii addrvxxsxoi- lxinig thyaxrk xxiii plaxxixof thei orgni- /zationxifor tecingiiyieari.i Tiheviiitxoi the iproraxxm cxxxistievd of xelictionsixylthexiiilxviigeiclxxii xand dinvxg- soxxiii ix tx ih xxxii xxix x iiiiI iu. Liiia vclxxr examiai onlixthaslxxblvei founixixituGittitilft gua t-rixii the xxxihxxxxxrv vingxiiii xxamxiufferxd a brokenixhouldeirvxladinivexsphi omxioxxr- juinir gxamevof Wenbesdixax NiAxxt tivelixixck wax xxxbalxxiixxxolexnxs toi renxder anyii xccxr-t diagnisix ix - ioxsile. AUDITORIUM SOON iDN ANC C NT. TA ELLIS ASKS FOR TO BE A RE LITY iii'lingixuerig LDancxi cxingibvel COLLE GE SPIRIT dianxiidito lit he srxainsxofIke l iii Ilxxii Regent Clements Will Look Up orchesvtra. Thxueuuienxxrixith siar Professor States That Winning Designs and Architects -pirivett overing the xiorxii ad- Team Cannot be Supported For Building dit iiiito ti nxnnxxgii 5tenx xvisionregin dancuue. huhl xxinig'theu stomuhx ofx it(x'____ LOAINMYB O OT .pni'xuxuxriug'Siocixal cluxb, there xi lx LOCAION AY E ONNORT U*two lonuger dtixs, nevetxxxvweeit ix xxnesx ENTHUSIASM AT MASS MEETING ets xxxiiithei oxherctowarxdsx thexlixexxi of -N reixortioitthie commttee onv xxithei nevxxes'ite i t, un xiifortnaxxt ieiiontuof xxiuiiixriiuu t hat is to bxv eretieii lxi the READY FOR INVESTIGATION xlhe Notve lxDan xe i~igiixiiiixqtuistionx, ui'irsity- nill lbe utuxde at thure tne t and__ xi ir ihxxxlxx-xpx-x acei lationxxofi to- mtuetinug'oftifihe Boxridof Rgents. Re- Council Committee Has Method for dax's gxxii - ilxassiiinhxg ofxit- gent uClvemxvntsxas inutruivedxiithy lxxxi Probing Senior Lit Exlection x'dap eveig wxsxempvti ilxi iiits sutcess meteinug xtohok tix devsigns fiaixiorn i- e cm itex ppteuyt he - ixixxixi xixiliittdiitheiii lxxeaxk in esint, ixix iitxism ,an lso t eporth xxiithe tnameirs5of denitiCoxuncxli il ix dawtil plaxx Cll ' 'xxxfic i ilittt th xxxi-expetnxtiand aurchicts forxvthe exx sxtructure-. Thur invetx--igxait iion it h exii-enxior li lciw; ethi ast xixiix ''xx'i xiiii-t e inxg unearx' boar haiii o lx cixiion xte lxcaioin ii i i -xx xx ts wnkan il l sui- twex--f Te inuvmierhiuxf cs ixite N viiiew Cmngt e po-tureinstillwhiih wiiliexieid withi usuaxand theiirxi tcf he ai ro es eft forithisixupurixoxxibyx tiiilaie Rvgvntx i l ct xisxx x urx. lihi cxxx ix hixxxtxixwitill I xi xx iit Band, ndi xxx ii xii hel ovi - iti- itill haxve luccix turneidioxxii lxxthin lxxxrdi prsxcix theiru h re lr r oiii i (lxxriexL ndonxxi kept i thixi foxii slii flx attextiionuuu 15 ikie xrchixtctxskhav lxiiiclxxxixn xxiiidtue defensex xilxlso xhe xrereixntxdiii xactxio so nic uing Dxxx The quexstionl ofiax xxxi leatitg andiifxxvrxlutthl.x h eIlxbli-denii of iproofi xxill {,li ix xxxxxxxl'sxx lxx xxxr te irs c r lighxtinug liiit xxi l xxso tishcussedi'Thyeiof ciurt i e witt i ixhe cuters.i ;eiorx Ifii he sai oni adi di ngxx afl Nit, NA.C. boaris veryxu-ixanxxoustoixiiibanxdxonxtheliiixisx xiil otu emttiedxilhxsixtilt, nli preset plnt andiierecct a ticwx xxxix xxx coittc:1 xxwhenxihitt s xxvias liaxijurx xiuponxithe r ison Sixafrotxxi wxoxxresideld ii- fro liiih e ampusx Au pret iixitie fuxxds cxxei xx ix I itlitI'vnas ixixi xx as tie' xre uns111Tfeti iifori xuciiiani u in rakixg Itisxxrumored thaitii t hire ix xlilxIe xx hot xiirstspeker xiin i s prxx lim titinry r- xxxii it uiltlxve essa-r it ge aIap- fighti whbittthi "trial" s"hl. t is m rlssad " is uoxe ind oux x oif pitinui fromut hut lislxatiuri lxiforx n ownxxxx hat t heiicri re xa lxxmiiirx of xi ii xxiposeiherexxtonight-toixgitl ifs tany deifiini th lans canxx bxeimade.i Sxudet xx COixcuiixlxxxiii whoxxareimlyiandiisnapi xx -yelling. x'he kwrk xi Inxaddition to tix he reguixilar ixbusine s tilonv iii tt of resxtcxi iide Bowman's i l x'he g'mxx it-tltNi. -. C' was isxtreinxxg. txwo tin mo e iuch xla xshis xiil he'awared-'xv ult xcixi' inte charxges'x referr-diandxIni lxx fewii ii-i'litiltc ' xtxr-iiit'tixx he fromxu tliiistoxneyix apxprpurixtdx rtv h x xii xxisi lso xkn xwnxthaxxut tevvexarea xitxti l a xxx~-ix thex' champxioxx hipix ofx ti he purposxeix' y-theix'b1axixt lasxxxipsig.ut utxxsx i rmlh'conin'iced'ioIflthlii'theriii 'nixicil Sixicire xcwanti yxlling ut xil FR~ESH OFF FOR LANSING xwoxiild ivxx i lixhiticI xixjust xxi I xiceliiibothxxrof.iHolrook xi'ho wasnwarml M. A. C. Freshmen Praobably Their i tut dop tetheuc i utu e o ttounaifactory natureI ofhis Last A tago tfi ts N corxxtion xis uxucix xxxin rdx v toi ii tixxxix i xi xxx -xiinctei ocr ig heiilurthi oit :ht' staxl tic i n ysed 's Dc V, ,teNtre ix ii uix'imi'xxi-ti o trilize, squadtitic-xiycs fori Lansing utwhur t' u grlu ant x nxxxix x l ucion. TheI i ti p itn xxiii ai xx tiixxliii An cnt hi- xilmt tlvii M. ,N'\,xN C. lvvxixxux tiltm ii was xtxi t tiuxwa ac ied poxxni.lct in uonix ix wi xxi xxi n esa d tec in vkx wh t ay ix vxx t t he ii'lsthgamex v xie fxcix l eanix xthe ix xitintirsxdc-i xhlolxixc istand uu irg u h iroo C IDimiuck of th i asni o x thxex li lii irxtl erx metut iuri xxiive'sigixrs before ubi ttxxin hlx ,fil wrun thxrae, t o xiths -Nix exffort isx ti-itt adei t i lxx lit he dtei petiitlioiniforac tion.x xco ies offit, xi n tere l xi xxi iiteicoll iaitehi-foot- lilt openxx lyxtheicai clilaiinutof the liipet i iiitin i icixl xiii xrlix xxiiidlall iixTh xere i x xisiah xxi in tlietict iTtidlx game, ibutu as Ixl ut t x xxinexhs xben axumbxxr' xxof xsinaures sx xx x :x bu;uc rh ixxii x is x iuitoxmakii teamiixux tk Notre scheulued. 4 nmeshae cb uuuscud ltxthin lxar. x xame's xux l iitaxlixnd hsh t - siN' icill hxxplaing i llxx outsxixiei gamet hex ealtuitit xiii xilith ru ght it nvasst ofxx hei eci ded upo . this conteshth wvll lhe watchedc tx-hlumoutri uotutrsioxl theiclasshax benx ade ClA.Bxman thn xlinedxiiithur thanux u aluui uhv intrs, axxauvitorx'y txill lxis xpect ltatxis illut kex at xeast g iner i lanx f xxthexgam'tit' uth inxx- meantiithaxt tutu twito x cscutivue exxosx woxx ysxor.x taxi it xxx xxiii NiM"demonstxrtionxu, Coaxchx DoIuglssu piix lsittiwxill noxx ii xwih_________h_____was____ x x iigivn a th c xuxux ixtiia sxI-hexcTechtxdefetu. IP titFESxSOtR FI C h RI ill xxattw trtsag) ill tbe repevatd. sattoou vTugxucxhxlook egdhalhe FafonexxxSiiih i htare ichENr- OH O:T ' \NN I)ShEl Ni nI i~ atiurchasteii tututhe t bx xiiiderrxatediwhtheirn Varxsit Iat xxiiif. viobrt I uloofOiotesb eI n~ ditelttcliii"Vis th tieittauduientc awitxaunumber of ni x l applictio t the deslix T hoseI.ixxcticerts home uc-witia cleanu slate Thxi M xx C. h lancouxsxrexdings in SarxviiiCasxwillii Nix])aing no l te iiythe ueti l hg freshmuxenuhuts-vplayeiiibuh xxiie ille xso gi-hillx Friayeveing whch i l composeuxutihxi lixxkhrxuxuuioii fxar this exaxcon, hxha taeixngwith teNt h rg a o sitdo otya tegtu xiisgna. Tikts fo hr Pilexsaxtu Nort al.Ixx t irexulvdinax 6 to rosxx seletions.ux :xxxinxhe"'lituititingi xiii il xi toxithelganie 6 scoe. ee x'xr, the ixact thatutheupxxIx xxixblcuxpxoCemsxxvv ii lxv1 xxhesitlx h guu up- ttwiihili' xxi 'l xti rlt i xixxxt xxilx xxi xx iit e iii xsxaters tx-re ahle t sutre xi ll xxiinbd h r Ne xiive w r S n 5cthg i i iiaindt xx xi ticri it u further tixattheyues v r th: l it tilito holIdx i xxi lithc leticiit xxxiiitio willx recvixxx incfr- iis strnixg xx teamu t only oxxxiitxuxchx r n e IItl nei ii-dsrh tot sixxi tcns Ilxthu~ i pxakers lxxii sho iii xtxtwii iedx x lxithe xxi thatx shouidhxnxxxibleitaxkenutoolxxi ghtxtly 'cl l u ded, spkei at sme lenghi Clii teamx ixixhireturn at u xxxi x xSurr xxx xxiiiu- xistx xiitr' ux-x ixhe ipoxrtalxiii ofIth sxi iig, xand The ixuvux: i5 posxsibtle thuai t lx x ith -tife ' wex l'xiii xx xloal xuninxxtheu utivxirnity r-t 'ci xx x qC ~ti.i CUiriyIhll wi lxe kept opien it-i-to learnii liv wrds- of the xllxiege snxgx, I .T;, , . .. , lieler ee-cinxg Thine n- s---uIrtgtte li i xxxx xi i x uuuht i -Qixet ariexxii ixxxxuit xxx severalx tuti uuixixuxspirxt ug xlviit hur oug t at's Patern ..xx .~U ... . urnst n s exxiit for ueveninlxg muetinxgx. lii N T hxxis xou xtx'xsupp Irt xacampxiionsixkp lxe xii Iato xxi..... ... M ht ixwisear th e tcier Vreiu halxi lxiiia -olwn , is a characerisihc quotatonu Garcls ..ix ..R. . ... Cuxxtuluc-ti(lviidt ultili xxiiithe lxviiinxdepai t- lx i s addresisix " x amcx iiiatin, Gatsi ...x .. h-I.R. .I .. N. A Iotni etiux atlxsi x ecxuts t opnxax exiary xsh uldi xlk tuta xxxiiint ie the xxixrus Bo le ...x .. i ,?q.l ..l , shnC lxxx i iulxg wilt nxcessaritlyxx puxh manyxuxixslixk lftltmxxvclaxxs,. xx'Ia i l of. h1is Wyman.......-, I,H. N..Mcennaxuxrxvxxuugx if liii xxeekNI xxrinixxxSiuxxrxitiiiurgedxuxvry tian Ponxtlix ti ll.. ... N1.1. h- Cuinut- tF tsxI The mxatter still iuheul vedtbfort hex 'to he ho thue lv tisnxiWidneiisdauxx to Whiiten.. IC.... .1-....... rew hhuxutnut tf idvgvxuixuatltheir nue x meeting. (Cntied oaPage 21)