TILHIE' M ICHIGAN DAILY G. I. WILD CO. 31 SO. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S0. STATE STEET 2 ilorS 'EEP ON THE PROF'S The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Roarr 4 Press Building. Opposite Majestic SiI_ oCIAL SALE TillS WEEK ON t -- - - - -S itt $1.95fer,- hs %~ Botkit_ AT 320 S. State Street THE MICHIGAN DAILY. lagang l dtota-Li v A XVHI'rT. Biness k1tnagerNoRmAN If.HItL. News Cttr . IlrttTitus Assistant ......... t.arry Z, Fete Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant.. rtitur B. Moehlman 1"Insie and Draima...Earl V. Moore It coigi ianst ltes.Dion B tirney Arthutr J. Abbott. G. S. Lasher. taui teidy. A. J. Wotitgonutt. tlarotd McGee. lairy(G. 1\yser. MactricerTonlir. Frank ntiett. Fred Lawtoii t oss i Roltinsotn. Edward Robie. Johtn IL. Cox. F., E. Sliaw, Jr. Itresin ocht. Osncar IBecktn~. lost [litrton., E. . b atkeielid. B3USINERSS STAFF C. A. tomnti. A. R tDitley. :\yei Rtutin. Keiiiethi Osborit. Address:;iI blAt'tA Lt, Press Btdg., 1iayard Street. Oftice Itocurs:itantaging Editor, I-a2ti. ti n. otndI1:00-i11:30ti. no. Daits. buine ss Ytaniager, t-j, i-S in., Ex- cet Stnitay. Itot'phonies 96o.; I-I1.11, NilViI? t Ei R4, tiji). 1(1010 ~tr~r o l-iiiiioMNSON. 1 NVt? FbI t'Y CALFND AR. Nvmh ruiiii I\ nt IN eon N ' agtie. No (cti i i1 Netsi t.-iiie tiass bleet- Nm i to I lnit I. ,tilnti, Iratori- ttlASCiti)lrcitat, Sirat Coo- Nt c 1 . 1111Micigan ns. N'otretDanie. \ c , cmbe S it sle-fr1ltietiigait- Nm d 1'00. thtai rhythictie totidinto. Uiviersity halt_ is servitig the secoind genertatioin aiid thne infi rmities of age are citni it. ft shiiulid le carefully treateid aeeortliiglo. Stamp~ing instin daingerouis to the fot- halt bletichiers as tii tieatiudiitiiii and, iwhilce thle terryfitelit staiids (lie stronglyt Coiisiitic'eit, it is foolhiardy to aluiie their soliitys. 'Tiese iftcts cinghtitoii le reiieiiitered byx thoseinhbinaiictendthem'iiass1m11etig tolliight. MICICJANENSIAN AWNAITS NEWV ASSO3CIATIE I)lITO RS. The seinior clasn electioins nor, the editoir litthe t'iicligaieiisiaihalion- inotiiioenthilat hb emeris assistatits. 'tic a CLhC1,i?, t)1 P'NS NPANT ROOM W I T H T 1 qI 1+ .p 1 T \1 I}T3 ( WC p .1 'fit -_ Th ci o() teC'rle tOi ie3an i.i 0 l h ii "~ ie w l1 Iii t.-. 1,(It eV li g itiii't i itthe ir 11, o i ll'- L'.i00htll, illcths si ce tim tellf t iiii 'tn ilit\v~s lini tti 111111dt a'101101b'ro inrnenci itiicc "f(it iite memberi s fai 11itii- i 'ii addedi- to th111e 111 ie trci I te FOOTBALL TOGGERY FOR Class Teams Anything inder the sun fronm a Headgear worth $2.00, to a pair of shoes worth $3.50, or a J 5 Foot Ball worth $5.00 Gym Clothing Comiplete Suit including shoes aiid hike supporter for only classes tony theretfire, elect ti ep-st ___ resnitatinves as solon1(s tiey icsire i 11i 4s" NWorktnithe biiok is nwell iiiiun i-i Iay G iis, ti 11 aiii there 5stlentyif nwirk fte as, vlhodtei sociato editiirs wns'te y ntake uiitir 1 1Sld a oiin.poiyo 111 Y' The iniimhcr if assoia(ti' i'iitiiis tht itlion s, teii masylie electeid friiimnthii'se'iiire ls ster mn . as filtiiws:inno eaci, iriiiinthii'literirii' itt lst 1(10. lass aniii engiineeriingdeptir tmiieitsiiait thc aistersot pharaeicy dc-tartimenits,combtinii. cititii n at thiri ar l-- il'liitl'. a C'.I'ViWtug, iChiiiose studint ofit to_____ ileg'ates of te Initcrnit 111111 1111(1 Ii iii l II eiio i N N shtid 1 Nit I,,2 in Toiriiito list nnwek, i tiiwhiiheat goitnghackici ClhiiiiitiiheticY. Nl\tC. 7 i <(iii iii iG tlirscoir: Cirt Simit ith nd I diiitni c, nc conven11tioi, retiirnion gNiiitond1 ists ltin iioithe reicr (t4 p Il. Followit 15ill tt(i (is taveii iiieliinto gtla .111i t- Wit 7.11V -c I iiie th- ttI Iiit110 (011 11100 N~Iath musol°'s li W A HtR 'S ____ [ University Bookstore tic stiidtentsof it su lbs ;3,18)IO7 s o sulk n' It -ll(kn Billiards in a fine game, ask .100 1 t pacn i"'n i of ilone whoslat~y. You need W(AC ls sod 7,44 better than this? lu it ooo 1)ar of 111 0 1 011111 liiiHURTON BROS. SI t ta Ntt senioirs151111iinteiiilto apily fori tie ..Ior 1.S. egreces (at RraIititiii nest June shld-nlverifythit edt nwithi Registrar IHail tiefoire tDooeiitieI.- T'he''oflce houes fir ibis purpiet i 0 1 Monidayi, Wn\ iesday and'iiulriitao fo 3 toi 4:30. P'resiideiit Enmerinus Jamnes it. limoit willt adidress univiersity 111011Siiiii eveniiiig at 6 :30in MciM~illanm hill. FORM Oil '0CPATOisLMAN > 11a1-letColliin,1111know n' egiradluatis of thneunivinersity as 'tDio" dieiit Ithin 1ho111e veterday imorninig fremila'01111 pulcationiof idiseases. tuer1ig7years te. wao thle representative if the lain-ion State street and n-Is better kniiiiiito the studteint lbuoty- than aeyothier01em11 tier itfite oice force. s. nW. C. A. SPEAKER101CHANGES 'see. I Miss Ruthn axsoti, secretary iof tie New York V. NV. C-nA.tiiio wasio have spoketi at :Newbterry ' 11(toight wits uiiable iio meect the enigagemoenot anid nnill address the regultar Tniesaxnighti emeetininistead. ci 0ht llc }lntin ls i -11 1 . Afte ;pkccI ro I c. NI. INV I whch h outinedthe lan I II 4 11' Tlcci , iiljoetiiiii to the lprac- CC I ic elau nt heiii aostheritictione. ritwiy ted t ake'tiiv ul-tuirag 1mmtmsrith t-aksi1111, nidiulus iI tedr es te thyioal isa otynr) You can't say whether or not a glove is economical till it's worn out. Try the wear of FOWNCS GLO VES: I:oc nt -icet It. Ciiiioer mc', trv ouricoffee WciwrsI, Ii ti 3381 hliTi ia t rsilo .11itf. LYNDON Photographer to Michigan Students I lead, others imitate in Photos of College Life, Am- ateur Developing, Printing and Enlarging. I offer the largest lines of Kodaks and Cameras, Pho- tographic Supplies, Films, Plates, Etc. -"111" Scrap Books, Photo Albums, Col- lege Pennants, Banners, Pillow Tops, etc. Get my prices before buying. cell Alien's Hand Tailored ClothesA Are. made of the very best Fabrics, by A highly skilled workmen, in modern, ®0 ry Y sanitary tailor shops. Prices range from $15.00 to $30.00 Main Street Allen's Good Clothes Store Main Street Get your MICHIGAN WnTYE RTRS- Pins, Fobs and Spons 20 South Main St. New orScod Han That O vercoat! HALLER'S COLLEGE JEWELER. Oliver watiiClenedadPsed? eiiiirrn ' Sells VdrodC L us by phone and we will 0 twith our wagon 9 et H I E newo ;L ~ ~ Aarom Clock yoo see Advertised TypewriterSup~.pleie FO R $1 we will press and sponge ive Nae Jol as od. $2.50 Typwitithti I suits or fiteen trousers OTE LRMCOK $ PAul work cied tor ad delivered. Ladies work espeiaiysocted. RLES itsWathsieelerYS TEt-MicOhRgAaMCs$1.00 tPns Morrill and Grierson University Suit Pressing Co. 216 Soth Mon t I Pins ; 25c. to $5.00 7601 N. Unversity Ae. 130.1 709 N Universiy Ave. Both Phones 266 121 asbin too E. RANDALL & PCK, Photographers Phone 598