THlE MICHIGAN DAILY G. II. WILD CO. 311 50. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE STEET .iio r s EAkS-E "' ON THE PROF'S tis elzt cs e ,$2500 atdlup. ~o- ic005 s ptr rS o ppl The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Ron 4 Presst Buildinig. Oppsite Majestic SPECIAL SALETHIS WEEK ON GO0L F GOOS V II IiO54=r $I.95 $1,95 $1,60 $1,25 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. M anaging Jdifo-Li IA XHiii Buississll lasjio -NOMA 11. liii, News Eitor .......Harold Titus Assisttot...l..arry Z. Fol Athletic Edtor...Walter K. Towers Assistnt-...Arthur B. Mhoehlman Music and lDrama... . Earl V. Moore Echanoogces and riles .. . . to S. Birney oantrnoess. rttur J. Abott. G. S. Laher Fossl Leidy. NIGTi irTORiS. A. J. Wohtgcotutl. H arold McGee. Itarry (G. Myser. Maurice Toulmte. Prank Pecnoell. tFred Lawon RKooteaec;iS. torso Robinson. Edward Roie. Joihts L. Cox. F. E. Saw, Jr. Kroin Koch . Oscar Beckman. Eriss t iurton. E.S. XVaefeldei. BUSINESS STAFF C. A. lbonwan. A. R Diley. Mles Rubnin. Kentneth Osorn .tddrs sc: t ctICIA. oo, Press Bldg., MIaoynarel Street. tfiierIHouros: ,anaging Editor, I-2 'p. 111. and ot 010-i1:30 p.-I1I. IDaily. Buasiness Mlanager, 1-5, 78, E- slot Sunssay. Both 'phones 96. 'II R ll-i-i11 XX.NMEMtEIR . o. I lVERSt'l'Ys CAJINDAR. 0 los it I I Bitbo sr s tile olson- No\,Issostot -e DmeMas It-t Amche -iian s.sotNsre IDatime. of s111s i sit'enin uonsstse strikigy inscabe felig b 1wee llti tiliiilf or o ic illthe it 10010ass s tut sr- tun tel for 'or 5omit slOr spect5.i wi dintptsiois tss tosughlt TI lls n ii o cla-ssliis ld it occur sos so tossrc h soe ootdtat a dae o ls ficles i esetilseandi rliiii Idt ohefsoter0e011atnldaio tha l pirt o slc c slt to olv too o~lee r cl -m sssnoothe en eltiieds sooatofp slci njros toitltheosssts- 1111110 011101dkilo iciiso sisossciiocorito Thsos Swil ot Octits caslest the utmo t 1mp o t 0010lv iso teo ir- teet fteuixs sss s a w oleo lasdlit dos nt css osderthesos uab- oi ilhesiol' clss sl ens of~i~l theefre gs~e ''ello IIttisy apli thtoIis instnce th so ossare1 iolsvtet kn'M it. But crt ii istt onsie sie ,,r the ether 1as 1-sIsorsiojectisnito Wecansot sot 5 10001011 the stirit Comiiwitlfors sitssostist oso te sater. feling111'tha tsoilSi actols othe esiest cad to'eiminate1100 ijsitic, ston t sr i-ies al a stlsmilt ofthi i e diffiult.' tLet's h ietsht solsesotsse(sCoucitredles its deisi olonlthIs oi,1100will wsloeand ou adot it ot, ods t sotit io s-Is-otth le at mophr ofilsc pe 1t tineOst ndoftodiscor. Dioss sleS. tL. X.iproptoseorto hvee torOtt .01, oss Frnic sr 'Englis AwssthIrIso- assolittle maitthemaitiical snot- l. Th1 e smadal.-ooist ittreosoot making tis m011odetloeage ot i teenthiosutsando ao soeels. It Iomy10m1005Nvecr1s5cotultdshe s-sos sn XososArbos' 'Tws cor elcedss s, omtost ot themsiat- trdis kim1010 ons, soitho hatondIgrentatdes, e5i0 use an Bark-0t oi stcc moornintg ire'in thlbsetomen'tl0 o I asisoflaill, a girls', tdossrmitssryattSeracise lUnivoersity. _______________________Cha________ atostisi' thle di t-t hes 11 sliss il sorder 1t 0111101thetis I en o MUSIC AND DRAMA cr ols so igt. i-siCU -sLTY CNCET. lI Isso 11. Hartoss soill pos ' h The lfolliowintg isogirami sill to V i Traeh , S ls 0100011 Jois o toot 'so , st the facultyicesocert tti t high schol s' 01 ite s 0 i V s o v Lhtoss hasll, tosniglht : Illseilrs, on \XWsdnessdayt o v sos o . Abohor's IFie't - - sol s s........ o Xli. aisoos will sendi to is100sooityt (Ghoit - - - lo"co pay so p oti01101 hatstoredso Dannyoi- Ieesier - - -t...... .oooamos sl such < sces ohs ody ino New XXilliamoi Itsissow tn. Ym-~o lo n h~ n w ihcli ties it Riottance, 'F nmajoor. 1),10 . .. - eIthores ra or o sosa 1ca.1 I.tiotwioito - - --....... X~icoiiaso loi .0010111' he Is a11 s in0 01the catt re00 Saitotel tPiersson IssLoswood. 15raols l -J. ~ l Is slo , Gsitrusils ('onlitoiso. (A.ccompitaniimetbtoo Mrs. Geose o I). SsoStra 'sorts, \ ,eah, Jamsos Rheado.) tiNseit. , c so . h re. it. I). Romanctte - - - - -I......... ebustsy tilais 11 Nicholas iMiiii 01001 Faottosches - - - -I..... . l[elossor others. I is IaclotterFontinoo ILe Rossignool, ( Twvo sotogs otfCanatda.i Mlont Lac..... I. F.Jatcsoie stalcsoze Le rosette se ma-i ilsI. Jacoue s-DaIote/ Lot IFaraiiilse... I ..Jatoues-0 loi-o (Choatosons ptopliretis.) M~rs. Jospeto ssJenntitnis Perrcy. lltrostrolle . .. .. .. .. .. he ctietizlqo Rtlets lotns Fa I ...... IDbss100y Zigotise coo-iot' . . .. . . . .. Iai~ Albeort tLockwood. WV'henoSlyestSins......... .IIOlEtnglishi, airtagedt b-yA I AV Sonig ot Mat... \ asrtr XWill-'ol-thie-Wisp .......... ChasrlesIGilbert Stpross tiestass--\V oi Wlier Moors-c blnso 'NlrsItercy. Dutets:0 Schetist ttdlos 1lest..... Sindtinog Staioetce ......... II t-m (a) Die Spterliiige. 11.... idc Itb)I isshiect teX oeget -- -. Ilidc M~rs. tarcy ,andt Mr. Ilwad Mttr. Richasrdl Percy st ltheiao. CHtORIt, UNsION. Franicios Za~ltoltto, thes'violinsist,stilt tic- hre sit the ChloteaOl('001101coniceret Noovembler 14. Steisio of sMSt. Mote- Still-to, .Xr. lilsoit, 'sie Ofthebsfosremtost ot easttern critics, saitdrecently, "1Ste. .\tscMillatooomasteredtheretoo i .1silf til- ties of Giitliiiarlo's concertsos 00111 coooom endabslie steaidinoess sathoogh lose coueld boise iorite sithloosrelreathl. 'lhe-slossw totmoveete t'gav e wt o mtantic lot-ute, stod ino this kiofos s sell sutouts mtelody Goldmariket is in is totive.00 heaotho anidlappeairssit Isis totsi t. M olea- Slilloto os-orkeds tilpsoota son techilst climsax too the finleto. 'T'escatenzao ast s irither bong, butt its douboleopopling and its G-strinig wsorktwst]trsotsoad tdflt: atndt aftrthe catte-nzat(ailo unuisualttptote- toe display- in 1 conocerto)o there castols s very' effective endsinog owhich theos'olsts alsos sore host.' Arthusr Lotte, the oianosgr oftheb Maojestic theater,tmiateo-a1stpeciasl visit too JatcksonTuesdayin ooreter Istha los oight satisfy hiomself as to tie esreits of the inew son- thasttnillcoesso IiXis Arbor totiighit, espsecially los soc the feattore lint otf De Roissi's Broesos Mtodls. As a resuilt ofthitis visit, toe hoas isted a signied stateimentt to the tubic thsat the tnts' ill, openling tonoight, woillbetie nmsotsolexceletothle seatsoni onthaIlst the Bronze Motdels woill toe too' talk of the toots-iatter this eve'ing. 'Phey ire entirely odifftrettfromothi oss' ot the famouits Maxiimsant inithe esti- mtatison of mantyteare ovisty 'Supteriore. 'fle rest ofthteorshow soill toe t roeord- breatker andcltho eoiemandtooforstats inos- elites thait the enigagemienot will toe atnot- ablle our. Patrosiwuill rdoso-s-Ittoo lott- XIII I X' lt. VMSNt l)Al XX ?' All11(1 X11SI V XXII trII XI l.i 1010111 sItr Nos his isl e tis 1slots 1 the clls Isvites, loss 111111ill y onight. An attemptn. ohs' so asss0+)sas p oilihl o )Ilol Satrayl I li locsli-os (1(1 Alh \uoso- ienhy osl(m m. th rl il to vill(;"lITNO Ill i1Isll bol.> 00 000:01 V\ os IITilsoi ..~ the Bste raitess Iftt Ortrc l ss 1:00101100vs l-lot s mgloo sond lan1o slrcormulaoss tedl Oil s0 Ictjlo'icsoiser lieraty'soclXooes 'oIsso VI'olstcX sil-i> so's \t st c i lloIs 0 1 () ''I ho loss-oust literary Volh t deibaooste ill to Iloei 2th oand ooto hffs- 0.-t nsi'of stheJf i\ sxsell sor Ole XVar )'so so is s ino thes-la\\ n a r. t IC t e x' r- t- r- NV F Bitliarids is a fine game, askt those wohto play. You need somte recreation and what is helter Ithan this~ KL MtSnPON BROS oss hubs1 .5o Icootto at IJ1IUU AT 320 S. Shale Street C. [. ARIB[L Law Medical Dental largest Mtock in M ichtigant Second-Hand Law Books Law ail Meicbal Dictionaries QutileBooks, etc. Comttplete linre New atid Sec- ond-lianid. Old lbooksi takeninitExchainge C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 a a FOOTBALL TOGGERY FOR Class Teams Anything uinder the sun fronm a Headgear worth $2.00, to a pair of shoes worth $3.50, or, a J 5~ Foot Ball wot t $5.00 Gym Clothing Cost llele Suit including shoes anid hike supporter for only $2.50 WAH[IR'S University Bookstore FRESH TODAY Mac Diarm ids' CHIOCOLATES anti BON BONS to S poiund hoxes Detroit's Famous Candy Orders takeni for n ieieit loy itail or express irt front the factot y. I solo1si v c Itob DREUG S'TORE Wse delisvor goonis pr(null ho ts llol t ,ot the inti 117 south Main t+ Better Than Ever The broad atnd excltisive ire of FANCY SIJITIN GS we are show- ing today. Fronm it every mtan cant fitnd a fahnic to suit his faury, as botht light and dark mixtures in thie Seasoit's lest pattens are sloowii. For a Fall Suit that's right in Poatern, iii Quality, in Style and iii Maok-Visit Win. B. Dieterle Varsity Tailors 117 E. Liberty Street i Lcathcr Goods Walrus, Seal, and Morocco Hand Bags, Bill Folds, Pocket Books, - Card Cases. Etc. I I Martha Washington Candies New fresh stork every few days. E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. MAYER, SCHIOETTLE & Stationers, Printers, Binders 112 SOUTH MAIN STREET SCHAIRER CO. Students' Supplies BELL PHONE 1404 i I F 121 Wasbln goo t. RANDALL & PAC-K, Photographers Phone 59&