The MichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV(IIEIR 3, 1910. NO. 27. Vol. XXI. VARSITY TEAM IS STILL IMPROVING Eleven Made Six Touchdowns in Last Night's Scrimmage With the Scrubs BIG FIGHT OVER RIGHT HALF Cotiing-iing'its el C(coarseof (de(I ran oer il((scru((s an(1frsl((((Cn scrimmage(0 dr(ill We'dnesday 0eCenig. Six tochown( rcI(l(( oCCC nted(( by 'teC regulars (luring theC Iour(they(orkedOC~ Despt hetgoCod((sizedhscoe, (thC clochl was not( entirety satisfied. ''le( eleven is (working wellI, 1(u(1is failing tl weekI. The team d (isla((cd .amle(( Co1((er and srengh, however(O, (and(1co((1nues5 to show 5'itelf 1a01sp lei agregain. Yos everlI((1i(gll at1itunil th(ey are rea1(1 for hco'phersCO. NIo furher shift has beeII ((ad1in the regul1r0linup.((All ((((11C of 11e players whoI were not((11 pikdlto start aginst 5Sy''(cuse h,(ad a hanc y01(C-I lay. 1Clark, 1IlorlCll, and lDanils play- ed 01t(lhe (1(1d(posiinsid( 1(11awtn had(1( a chance (at gard. 1Piard ws allowd to p1l1t(1(0 Vasi f1(10a(pa(r01o(Ifheh cont(es le1Platengill and fGren (w001 VKTFRANI 0(1001(00(0(R1RWHT-00 02,0. The light 1betweenl ((Green(1(and f1Pat I gillfor th honor o(Ifilling the righ halfbacpoinro m (((01lC((ies ((1 le a (((0ry0 on1. Greo, ((111o1did 1(1spleni thel1openggmeso was 1haniape 1,Y injuries as1( ee11 eses lowed1 1(u0( p hs (1101 (o ((1011an exten (1ha11Patengill Gree( isespei 1(0 pwerfl Ca anof-(S fensivlayer. 1(10 is(1speed1andodgn carry1'theoval1 oble atengill 11 lighter and01h1(0(1(11haI (r0e11s bck lild eprec, ei lipey layer11(( 111111a1p(ow11r0il theinererenc. I is a(s a defens(ive 1player,. howver, (that1he shines m(1st1 brillatl. A.dealy tls alk or lall a surehandlrofo 1icks11i1 seCems sarcely ossbe htl(lo he(11110 01110lft out of theC lineu nirelye0(11f1r001oe gCI (anotherchanc1e11(0 tile(10 ackibeld. 1(10Clark is 'loher man (0h0sCpres- ecelOCon (1(e suadl makeIlIs the presentl 009111(101 11100e(1111 o(f (11010johs (1and give st50 op(((((tun((((y101(10furheCr canllges if t(lybe 1(f1und11neceCssary. While (110 big westernr( wa(sCed(at full lasIeaoCn,1, (11000e 101111s ll chanIc for 1(i111(11re0this year with 'Thomson travCe1(119a11pesnt( s(eCd. IC has been drl~illd 11a01111 s111e0lie joinedll the (squad1 (an(1has (done0 bCel ll (he new po1(siion1. If furherochangs are made~l in the forward walll, Clark 11ay15tae theCplalIc of kdanind((1s or WellIs, shouldool 0(f t(lse vol '0(1(5h1 neeec~l~ loso the(lcentellr. 010109 DAME11 '0101.910 (ON .01.9 'TOMORROW1. Tickets for to week-nd9ga1me0with I,onglnan's 11111115s(ill b1(0 IIIdlon 01sle at heo (ffce(f IthC AhIleic (a5sciati(1n oil Fridaynmorning. No souls 11111 1( resere n r i'l011 (ce10o(f 0adm(ission115will he o 5Ocnts, as5 at1(the earlier gameIs (If the season1. The 9gener1(alldission lick- ets are being (p(t1 011sale ao'(1(1idlco1- gestionl about the ticketCindo1w((s0at( Ferry Sid 0onSaturday (11(1ernoon. Reservseats0((1for the game111(with h Quakoers 01 Philade~lphia on Novombelr I2 (100 also bwing slol 01 the (associat(ion 011f100. The(pric of these seatls, which (100 choiceoneIls inl(10helcterIf (11e filIs $2.00. 511151091110(IPI' 1("'00 0.019E,011011 9(1. X41111100111(1il utn~s of 11(e Athletic assoc1iation a(re now beIlin~gdlivered to(( those 1w1(11did 1111ot rcive(110(11at1the time1 they pu~rcha~sedltheir t(clets. Those who are entitledl to the sml~l sp5Jiked' shoe (1(101havo' not yet sOcureCdl ((011, SPHINX HOLDS INITIATION Junior lHonorary Society Receives Eleven Men acro'1ss (ho Nile and dep100ostedin 1110 Pyramiods yesterdayl at1 (110annual fall tlhe junior ' literary 11((1(0(10ry (0soit. 'Ihosoe 1aki1n1(9their init(1al1journe1101(0ere (Billieo" Restrick, "Corko" Riordan1(, -"11( B logle, "Brown ie~ 0110er10, ..Monk1" looro, ('110111"1Go(o(,1"har11 Abrwams, .''Milch" 511(1(01lloRex-lol- 1111s, 1hairy (0(11, andl"Car" Carpel1 'The successfu1l 0colusion of lbhe1jo1r- Un11(11, (a1 1011i11 toefolloowill" 1 1111(0 1100(1101to0Pharaoh..."et"Wtkn Sphinx ....... \"lu 1111 \lMurph1y5 Sphinx 011(1 listl'. . . .. . .. . ....... rof1. Clando 1I. Va'lI '110 \Vhen I ws a (Sphinx...lf,'o'A'o WIlo' ... . . .. . .P o . J. A. C.. 111111(0 T1hrough the Pyramllidls.Bill" Restriclo 1Io,'R FR '(XCI NIltdS 51(1 I 1(11( T1llS YEAR 'IIAX 9(k19(99 [AS'TP. 1F11(01enro(llment1(fig91e00of(1t(1(0 0(19 ol'lllodeartentshow a decreao,'( o f fifty' fromloast1 0ea0. The freshman class, howesor, is laroger (1h(a1(11(t1of 1(a11 y0(10, (11111(110f1l111ngoff SesC1 t o 1(e in the01(s1o1(h(0ore clss. 00er501 (If (ho second111yea'r0 11011faileo (0 tu(r101t10the departmento1(lthis fall. "beosidestecese11 100(0'in (110 11(1111- 111(100class, (there' 5is anlor rea(son1lfor theC fallin1g9(1f," saidl1)0011Cooley (If bulletns(1(a1'd0w1(1111uld lt send th11011 the1011 enrollentin tefreshman 01(100s5was a1 hundrel less than th(1(0y'0(10b(01(10. Since that (1me1theItot(((01registrationllhas ORATORICAL ASS'N WILL HEAR- FULTON Elocutionist, Lately Returned From Trip Around World, Here Tomorrow IS NOTED TEXT BOOK AUTHOR Pof.Robert 1. Fl~uton, of Ohio \Vos- Ieyall Un1iv'ersity, will (1e115Cr (a lprog'ram of m1100iscllnous(1 readings119 i11Sarah C'aswell .An1el11hall (omorrow even1i1ng. As all1el'cutonist15, P0111. 1F(1(0111 (5011 111n11wnhe', having appeared sev00- eral (111105 hefore .A1n11Arbor (auiecesO'. He has re'01(cet (llyom ltda (t(((I'l (he o' ld (( du'r11 ing.whichl ho'llecedin loxt blobs 0oneoutioln((sedlat Michi- 'The read1ing5 s'ill legin atl8:1;. I-fldero'If O ratorlassociation1ll1tickets (1111 be adm11ittedlfroo. The~se(ickels mar1 ibe(purchased(1at1 (110door for $10.o F_95411(5 WORK~lS 010F.ART(TO .91lf R\ N (XIIN191915' ' W51° ,5. 'ThaI (he .studnts in 11eng1ineer'ing( may not be compelled( (0to(/0'aze a lam 1wa1l ((0 a few sc(intific 1pict11es (an11 (1raw- ings5, Ith(e10(1pa1r((m'ltI of ar'chiotecturewill 1fa(11(1s workls (If at(ll th hallsb(and cls oo ms11(o1f,1thoeCengineering build- from(11It(aly (11111 eOpt10'nttheb'finlest wo0110ill (1(m oen lphotographI~y. Instead1( ountry11'a(1101is (110 worel of (a fambous "The' pill(curs (arC the heginning (If (a i5cllcin tha(0will heboth"beautiul1Cand in(t0011,veho eyo dy said lll(100 1000050' cured1. '"Pr1inilyth(100a(CO intended fo11( 11s0 in1 11119i11 1th (ICstudns 1in (1011(0- blrC 1110(1s in d1esign, 1(u1t00w111(10((tha thI-w il be111 e~j((oedbyeh ryCoCC ne~. 550 111(01111t(0add to(110 group fr101(11t(1110't( time untbibl111'eo'(gineeroinlg 111111011190(n1 loins re'roctions1111 or01'photoIIgraphs15 (f 1111 tIC greatest 1lwors(1of (aCl in1 (11 world10." FHIRST TRYO)~t'S I111(I1,(1)1z CFRC~, ~t A ' 1"A.SENIOR LITW N S PrliiarCy1tryts (or'he nI ul I'ESIGA IO Anlgell hall. A nub erll o (fasi nt re spond1ed to the cfor 10n0estants1and Bowman Asks Student Council 11o0r0 (ar'0 e'xpecd at lb'e (1(0(111 111s afternoon..Althou (gh h la(10-blvbi~cll lnt to Air Charges of Election wil1 (110e01 (heo' uc(It'5in, 011s1(01t(0dI-Irregularities 'Within tno wees otoS her((IItryout (will MANY DESIRE TO VOTE AGAIN be hold, (a1 1011101 t((10c(' tesl ants(, l'. lb ____ 0011(1r sloe assigned1 sel'c'ion . \lea1(1 wohile, (toe (play 101111h110'beon cosen10 and(I it is pobIleCthal 1he1seleti'o( s111w1ill bC takell froml it. This 1w1ll 1ive0 1h( direcor a ' 1 betterch0111(11'to judge0the work1 in selecting(the011s1. A. 1.1E. 13. MET LAST NIGHT Prof. Patterson Described Swiss Railroads Proll. (G. I.11. PateronII addressed h(1 large'opb'bilng (meet'ng19of(1the(05(1(1(1(1 Inlstitutlol etO101rical I'F((1(10 OCo 1,01s light, em (ho' subje't, ''.lo((1(tain Rail- r0(a110ill Switzerlandl." ''Ilnt(11(s1t1with (1(0 9(110110111(0' ho tro r'oadsl," saill Prof. Pt'Itero,(h Swsiss Crailwa'ys a111 (10'all(1a111r(1a10ng currentII, (the(11000 phase15motors(M1n1 ; 115011oi ldescents."Ptol. 1(Patteson1(11- coveredtha(11(1a11111o'f(the((Cr(ills I 11( 9010n1(100ack (to ((50 ((1e1of .'team,.1and1ho was m11u11101(1itappointed 11(11 ((((a(f1. i- 110 11(10 bee o n 11 by a steam 111 )- thle N1ew'jullgf Ill , h statedtht h steep1 (gr1adls lhave(madeoitI (('('1' II t(C use1 ((1 elcrio l eator 1(1 for the'last Prof. Pltters1101(11t theloreign(0(tra1(n 11111011 o re1(dependa('ble and pr( 11 ipt C.of C. ArC. M loeNd91) ile 11th Il Ilttte 0o(1 Ectr11ca01(00 ( '.01001of and urged al'vs'udents' n h ('ios depart- 1110 ( t (51 1((joitn.n'. oib C C000C11010 .N C. C's. IO O StRaINglor,(1 (Il'(11100 I((1 ODA" 1011111 embterI 12,b willtb e r'bl t his after ttte. Sevenll111011whll50110, sen. As10 Uci f.their 1C . C .5101C(. 110''s.(' team,1005(Ifhowsexpecte tVoboone 1.Of1 the soglmenlP11 lthsyaiow '11(0 (lfl kherace'th a wbsraiedale. il st1,i CE to Aoll D'Ois 0(lllA91111100'. n1,ll1?N givendayoh vningoir hlllste7periences anilo sraiosai.nttnpe Clo1-1('s 11Bomn,(np'esiden~t of (toe class eectionheld1lst(Satrday. ta sadta1 ewne the ma ((lbbtOtofirt- 'man wa( tefisadi. olfar teonlyo (he o so.( ro.1( ( L0(( l~bod, chairmanooft normall have'harg 0oobthe mtter, has tnl i MCr tolth lStudentCotucil. h hreqestwilhe brough~t up at (1(e incctin oh h tdn oni ob Ii f alliii et9'((on ((to do' 'lectibn is actio (1 1everpee I'lle. 'There' love I 00(10 (11' Year,, a d oen1tim's a groat lhle .11(1 IIS'. bs()((Id ith~out 111fi0ia1 Caps o Oi((i((i is greatly(1stirredtiup m-cr the 'p 0(1ti Iof ((10' e lionl n d 11(te 0 ((1(010opinionbis that'the'whobe affair 'etii (10(1 a new 'lecotion l whtich will 1)l"h'1,1 (CII ''O1 I l1AR PRO11.' 991'Nt 1,5' '(01(11IT. be h ld ll'' oh boo' I ('(bal(Ib' 11(1his 001(1(1i1 te irs1o aseriesofIf ive 1(1 v