THlE MICHIGAN Dltiso r L< FF" Keep your feet dry in sloppy weather with a pair of our celebrated $4.00 and $5.00 WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign of the big white shoe Desks, Morris Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, Study Tables, and Draperies, Suitable frStudent Rooms in Large Variety at Martin Hailer .Ao We invite you to call A. rd gtt a Souvenir for your r oom I locth s fo youn g chaps F y h t wa nt style M c's Furnisher gs, :, Rat> Caps, Gym. Suits Laboratory Suits, y s? VWi ters Coats, and .. Bath Robes Jco~ Freshman Caps at 50. Try us 211 S. Main St. dl tr atresng, Shamrpeen T E OLD PLACE l'i'e hloot a frotsh stock of Frincee J I, l I'.-a ao ''esl \ lb etand i m in r po~ I t~unld antd 111 0 S. Uiresity pundcans andjars. H'1 FUNIVERSITY NOTIES Meetintg of senior girls section tcunt sher Verein at 7 p. ntttoda(101itt roomtts.Eact ttettber come retardl to tell a joke int German. Atlltrt t lit fotbttalt mnlout toda(1ya 3:30. 'ramttwill be picked for gmec with sophs Thursday. Tryouts for te Frenctelayl 5will h eld intSarailsCaswvell Attgelt Ihall, Ito- tiay frotnj o to -t. 11111nd 11 nIl trSa btuweett 2andt5lP Ill. Soph li ftotball trctitc otsoth Ferry field at 3:r5 oday Bandttirehearsa 7 p 1Il. Is \iltlati hal. Juntitr etgineer footbai pll aers re- portfr feegatme with soiti t 13 P . o southtltFerry fieldtotay. 'Thse Craftstnttvetthsetietftst rcet tout Sattrtday eetttttgNocentr 5, a 7 :30 at the Mtasottc TIetttlte Al1Ma- sotts cttrdially ittcitet. Pretf. G,. Pa Ftterso it stlliress thte opetittgtmeetngtofI StieA.I. IE. E ject: "M'eiontaintRafwaytin sttSircr land.". Fsershotiswectmte Setnior egiteetr footbalt 1pra1ctc 101 sothitFerry ielel at 4 lt.t Ill, ty All freshttett whot Ihaoe ot vt eel n1k their iphysical eamttatIlnmt tt ireorl te Dr. May at onc. cc teA AtIMtNt1OStARlttS IN 01 cTIIl'. Dr. 1Ileery C. Setl, 0, 1a00 Ircl Rochlester, N. Y. last Thltrs a. lie is tv ticitg mteicinle ill Gentese _CLIFTO, 2t in. high IBEDFORD, Ziin. high Notch COLLARS Sit snugly tdthe neck the topmeet ins front and there is acpe pace for the cruavat. Snc..7I as 7c. Cutt,Peabody&GCo., Makers 01I' barbe r 01r. Yttt silt n ls'Ever tlittg rigt" 77 N. Uivertity11 AT TUTTLE & CO. Lunch Room You can find a fine line of Confectionery The Blue Tea Room Open daty fr 1 3 a. at. t 1 ;30 p. in. Sunday from 3 to 7:30 P. M. Orders taken for special parties 1221 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Phone 1696 1 CHARLIES' BARBER SHOP Under Hluston Billiard Parlors Charlie Weigand, Prop., Detroit United Lines- Ons information to Division Superin tendent Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Detroit United Linen by officers of Varsity or ganizations, the movement, beyond the capacity of the regular service, of 1 any group of students to or, from Ana Arbor extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. Wedllesday, Nov. 9th HENRY B. HARRIS Frank J, McIntyre fn thlt tcomed~y o Il l- "The Traveling Salesman" leeoar , dy indes 01311 Tilt, IltlttiNAI NEWtlt l IANtI Prices -35-50-75-$I-$I.50 ICt te ox1ffice New Whitney Theatre Cnartate.. 8.05 P. M5. La'e romers sootsre ate~id prome.ptly.' E ___________________________ 1 .. TURKISH BLEeND CARETTES UITERATU RE Fnn i tci n!-=, est or Thursday, Nov. 10th Following its Succesfuf Runs in Chicago t n-Route to New York for the winter. MR. JOS. M. GAITES OFttFERS "The Girl of my Dreams" Jott [[yamts attdtLetlaMetntyro lThetatelGirl)iantd Co.sf170 Book by Wti lbur D. Nesbit and Otto Hatterbach Ntttsie iby Fart Httschna,tnrepoi 0? of l1ittee YTins,"' "Brightt Eyes ;Madam Sherry," etc. AsgntIented Orcesetra Prices: 55-50-754141S. 50 and a few at $: 00I. ;01at sale 111000., N ov. 8th 9 a. mn. Mail or-ders give res lompt and caret il totention. r i i3 1 1 Witeachtpackage of Fatiima you get a pnpu- lur actres' phototgraphs -aso apenntccu-o pon, 25sofnwhinhs aenure a itandsome fell csllege pennant( 12x32)-se- lectinnof 100. thoughts coucidiL zbeauti- f al language may be well enough for the classics, but one homely word is suffi- cai.t to describe Fatima Cigrarettes-They're "Bully"-and unlike Shakespeare, we repeat- they're"bully." Vorks of the old masters of tobacco blending- authors of all your, joys- are Fatimas. Plainly packed - 10 additional cigarettes instead of a fancy box. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. eiConlin, Fiegel Conipany Come and let us surprise you with the amount of quality, workmanship, and style we can give you in one of our Fall Suits or Overcoats. No store carries a more complete stock of Clothing and Furnishings. Knox Hats Stetson mats Beacon Hats Spalding Sweaters Manhatten Shirts Perrin and IDent's Gloves and all the latest styles in Neckwear - ajestic - Souvenir Matinee Today 3 p.m. Coming-Thur., Fri., Sat. F,,, -G ze Models Remember! Box seats have been reduced to old price, 35c. Election Night Returns will be read from the stage during vaudeville performance State St. Shoe Store 302 S. Crawford Sheen for Men Full Line of Ladies' Shoes "Educators" foe Children Sp rling Goods E. R. FROST. Prop ST. JAMES HOTEL BARBER SHOP Otppositne ,etresWaiting Rore GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor 4 Doors From" Freddie's " Carriage and Baggage torea01c1 Couple to and frore partites btefore12toclock $1.50. after 1tfo'clock $2.00. For each Trunkt o or frore door, thn price wilt ho 23 Cete. If carried 0n ttr frore up-statrs, the price will ito 50 Cent. Drtvers are requirod to collect oasis fttr sarriage and baggago service. WALKER'S LIVERY ROBINSON & CO. W. H. STARK HOLMES LIVERY i ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILA ,T 1F T'A fLOR TIML BEST OF EVERY THJING IN TAILORINQ