THlE MICHIGAN DAILY ThisSpace Reserved FOR Sam Burclifiel :: &X.Coo :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Ctocks 79e Alarm Clocks $1.00 Atarm Clocks $1.50 Atarm Cocks $1.75 Fully Guoranteed Wa~tch Re. 2-trtesMaSpealai THE17FARMEIRS AND) MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND) HUROON STROEETS Captal $50000) Surplus and Profits $loo,ooo Gesneeal Bunking Busineos. 3 percent paid on T'inbe and Savings lDeposits. Safety De- posit locus to rent at $2.00 and upwards It. K pim 1, lres. TT. (,. I'll HT YMAN, Vice-P~res. ti. A. 00 lr~Aso. (ashier F. T. STOWn. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitll tock 11J300,)0 Surplus $50,000 Iteouoes $023E0000 A GleeratliBaeking BusinesseTransacted oirricesoCas. . tiscock, Fees.; W. 0. Hriman, Vice Fres.: 0M. J.Frite. Cashier SFATi'~ SAVINGS BANK ('0101I l50,010 0111(11500 11 C- 1 aiII, C i e C e mmercta S Aused Sasvlness Ca,-. Metes, eand Libety Str-eete FIRST NATIONAL BANK 01. ANN ARBOR, MICHo. E, 1). IOINNII. 1AL112101N SOULE lres. Vice-IPres. w. NV. (' LA IXION, Cashie. uaitl, :100,000 Surlus and 0(1Plofits, 0(65,000 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED Wanted-A first class Steno graplher. Pcrrmanent wsork. Call in :afternoo or everting. 7lllrr l &" L('il'r1111. 7o1 North Univcrsity' Avo. 2-tf. W4allted-A colored wsaiterin'ra11 ternitY~ housc. App)ly'immed1.liately0at 0135 Oakland, phone C355. 12-4-6. FOR RENT For Reat-tDesirable suite', 4071 1'a I ron St.' 2. LOST. Lost--On cam~pus, a VWahltam swatch(. Coldl filled ease withltwobir1'sells e I.Ssr art, 0007 17as. eise reward. -32. MISCELLANEOUS Miss, Franceo Tavlor, Iformerly ]leald of the Violin and(lV~loll Despartme(('((1 of Grand River Aeaelel(v. Missour1i, has retulrneed 1o Aim Arlbor, alit is p1pre to guser Violin and= Voeal lessons a1t1(1r sitilio, 324 CatherieSi.' Recitals given~ mlon~thly'. Prices 1reason1(able. -ti. The poplal~r State Si. Muiic.s] loose is offerin~g all the latest song lits at ( ceents. All the (Operaie (1(11,1a. 21 cenits per, eopy, i\Insical 011(1(1111 0of11ill kindls at strietlyoneprice1r-1f Uom 1to'10ihs "'Id(eall Iih rSlroh"for yourbarbr Nokan (11 w1(111ill 1111a -everythling Just rigl.' / 71/ N. 11 silo av( Johntill 1 lojl toos~ plroptrietolr. - 16 WAITERS CfOATS AT1',,IASU'S Comoplete line of,\Vaters' Coaits at. p~oplloar trices. oAlso laboratory coals. t'Iens TFurishings tDepalrtment1. 1-tf. MlACK & COI. Fulller c& O'Conmior, StemadFeols.(1 nch lry cleaners. Repairin g. 61o I. 17 - liao s St. r-If. (00 our(0coffee. \\'erner's ,1n,113385 .1\ 05nord t Sreet. r141 THlE KEMtIF ,\MUSIU STUDSIOS. Piano(, 1Pipe 'Organ(, Voic'e Culture, C'omposition. 332 Sooth Diviosiont.SI p(hone'1076-J Dill. tLeavele 11l((01101 lee for ine' pian~o t1iming. r-(f. LaundryII. lDtroit bo~loes,, ~'.ci- 110? Call Hoff, 1247-4. (1. MUSIC AND DRAMA ,l.c f Hillirilliolrd, iii his Imucheti stis sei la 110o(f ldramlatic sulrpises, swill1b1 seen 11(theNebw\\'loneo theatre, tFri. 11a5.y 1111ctb r 7. It created1a gat0111ir wh' en fiirst pro- dcdin New or1k 'and c111wded11 11 port1r1a1al (f a phase'of1 life se o rt11h1 in1the(thought a1(1d(1lilo1511( y of hip- ,poe 1had1 ((1its 11 inpia ins ilSirl Philip( allI. llioiodwh nis publcly1d slay('d Port111ISmclir, ion I rw' theraemtiste 'I'll(, Visto 1 reversel s e 1 fam (.1tri giltiers ~its orce1 rmithei 100(1. o 511 ( ly lrlebing110 a(veo'y()14ron15 11111 dl 1 111 c(('11ng1 Beron Churhll,5 Stella : 1(rcher, (Winif1r is iturke.((Little ''hoo 1" ' 112 S wo 1 lha appeare 011 Slopeeing n0(111(ht, ' as the1l winsloe il d 1; and1 111(10ni P Toroa tfsci101 at- in vampire(woman.There tloiae a score of oters, nclud 111Gerge lare,01(i'' will H lland (- lo a ll S (ith llSW. C. ritr F1.1dward o 510'', C.nW.' 11(100, Lili l ohs and15i10111 a Pop. About fsfy'los nb 11 of1th1 T914,l(22 showe the rue1feshma spiitvs-211 ~ST~32r SEPTEMBER AND JUNE are far etftoisgtn apart to 71111,ii s tf ',>l l ; ' e 1 ':10 Il~ls 1 chtanges. Ste c leinSI oes, for instiuceOF di 7 s nie i ly 1 111 seasons The pttrchaser of WAL K- OX LR sti,«oo 1 -1'1'-- alnt a-sllrancc that Itis shoes arc not merely uoil-sdaitt. 11 1 th; they sc1tilhe pace of fashion. $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 $6.00' THE WALK-OVTER BOOT SHOP 115 MAIN STREET, SOUTH } r K r_ ;; . ;;.; , ,r , . . C ; ,. ' , . I j 'i ; IIV ,i, a.. > I °t' Students It's always a satisfac- tion to look right and be sure about it. You can look to this store for right clothes. '07, /:, ,= Of HATS CAPS SWEATERS JERSEYS PLEATED SHIRTS NEGLIGEE SHIRTS FLANNEL SHIRTS NECKWEAR HOLE PROOF and INTERWOVEN HOSIERY "Always the right thing at the right time" WADHAMS & COMPANY t21-123 Sooth Main Street FALL WOOLENS jWAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors, call your attention to their c .ollecti n of Seasonable woolens4. Ior men's wear. Carefl attention to details and prompt execution of orders merit your patronage. 303-305 South State Street- CALKINS' PHARMACY [University Made ifl Ann Arbor + Factory Sate of Mssion and Bungalow Furniturc "You're Wvelcomre" Sale School~s~ ofj fora few day uonosly at ourI temuporar5y showtroom0 , 1 t. ibesty Sl Iet M U______________________________K_______ _ b1uy 1111 centsoth~t ofs r l fuinilture foi evsery doltar y(o1 0011 Ii All sa(p4 .an ol~ d 1111 1111e., studenOt dos s hit s, lu a ve v s , 11 l ibary Wear ga yu'e ak-ouwilManadStreet these pieces are closed out. surely believe it when you see our Un~iverstyl stludents who wishI Come-PaCkt Frsarardtu~re Comxpaniy 011 Luke mIusic' suplemltentary t11 "YOU'RE WELCOUMYE' BAR AIi_____________ ayd°s°atth dents whlo dosire to study msic Don' mis th-demnstrtios in ' bht who ido n00 wish to take a Do' ms hedmnsrton nregulasr course leuding to graduu- A B O K urwno. ~.ation tmyot(~ 5sentsi-IA , 5 ~ our window. - ~~~~~~~~dents and "tuke lessons" in what- ____________________ _________ s -over hranc'h thley wish. "cYou're Welcome" Bargains at Tho semeutsters (If the Schuoot of 41st yea: DICTIONARIES 41&t yeae- your own price. Music coineide with the Univer- to QVZ BOOKS t tending to take music, should r- Anen Arbsore LEGAL MISCELLANY ,Anns Arbor rango for it at onee.________________________ - 1cor full. particulars and illts- A WY T S laked- calondur, catl at te olice, I HAREIII A. SINK, CHICAGO Secretar Aesn Arbor Be-ensts, Stato Stre,t Opposlte Law~ Sid(. -YtatSi~ 319 Fast Huron Street