THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. 311 FUL - THE MICHIGAN DAILY. H NYILD COO Ifs rlagng itodrnI,nn A WHITE. 1t I s1tcss Al'aliiy~r--/i NEMAN 11. HLT,. 0C. STATE STREET Nuws l?ilaor.....h.Iarold Titus ____________________ A sistant ...I....l. arry Z. Folz Athletic (Ilitor....alter K. Towers Assitant ....E.rthur I. Moehlman loisic. and lDrama...Earl V. Moore 'fling Display of { nclissmgrs a ile'is .Don S. Birey all and WS~inter ' rtlour J. Abbott C. S. Lasher. Styles A. J. Vtoitlgti. Hatold I caeed lacry (G. ne. Mcaurice Toulmre. Frank Petnne ll. Fred Lawlon cr11 If bi tin lEdwtrd Roric. }1E S IS }Joslii L. Cox. 1. E. Shaw, Jr.. L DRSS SUTS istiin Kchi. Oscar Beckman. hSPEC~yIA LTiY 1, I'. n I' >loli. 1 I?. M.Vakcfield. 311 S. STATE STEETJ EASEUP N TEEPROF'S 5atalpi s,$25.00 and lit 11ccudests' Typewriter Supply co. Qo Press Buiding. Opposit Maetirc f_7I I\ISALE T11IS s WEKON 0LP sets $f195 It0 tl-iltS $1.60 z~ I T' t"E tint) lffeist tt" ills sscrl M l :Scrap tfl it iS1,UU AT 310 S. Slate Street BsUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowinit. A. R Dilley. Alyer Rubiin. Kennetth Osborn. Ihuh dr. . :NICH111 sIGANiDt,, tress Bldlg., M\aytiaid'ilstreet. Offlice Iflouts: Iat agitig Editor, i1a2. Mi. itnit 11:011 :3t ,0 1. rM. Daily. I sresMana gir, 1-5, 7-8 p. in., Ex- ccll Sutiiday. .Bthli'phones 900. I EtID T\ C\1 N ElNl) Vi/hK ittiiNfl 1015. Kiln I I. Kali. is li lIf i iti the it It libraris toi heil opeit thoseitwho1 it njtill' t s exhits o1f11 art 1 'fd t itulp t 'll'' It11is1 more'tl hanl 1 probable I i tlt ci tuden ii thtuni the 1 to iit t.isbuilding t e so ;no t i ii i'lthe ititpe hpts. t A Ihltihout (,trri I i s 1 i i'i iil111111 St ate n t aso Tic Cl I' 'mi offers1opportunitiesillo) toewocr owrteAihg WILL RETAIN ALL MEN MUSIC AND DRAMA Mandolin Club to Make No Cut After H'olidays Bay a lewsfeature if tshe\MIdoinSTOC 1Atits;I 511:11111isis'N. clulthe ''homlle cti ,n, litltilis of1th1The 11111 'in nili I iii layi s a re tihe hotliday' trill sill he g01111 i)Iiiatthe New Whtnetu titi reii al1l ti .binr. It has biet cluntomallryhee bstngh teof ''n ws ntts I ship all thtose 11111silisctd fir thts tripthlt ithitt 1 ititiluts. Tilt sift i'lit'it Somse tof tile sil iecsu ohe -ti e liiirsuit liii Sireselist Gfri tulrgi this year are "Ti'NIMirisiditti-Iinttli Itt"iandNion ight tsAin.'' ces," 11 isaltz, thi fatuouis "C.uo - - B all," lnd the oiserturs' fromtill '1.' lii l'.. s I 5511 Ills I tiotiti. N'ICRE FRF.Sl'iNI EN I IAiN Ihi lfrfitedtothe',i TI) TAKE GY NI NASI ('.NI N\ iii en tilljunir'anlsophomotIlilre isI'l gr1111rs liir1) htclledi it 3 :3s1 I. il Freshmnsgymnas15i1iuclaissen sweeIc gunl yssteriayland the1combite d clitiSitI Ii I XP S Ii I.AF riulhnts tat the literary 1a111d 5egiteeir-I Ii IE t. lE ing tdepartmnents for tile wotrk, lxiii ii SO .O' iIS thilse if laly past year, ,'iilisittilgyt o C1iel 111 ar 1 eight hundireud. htl a ltt~tb bet odo conductlt the classes.. Dr. Nisslavitendts 15 ill organIizei''.clalss, lte nt helllii'semiestr 1 hsp itam to oalotn w : espleciall' adlatatetd fur studeniits desirin al nlls.intrset ec aete et d~o cutd~ii.r rt1otle ls wleopsto'l it-:, iltrsit ae rilitl i 11 l lit)g rcit i t sInfeteds Ilint tt 1 El h< lfrs. dily frohml t10 toi 12 5. lmi i t unw udtilt)m c n lcsttcs 2130 tt 5301.111 E ist t i' 1111 il ' l"De iin 11111 iiiallsi llcin ts iisfietits Y. M. C..-.> PE KE Hac DA. m1a)'ll 1112askdiii o ilrseIn t t Chass. K. Oiler, genlt Sceariisu rscl sun .11 iii a1111 1111 ):w tile fieldi deplartmlentfthf .ii' lilrt i on Ic l i so ttd ta 1n w cet;t Commlllitee o~f the Y. NI. C'.A.,i w i 1 iiib ud l )t icd 1)v peito1 i te ill All)) itMilisot hall1 today iire 'lt iii illsh t f1ay '1he t>- Ills) of inlterv'iewsilh ltI iing m n l'hs'retitiil.. 111m1eat titlo l eiii 11 tt.itdI w t Iii 1. ing tif euiteriu~g1111011Chrlistiantslssc'isi an" a1 less'field nhicht is ibeilng iopenedt . A51.ini tt d lii s.trs' Iltu lt ' ir f thes'large')'city ssoc'iatiitils sre offerinig fellowshiips toi11m1n Iwlhoi Fuiler & ( 'Coiit Tailors 15andtlelil secretalrsytaf aitassotlion~itt. Tei' ilili extendts oser a iperiiod ofliwi y ealrs,.a1d is open 1 totnof colligeu'graesi on'lyi. PROlI tsollI PA'TtIEllN11,is 11T1WN. 1 ]P'OW~NIES Ptrolfessotr George N'.iPatersn of i ii electrica~l eligilleerillg faclhysl in GLOVES city for tso r teueisis. Prof . tat-I tersonis)o1011a)yealr's ceave iof ai '"tie are a "good thing to have and1) is speninlg the greater pcurt of It on hand,'' and all good till) ahlroladl where lie will reitrit soon. dealers have them on hand. \1'4hiie ill skil)Arbior, he is staing it thit'e home11 oif Dr. F. R. Naldroill. '_________________________ FOOTBALL TOGGERY FOR Class Teams Anything tunder tire sutn from a Headgear worth $2.00, to a pair of shoes worth $3.50, or a j 5 Foot Ball woi tht $5.00 Gym Clothing IL oinplnle Sort including shoes arid bike supporter for only $2.50 W AHtP'S University Bookstore Bilttitrds is a fine game, ask those whlo itlay. You teed MA' somte recreatioit and wlitris helter than this' HitSilIN BROS. LYNDON Photo graphecr to Michigan Students I lead, others imitate in Photos of College Life, Am- ateur Developing, Printing and Enlarging. I offer the largest lines of Kodaks and Cameras, Pho- tographic Supplies, Films, Plates, Etc. "l11" S cra p Book~s, Photo Albums, Col- lege Pennants, Banners, Pillow Tops, etc. Giet my prices before buying. FRSMEt AKtHLRH sri''~te5~lt.5tIP itEXAMS. Therefreshttten ofithe liiteraiy 'Is- partmient retportedl at the exaintios fur the Phililipis scholarshtips iii Litini sttid tGreek. Inasutch as thrt rcizes well'' offeredl it is iostsi ltatI sli i thte cis daiiites Isill recives'sa prie If $yo.oo. The restult saillibe giviti (at 'Mondtiay or Tuesday. NOTICE!I "i''. 0/d :1 ii ii li. ITh. ats v sit Pilli'p"; atiThet l ainiliiilly 111- I ,,,.,. _ , ,a Ae. lio n's Hand Tailored ltes Y rS i , Are made. of the_ very best Fabrics, by *r . highly skilled workmen, in modern,,S * .sanitary tailor shops. r ttPrices range from $15.00 to $30.00 MiStreet Ale 's Cood Clothes lS tor Main Street Ge your nlCttlGAN i.A N L TYPEWRITERS "WHEN IN NEED" CAt L 266 Pals, Fobs and Spoons I 220Souh anSt. HIALLERS COLLEGE JEWELR OVieroaU1VrlySi rSll O Optical"' DetI " THE BIG BEN"' 0 .UivriyAe Dp' 1 Alam, Clck yu see Adertised Typaw.-lte S.ppl.a 0 .UivriyAe -I" j Nne Juslas God. $2.50 ' Typwrittetg _ fie Walcs and Jewelery tepairin OTHER ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 UP lv sce n d ec l o n eie l I1ALLE'S JEW[LLRV STORE Michigan- 100 Paterns Morrill and GriersonGlvscend Wealfoaddliral 216 Soutth Malin St Pins 25c. to $5.00 7015 N. University Ae. 7uo0. clothes. 121 a shin ton t. RANDAhi1 & PIACK, Photographers Phone 59$