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November 02, 1910 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1910-11-02

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TeANN ARBOR, IHIa lly NS'A, OIifBI 11.No.';6.

Vol. XXI.


Coach Yost Does Not Believe In
All of "Shorty" Longman's
Bear Stories
'To full elesens rcasstrough the
Varsity signals 'Itiecsla evscilt"undser
('oach Nsts direction. Onesof the
teamsawsas that swhicl faces Sracuse,
rued tt' se55the cr c ithu whilhtis hsiey
hassdlel the set tigskisigieSs omise
tiatfu mb soIles twill itbe ser ii the gaes
to come.
The rglr acali godshape
the 'tilists sisit s isssaeis'f'' nt.
Nis futhe adcl "hne ae"'tstics-
palslasitu ftoitsnowson ait frts wil
be dtie ed toincrsui ngi' the i ci
of themscitsise .as i is cowst s s tit iieif
ffnotherskiciis ciiii Tecoc
s lit s ' in an is ca. oritis ici'
iii hih f ti' subsisti es sare is
thsli aet o give effiit se ies
Th l evens' payeri i''' ss it Vais iiiysituad
ih i o t t "iis'tSyracuts itsri
serefisls' ssw'tedsil 'stec'lsic'nds omeiits
f tssi sire iilikeyto he i s" ise hnce
tci shua't eir i iliti isisSttrdayi
flittiis iiry 1a1'1A i o .ti
Thri ils u e t- u e'iniort thi
wiekasth c 'c euse oacp
''lgmiss arltiesitanlitwhee
ner her ac vlu. IIi rat is haIrist
csia long lecturefTcsdaStyietsing isssi
th 'csii Siftau'n5gsthessCathlisi
isd Joneis refiOi otatetodrohe
"sTa fr acuts e thatiii t isssiMstsodists
thislit tem'; sicl usgs'iiise lits-
pmate is ie ad stisoew i e se's'ss.
Re'ort sem atn frnt Isse1 C N te' st
Dae e is idi athi i eississ ii gtiss neiss
hrus i'h'Clsi sithe si s tem " hsse'i'a't
Aev isdseirsst c l cd Anttlles 'sFr if the'
seartio ileswithuhichiis regadied ts
tiosite' fscholt s i he ets"ttlststim
muisitheisaisfe tlatedsi it tsonid efl
tiga d11 tt ra ls chaisest aI Isis xi
pectees re t1e rIatholic te l stn ts. ii
oThere ill bet o>ii oIeInitsasti e s onfi
Ats''iit fst r ssst hersm isilelsofthses
nltlat fil clallliht iiuraitt
am.nC.tie ispisiskini it515dipisrtscntiof
Nilis t atie s swsiveat sthe tMsithiss
Ottnthi r elsk oneirs usa
mathematicst, reatdleathistialteaf tse'
ten theif"Ntev limet o'IAIisc oteas
it M s B ssctis iIcDI EstR(SOuNfth
Theuiststrstsit"bfratipsre of the ytr
mPost in trestinitres ofsil ithe yeauir.
ofelistgeamswhtchtise still line sadstsseu

The iDetroit Jousrnaliiis to opn ts
"shop-ito i the inspsect itinsif stitsersity'
studen sts of journais lismi ansdiitui tosmes
of the staff if the SlCIesANeso Isisc on
Friday, Nosisistber is.
Asf sexcit rsioneate f lityiiets for
the ttoun'd n tri iliseivsnbeis h
its httst its otid toiisentsertaisisfiisty
if the travse'le'rs, sithtetslis ts s d
aveailablle tosstudsenstsishsoidssie'tisgio
toi Detrout oniithe' idate smt'entionseidfur
use ttherstirpouse.
Anyoeidsesirisig totask''lessvatage if
tIhe' excuirsionii eate is resust edstos notify
frof. F. N. Scott ai s stearle siasdate is
is posiblle.


Aviators Adopt Constitution at Last{
Nght's Meeting
Abottia ihIusnsdled smles'es if thy,I
.,1 ie'alusiu er'ouunsuiculuscee i 5
the ?11ine rin Im l i l i st eusli t
uI tiltptil acositituition. 'heeis'isheit
nup sef the socti s('ln-dtb
liisiiipromo iitiftes'por~~t of a'stl-1
;lygtll i~sisIte sesl fetcisthsi sis
'il's' tillttuit'tile shuisistel slits I is'
lTeconstittion sils ovulsttasty
sii'ilrit of tlie uuis sisiti imis beuumuuiu'
.1utere'of thitsosi ety upoits I'llis'so
slltl tlist fee alstall sss'ssssss'ii eI of t"i'O
itolas . Usitsersitsyt'''iliiettts altne
i:i issifit theaclty maybecfirsts soci-
ate' memertt stu ftnpaymenrt (/f ii itt
aiuius uiut is" to ive osi rsc yer. is'
studsensts iofiuwuo itais'stills li- III ilt(
asicestsisitsayhotldl sllcea''stuef 'l's-
ti nlistIsisve tsoadahafyas
Regular's' me etigs o tes i-*t ' r
o be held at its e i sistsries
EIetio t ofitfit cehsrs still takeilac'ie's at
te anniual l uis'st is''wichi is t is hl
o:1 tese'tctind isatltsvis ists' .
flit prtuisuusio iiitheconistituio
cuse(If eltiss ie r' 'iss 'uuu'uu wit'n
read bf ut it wisadpe -ries.
Thscauei (i te effecti ltha ts'
' scit sts isill list ite hell liailis' fits' sits
'injuie ss sustaineds li'bttume beswh
!Mkigexeime'n ts If1its''10
IPrecsietiConniiiell appointsed l isissist
i f lhe vaioiusus ossiteisas fosllos:
.\iesslsersii Ti .1J.lDoranitsheld.It.If
hu'Ice se mtblilt 11.1.)sit rky:nIr
poraionI~uene ~t si: sitsa, (lie'
Stilt'IfIfill '''hitssasi ly(list \ .
1Smsithi:simotors,I1?.ueldfill' tests 'siusl
daa ; I.NiPorter. 1 1i iomitteeits
wshm'ih ide'ws'ap thei-slitsstittsn its
cop sit f i Ia issuloes If. IfCais'
teiter, 1NI'f G INAVcilillt
is is testiher is slcnflit iwt e'Ic-
torts e nletiemeisetilgoif(the sotiteis
t will libeisi i roomti311 5 Iasg.. ost
'I iiessi'ic's's's'iiis'
NN''IAN'; f'' N'I IIf11,11
Iiie isanuaslioiessinsg recepttioniiiof thet
NIomn' uiietaIsgise still lie' heldin Bariis-
])outr g"msittutisiFridaiy, Novuiesssli''4.
tfromsifourtsroisi'.. iDr. I tlsilsswsill
addsress the' sit'ls, andi Miits iftihsi
pir(silettof the leaguet, still stietiabtiset
the isotnk ilannsetd for lie year. iftanc'-
its will folilow inil t'e gy'mnsasitimiipsr-
lists, asdirtfre ssimensiswill lie servedl.
All tcllege isnsiftac'ult'iwomseni tre'
urgestly invittei.
NC SR it t C stitlS Ti s1e11,'citNI si 'iT'sc.
AllI whoitents toistesichs(ent yeair
Ishottul meet thseApptit mnt csmitu isttee
ili Tappsans lectiue'uisims, -NIlsisisy.XNo-
vemibler 7, st fistico'clsckt. Free enrollh-
mtenttwsil litegrsaste'Ihstsil N(\omesifr
1if, lust after thtat slate ai fee' of site sitsl-
sr nwil lie csargedi.

Nork of James H. Meier, '14 F,
Chosen for Crimson Chest
'Isepotrfori' 'The Cr'imsositChest,
usmittedus J ties If. Meier, 14 I?, tes
unitmsss uslyisdisclsredh thus e uitne r if this
hisser suicots tth tte ot't iiitit'
on selItst sits se sterilsi. Ks sie th C.
Wech thft i thi sasmisclass,wiss rde
secon(saetswtile huionorailemsitio
was etne to 'tsssh (sJohniss S. Pllt '(2
Cyril J. rfisiss '(4, isitsh oyd(hiss
'I" (St an hutis st l tutu s i t o ,' ,tl
Twnt poils 5ter s (ire submsitted iifori
or isi itsssion a og esh jmudgehs .t I
hi i-1 f this aristss ehosest irasess
sussuss' ufromssthe jofialot ii his ei mur'de'i'
iu, s thirusthemes.s s Thesii sitof (the
ctilec ltion st u sn(sit i h
Thi s terc hi c h l its thue $100o f- u
feredh hy this U'nionserse tss lir
floofus Captainsuits, swordssu Issils
sa dgi llhus' s frsossss 1if a lc est fish () h
i, tt lus rt i 5(55 I gottenus st 1
too ce e s hecyllmw it:, ais :
blak, nd s pcularl viid. Ihe hut-
herisng', eehutiousoftI hess.ieintral ii sirs
adarnent ofithessp(oster met wt
hih pse.Ts' l s icter thus osui t ,
an lcwi<tso wtellidrawnsis-
plye is e lltu eist fi gus'' hiss cstlts, sui
is Splid lyisi tstseseth
Ifo oa l meiisu i' nt iohsui's's tusthus' slt
cotise sta((cnt s s hsedaiussly upol
oitt ~ t o'(ssht f SI its' riou' s ess
stylhe, and exellensit(fs eecutioisi
ft msa e hue ,a w stecaeIs
reit, seprai~te poustt''rstill bei s ed sun
adve'srtiss i ad fr h'oer t h
scet t tushct msusc. 1ft sch is 11
case:it i the ecom endai n us C
ju sitha it the is'(tsht5 ut two hnimsd(he iuif
Thesucomms iteesuponusthue sltionoa
comos ed fs PofsF.s.h uSt, rI
[,nll Issils, mr. AN,,. C. 'I'ihs'usssu IiSh
1Viiir- rShauseandshle'ANIWhite.
hedrsisswsuill hbe slacedh upimex
hsilitiisus itsllsWahro'sswinsdouss'to ays.

I NC I'C M CC ' leNS ithNCi ,S
IFf1R fOODlfShIII\l>'lhhIRS.
'Trytut s see 'still its progsresst foisicst-
hissrshsip it th'eLyeumociuh. (fist 'f
thu irts or mo'eussu'uu.whso st uerusiii
hsesh theise stu'tisssusof Ct'iusiiliig,(sily
e'i''ht Iih s'sev e s s'far u's'Isae('ss antus slivi'es-
ci spseeches. iAlhs' sut''l il) ill this's'u
sdepenufds uentelyuponiitheers''iss'f tiss'
usie b ig unlhimited, tsu'generllys' iu d-
Ic's'w sto tin oits' v raos
MIens 'sllhue sen'sut hthsits month t(she'-
liter spueechessast ssll sigh scshooiislush
tutu variurs le Icht's' platforumus a'sundss the
staute. Is Jiunes'thus'osusieussstis'ss e' s-
pecisally sum erossus asusuenus'e'nes'edhtos
dhelvers addsresses iia tt~itiiieiiii ((1 ('
Pr ofessor Allen Finds Room tor Im-
provement in Turkey
it e'yftewswoSis's"s'des'clared'u
se~titSsteit ta(lit hefe t heIss ie~r
ii''suit i'list(Mi"ht, fussthereuit ad
f-Tse iiush- ssssussue' tos C ssstusi-
tInols sndsiss ble.IsIs wsuuilt
rthus vasrdssundl teruas us ut is mans
sadsasposilC.uConstasut sitopeis
(i isy o a Ii lsust 55sf hhlfI~la iaa
Isolsuohisuite glsetrtdss'unnsing' inito
Atndhilt fr'e'ight r''tsskeepitliat suse
ros fromutsuss yewrssks'iss' lg. ecause' ifte
flooripustilfhit rsetvsue of thes' ks
each I snrticaisustrhus isit's ((setst
h fieitsCoinstasn i uhtitopl s'n(onehasto
'is tiuhiiii t() sesussor tilt s ofi
togthism i.
I ftirsuug rssay i stanutinopleIs'
Prfi.enfoth'u allsi Arits i anut ooktilsoui
r mechisitsus us t h i sibrr t ti 1 S(11-
11 of St-.Sop~hia, wruitten lsabout sight 1suits-
th sshc ues a o l ust at(nts '((i's
'sitseus1ofts insf clodthesis pee
us tpp i tu0IS of thes princsiplt' of ths
c otn odesrnui u'imrosuss us. 'flue
Iusaving Ssystemus s s p sut on 1sf'thus
is lut situ r C uuslSt itn tus1(1h aisis' eit''
l cnris e i nc. hesystemusuof
r' ikeeping(sitS e is rmuss distiiirbinug sto atu
N mosuse sum sutwhu-u o'litks 001..ss oalsuinsg
(5 sell-sc .T Ihis prsnt i airsu ss 13-8."

Tempestuous Class Meeting
Followed by Petition fair a
New Election-
Ietitiostosu Dean mReedt foic anew
'heetiosumtussletemine wins is pesient
f the sior.itseec cicuattd yste-
la ftesteenoonesum 'tthe result of a turb-
sut mus''inlg' f the cass stlb at 4
uslokn he ileimntisuics lete oomn
Ni a lte Ih(urielhast ight sealy ousthun-
emsd-s'gninstiladeens obtaie.
Themetiguws csasledh to order by
hiss is Bohansu. Ralph Blosck was the
sulsuesobtinm thsseflo, ascii moesthat
sosclassuadopta ceesolutionuthispeton
Sca ees1 fusa ewse telectiont, sating
lhai thus'I s'tsustusouh grasisuch a pe-
'(itu f it hadsus ffsiiiciit numbucheof
(( asees. M. I. Cogswel, repesen-
un" tihue StudentssCouilei, secared that
ivis' f tie fact Itat the reslt of the
zcionwssthi sasmse swiths ir 'without
th pris,5hus scsoul see use reason
hor holsum'sasnew eleetut.
th huairmansssacutng smutthisiforma
innvthsets mto ut ciiof order
John GnI st unt immed sitey' appealed
T eectement 5 begans us grow' i-
elmi;mtin, hrgescalls (usr" the
lstuoss 'stu stlls oi in 505t of orer
Swg iit lip'tosthes'chasir. IDion sS. Bi-
ey hos scediasusone f te judsges of
'icutisusm eose hum secondslochssk's motion
an tatedhthast hes uhdtobseseuiirregu-.
ciisitthi e eectison, andsithat the's
huul e set forthsefor the popler
htumsesie sBo umantuunsaskedl what
:he rreulait ses, stutBi'rney' re-
usemi tou disecuss thesisutnher.
Throeuughouut thtimeeiteing, thursrcng
desires'ofsome teit Ithlie satter srop
t ss pparuenmt tush 'snumbsier sof appeals51
seres smadeittha t this class kepthelist uter
,o eoigasubjsec t of Campius gss
ip Asoespea ker si, "Whysuts let
ele ma(tter sitush s it s. The chargs
ircs mustesl'ucharige' smithd usustntiae.
fue f le jusmies syse there swere ir-
regsmhsuemsms . (ussoif listother judges
;mistsne. INhut she Issmse sfraising
'mIl tis stesnh?
'his sentimsuentus nsotussas all pleas-
(n t heutatin utwhich wasutrying for
nweletonsandmal tle's1forhsvigsr-
tr " eehmanss usIsi was also a judge
roe uut sh, If thiee wreany' ir-
'susahriist ScI sds idntussee theat. I
hhulbe gladmtothshu tulthe nmater
xt tl, thisuher aiim juduges efore Deans
Ft an Pesient Hiuthins."
Thue stionofusthut authority of the
stumutent CosiuitsI it thateletion sas
Icuglt ((lutistithe tlass costintio
us ScsutsemlbhipA. H. Ctrtis to the effeti
iith uconte stedl electiosscould iteIeldbat
sisy tisse',sujecso hise wishes of sthe
chass. 'ITe' iresidentthenst saedi that
tConattnued son Pagem .)
Visitosewtill mutoteaitcitelto the
dan'tie eof te Engieerncauing club at
Granuger's next Fridaysp'night. Oswing to
the srge nsumbmier of aplicaions for
tickets hiy'thouse uwtetaset setregular
mueumsbes it will le necessary hereafter
tos liinut tile satendasnce o holsers of
tesonsumtickets ns tilhouse who hart made

arraeesugmenmtos i 5nhasvance willsl tecorn-
miittee us change.
'lime rivaulsorganizations, the tlmgimeer-
muig Soiciaul chum, hsdsisbsanced for the

fll if I iIIN.N 'RUf151;5SuS SSheI F'NNVOSN fIh~
'1sff11;lihiIFADI\(I; i5R1 15.1N'. Ff1R(' NHAMPfION iSIFIh'i'l

Pisif I RhetlT'' iulton, dseausif this
slitmsen t o rtory atfOhmmio 's's-
leta~ mu Cnuusist\- Hsti eit''s readfimg' us
Smiths Caswsushi Xieli huff sumIhulslsus
evnn. Srf ulif51n is ssell known
tushve vra eciutalshier'. flu'
summit s an ex mtrui sumtIrm'soiltthus'cousue
if thus Ifsatoiuelassocsatiosn lTs's'-
sitSl susil ucommience it sesven o'clc
andmiiint'' he 'admim ssins iii is ehue rcas'edst
Prmesmidesit lusts hums hissapintedithetis
HO) tites Iss smess mser, ifthsscrss of
h8, m isthdelgteto timheissnuaus"'mueiss
of W1ilia mts Fe asprset of
ina mmiit Ctinv"eitsltstsusatimtCsthe
humsidn an Nu amistineithseushe sitorahis
member io (5hefaultycouhis issen'mss
Nit Vsmues thus letd o epe
sent this mmnivi tu heMr. Vanwalsenis
ipr'omminent'm werIIIheisx ~'intgtonm X.C.,
an it one iti'i'titwa. thus'sut(it.o 'ey geiiniral
of time state.
lBesite'tim get' sums fctobemsr
"C AXRC C f 5'1I 1

limit N Mih'sssiga idfeat Nli st
wh ess thes cieven ss met onsum N m's's is'' ,t
is this opinionittestntsssed 1sf'Wlter
pr esetftbfallim iauthity.ms NIt'ter wtchi-
mis" this'1Goph55ers usatSthe C'lsieem5.ps g-
g eiattionlitar(tushaithi is shu(sis Si.
lis thus isis SoStetthusahsseds's'
touste behuslie hisste nIs aceel
is the stres .
'lim r r r eerlssatiis 1s i o (tn fhi ts u.
mlile's its Rfligionu is ths' inew sitam Sof ''
his nilisim rSchoosl l ofs1sluonusoru
g~smsizedsitwotu estlt e).us Ths' -m
lions will ctstimmmitms progersm of it-
tirssosmsreligiousstis b fac ulthu' it 1sit 1st ,
chtcrgymt'm anmmmii mintwitmmtt i ues
scheule o' f whtuih hams beenpils (hed ins m
bookslie't forem andialresuhiyisserlasts
uCoties i 0li s itedi.
lRss. HIre S. 'Taitlockin res(niue
if thus' organmizastionmm andshFrsh Ms''um'i'Ss
us secretaree.
IHenrey S. Cssirar ssprfesnsr emieritust
if umiusics.aintel as mli suuhts'fus e Is

sum asntos issue tComp ise file. (fishy1 uiveresity- atitime eecentmm tismmumesi snmof
lilmiteds utpls' left. Itir nSale' slts'smin NSsMaionmI,.llit)i s upressidehnt of Sumitli
SousreS, TO celtS. Colleige'itslNiassacuhmuses.

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